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  1. miau

    Monaco Dance Forum 2006, 2009, 2011, 2012

    I really don't think so. She wore a different ring on that finger even in the September airport pictures...
  2. miau

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events 20 : Aug.2006 - Oct.2006

    Are you sure it is the same package? I do believe now, though, that the package indeed contains cigarettes. The warning text that I can discern from the box seems to be the common warning that health officials (?) print on the package. However, I find this fact...
  3. miau

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events 20 : Aug.2006 - Oct.2006

    She looks great in those pics, thanks for scanning them, Cath! I especially love it when we get special glimpses to things she owns, such as the insides of her evening bag. What do you think that red carton is? I think you can at least see her phone and a lipstick or something similar... After...
  4. miau

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events 20 : Aug.2006 - Oct.2006

    Her hair and makeup have looked better, in my opinion. Looks like she's wearing ripped denim shorts, black opaque tights (very chic at the moment), a black vest of sorts and a see-through 3/4 sleeve shirt. I think she's wearing the vest on top of the shirt. I would have dropped the vest, it...
  5. miau

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events 20 : Aug.2006 - Oct.2006

    Well, the poster of the Belgium rumor never answered any questions directed at her regarding the fact she claimed that she had seen Charlotte at her school (UGent). There are many unanswered questions about that rumor, and I don't think its trustworthiness can be verified at the moment.
  6. miau

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events 20 : Aug.2006 - Oct.2006

    I'm dying for her dress. It's just that sort that goes for so many occasions, big parties and smaller, more low-key occasions... It looks very elegant, I think.
  7. miau

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events 20 : Aug.2006 - Oct.2006

    Who looks like Lindsay Lohan? Roitfeld or Charlotte? Well, to me, that isn't much of a compliment... ;D
  8. miau

    Caroline & The Casiraghi's - University Life

    If she truly is at UGent, could she be studying something like this: This is the link to the main page of all the courses in English:
  9. miau

    Grace, Caroline, Charlotte, Alexandra. . . it's all in the genes!

    In my opinion, Caroline's face doesn't have half the beauty that Charlotte's face does. Character and appeal she has, but a beauty she is not. Grace, then again, was a beauty in her own right, truly stunning as it is. However, she cannot be compared to Charlotte because they are two women of...
  10. miau

    International Jumping de Monte-Carlo: 2006 - 2019, 2021 - 2023

    What is Charlotte wearing on the third day of the jumping? Is that a dress or a top? Does anyone know?
  11. miau

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events 20 : Aug.2006 - Oct.2006

    Nothing new on our favorite girl? I think that the best pictures of the summer were from the last day (presumably) of the International Jumping of Monaco. The white dress/top was fresh, neat, perfect. It cut a really cool figure on her. She looked amazing that day, but I have to say she looked...
  12. miau

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events 18 : May 2006 - July 2006

    Nope. It's definitely not Tatiana, that's the girl who was on the balcony during the F1 race, at the same time that PA was there.
  13. miau

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events 17 : April 2006 - May 2006

    Now, I'm a great fan of Charlotte's style and I have always admired the way she dresses. This most recent outfit is something else, though. It is the first one ever that I feel is simply bad. She can't honestly think those shoes look good, can she? Why does she wear stuff that so obviously...
  14. miau

    Grace, Caroline, Charlotte, Alexandra. . . it's all in the genes!

    In my opinion, Charlotte is the most beautiful one. She's feminine, gentle and healthy-looking. Grace was almost as beautiful as her granddaughter, but just like someone already pointed out, comparations are hard to make when you don't have teenage pictures of Grace. The only aspect in which...
  15. miau

    Caroline & The Casiraghi's - University Life

    Nobody knows for sure which Lycée Charlotte went to. All is just speculation.
  16. miau

    Pronunciation of Royal Names

    Very interesting, thanks everyone! It was so good to know... :D
  17. miau

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events 17 : April 2006 - May 2006

    Well, there are a million possible reasons as to why he's not seen in the photos. He might have popped in to buy the three of them coffee or more magazines to shift through. He might have taken an earlier flight to be on time for an important appointment or school work. Anything's possible...
  18. miau

    Princess Caroline‘s Role in Monaco

    Great comparison, Moby. The likeness is undeniable.
  19. miau

    Charlotte Casiraghi - Pictures Part II

    Dark skin colour is adored today, back then it wasn't. People's preferences fluctuate in these things too, you know. Anyway, I know several extremely beautiful blonde girls who definitely do not "blend into the wall" even though they are naturally fair. Check her out for instance...
  20. miau

    Rose Ball, Monaco: 2005 - 2024

    I want to join the chorus also and say a big thank you for the pictures. They're absolutely breathtaking.
  21. miau

    Rose Ball, Monaco: 2005 - 2024

    Yeah, I noticed that too! And the guy looks nothing like Felix! He has a round face whereas Felix's face is longer and slimmer and Felix is also of a more delicate build.
  22. miau

    Caroline & The Casiraghi's - University Life

    Could it be that her grandpa's death changed her plans? With his passing there were several ceremonies and meetings she probably had to attend. So, it could be that she's aiming for next year instead. However, this is only my own speculation.
  23. miau

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events 16 : Feb.2006 - Apr.2006

    To me it looks like she's trying to grin with a sexy devilish pout...
  24. miau

    Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events 16 : Feb.2006 - Apr.2006

    She's a long-time friend of Charlotte's. You have seen her before at Salon du Cheval (she had permed hair), at Lagerfeld's exhibition, strolling in Paris (with Char and her blue Tod's candy bag), at Rozier stables and many, many times more. I didn't know her surname until today, but I've known...
  25. miau

    Caroline & The Casiraghi's - University Life

    Well, if she doesn't get into ENS, she can have another go next year. The ENS entrance exams are pretty late in the spring, right?
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