Princess Delphine & Family, News & Events 1; 2020 - 2023

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So true. A bit creepy to witness women in 2020 judging another woman on her fashion style and her personal taste in clothing. The lady has always been rather unique - that is who she is; no need at age 52 to change herself in any way.

I very much agree, though I did not like the way she had chosen.
those who still believe she is done will be surprised, delphine has only started and will bring a lot of surprises. her lawyer said she wants it all, better recognize it.
I guess it is difficult for some members here as they seem to "obey" anybody carrying a title, well, like it or not here you are Delphine now a princess.
I guess the one who wrote this law which made it all happen would like to vanish from the planet :) or was a very wise person knowing the facts and acting beforehand, we will never know the truth.
To be sure, that is one way of looking at the world.

But is it not more likely that people never knew much or anything at all of Delphine as a private person, and have become intrigued by her & her rather unique life-story as the result of hearing about it? ... One can't seek out an interesting person until one is aware of their existence.

She's been in the news for years iwht her ongoing fight with Albert.. and now she's become a Princess, Im sure she is getting invites and begging letters. But I'd ignore them all or say that as I hadn't wished for Princess status, i didn't intend to do royal engagements now that I have acquired it.. If she has had a connection with some charity prior to the recent change in her status, it would be reasonable perhaps for her to use her new status a little bit, to help them.. like do one or 2 engagements a year. But this looks like she has been hoping to become a Princess all along and to be seen doing royal engagements. She's an artist, I beleive and has 2 children.. I'd have siad she has enough to be getting on with, without taking on things that arne't necessary....
I'd have siad she has enough to be getting on with, without taking on things that arne't necessary....

Who are any of us here to judge which or how many social engagements a 52-year-old adult & perfect stranger should / should not be taking on?
Who are any of us here to judge which or how many social engagements a 52-year-old adult & perfect stranger should / should not be taking on?

All the royals mentioned on this forum are strangers. They can do what they like and we can comment on it...
All the royals mentioned on this forum are strangers. They can do what they like and we can comment on it...

Oh I love good commenting, and to some of us not all royals we discuss are total strangers.

Comment away, but what was asked is who are we *to judge* adult strangers? ... Particularly those like Delphine, who is doing no harm to anyone.
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I find it amazing that she, as Delphine Boël, was apparently "allowed" to give publicity to institutions and the like, but now that she is HRH Princess Delphine of Belgium, she should stay in dignity and in quiet.

Anyway, it was not an official visit, one on her own name, and the palace has no problems with it.
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She's been in the news for years iwht her ongoing fight with Albert.. and now she's become a Princess, Im sure she is getting invites and begging letters. But I'd ignore them all or say that as I hadn't wished for Princess status, i didn't intend to do royal engagements now that I have acquired it.. If she has had a connection with some charity prior to the recent change in her status, it would be reasonable perhaps for her to use her new status a little bit, to help them.. like do one or 2 engagements a year. But this looks like she has been hoping to become a Princess all along and to be seen doing royal engagements. She's an artist, I beleive and has 2 children.. I'd have siad she has enough to be getting on with, without taking on things that arne't necessary....

I'm not sure people here are very aware of Delphine. She was doing things like charity work and contributing artistically to the Red Cross before the change in status. That too is all documented in these threads, and that's why she made the mention of using her title for charity.

Even if this was an "engagement" on behalf of the court (which it wasn't) and not a private visit, it's not like she had sat at home as a totally private citizen and never gone out or interacted with anyone.

And her clothes are fine. If she turned up in something expensive or designer or changed her wardrobe now, people would complain about that, too.
I find it amazing that she, as Delphine Boël, was apparently "allowed" to give publicity to institutions and the like, but now that she is HRH Princess Delphine of Belgium, she should stay in dignity and in quiet.

Anyway, it was not an official visit, one on her own name, and the palace has no problems with it.

The Palace can hardly say anything, Alberts behavour has been so awful that they have to show some effort to be kind to her...
I'm not sure people here are very aware of Delphine. She was doing things like charity work and contributing artistically to the Red Cross before the change in status. That too is all documented in these threads, and that's why she made the mention of using her title for charity.

Even if this was an "engagement" on behalf of the court (which it wasn't) and not a private visit, it's not like she had sat at home as a totally private citizen and never gone out or interacted with anyone.

And her clothes are fine. If she turned up in something expensive or designer or changed her wardrobe now, people would complain about that, too.

