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  1. Britters

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to Step Back as Senior Royals: January 2020

    I wish people on twitter were this logical and rational. No, I do not think it comes as a surprise to anyone at BP, that H&M were unhappy and looking to do things different. I'm sure conversations were had. The surprise was in the fact that they made an announcement today, and went ahead with...
  2. Britters

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to Step Back as Senior Royals: January 2020

    This is such a mess of...epic proportions. It's a manipulations of so many different people and different scenarios. They included the bit about being "financially independent" in hopes it would curry support from British Taxpayer. (Cheers mates, we don't have to pay for you! Brilliant!) They...
  3. Britters

    Duke and Duchess of Sussex, General News 3: February - May 2019

    Sorry, but 36 is already considered advanced age for a pregnancy. Asking a couple who love one another want a family, and who are already well into their 30s, to wait an additional 2 years, so they can "be comfortable" is absurd, imo. So many women are already facing an inability to get pregnant...
  4. Britters

    The Duchess of Cambridge's Daytime Fashion Part 25: January 2019 - May 2019

    I love this coat. It's different than her standard and it works very well, imo. LOOOOOVE the cobalt color of the dress!!!!
  5. Britters

    The Duchess of Cambridge's Daytime Fashion Part 25: January 2019 - May 2019

    The casual outfit, she wears a coat over earlier in the day, and I much prefer that to the loose baggy sweater. But I do feel like we've seen this sweater before, and I just can't place it... This seems to be exactly what she did. There are pictures later, following the game, with her hair...
  6. Britters

    The Duchess of Sussex's Maternity Fashion: October 2018 -

    Beautiful color and design! Once again she's glowing! But also...WHY bring gloves if you're not going to wear them?!?!
  7. Britters

    The Duchess of Cambridge's Daytime Fashion Part 25: January 2019 - May 2019

    Maybe here on the forums it's unlikely, but in the rest of the social media universe, it's only a matter of time before it's brought up. The "fandoms" can't see the logical side of anything and she'll be dragged for it. I agree @JuliannaVictoria, it would be lovely to see these don as...
  8. Britters

    The Royal Foundation of Duke & Duchess of Cambridge and Duke & Duchess of Sussex

    I suspect we might see a second Forum for the Royal Foundation, at the end of this month sometime, and if we do, then we'll see them there. But the Foundation is really just an umbrella opportunity for all of them, since many of their interests seem to be similar. As the years go on, we'll see...
  9. Britters

    The Duchess of Cambridge's Daytime Fashion Part 25: January 2019 - May 2019 Looks like it's Dolce and Gabbana for the Duchess this morning/afternoon. I appreciate the cut of this outfit, and the suit lines. But the fabric does feel heavy...
  10. Britters

    The Duchess of Sussex's Maternity Fashion: October 2018 -

    But 'Gala', by definition is simply a social gathering with special entertainment/performance. You can have a Black-Tie Gala, or a Garden Party Gala, a Carnival or a cocktail Gala! Onto Meghan's outfit. I LOVED this look. She looked serene, peaceful and happy. And considering the beating she...
  11. Britters

    The Duchess of Sussex's Maternity Fashion: October 2018 -

    This poor woman just can't win. She wears navy and dark colors, and she's attacked for not wearing more color, and wearing to much dark. She wears color and it's too bold or not the right season. This is one of my favorite looks on the Duchess. The color gives her even more of a glow, and it's...
  12. Britters

    The Duke of Edinburgh In Car Accident at Sandringham: January 17, 2019

    This depends on the vehicle make, as well as source of impact. In many head on collisions, the driver side airbag will deploy no matter what, as it's assumed someone is driving the vehicle. And many newer vehicles (within the last decade), the airbags rely on weight sensors in seats. So even...
  13. Britters

    Harry and Meghan Are Expecting, Baby Due Spring 2019

    Based on their wording and announcement timing, I made a guess of 4/21-4/23 for a birth. Meghan's commentary goes a long way in supporting that thought. How fun if the new Sussex baby were to be born on their cousins birthday. A bond to be shared!
  14. Britters

