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  1. drimal

    Grand Duke Henri's Accession to the Throne: October 7, 2000

    I thought it would be a great idea to dedicate an entire thread to the bigest event in the life of Grand Duke Henri, his throne achievement exactly five years ago on 7th October 2000. :) I will post some interesting articles here as well as many pictures.:) Text from the pdf document of...
  2. drimal

    Prince Louis Will Become A Father!

    I have some very important news for you, an article I found today in my newspaper Luxemburger Wort (therefore I start a new thread;) ): Announcement from Lord Chamberlain: Offspring on royal court First grandchild of the Grand Ducal couple As the Grand Ducal Lord Chamberlain announced on...
  3. drimal

    Life of Grand Duke Henri: Symbols, Important Moments, Protocols

    Hello, I thought that it is time to start a new thread in The Grand Dukes of Luxembourg!:) This thread treats mainly the functions of the Grand Duke in form of an explanation of his functions, but also official State visits and the National Day of Luxembourg (dates during which the Grand Duke...
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