I agree with the last part, as other royals she will be criticised for whatever she says, wears or does.
minding her artwork is is to be said that her whole "career" is based on Albert being her father. she nourished it with naming her work, was invited because of her vita etc. let's see what she will produce in the future now that the big battle is over.
donating to charities is not so outstanding as many do that. now it looks like just another step in her lifelong run for attention.
as I said she will bring many surprises in the future, wait&see.
She has no need to do royal duties IMO. IF she was sincere and I think she was, that she wasn't chasing for royal status etc, then I think a dignified silence now that she has been recognized as Alberts daughter and indeed been givin a royal title as well, would be better than "doing royal duties". The Belgian RF have enough members to do their job without her doing anything. I don't like the idea that perhaps she might have wanted royal status and all that goes with it, as much perhaps than she wanted recognition as the daughter of Albert. Not that I excuse him.. but I think for her to suddenly appear doing engagement as if she were a full time Princess, is a bit off.

The Palace can hardly say anything, Alberts behavour has been so awful that they have to show some effort to be kind to her...

I'm with Denville. I am not so sure that the palace has no problems with it. I don't think they particularly like Delphine suddenly turning up as a 'private princess'. After all, she is not representing her half-brother.
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I am not so sure that the palace has no problems with it. I don't think they particularly like Delphine suddenly turning up as a 'private princess'.

What evidence exists so far of palace 'problems' with Delphine? You've stated a suspicion not based on anything substantive.

Of course Delphine will stumble and blunder along the way - as most of us will when life goes in unexpected directions. She is human and flawed, just like us. And of course the palace is probably nervous about people and events it cannot completely control, Delphine being just one of many unknowns.
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What evidence exists so far of palace 'problems' with Delphine? You've stated a suspicion not based on anything substantive.

Of course Delphine will stumble and blunder along the way - as most of us will when life goes in unexpected directions. She is human and flawed, just like us. And of course the palace is probably nervous about people and events it cannot completely control, Delphine being just one of many unknowns.

My reaction was in response to a statement that the palace had no problems with Delphine's visit. There is no evidence that they don't have problems with it. As Denville correctly pointed out, the palace is not in a position that they can air their grievances, if they'd have them. So, the original statement was not based on anything substantive.

I, however, indicated that 'I'm not so sure' (not claiming a fact - just disclaiming the earlier statement) and 'I think' (again, my impression). The evidence we have is that she is not representing the king while using her title 'princess of Belgium'. So, we at least know (based on the available evidence) that these activities are officially not supported by the palace. Whether they are indifferent about it, or silently praise her efforts (unlikely, if they truly were happy about it, they could endorse it by incorporating it in the official agenda) or don't like it at all, is something they are not going to tell us explicitly, so we'll have to infer.
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I guess I'll repeat myself. Delphine is not doing anything differently.

I'm not sure why a visit to a hospital would cause more consternation than unveiling her own artwork. Is anyone keeping track of what she does as "de Saxe-Cobourg" and what she does as Princess Delphine? I don't think the time has come for undue worries just yet.

Speaking of being very quiet, it amazes me we haven't heard a peep from or even about Sybille from October 1 to now; not even an official statement. You would think she would want to have said something about something.
Delphine's Visit was the highlight and much appreciated by the Belgians. It was private and she did not want to answer any question about King Philippe and King Albert II.
I guess I'll repeat myself. Delphine is not doing anything differently.

I'm not sure why a visit to a hospital would cause more consternation than unveiling her own artwork. Is anyone keeping track of what she does as "de Saxe-Cobourg" and what she does as Princess Delphine? I don't think the time has come for undue worries just yet.

Speaking of being very quiet, it amazes me we haven't heard a peep from or even about Sybille from October 1 to now; not even an official statement. You would think she would want to have said something about something.

Pretty clear difference to me:
- Unveiling her own art work: part of her job as an artist (although she does receive a little more attention due to her raised status and newsworthiness)
- Visiting a hospital to draw attention to vaccination: acting as a private princess (not related to her profession)

Is the palace completely in uproar? Of course not, they've dealt with real crises. Are they happy about another prince or princess (in addition to Laurent who did cause issues in this regard) taking on their own private engagements based on their status of being a prince(ss) but that are not related to the official royal agenda; I don't think so.
There is no evidence that they don't have problems with it

Lala-land double-negative logic. What one thinks is not the same as having evidence to support it.

