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  1. FarahJoy

    Empress Farah Pahlavi News and Events 2: 2005 - 2023

    What a relief to see that Farah seems to be very fit and well on the pictures of Princess Noor's graduation !!!
  2. FarahJoy

    Empress Farah Pahlavi News and Events 2: 2005 - 2023

    Hi, NoorMeansLight, Well, as we are changing topic, maybe we should go to the page of Farah's actuality ? To answer your question, I haven't read or heard of anything regarding Her Majesty's health. However, to my knowledge, there is no sign of her presence neither at her daughter's annual...
  3. FarahJoy

    Empress Farah Pahlavi News and Events 2: 2005 - 2023

    Elisenda, in fact, I was more surprised not to see her at Princess Victoria's wedding, as Farah is very appreciated and almost always attending royal weedings and highlights of royal lives. Hope our dear Farah doesn't have health problems :ermm:
  4. FarahJoy

    HIH The Late Princess Leila of Iran (1970-2001)

    Though these people are certainly sincere, if you had lost a daughter, or a sister, would you like to be surrounded with such a show or would you prefer to pay respect while you are alone or with your close ones ?
  5. FarahJoy

    HIM Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran (1919-1980): Life Events and Death

    Surprised :hmm: Well, cute-girl, I have to say I am surprised to read this, specially as Farah was raised up by nuns in a catholic school. However, no matter how she behaved when she was young, she now gives a great example of a courageous, elegant and heartful woman :flowers:
  6. FarahJoy

    HIH The Late Princess Leila of Iran (1970-2001)

    Dear Elisenda, I just saw your message today, I don't come often on the Forum. Princess Leila was burried in Paris, at the Cimetière de Passy, near the Trocadero. If you wish to pay her tribute, the personal of the cementery will most probably inform you as they did for me. Kind regards.
  7. FarahJoy

    HIH The Late Princess Leila of Iran (1970-2001)

    I just saw your reply today, Acupoftea, thank you very much for your answer. Well, while traveling in Paris I went to bow on her grave and I can't imagine how her mother must feel whenever she does the same. It must be so horrible to loose one's child. May Leila rest in peace.
  8. FarahJoy

    Royals Eating & Drinking

    What I have found on the web : According to the site Wayodd, the favorite dish of Britain's late Queen Mother was Eggs Drumbiko - a dish made from chopped eggs, seafood, tomatoes and mayonnaise in a sherry-flavored jelly - when she dined at London's Goring Hotel restaurant. Others: King...
  9. FarahJoy

    Royal and Noble Castles and Palaces

    NONE. They are too huge for me, though I really appreciate some of them's beauty. If I had to select one : The Alhambra of Granada but WITH THE CENTRAL HEATING because I was there once in September and it was freeeeezing !!!! :stuart:
  10. FarahJoy

    Royals Eating & Drinking

    Royal's favourite dish ? These days I feel like cooking and I was just wondering what are Royal's favourite dishes :wub: Mine is couscous, I should live in Maghreb ! :lol:
  11. FarahJoy

    Should Royals spend money on beautiful clothes ?

    I was wondering about what you think of it : - If Royals follow fashion then "commoners" complain because Royals spend a lot of money on clothes and thus people's money is being spoiled out... - But if they dress "normally" or even don't really care about their look... their are said to be...
  12. FarahJoy

    The Disadvantages of Being Royal

    I met a queen once and my vision of Royal's daily life has changed since then and is more realistic. Of course, Royals have huge financial and material privileges. But attending cocktails protected by dozens of bodyguards on a yacht can be part of a Royal's obligations and can revele being, in...
  13. FarahJoy

    Which Royal Supports Which Art ?

    Up ! I can't believe NO ROYAL supports an art :w00t: : I see them so often in magazines at galleries inaugurations and others... Up ! Up !
  14. FarahJoy

    Royals and Employment

    What about those who are not clever enough to study ?
  15. FarahJoy

    Royals with Disabilities or Special Needs

    Hello, Emmy, Though I don't know if you are still on this site since 2006 :rolleyes: I find your question interesting. I personally think that many Royals have grown up with religious believes and traditions that do not allow them to interrupt a pregnancy. However, we don't know what their...
  16. FarahJoy

    Who's Pregnant In The Royal Circle 4: May 2006-Dec 2009

    This morning I read in our local newspaper that she gave birth to a boy yesterday December 17th :flowers:
  17. FarahJoy

    Which Royal Supports Which Art ?

    Being the daughter of a sculptor this question comes naturally to my mind ! :lol: Which Royal person or Prince or Princess is interested in which art : painting, sculptures, music, movies, classical or modern dance, fashion, culinary arts, fotography, others... And which of them supports an...
  18. FarahJoy

    Do Your Kids Play At Being Royalty?

    What I find interesting... ... when I watch children playing "Queen" "Princess" "King" or "Prince" is to see their values : Girls usually are representing beauty, glamour, fights for being the most beautiful, the one chosen by the King... If only they knew that being a Queen is many other...
  19. FarahJoy

    Royal Protocol and Etiquette

    Thanks to everyone ! Well, I was thinking of a queen I might meet. A lady who knows her well told me she is very simple, doesn't "play queen" in daily life and likes to move around in the city (she meets her regularly while shopping). So if I ever see Her Majesty I do not know what to do. I...
  20. FarahJoy

    Royal Protocol and Etiquette

    Is it impolite ? I you see a queen or a king or any other royal either on the street or at the exit of a church for instance: is it impolite or even coarse to adress this person and give her or him a little present and/or tell her/him some kind words ? Because I read in the Etiquette...
  21. FarahJoy

    How to Meet a Prince or Princess!

    In Gstaad or St-Moritz... Imagine the scene when they bump into each other on a snow slope : - Oh, I'm terribly sorry ! Let me introduce myself : Princess Velvetbloom. Nice to meet you, Sir. I hope I did'nt hurt you, did I ? - Oh, nooooooo, certainly not. Except for a broken arm I'm totally...
  22. FarahJoy

    How to Meet a Prince or Princess!

    At royal weddings, burials, anniversaries... At horse races... At opening events in art galleries...
  23. FarahJoy

    Your Favourite Royal Family

    The Imperial Family of Iran Because they are all so courageous and I admire HIM Empress Farah for many reasons. The Royal Family of Spain Because I admire their dignity and natural behavior and also because of my personal Spanish roots. The Royal Family of Belgium Because I find them...
  24. FarahJoy

    HIH The Late Princess Leila of Iran (1970-2001)

    Didn't she have friends ? I have noticed that it is difficult to find pictures of HIH Princess Leila except for "official" pictures. I never saw any picture of her with a friend or a boyfriend, though I read she had quite a buzy social life. Many princesses are being taken in pictures with...
  25. FarahJoy

    Royals and Religion

    Dear Vanesa I read several times that Her Majesty Queen Fabiola of Belgium has a strong faith. Why don't you write to her and ask her about the prayers she would recommend you ? She might be happy to advise you or at least I guess you'll get some answer of the Royal Palace ? Best...
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