Recent content by Appleich

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  1. A

    The King Rama X and Family General News

    Probably not, I guess he just loves wearing those track suits. Maybe it reminds him of when the princess was a newborn baby as you can see in these old pictures, he wore them a lot:
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    The King Rama X and Family General News

    Are you really suggesting that prospect? To be honest, I'm completely appalled by the idea and I firmly believe many others would feel the same upon hearing that our next monarch would have a bit of health condition called autism. Royal watcher and critics, Andrew MacGregor Marshall, reveals...
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    The King Rama X and Family General News

    Just to name a few: she rarely carries any duties while at home, spends much of her time in France and Italy hopping between fashion shows, gets caught in a scandal where government has been lobbied to promote and spend tax revenue on her struggling fashion brand, asserts her influence to be...
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    The King Rama X and Family General News

    This interview with BBC’s correspondant says it all what public sentiment is like in Thailand right now. She is expected to succeed as plausible and successful heir to this already-in-trouble Southeast Asian monarchy. No other children of the king shares this kind of prospect as much as she does.
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    The King Rama X and Family General News

    No, but everyone in Thailand knows he couldn't succeed the throne due to his health condition. Plus, the queen mother isn't very supportive of the idea due to fact that he was born out of a commoner mother. German newspaper, Bild, reported this story in February 2021...
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    The King Rama X and Family General News

    The significance of this is story is that she is de facto heir presumptive to the Thai throne. This dreadful news means succession difficulty lies ahead.
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    The King Rama X and Family General News

    Princess Bajrakitiyabha's serious health incident is dominating discussions on Twitter in Thailand right now:
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    Royal Family of Thailand Current Events 2: Aug 2005 - Aug 2023

    Thai king receives world leaders at APEC summit
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    Death of HM Queen Elizabeth II: 8 September 2022

    My deepest condolences to HM the King and the royal family at this difficult time. HM the late Queen was truly a remarkable person. She will be missed greatly and her long reign shall be remembered by many people, not only in the UK, but all over the world. Here in Thailand, all government...
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    Future and Popularity of the Thai Monarchy

    Moviegoers showing quiet resistance to monarchy is growing in Thailand Randy Thanthong-Knight / Sydney Morning Herald / November 8, 2021 - 4.00pm
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    The King Rama X and Family General News

    #ข่าวลือ (#rumour) is now trending on Twitter in Thailand. Stock exchange also took an unusual dip today. But everything seems “normally fine” according to the palace (scroll down the post to see English translation).
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    Death of HRH the Duke of Edinburgh: 9 April 2021

    What a great loss, my condolences to the Queen and British royal family.
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    Succession to the Thai Throne

    I believe once the princess completed all her trainings and things are settled, she will be officially made heir apparent to the throne just like how the current king was made Crown Prince of Thailand in 1972. We’re not but, as far as I remember, no report was made to indicate deterioration of...
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    Succession to the Thai Throne

    Interesting article from Bild citing undisclosed palace source that Prince Dipangkorn originally placed first in line of succession to the Thai throne, but Queen Mother Sirikit intervened the arrangement by replacing him with his older sister, Princess Bajrakitiyabha who was born out of King...
  15. A

    H.M.King Rama X Current Events Thread

    Receiving holy water blessing from him (I know it sounds ridiculous but that what it was alright :lol:).
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