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  1. Nico

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex's Charities and Patronages

    Is anyone remotely surprised by this, i mean really ? Archewell was an empty shell from the start.
  2. Nico

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    In their minds they are forming a parallel "we can do it better" Court. Diana, in her times, just wanted to do that. Kudos to them to achieve this legacy of the late Princess of Wales. All seems pretty and nice. Until reality will come knoking at their door. And it will. You can"t parade...
  3. Nico

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    Oh i laugh because, let's face it, for Harry and die hard fans like yourself, it's a win win situation. It would be far more difficult to stomach some kind of olive branch from the BRF as diabolising them is part of the Sussexes brand DNA from the very start. I't s really far more easier and...
  4. Nico

    Princess of Wales Undergoing Cancer Treatment

    No they don't. The mess was created by foolish individuals behind their screens around the World who just can't control themselves. It's a collective guilt speaking volumes about our humanity, or lack of for that matter.
  5. Nico

    Princess of Wales Undergoing Cancer Treatment

    This is distasteful and innapriopriate, and the fact that some people are still brainstorming about the dos ans donts on the PR front is just appaling. We must keep in mind that the Princess of Wales was litteraly FORCED in the most disturbing way to make this utmost personnal statement just to...
  6. Nico

    Princess of Wales Undergoing Cancer Treatment

    Maybe it's time to put this story to rest and to focus on what matters the most : the well being of Catherine in those challenging times. I find rather out of touch, to say the least, to still debate what William should or should not have done to please some obscure Royal watchers around the...
  7. Nico

    Princess of Wales Undergoing Cancer Treatment

    She's really a role model. What a trooper and what a terrible year for the BRF. Shame on those, including on this Forum, who were too pleased to bash her and simply invented stories to explain a much needed rest.
  8. Nico

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    […] They were just basically outed from the main BRF Website […] Harry and Meghan 'downgraded' on official Buckingham Palace website Harry and Meghan 'downgraded' on official Buckingham Palace website
  9. Nico

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    Can we stop the sheer hypocrisy for one minute ? It was done on purpose because, let's face it, the Sussexes and the Wales bloody HATE each other. Period. We can put sugar on everything and look with awe and rose tinted grasses whatever the two camps are doing ( because there are two camps) ...
  10. Nico

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    I thought it was part of the Hallmak channel or QVC ...
  11. Nico

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    Totally agree. At this point it's world class trolling. We know it, they know it and they are perfectly fine with that.
  12. Nico

    The Death of Thomas Kingston, Husband of Lady Gabriella Kingston

    Oh My ! What a year for the BRF. So sad.
  13. Nico

    British State Visits & Tours: General Discussion, Suggestions & Musings

    With the news from today it's highly unlikely.
  14. Nico

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    Hope it's true. Sometimes you need this kind of event to finally bring back a family together.
  15. Nico

    King Charles III Diagnosed With Cancer

    I screamed at my phone when i saw this. Kuddo to King C to be honnest about his state and wishing him a speedy recovery. The man is a trooper and i'm sure he 'll be back stronger than ever.
  16. Nico

    French State Visit to Sweden: 30-31 Jan 2024

    And he does look good in it ! The morning suit saga remains a mystery.
  17. Nico

    French State Visit to Sweden: 30-31 Jan 2024

    Nope they don't :flowers: You're welcome.
  18. Nico

    French State Visit to Sweden: 30-31 Jan 2024

    There is no "Female" version of the Ordre national du Mérite (like for the Légion d'Honneur).Mary had the same issue with hers during the French State visit to Danemark.
  19. Nico

    French State Visit to Sweden: 30-31 Jan 2024

    Everyone is looking good, love Mrs Macron understated elegance. And , Alléluia. President Macron is wearing a proper White tie suit !
  20. Nico

    French State Visit to Sweden: 30-31 Jan 2024

    Incredibly short sighted. Sweden is on the verge to join OTAN amid high tensions with Russia. Domestic and rather usual problems inside the country are peanuts compared to a possible war in the forecoming future. This visit is absolutely essential. As "France" being a disaster at this moment ...
  21. Nico

    French State Visit to Sweden: 30-31 Jan 2024

    Mrs Macron received the Dannebrog but chose to not wear it.
  22. Nico

    Queen Margrethe II announces Abdication for January 14, 2024

    Unexpected , to say the least, or is it ? The Danish Crown has been somewhat shaken lately by various "affairs". Maybe i't time, ideed, to bring some fresh air and let Frederik faces his responsabilities. Thank you and well done Ma'am.
  23. Nico

    Queen Camilla's Fashion and Style Part 2: June 2023 -

    Like it very much. Very classy.
  24. Nico

    British Royal Christmas 2: Sep 2022 -

    It's indeed a very interesting turn of events and speaks volumes about the new family dynamic, considering the presumed "tensions" of the past few years between Sarah and other members of the BRF. As a matter of fact the Queen's children didn't seem to be at the Service.
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