“Don't believe everything you think. Thoughts are just that - thoughts.” - Allan Lokos

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Pretty clear difference to me:
- Unveiling her own art work: part of her job as an artist (although she does receive a little more attention due to her raised status and newsworthiness)
- Visiting a hospital to draw attention to vaccination: acting as a private princess (not related to her profession)

Is the palace completely in uproar? Of course not, they've dealt with real crises. Are they happy about another prince or princess (in addition to Laurent who did cause issues in this regard) taking on their own private engagements based on their status of being a prince(ss) but that are not related to the official royal agenda; I don't think so.

—She has no option to be a public princess, though. Unless they want to announce what she does in whatever the Belgian equivalent of the Court Circular is. Even then, she's not doing it on Philippe's behest or request, so it would be questionable as to why?

—She is a princess. With the title. They cannot forbid her from using it, and especially given Laurent, they would look very foolish to try.

—And she really hasn't given any cause for distress or alarm, or even side-eying. She would need to do something other than one visit to a hospital (where it's almost certain she was asked to come as Princess Delphine and not vice-versa), before you get into "what you can do as Princess and what you cannot". We also don't know that she hasn't chatted with Philippe about it already, but I don't think Delphine is in the mood to embarrass anyone right now or step out of bounds. And she's not doing either by making a very low-key visit to a hospital. Did we even see her with flowers? :flowers:
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—She has no option to be a public princess, though. Unless they want to announce what she does in whatever the Belgian equivalent of the Court Circular is. Even then, she's not doing it on Philippe's behest or request, so it would be questionable as to why?

—She is a princess. With the title. They cannot forbid her from using it, and especially given Laurent, they would look very foolish to try.

—And she really hasn't given any cause for distress or alarm, or even side-eying. She would need to do something other than one visit to a hospital (where it's almost certain she was asked to come as Princess Delphine and not vice-versa), before you get into "what you can do as Princess and what you cannot". We also don't know that she hasn't chatted with Philippe about it already, but I don't think Delphine is in the mood to embarrass anyone right now or step out of bounds. And she's not doing either by making a very low-key visit to a hospital. Did we even see her with flowers? :flowers:

There is a huge difference between probably not being happy about it and forbidding something. Philippe isn't a tyrant ? (and wouldn't have the power to do so either)

Based on what she said during her visit I am not sure that this will be a one-time event. She was asked by the hospital to become the figurehead as their campaign and was very pleased to accept their invitation. That suggests that she might be open to accept other invitations as a 'private princess' (something that she herself stresses; she is only representing herself). And while she states that she is just 'her' and not in any way representing the royal family, it is clear that she has been asked because of her title.

Again, she is within her rights. Unfortunately, it isn't really an anomaly anymore that members of royal families that are not working members of the royal family use their titles to their advantage (raising their profile or earning money). And while I do think that she genuinely wants to contribute to this specific cause, I cannot help but think that she is also enjoying the attention she now receives as 'princess'. So, I truly hope she is not making a habit out of it but it will remain a limited number of causes that she will be involved in and really tries to make a difference in those area and nothing more than that.
Frankly I'd feel that if I only got more invitations because I'd been in the news, I wouldnt want to see people who only invited me because I'd suddenly become famous or notorious...

All royals are only invited to do stuff like this because they are royals, not because of who they are as individual human beings with personalities and opinions. Newly married-ins are in a very similar position to Delphine in that they are only invited because of their newly acquired status/fame. At least Delphine has royal blood in her veins and she is also well-spoken and seems intelligent and talented and achieved success in her career long before she became an HRH, so she is interesting in herself.

I have been trying to find out something about charity work she has done in the past but so far no luck, but I understand she has done some, and she has indicated she wishes to do more. If the organisers think she will be of use to their cause and she wants to do it, it seems like a good idea to me.
I have been trying to find out something about charity work she has done in the past but so far no luck, but I understand she has done some, and she has indicated she wishes to do more. If the organisers think she will be of use to their cause and she wants to do it, it seems like a good idea to me.

This is from a few months ago. Pretty certain that's not the only thing she's done. She was raised to give away her birthday presents, after all.
All royals are only invited to do stuff like this because they are royals, not because of who they are as individual human beings with personalities and opinions. Newly married-ins are in a very similar position to Delphine in that they are only invited because of their newly acquired status/fame. At least Delphine has royal blood in her veins and she is also well-spoken and seems intelligent and talented and achieved success in her career long before she became an HRH, so she is interesting in herself.

I have been trying to find out something about charity work she has done in the past but so far no luck, but I understand she has done some, and she has indicated she wishes to do more. If the organisers think she will be of use to their cause and she wants to do it, it seems like a good idea to me.
I completely agree with you, if it helps attracting donations to worthy causes, it is celebrity very well used.
This is from a few months ago. Pretty certain that's not the only thing she's done. She was raised to give away her birthday presents, after all.

