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  1. LadyK

    Buildings, Churches & Regalia Associated with Spanish Proclamations

    If there is a mass, expect it to be in the Cathedral de la Almudena. The Cathedral de la Almudena is in Madrid, directly across a small plaza from the Palacio Real. It was the location of the Prince of Asturias's 2004 wedding to Letizia Ortiz.
  2. LadyK

    King Juan Carlos Announces Abdication: June 2, 2014

    It is amazing. Even my relatively-small middle-American city newspaper (where getting a new police chief is a front page article) picked up the story! Usually I don't see anything about any royal family besides the Brits except in the "Around the World" paragraph blurbs.... Willem-Alexander's...
  3. LadyK

    Princess Madeleine Jewellery 1: Ending 2023

    :crown5: She wore the Modern Fringe Tiara! :crown5: Elevated atop a small wreath? of flowers. I didn't love the flowers, they made the tiara look a bit like a hair-comb- well, not as beautiful as usual, imo.
  4. LadyK

    Crown Princess Victoria Jewellery 2: June 2005-December 2015

    I loved seeing Lilian's tiara on Victoria today. So sweet and sentimental! I was concerned (as we jewelry nuts can be about jewelry) about how it would look on Vic but actually she wore it quite well. The necklace was stunning. Warren, or any Swedish or Jewelry experts, does that necklace have...
  5. LadyK

    Princess Madeleine of Sweden's Wedding Dress

    I love this dress... from the bust up. The waist bothers me. The skirt and bodice just join in a straight seam. I think it would have looked better if the skirt either flowed from the bodice (like Stéphanie's wedding dress) or had a waistband (like Victoria's wedding dress). Maybe if it was...
  6. LadyK

    Princess Mabel's Fashion and Style Part 1: November 2006 - September 2021

    I think I've figured out Mabel's problem. There's a well-known quote by Coco Chanel- "before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off." That's Mabel's problem- she has these lovely outfits and then makes one bad decision and messes them up. For example, at Victoria's...
  7. LadyK

    Dutch Abdication & Inauguration: Fashion Choices

    Lots of good pictures here. (originally posted by ladongas) It's odd, but I like Mabel's dress from the Water Pageant. ^^had to take a second and let that sink in. I actually like a dress of Mabel's. Scary. :eek:
  8. LadyK

    Dutch Abdication & Inauguration: Fashion Choices

    Mary, Mary, Mary! Why did you wear that white and black floral thing to the inauguration today, then turn around and choose something elegant to wear this evening? The floral would have been perfect for the boat.
  9. LadyK

    Dutch Abdication & Inauguration: Fashion Choices

    Ugh. What a disappointment! It seems to be very difficult to pair hats with long dresses. What was Stephanie wearing? Her mother-in-law's dress and one of Beatrix's hats? Stephanie, if you forgot your hat at home borrow one from Maxima, not Bea! I was positive Mary was going to really bring...
  10. LadyK

    Pre-Inauguration Dinner at the Rijksmuseum: April 29, 2013

    where's the swoon-y smiley when you need one? OMG.
  11. LadyK

    Prince Friso of Orange-Nassau and Mabel Wisse-Smit: April 24, 2004

    I found this article tonight from Viktor and Rolf, the dress designers She got one thing right- it certainly was memorable....
  12. LadyK

    Royal Marriage Proposals

    I would agree, partially because I'm not that good at sport! There'd be nothing romantic about dropping the ring and having to crawl on your hands and knees looking for the ring on the floor or under the furniture!
  13. LadyK

    The Most Terrible Part 4

    Funny but true- the second I opened that picture the ABBA song "Dancing Queen" started playing in my head! :rofl:
  14. LadyK

    Photoshopping Royal Tiaras and Jewels 3

    Thank you Shelo and everyone else! I'm blushing :blush::wub: The day Máxima wears the Wurttemberg Pearl tiara will be a happy day.
  15. LadyK


    I think it had less to do with what the queen may or may not have thought about Princess Diana (and let's not speculate on that), but more to do with this quote: Princess Elizabeth's 21st Birthday Address
  16. LadyK

    Royals Who MUST Marry Nobility/Royalty

    Actually, I believe the problem with that will is that it states that Gustav's bride must be Aryan. (highlight to read). You can guess what era that will was written in when you hear that, can't you? Carina is part Latina. They've been trying to fight that part in court.
  17. LadyK

    Máxima's Inauguration Tiara

    I love the Stuart tiara, and the Wurttemberg has always been one of my favorites, and I'm dying to see the full sapphire parure on Máxima, but I voted for other. I love the idea that she'd wear the same tiara on the day she becomes queen that she wore on the day she became princess. Also, it's...
  18. LadyK

    Tiaras and Jewels Queen Máxima and her Daughters Might Use

    Yes, she does look gorgeous in it..... Photoshopping Royal Jewels Please, please Queen Máx! Please wear the pretty!
  19. LadyK

    Photoshopping Royal Tiaras and Jewels 3

    I couldn't help myself: Queen Máxima in the Stuart Parure does that say queen or what?
  20. LadyK

    Tiaras And Hair

    I love everything about Victoria's hair except that braid below the tiara. I'm sure it's there to affix the tiara to, but it just seems a little... I don't know but I don't like it. From the back though- wow! And Madeleine's hair makes the Amethyst tiara not look too large and round for her...
  21. LadyK

    Photoshopping Royal Tiaras and Jewels 2

    Funnily enough, I was just reading another royal website and low and behold, there was a picture of Queen Mary wearing the Delhi Durbar with the Cullinans! Apparently she used both stones, and just the square Cullinan IV, at different times. As I said in my earlier post, Queen Mary seemed to...
  22. LadyK

    Photoshopping Royal Tiaras and Jewels 2

    however when Camilla wore it, it resembled the first picture. I've never actually seen a real picture of it with the Cullinans. I'm almost positive the second picture is a photoshop. There is a distinct line in the background (upper left)- usually a blatant sign of a photoshop. Secondly, look...
  23. LadyK

    Princess Letizia's Eveningwear Part 8: October 2011 - August 2012

    I agree DonnaK, it's good to see Letizia taking risks with fashion. From these pictures I'm not sure this was the most successful, but at least it's not boring or too old!
  24. LadyK

    Princess Letizia's Eveningwear Part 8: October 2011 - August 2012

    I liked her hairstyle, but then I like it whenever she wears her hair up. My first reaction on seeing that (hat? headband? fascinator?) was "what on earth is that?!?" Not good.
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