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  1. L

    Prince Albert & Princess Charlene Current Events 5: January 2018 - December 2023

    I disagree respectfully. Fashion first moments with heads of states and their spouses have been splattered across news venues for decades. Tiara's, designer dresses, make-up, hair, couture shoes etc. have all been at the forefront of important political and/or fundraising deals and events for...
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    Finding Freedom: Harry and Meghan and the Making of A Modern Royal Family

    Their lack of denouncement can mean anything. I'm sure he has signed a non-disclosure agreement lol! Anyways, I'm free to state my opinion.
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    Finding Freedom: Harry and Meghan and the Making of A Modern Royal Family

    Perhaps, however as I am sure you are well aware Omid has close ties with the couple whereas Lady Campbell does not.
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    Finding Freedom: Harry and Meghan and the Making of A Modern Royal Family

    To me it's clear they had a strong hand in this book. They denounce and pursue legal action about virtually everything that is being published about their lives yet do not denounce this book fully and completely? All they say is they did not contribute? Ridiculous! Why aren't they outraged and...
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    Saddest Royals

    Very true indeed, you could always see there was a deep sadness from the loss of his mother but I also thought some of the sadness he carries could be attributed to his pre-ordained destiny. There is not much choice in his life and the reality is that seriousness comes with the responsibility...
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    Saddest Royals

    I don't think Prince William is particularly happy. I mean I think he is happy in his marriage and with his children but I never really see a true smile reach his eyes. There is a sadness about him and it always looks like he'd rather be elsewhere.
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    Beatrice and Edoardo: Wedding Suggestions and Musings Thread

    title I'm not sure if this has been discussed yet but I would love to see Princess Beatrice given a duchy in her own right that would pass down to her children in the way that King Edward VII's first born daughter Princess Louise was given the title of Duchess of Fife by Queen Victoria to pass...
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    Beatrice and Edoardo: Wedding Suggestions and Musings Thread

    I'm not sure if this has been discussed yet but I would love to see Princess Beatrice given a duchy in her own right that would pass down to her children in the way that King Edward VII's first born daughter Princess Louise was given the title of Duchess of Fife by Queen Victoria to pass on...
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    Tessy Antony-de Nassau, News and Events 1: April 2019 - Dec 2021

    After watching this clip I can say she is very intelligent and really quite delightful. Her perspective on divorce is uplifting. I wish her positivity would radiate through this forum. I've read so many negative comments about her here.
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    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to Step Back as Senior Royals: January 2020

    Making bad decisions leads to unreliability. They have beyond a doubt proven they are not only unreliable but untrustworthy as well.
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    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to Step Back as Senior Royals: January 2020

    As a Canadian I can tell you I would never support funding for any un-elected couple. Especially this couple who are so spoiled and entitled as to think that they can just come to Canada and live here because they can't make things work for them the way they want to in the UK. They are...
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    General News & Information about Albert, Charlene & Family 2: March 2012 - May 2015

    General News & Information about Prince Albert & Princess Charlene Part2: Mar... Charlene looks like she is having fun with friends. Nothing wrong with that.
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    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events Part 38: April 2013 - December 2013

    I wonder if Princess Alexandra were in the same situation if her parents would push her to marry because she is a princess?
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    Baby Cambridge: Potential Names and Godparents

    Female Princess Catherine Elizabeth Diana Francis Princess Matilda Male Prince Philip
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    Engagement of Andrea Casiraghi and Tatiana Santo Domingo; 2 July 2012

    I am very pleased with this match. Congratulations to the couple!!
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    Prince Christian and Princess Isabella, Current Events 4: Dec. 2009 - February 2011

    I am trying to find the similarities between Princess Mary and her children and they don't seem to look very much like her at all (at least to me) Does anyone have any photos where the resemblances are obvious or of Mary as a child/toddler? Both children seem to look more like thier father
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    Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip: Visit to Canada and the US - June 28-July 6, 2010

    The Queen's Woodbine Visit I haven't posted in a very long time but today I simply had to. I live in the Toronto region and visited the Woodbine Racetracks today; participated in the Queen's Plate. I lost my bet but was lucky enough to see the Queen and the Prince from a distance. For those...
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    Prince Aimone of Savoy-Aosta and Princess Olga of Greece, September 2008

    wow, I'm not sure if I understand what the dress is all about...
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    Rose Ball, Monaco: 2005 - 2024

    i'm so dissapointed!
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    Albert and Charlene's Relationship

    the prince should just marry whoever is embeded deepest in his heart the people of monaco love him, they will support him afterall that is the fairytale ending isn't it??
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    Albert and Charlene's Relationship

    just heard the scoop Albert and Charlene are to marry in September can anybody confirm??
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    Princess Marie Chantal is expecting her 5th child

    I am so thrilled for this couple!! Even after 10 years of marraige still making babies!!! What a beautiful thing!
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    Grace, Caroline, Charlotte, Alexandra. . . it's all in the genes!

    I very much agree with you. I have always though that there were many pieces of Grace in Charlotte.... I think it's one of the reasons why Charlotte is so popular
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    Possible names for the new Lord or Lady Wessex

    i think george after elizabeths father
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    Sophie Gives Birth to a Son: James, Viscount Severn - December 17, 2007

    how do you know this will be the last grandchild?? Life is always full of beautiful surprises!:flowers:
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