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  1. Marquesa d Yolombó

    Crown Prince Naruhito & Crown Princess Masako current events 5: Dec. 2008- Dec. 2015

    They really are beyond every level of elegance!! They make it an art... :)
  2. Marquesa d Yolombó

    Emperor Akihito & Empress Michiko Current Events Part 2: September 2006- January 2013

    A video by HOLA showing the celebrations of the Emperor's 20th anniversary as Chief of State: El emperador Akihito celebra sus 20 años en el trono |
  3. Marquesa d Yolombó

    Emperor Akihito & Empress Michiko Current Events Part 2: September 2006- January 2013

    Gee!!! It was indeed surprising to see how tall Obama is compared to the Emperor and Empress... however, the gesture can be seen as a protocolarian and deferent attitude towards the Imperial Couple, but I don't think the gesture is allowed between Chiefs of State (I don't remember former...
  4. Marquesa d Yolombó

    Emperor Akihito & Empress Michiko Current Events Part 2: September 2006- January 2013

    They must think of how fast time goes by, and how their lives have been in this last years... this visist should have been a trip to memories... :smile:
  5. Marquesa d Yolombó

    Imperial Family of Japan Current Events 2: June 2008 - April 2017

    Let's hope Prince Mikasa recovers soon! Indeed, she seems! She gives a touch of youth to such a formal event. Le's hope we can see Imperial youth more often.
  6. Marquesa d Yolombó

    Crown Prince Naruhito & Crown Princess Masako current events 5: Dec. 2008- Dec. 2015

    Indeed, Aiko seems really serious! but I guess she may feel a little intimidated by all the cameras and pictures and the attention focused on her and her parents. She is a child, and may also be a shy one...
  7. Marquesa d Yolombó

    Prince Akishino and Princess Kiko Current Events Part 2: November 2006 - April 2017

    How cute the little prince visiting a zoo!! and how tall he is!!! He reminds me a lot of his father.
  8. Marquesa d Yolombó

    Emperor Akihito & Empress Michiko Current Events Part 2: September 2006- January 2013

    Yes, we must wait to know any other statement from chieff Officers to see how those statements reached the Court.
  9. Marquesa d Yolombó

    Crown Prince Naruhito Current Events Part 1: July 2005 - December 2017

    Is a good question, Mermaid1962... does anyone know (has read anything in papers these last days or something like that)? Because the CP seemed very happy when cheering Aiko in her race some days ago... it would be too sad to hear again she is ill...
  10. Marquesa d Yolombó

    Emperor Akihito & Empress Michiko Current Events Part 2: September 2006- January 2013

    Thanks a lot for posting. Her Majesty seems to be very interested in matters such as economy and, further than that, in the human beings whose lives have been affectad by the crisis...
  11. Marquesa d Yolombó

    Statements on the Emperor

    Japan's FM has made some declarations about the Emperor that maight be qualified as polemic by the most conservative and certainly will have a part in the news for the next days. As tells Asia Now: Japan emperor should be able share his thoughts, says FM
  12. Marquesa d Yolombó

    Princess Aiko News and Current Events Part 3: April 2008 - December 2020

    This was the Princess' race, as told by Hola! (in spanish) Aiko de Japón: una Princesa a la carrera
  13. Marquesa d Yolombó

    Princess Aiko News and Current Events Part 3: April 2008 - December 2020

    Indeed, her team won the race!!! Mainly, because she is a very fast runner, I have read.
  14. Marquesa d Yolombó

    Emperor Akihito & Empress Michiko Current Events Part 2: September 2006- January 2013

    Yes, indeed: he even found a new species of the fish!! So cool...
  15. Marquesa d Yolombó

    Crown Prince Naruhito Current Events Part 1: July 2005 - December 2017

    How symbolic the CP is cutting a branch of a tree planted by his parents.
  16. Marquesa d Yolombó

    Emperor Akihito & Empress Michiko Current Events Part 2: September 2006- January 2013

    thanks a lot for posting news on the Imperial Couple and their official engagemente with foreign Heads of State!
  17. Marquesa d Yolombó

    Emperor Akihito & Empress Michiko Current Events Part 2: September 2006- January 2013

    She still does (and so does the Emperor and their children), although she injured her knee recently. In fact, rchat, she met the Emperor at a double tennis match in a summer vacation, and her team won... later on, they began dating and the rest is history!
  18. Marquesa d Yolombó

    Emperor Akihito & Empress Michiko Current Events Part 2: September 2006- January 2013

    Empress Michiko of Japan gives official start to Japan Tennis Open 2009, as shown by HOLA! La emperatriz Michiko da el pistoletazo de salida al Open de Tenis de Jap |Noticias
  19. Marquesa d Yolombó

    Emperor Akihito & Empress Michiko Current Events Part 2: September 2006- January 2013

    Well, let's hope this new Cabinet can bring large prosperity to Japan and open a new era for the country, as its leaders have assured it will...
  20. Marquesa d Yolombó

    Princesses Mako, Kako and Prince Hisahito Current Events 1: July 2005 - April 2017

    Indeed, may God help him and give him strenghts to fulfill his duties. By now, all we can do is be admired: he seems to be a very happy boy, and a very tall one!!
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