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  1. H.M. Margrethe

    Name & Godparent Suggestions for the Twins

    I think that the littel girl migth be namede Sofia,Marie,Ingrid,Dagmar and the littel boy migth be namede Victor,Henrik,John,Michael
  2. H.M. Margrethe

    General News about Joachim, Marie and Family 2: August 2009 - January 2011

    Yes it´s the same ridicilus author §!"#¤%&/
  3. H.M. Margrethe

    General News about Frederik, Mary and Family 7: October 2010 - March 2011

    I think you are rigth that it migth be the same lady on both picturs..
  4. H.M. Margrethe

    Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik, Current Events 3: August 2010 - January 2013

    LOL ther is deffently no Popy the sailor over him that´s for shure..;)
  5. H.M. Margrethe

    General News about Frederik, Mary and Family 6: July - October 2010

    Come on friends..She is preagnant and her fingers migt be a bit big for the time..
  6. H.M. Margrethe

    Engagement of Prince Nikolaos & Tatiana Blatnik 28 Dec 2009 & pre-wedding information

    Now i get it to..therfor Queen Elisabeth must be Aunt to King Konstantin 2. and Great Aunt for the children of King Konstantin and Queen AnneMarie rigth ??
  7. H.M. Margrethe

    Engagement of Prince Nikolaos & Tatiana Blatnik 28 Dec 2009 & pre-wedding information

    I still can´t figur out how Queen Elisabeth is more relatet to the greek family besids her marriage to Prince Phillip (prince of greece and denmark) Queen Anna-marie of greece are more relatet to greece by her marriage and ancestors than Queen Elisabeth.. Eksampel: King Christian 9. of...
  8. H.M. Margrethe

    Engagement of Prince Nikolaos & Tatiana Blatnik 28 Dec 2009 & pre-wedding information

    The "only" coupel from England who showed their attendens at the wedding her in Denmark was The Earl and the Countess of Wessex according to guestlist from the Court in Denmark. As far as i can remember it was again the Earl and th Countess of Wessex who attend the wedding in Sweden not...
  9. H.M. Margrethe

    Engagement of Prince Nikolaos & Tatiana Blatnik 28 Dec 2009 & pre-wedding information

    I totaly agree with you Lumutqueen.. It will send a very bad signal for the family if the Queen attends the wedding after she has ditched al the other weddings for the past decades..Denmark,Sweden,Norway, Spain ect. But i still think that it´s bad taste that neither the Queen, Prince Charles...
  10. H.M. Margrethe

    Engagement of Prince Nikolaos & Tatiana Blatnik 28 Dec 2009 & pre-wedding information

    I don´t think that she will ever take that big step even if one of her grandchildren deceides to marry outside England..:bang::bang::bang::bang: At that point (sorry my frenche) she´s a stubond lady..
  11. H.M. Margrethe

    Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik, Current Events 3: August 2010 - January 2013

    Originally Posted by H.M. Margrethe What makes you think that the late Countess Ruth was a member of the royal family ? She was cloes friends with Queen Margrethe and the Queen attend the funeral together with Queen Sonja,CP Haakon and Princess Martha Louise of Norway.. "Wartenberg7 Wasn´t...
  12. H.M. Margrethe

    King Christian IX; Grandfather of Europe

    As a Dane i think it´s sad news that King Christian IX. said to the Gearman Empire that he coud juse Denmark as a part of the Gearman state happily it did not happend.
  13. H.M. Margrethe

    Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik, Current Events 2: January 2007 - August 2010

    What makes you think that the late Countess Ruth was a member of the royal family ? She was cloes friends with Queen Margrethe and the Queen attend the funeral together with Queen Sonja,CP Haakon and Princess Martha Louise of Norway..
  14. H.M. Margrethe

    Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary, Current Events 8: Nov. 2008-Sep. 2012

    I wonder if CP Mary will be abel to attent the new years court next year...we don´t know the exat date for the twins to arrive :flowers:
  15. H.M. Margrethe

    Name & Godparent Suggestions for the Twins

    I think that if one of the twins is a girl they migth name her Victoria Margrethe Elisabeth Ingeborg And if the other twin is a boy the names migth be Mathias Pavlos Gustav Knud
  16. H.M. Margrethe

    Engagement of Prince Nikolaos & Tatiana Blatnik 28 Dec 2009 & pre-wedding information

    why have they planed their marriage to begin on a wensday ? We are talking about the 25/8-2010 ?
  17. H.M. Margrethe

    Danish Royal Family, Current Events 3: April 2010 - June 2012

    I think it´s the first time i see the first hint of the bump at Mary and the dress is WAUW!!! love the coulor and the cut..
  18. H.M. Margrethe

    Annual Photo Shoots & Holidays At Gråsten Slot: 2003, 2005-2023

    You crack me up with your comment Muhler that´s for shure :rofl::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  19. H.M. Margrethe

    Annual Photo Shoots & Holidays At Gråsten Slot: 2003, 2005-2023

    I think you are rigth and parhaps he´s trying to ame at the photografs (sorry my spelling)
  20. H.M. Margrethe

    Annual Photo Shoots & Holidays At Gråsten Slot: 2003, 2005-2023

    Pleas take a close look at pictur 3 and tell me if it´s open or closed
  21. H.M. Margrethe

    Annual Photo Shoots & Holidays At Gråsten Slot: 2003, 2005-2023

    Just love the picturs of Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik,BUT why in the !"#¤%& is he wearing a jacket that is to littel when he´s closing it ?? :ohmy:
  22. H.M. Margrethe

    General News about Frederik, Mary and Family 5: December 2009 - July 2010

    I think it was prince Valdemar Princess Marie was married with and as far as i remember marie died when Valdemar was on a trip to the Virgien islands with one of their sons..
  23. H.M. Margrethe

    General News about Frederik, Mary and Family 5: December 2009 - July 2010

    NotAPretender i don´t know if you have been in Denmark on vacasion,BUT Denmark is sorunde with water,so when we Danes are going for our vacasion we are going out to the water..Just today we have had about 25-29 degreas in the sun and the tempratur in the water is about 25 degreas.. Regarding CP...
  24. H.M. Margrethe

    General News about Frederik, Mary and Family 5: December 2009 - July 2010

    You said it Lumutqueen..he´s so hot and i´m looking forward to se him as the next King of my Denmark together with Mary as his Queen.. :flowers:
  25. H.M. Margrethe

    General News about Frederik, Mary and Family 5: December 2009 - July 2010

    He´s totally hot Crownprince or not he´s hot that´s for shure :blush::heart::clap:
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