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  1. nordishbynature

    Cocktail Dresses

    of all european princesses it would be great to see some pictures. sorry if there is another thread, I didn't found it ;)
  2. nordishbynature

    Luxembourg State Visits: General Discussion and Suggestions & Musings

    Luxembourg State Visits: General Discussion On how many statevisits did the Grand Duchess and the Grand Duke went in the last years? And who came to Luxembourg to a statevisit? Would be nice if someone knows that. Sorry if this question was asked before, but i didn't found anything :)
  3. nordishbynature

    It's a Boy!

    :) DD.KK.HH. Kronprinsregenten og Kronprinsessen har fått en sønn Deres Kongelige Høyheter Kronprinsregenten og Kronprinsessen fikk i dag, lørdag 3. desember 2005 klokken 10.45 en sønn på Rikshospitalet i Oslo. Alt befinner seg vel med mor og barn. Deres Majesteter Kongen og Dronningen...
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