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  1. R

    Queen Beatrix and Prince Claus's State Visit to Indonesia: August 1995

    Queen Beatrix and Prince Claus with their son Prince Willem Alexander visited Sultanate of Yogyakarta, August 25,1995 It is the second time that the Queen from Netherland officiel states Visited to Indonesia. In 1970 Queen Juliana and Prince Berhnard visited Indonesia,after Independent August...
  2. R

    Royalty of the Malay, Indonesian and Philippine Archipeligos

    Yogayakarta ( Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta ) is one of the provinces of Republic of Indonesia, which has a special status because of the past history. The king or called as "Sultan" by the locals, governs the province since 1998. The present Sultan: Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X was crowned in...
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