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  1. Australian

    The Most Powerful Throne Today?

    I was just wondering who sits on the most powerful throne today? Maybe we could also break it down for each continent if possible.
  2. Australian

    Caroline's relationship with foreign royals

    I have tried to research this but cannot seem to find anything. What is Caroline's relationships with other foreign royals? Is she close with any other royals? Apart from a certain German prince of course.
  3. Australian

    "It's a Royal Knockout" British Television Charity Event: June 15, 1987

    I was recently reading a book about British royalty and it mentioned this television show called "It's a Royal Knockout" made by Prince Edward. It had the royals such as Princess Anne, Charles and Duchess of York dressed up in fancy constumes all yelling out things. Fergie shouts out "Give me a...
  4. Australian

    Songs that describe our royals

    Tell us what songs best describe the life of the royals. I'll start it off. Pink "Who Knew"- Prince Rainier and Princess Grace U2 "One"- Princess Diana Tal Bachman "She's So High"- Princess Diana or Queen Elizabeth.
  5. Australian

    "The Other Boleyn Girl" (2008) - Film on Anne and Mary Boleyn

    Natalie Portman and Eric Bana are close to signing on to star in The Other Boleyn Girl, a film about Anne Boleyn, one of King Henry VIII’s wives. I know Scarlett Johannsen is also set to play Mary Boleyn, Anne's sister.
  6. Australian

    Issues regarding emails from TRF

    I would like to know if anyone could tell me what it actually means when a thread indicates that you are subscribd to it. What does that mean? And how do you get subscribed to a thread, because i just realised i am subscribed but i dont know how it happened :) thank you, i hope this isnt an...
  7. Australian

    A Wife for Prince Andrew, Duke of York

    I would like to start a thread on people's opinions regarding if they would support a remarriage between Andrew and Sarah, why/why not. For me, i would support it, but for them, i think they are happy as they are.
  8. Australian

    European/Japan royal marriages

    I was wondering, would it be allowed for a European prince or princess to marry into the Japanese Imperial family? I would love to see one day a marriage between a European royal and a Japanese royal :)
  9. Australian

    Royals Breaking Protocol

    I thought we could start a new thread on royals breaking protocol. What incidents can you remember and is there any pics?
  10. Australian

    Queen Margrethe II's Enthronement: January 15, 1972

    I have been searching unsuccessfully for pictures of Queen Margrethe's entrhonement ceremony. Can anyone help? Thank you
  11. Australian

    Unable to view old posts/threads

    I am hoping somebody could help me out or at least tell me that the same thing is happening to them. When I open a thread and click on posts to view them, it automatically goes back to the first post. Is this happening to anyone else? Thank you.
  12. Australian

    "The Queen's Castle" (2005) - BBC Documentary on a Year at Windsor Castle

    I just finished watching part one of "The Queen's Castle". It showed us behind the scenes at Windsor Castle before state dinner, functions and events at the Castle. Prince Philip was interviewed. It is amazing at what lengths the workers go to to make it perfect, Talk about pamper! Next week...
  13. Australian

    Elizabeth I (1533-1603)

    Does Windsor Castle or any museun have any of Elizabeth I clothes and jewellery? i mean they must be somewhere. I think it would be amazing to see them. I doubt the Palace throws them out.
  14. Australian

    Australian Royal Family

    Since Australia doesnt have its OWN royal family, if we did, who would you choose to make up the royal family? Choose current monarchs of other countries to answer For me: King Of Australia- King Carl-Philip Gustav of Sweden ( he has impressed me of late) Queen of Australia- Margrethe of...
  15. Australian

    William III (Prince of Orange) (1650-1702) and Mary II (1662-1694), joint Monarchs

    Im a bit confused, in my understanding, the only Queens of England have been Elizabeth I Mary I Anne Victoria Elizabeth II Where does Mary II come into it. Could it be Mary Queen of Scots or something? i dont think so cos im sure she never got the English throne. Or is Henry VIII daughter...
  16. Australian

    Crown Princess Victoria's Official Visit to Australia: March 2005

    I just read that CP Victoria will be in Australia in March for a month! yay! The danish royal state visit will also be in Australia at the same time So Australia will play host to three scandinavian royals at one time! welcolme to Australia- Sweden!
  17. Australian

    Sydney 2000 Olympics

    What royals attended the Sydney 2000 Olympic games?
  18. Australian

    Prince Bernhard's Illegitimate Children

    is this true? sorry i might not be up-to-date Prince admits illegitimate children December 14, 2004 <SPAN class=bodytext> PRINCE Bernhard of the Netherlands has admitted in an interview published two weeks after his death that he had fathered two illegitimate daughters. "I had six...
  19. Australian

    Haunted Royal Residences

    What royal palaces are haunted and by whom? I know just about every palace/ castle in Britain is haunted. Queen Elizabeth I haunts Windsor Castle Library, And Henry VIII wives haunt numerous places. What about other countries? any Danish royal hauntings? Swedish, Monaco etc?
  20. Australian

    Royal Twins

    If a crown princess gives birth to twins and it is the first pregnancy, who will be the heir to the throne? how do they decide? maybe whoever comes out first
  21. Australian

    Royal Dowagers

    when a commoner marries a prince or princess, if the prince or princess dies, what will be the role of the royal commoner? will he/she still have a title? will they get a choice if they want to return to common life without a title?
  22. Australian

    Audiences with Margrethe & the Political Role of the Danish Monarch: 2004 - 2023

    Is it true that any member of the danish public can request a meeting or audience with Queen Margrethe? I read this in a book. Is it true?
  23. Australian

    Which Royal Would You Be?

    Does becoming a royal appeal to everyone here? would you like to be royal? personally, i dont think i would because there would be too many restrictions on me. Personally, i would like to be an Oscar winner!!!
  24. Australian

    Haakon and Mette-Marit's educations

    Mette-Marit's year of going to school in Australia I heard that Princess Mette-Marrit studied in Australia for a few months, when was this because i dont remember it.
  25. Australian

    The Value Of Monarchy

    Do you think that the concept of royalty these days is relevant? Do you think that in this day and age, there should be such things as royal families?
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