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  1. M

    Id of the Habsburgs?

    Found portraits as Franz Karl and Sophie: But I am sure it isn't them. It looks to me like some other Habsburg pair, but don't know which one. Any thoughts who could...
  2. M

    Id of the Bourbon Princess?

    Can anyone recognize the Princess? Is she from Italian branch of the Bourbons or...?
  3. M

    Ancestry of Birgitte, Duchess of Gloucester

    For years I couldn't find anything about her ancestry and suddenly while googling,I discovered that former Birgitte Eva van Deurs,now Duchess of Gloucester has descended from many great Danish and German noble families such as Rantzau, Ahlefeldt, Reventlow, Brockdorff, von Levetzow, von Oertzen...
  4. M

    Princely House von Dietrichstein (extinct 1964)

    I have been searching this forum about this family and found nothing :-( Any of you that can share any information about this family?
  5. M

    Princess Augusta of Cambridge, Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (1822-1916)

    I haven't found any thread about her,so I decided to make one...she was very interesting personality and was one of the longest-lived British Princesses(after Alice of Athlone)...she was very close to her niece Queen Mary and was being quite shrewd and intelligent...
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