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  1. K

    Royal Mews

    Is there a royal mews and if so is it open for visitors?
  2. K

    Nice To Be Back!

    Somehow I've not been stopping by of late, but it's nice being back
  3. K

    Wedding of William & Catherine: Television Coverage and Lead-Up Programs

    I just hope that here in the States the feed from the BBC is picked up by someone (Discover, PBS, perhaps even CSPAN) as I know that on the commercial netowrks the "talking heads" will not be still and let the ceremony speak for itself!
  4. K

    Hudson 400th - WA and Máxima's Official Visit to New York: September 8-13, 2009

    Is there any word of someone from the Dutch royal family coming to NY as part of the 400th anniversary celebration of Henry Hudson's voyage?
  5. K

    Suitable "princess car"

    For her own personal use but not "over the top" and not a SUV. Any thoughts???
  6. K

    Greetings from Atlanta

    While I've been on the forum for a while, I don't think I've ever posted a greeting so here goes. I live in Atlanta where I've just finished working for 11 years in the health care products business. For fun I ride (hunt seat although eventually I want to get into dressage) and that has lead...
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