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  1. cmbruno

    Death of HRH the Duke of Edinburgh: 9 April 2021

    I am deeply sad for the loss of a very respectable senior lady and her whole family. I am also sad because I remember my loved grandfather and grandmother that belonged to the same admirable generation of this extraordinary man. I send my condolences to the Nation and the Queen for the loss of...
  2. cmbruno

    Princess Sofia's Fashion & Style, Part 2: May 2016 - March 2017

    Wrong proportions: wide pants - tighter blouse ou wide blouse - tighter pants. I did not like the coiffure -hair falls too much flat and without balance. Everybody has bad hair days, just make a ponytail or a bun.
  3. cmbruno

    Princess Sofia's Fashion & Style, Part 2: May 2016 - March 2017

    Adorable dress... for a 70 year old. I tiny cleavage wold do wonders here for a young woman.
  4. cmbruno

    Princess Madeleine's Fashion & Style, Part 7: June 2016 - October 2017

    I think her tan is not fake... look how red is her husband's face!:rofl: She is really very beatiful!
  5. cmbruno

    Princess Sofia's Fashion & Style, Part 2: May 2016 - March 2017

    I think that lately she's been trying to over compensate some people's previous perception of her dressing in a gaudy way. Perhaps in time she will find a balance. Evidently she was not born with a natural elegance (most people weren't) but people can and do learn in time how to dress smartly...
  6. cmbruno

    Princess Sofia's Fashion & Style, Part 2: May 2016 - March 2017

    Neck down everything pretty and proper. The hair not so much, this coiffure does nothing for her face and the hairpiece I think is a little too much for the occasion.
  7. cmbruno

    Princess Madeleine's Fashion & Style, Part 7: June 2016 - October 2017

    I liked everything in the outfit. Very chic and modern.
  8. cmbruno

    Queen Letizia's Daytime Fashion Part 8: November 2016 - March 2017

    Well, Spain in known for its excellency in lace, leather and steel (Toledo) handicraft. You want to buy something in leather when holidaying in Europe, Italy and Spain are the places to go!
  9. cmbruno

    Funeral of Queen Fabiola: December 12, 2014

    It is a photoshop
  10. cmbruno

    Sofia Hellqvist's Fashion and Style Part 1: June 2014 - February 2015

    Sofia has been learning how to improve herself. She is not grinning anymore. I am impressed. I did not like her dress, too much going on, not very elegant/chic but not a disaster.
  11. cmbruno

    Duke of Cambridge: What Now for William? Future Duties, Roles, Responsibilities

    PR is one of the most stressfull jobs I have ever had! In the begining it was all fun, parties, travelling and so on. After some time, all I wanted to do was to stay home in my pyjamas watching tv. I stayed days away from home, never had a time for myself. And the telephone never stopped...
  12. cmbruno

    Duke of Cambridge: What Now for William? Future Duties, Roles, Responsibilities

    1) Using his ability as a pilot and devolping diplomacy skills - Go serve one year in Canada, Australia or any other country within Comonwealth. 2) Learn another language and develop diplomacy skills - Go work one year at Nato, UN, so on. 3) Go work on military intelligence 4) Develop a...
  13. cmbruno

    The Duke of Cambridge Current Events 2: January 2014 - July 2018

    Exactly! The problem is that he is one among some that can do this job well but is the only one in millions that will be king, even if this will happen in a distant future.
  14. cmbruno

    Duke of Cambridge: What Now for William? Future Duties, Roles, Responsibilities

    H could have gone to Canada and work with innuits, or to Australia and work with natives and so on... There is nothing wrong with being a pilot but he is just another one in a number of people that can do this job well. Furthermome, he is the only one who is supposed to be king (even if it is...
  15. cmbruno

    Duchess of Cambridge: What Now for Catherine? Future Duties, Roles, Responsibilities

    I think William's disdain is a big problem! Noblesse oblige to be impartial... at least to look to be impartial.
  16. cmbruno

    Duchess of Cambridge: What Now for Catherine? Future Duties, Roles, Responsibilities

    She will continue to do what she is doing till her husband decides to or is allowed to be a full time royal.At least two and a half more years of the same. I would be perfectly ok with it if the PR Transitional year had never been divulged
  17. cmbruno

    The Duke of Cambridge Current Events 2: January 2014 - July 2018

    Oh, come on! It is a dignifying job, it is very meritable that he is giving the salary to charity, but let's be frank here - he could make much more for charity just appearing in events and leaving that job to somebody else already qualified. In my humble opinion he looks like the heir of a...
  18. cmbruno

    Sofia Hellqvist's Fashion and Style Part 1: June 2014 - February 2015

    Ok ensamble that could be improved with a better fitted jacket.
  19. cmbruno

    Queen Letizia's Daytime Fashion Part 1: June 2014 - July 2014

    Exactly! I really don't know who is worse, Varela or Natan. And the problem is not only the design and choice of fabric, it is also the confection.
  20. cmbruno

    The Duchess of Cambridge's Daytime Fashion Part 14: May 2014 - July 2014

    I am from a very informal country and I don't see any differences between how the Duchess dresses and how high profile business women do here, except they also wear pant suits and don't wear hats. The only thing I would advise her is to put her hair behind her shoulders; I even think it is not...
  21. cmbruno

    Henry VIII (1491-1547) and Wives

    Wss King Henry VIII cursed? No, just deranged!
  22. cmbruno

    Germanic Ancestry of the House of Windsor

    The Franks were "German" The Celts originated from Halstatt (Austria) 600BC so "German" as well. The Vikings, Goths, Visigoths, Ostrogoths were also German.
  23. cmbruno

    Germanic Ancestry of the House of Windsor

    What makes the British? | Oxford Today Genetic inheritance doesn't make all that diference nowadays. Saddly, still, just physical appearance does. But language, culture, custom are what define nationality. When people share the same way of living within the same space. Here in Brazil, a large...
  24. cmbruno

    Germanic Ancestry of the House of Windsor

    What is "German"? 45 days ago I was in Paris with my husband. We were in Montmartre, sitting outside a cafe and drinking hot chocolate (it was a bit cold). Suddenly a man said to us that we were sitting on his place. At first we did not pay him much attention but he continued talking to us. He...
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