    The Duchess of Sussex's Maternity Fashion: October 2018 -

    This woman is the queen of statement shoes. I love them every time! The dress looks like a standard issue working maternity issue, I miss some color, but it's a professional look and given where she was visiting today, a good pick. The coat has never been a favorite of mine. I know she seems to...
  15. Britters

    Charlotte Casiraghi and Family Current Events Part 43: August 2018 - May 2019

    One can have standards for ones own life without judging anothers. My point is that we know so little of this woman's relationships, she's intensely private, who are we to judge what's happened. If this is indeed a true story, I will hope that the emotions of post partum, and holidays have...
  16. Britters

    Charlotte Casiraghi and Family Current Events Part 43: August 2018 - May 2019

    How incredibly close minded and judgmental. Humans are just that, human. And not everyone shares the same beliefs on marriage and child rearing. From the looks of things, Charlotte has done just fine co-parenting her first. If this is a problem, perhaps we should all hope/pray/send good vibes...
  17. Britters

    Duchess of Sussex: Future Duties, Roles and Responsibilities

    My guess is that she'll go out similar to Catherine, this last year, mid-March, and we'll see her at Trouping, and then she'll come back full time, following the summer holiday. An April baby makes maternity leave Apr-Aug at minimum. And maybe ease back in. It's their first baby, I suspect...
  18. Britters

    Gender, names, and godparent guessing for Harry and Meghan's first child

    I don't think William and Catherine using a name as Charlotte's middle name, is going to deter Harry and Meghan. Elizabeth and Mary are used quite extensively in the Queen's grandchildren (3/4 are Elizabeth, 2/4 Mary) and great grandchildren (3/5 are Elizabeth). If Meghan and Harry wish to use...
  19. Britters

    Duchess of Sussex: Future Duties, Roles and Responsibilities

    I would imagine the monies made off advertisements would be viewed similar to the monies made off the cookbook. It's all well and good because the direct proceeds would go to a charity or social cause. Or it could be stipulated as such, as the case may be. I would imagine we'll hear about...
  20. Britters

    It's a Girl for Zara and Mike - Lena Elizabeth Tindall: June 18, 2018

    I think most parents do it that way. With both my kids, we took the paperwork home and filed ourselves. My oldest didn't have a name for 5 days after his birth. He had a middle and a last, obviously, but we had a hard time with his first. I pronounced Lena, Lay-na naturally, do others...
  21. Britters

    The Duchess of Sussex's Daytime Fashion Part 1: May 2018 - June 2018

    So boring...again. I really like Meghan and what she stands up for (or did, prior to her engagement, and I'm sure still does.)...but her clothing choices are just not my cup of tea. The highlighter was heavy, and the dress/skirt/ensemble was a yawn. I do like her shoes. Her hair didn't do...
  22. Britters

    The Duchess of Sussex's Daytime Fashion Part 1: May 2018 - June 2018

    Maybe modern isn't the right word. Trendy is perhaps better. Even when she's going vintage, it's a trend, just not my look. Her classic and my classic are very different. Or perhaps, my classic is more British classic, and her's more...American? I don't know. I'm American, so I can't say for...
  23. Britters

    The Duchess of Sussex's Daytime Fashion Part 1: May 2018 - June 2018

    I don't think I'm ever going to be a huge fan of Meghan's aesthetic, I have a much more classic sense of style, and Meghan is a much more modern dresser. This is ill fitted (again), and feels much too casual, especially once you see her alongside others. The lace placement is...distracting. I...
  24. Britters

    The Duchess of Sussex's Daytime Fashion Part 1: May 2018 - June 2018

    Eh, to each their own, I think the Jamaica dress was too big as well. The reason this looks worse, is because it was designed to blouse and hang. Look at the model wearing it. The design itself is already bloused/baggy and oversized, and then it being ill tailored made it look worse. The design...
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