Recent content by victor1319

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  1. V

    The Princess of Orange, News and Events Part 2 (Jan 2024 - present)

    I did totally not recognize, that the Crown Princess makes use of her apanage now. Today the German tabloid BUNTE online had a bit about it, concentrating very much onto the critics of the Royal House. "Can't resist the money", "Amalia should go back home, where everything she needs will be...
  2. V

    Ducal Houses of Schleswig-Holstein (Oldenburg)

    Hi Marengo! Since I can't see anything on your link - I can't scroll the webpage, I add a link to the infamous German rag BILD, which has good pictures of the wedding. The pair has a son already, as one can see: Tassilo, 10 moths old. Prinz Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg feiert...
  3. V

    Queen Elisabeth Music Competition, 2008-2024

    No, if you click at the links to the press pictures, she is vey well smiling! Everything else would be astonishing btw - the Royals are workhorses and they learn from a very young age to make a bella figura in the public...
  4. V

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    Well, to be fair, in Nigeria is the relationship muslim and christian very much 50 - 50. And I believe, but do not know for sure, the Sussexeses were in the South, which is predominantly christian. But modesty in in some regions a christian value too... The First Lady of Nigeria ic christian too.
  5. V

    Princely Houses of Reuss

    This sounds unbelievably important.... But if one does read the news and a little bit about the background, it was probably more some craziness of some geriatric lunatics, which wanted to limp on their crutches to a coup de etat.
  6. V

    Birth of Princess Alexandra and Nicolas Bagory first child: Victoire

    OK, this is probably just a hypothetical question: How do we know, what the surname of Victoire (congratulations to the parents) really is? If they have in Luxembourg laws about family and surnames like in Germany, everything would be possible... And Victoire was born in France? Then she should...
  7. V

    Princess Elisabeth, Duchess of Brabant News and Events 2, Feb 2024 -

    I was always under the impression, the difficulties for Belgium and the Crown of Belgium derive from the internal ethnic and economical cleavages of this state. Surely: Foreign affairs are very fascinating, but the Crown stands and falls with the public opinion of the Belgian people, which as...
  8. V

    Princess Alexia and Princess Ariane, News and Events Part 1 (Jan 2022 - present)

    Bunte online, the German tabloid, reports: Princess Alexia has difficulties with the press. Alexia der Niederlande: Ihr Lebensentwurf sorgt für fiese Kommentare: "Faul & arrogant" On april, at the Day of the King, the family gave an interview. And Princess Alexia's statements to the press are...
  9. V

    Prince Gustav, Princess Carina of Berleburg and Family, Current Events 3, June 2022 -

    Modern times... I must confess, I am very much from yesterday...
  10. V

    Separation of Prince Nikolaos and Princess Tatiana: April 2024

    Tatiana has not given birth to any kids. In some circles, this is still a problem... On the other hand is Nikolaos the third child and second son... So, who knows? But kids are binding the parents somehow together...
  11. V

    Hereditary Prince Alois and Princess Sophie Current Events 2: Aug 2023 -

    Interesting, very interesting! From the Prince's speech: "Liechtenstein championed the so called “Veto Initiative”. Following this resolution, the UN General Assembly must automatically meet within 10 days if the veto is used in the Security Council by one of its five permanent members." So...
  12. V

    Scoop (2024) Netflix Film about the Newsnight Interview of the Duke of York

    Hi Sister Morphine! Thank you for correcting me! Much appreciated! I am really not an expert. I have just seen the German version, which was with German voice actors taking the part to "voice-over" the original actors - And the Prince was called there simply "Majesty"... several times. Perhaps...
  13. V

    Scoop (2024) Netflix Film about the Newsnight Interview of the Duke of York

    Hi, I have just watched the movie and the plot in here was not fair: Three smart women against a pretty thick Prince - an absolute trainwreck for His Majesty, the Duke of York. BTW They called him, the Prince, Majesty in this movie... Is this all the fuss, that is about the title HRH, which...
  14. V

    General News about Frederik, Mary and Family Part 20: December 2023 -

    Bunte online, the German tabloid, had a piece recently, citing an article of a large Danish newspaper, in which it was critiziced, that the Danish Royal Couple is going to have a vacation again. So, their behaviour is not uncontested... At least not in parts of the press.
  15. V

    William the Conqueror (c1028-1087)

    I am a huge fan of this part of history. Swordsmen, Vikings, which became Kings in Southern Italy, England, Russia and the Near East. And all the high nobles of Europe have now their blood in their venes... I have my own little electronic database about the Normans, with everything in it, what...
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