There is a clear difference between doing an art piece for charity, and touring a hospital.

There is no question she was invited to that hospital because of her new status. She is the princess of the moment, the one who has the most media attention. Inviting her to be there is all about the media attention it will bring to the cause. That is why royals and celebrities are invited to do this kind of thing. It brings attention to much needed causes. Astrid may have been a royal longer and is a working one, but she wouldn't bring nearly the attention.

Nothing wrong with that. Charities need all the support they can get. Not a bad thing that they are getting it through her.

But let's not pretend she got the invite because she is an artist.
As Prinsara noted in post #668 Delphine has said publicly a few months ago that if good causes found her presence / attaching her name helpful to further their cause, she would be open to support some that she finds important, as she has done in the past [I do not remember the exact words].

This visit thus can come as no surprise to the court and is not very different from the (charity) events attended by f.e. Princess Esmeralda or Pss Léa. I think it is great that Delphine is using her free time to draw attention to the vaccination programme. It is hardly the first time does charity events, we have seen her doing that on multiple occassions in the past. One can only hope that such events will be communicated in advance to the palace so there are no conflicting agendas.

As for her clothes: this was a relatively low-key visit. She dressed as she would normally do, in her own particular style. I imagine there would have been more criticism if she had come in a NATAN outfit with hat and gloves for the occassion.
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I don't see how it is problematic seriously. She is just doing what she did when she was Delphine Boel, doing charity works with good causes. It's completely fine for Delphine to use her reputation/title to get people awareness for some issues, like vaccination. She is not doing this to gain advantages for her own, and the issue itself isn't a controversial one, I doubt the palace would have problem with that. Doing charity work is not strictly and only a "royal duty", it could be simply an action for anyone to contribution to the society with the resources one has.

Even if she consider that it's the royal duty that comes with her title, I disagree that it's no need for her to do royal duty/charity work because the royal family has enough members. As someone who had worked in charity I would say there's no "enough" in charity :lol:. And here she was invited, there are some gaps she can fill. I don't understand why she has to "step back" and "be silent" after she got the royal title.

And I agree, "royal wardrobe" is an......"interesting" idea in 2020.
The wardrobe is indeed terrible. I suppose without a dotation we can't ask for more.

That's actually a Coburg trait, haven't you seen her brothers? ???
Tragically challenged in the sartorial category :lol:
The Palace can hardly say anything, Alberts behavour has been so awful that they have to show some effort to be kind to her...

Het koningshuis was alleszins niet gepikeerd door het bezoekje en laat weten dat de prinses voor zulke privé-initiatieven geen verantwoording hoeft af te leggen. Ook nu weer: omdat ze geen dotatie krijgt.

Translation: The royal family was certainly not upset by the visit and let it be known that the princess does not have to answer for such private initiatives. Again: because she does not receive a grant.

This is the article that mentions it (it's a Plus article, meaning it's a subscription-only article):

Well, Delphine: take notice. Now that you are a princess, you'd better keep your charitative interests to yourself or ask permission from your half-brother.
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Het koningshuis was alleszins niet gepikeerd door het bezoekje en laat weten dat de prinses voor zulke privé-initiatieven geen verantwoording hoeft af te leggen. Ook nu weer: omdat ze geen dotatie krijgt.

Translation: The royal family was certainly not upset by the visit and let it be known that the princess does not have to answer for such private initiatives. Again: because she does not receive a grant.

This is the article that mentions it (it's a Plus article, meaning it's a subscription-only article):

Well, Delphine: take notice. Now that you are a princess, you'd better keep your charitative interests to yourself or ask permission from your half-brother.

Well yes if she is doing charity work as a Princess and member of the Royal family its not the same as charity work as an individual. There are guidelines for royals...
That's actually a Coburg trait, haven't you seen her brothers? ???
Tragically challenged in the sartorial category [emoji38]
That's exactly what I thought.

Anyway the Palace (read the king her brother) has been doing well with her so far, she needs to return the favour and behave accordingly.
Any charitable visit needs to be discussed beforehand since she is not working publicly for the family and, while charity is always welcomed, her work should not intrude or overshadow the king's or the queen's official agenda.
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Delphine's Visit was the highlight and much appreciated by the Belgians. It was private and she did not want to answer any question about King Philippe and King Albert II.

Excellent.She wants to do her bit and no interferance from the Palace.
But I m sure the King knew beforehand.She doesn t need anyone here to tell her what s it all about.
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