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  1. C

    Royals in New York City

    Are there any members of currently-reigning European royal families who live in New York City? Or do any members of reigning European royal families plan to visit New York City in the remaining months of 2023? Thanks.
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    Why is Austria so anti-Habsburg?

    Why did Austria ban the Habsburgs from entering Austria, and in general, why is Austria (or at least certain elements in Austrian government and society) so anti-Habsburg? Yes, the government grossly miscalculated in 1914 and the population suffered tremendously. I don't see that as purely a...
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    If monarchs don't live in royal palaces, what's in them?

    Many kings and queens don't use their countries' Royal Palaces as their principal residences, or residences at all. I believe (perhaps wrongly) that the kings of Belgium and Spain live elsewhere, for example. Why don't all monarchs live in their Royal Palaces? Is it the buildings' large size...
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    Powerful Presidents Becoming Monarchs

    As late as the 1920s, powerful elected presidents from time to time would quit pretending to be subject to electoral politics and would just proclaim themselves to be kings. From Napoleon III of France to King Zog of Albania, examples are common. Today, there are many powerful presidents...
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    Public Approval Of The Hohenzollerns/Habsburgs

    When the Hohenzollerns and Habsburgs were overthrown in Germany and Austria-Hungary in 1918, how unpopular were they? Were they unpopular just among the left wing, or were they unpopular among the general public? Basically: were they overthrown because they were broadly unpopular, or did an...
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    Your Favourite Royal Palace

    Of the royal palaces in Europe, which would you most like to live in? Which is the most stylish? Which is the most imposing? My favorite is Castle Peles in Romania, in part because it's one of the few that I've toured inside and outside. It's absolutely stunning. Others?
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    Worst European Monarch Since 1913

    What are people's thoughts as to who the absolute worst European king or queen in the last 100 years is? I'd guess Kaiser Wilhelm II would be among the most reviled, but compared to other 20th century villains, was he that bad? Other contenders? I'd suggest that a combination of malice and...
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    What If WWI/WWII Hadn't Happened?

    Figure this would be interesting, especially if people who live in the relevant countries share their views: How would the monarchies of Germany, Austria, Russia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Italy, etc. have turned out today if they hadn't been overthrown after World Wars I and II? Would the monarchs...
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    Belgian Royal Family political views

    Do we have any glimpses of the Belgian royals' political views? I recall (from living in Belgium) that King Baudoin had a big controversy over his personal opposition to relaxing abortion restrictions, so I would assume that he was socially conservative at least, and I'd guess that royalty...
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    Finances of Deposed Royals

    I was reading some of the stories about Otto von Habsburg and how he had to earn a living and pay off some debts after WWII. Same for King Michael of Romania, who did various things to earn a living. Question: why did monarchs who were deposed not see it coming and store up wealth so that...
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    Just joined the forum; I'm a lawyer in New York City and spent time living in Belgium and saw the benefits of a monarchy: having a national leader who's above politics can be a unifier of a fractured country. Glad that the royal houses of Eastern Europe have gotten their property back since...
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