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  1. crownprincessrhey

    Prince Christian's First Day of Primary School: August 12, 2011

    Christian seems so grown up and I loved Isabella's expression...Isabella's my favorite..she is so full of life
  2. crownprincessrhey

    General News about Frederik, Mary and Family 9: May - December 2011

    just really love Isabella's vitality! She's always so full of life
  3. crownprincessrhey

    "The Monarchy Inside" (2010) - DR Documentary on Working Lives of Danish Royal Family

    i was looking for the last three episodes but it seems that they didn't post it.. I only saw episode 5 and after that it always say that it is not available anymore. Can somebody tell me if they also have episodes 6 -8? and where can I see them with the English subtitles
  4. crownprincessrhey

    Wedding of William & Catherine: the Official Wedding Photos

    i just adored tom pettifer..cute pose. he was so jolly during the ceremony and love his pose where he leaned towards Kate
  5. crownprincessrhey

    Christening of Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine: April 14, 2011

    I just love watching Isabella..energetic little doll, isn't she? I read somewhere that she flashed the peace sign during the pictures, anybody has a link for it? And isn't Christian pretty adorable. playing the older brother role to the max. He was the one directing Isabella where to go and...
  6. crownprincessrhey

    General News about Frederik, Mary and Family 8: March - May 2011

    thanks for the English version of the series...I loved it even when I can't understand it, how much more when now I can understand what I am saying.
  7. crownprincessrhey

    Twin Prince and Princess for Frederik & Mary: January 8, 2011

    Thanks for the translations.congratulations to the family.a lot of people seems to be online today.finally,the twins are here.
  8. crownprincessrhey

    Twin Prince and Princess for Frederik & Mary: January 8, 2011

    can somebody provide a english translation of the press conference...
  9. crownprincessrhey

    Crown Princess Mary is Expecting Twins in January 2011

    I'm so excited for the twins to come out..I check every day...:)
  10. crownprincessrhey

    Frederik & Mary's Interview with German Vogue about Amalienborg: December 2010

    I really am sad that everytime I went online and read your posts, people are always criticizing Princess Mary. I don't know her very well so I am not the type to pass judgment on her. I just felt as if this forum has turned into a hate campaign for the princess. It appears that everything she...
  11. crownprincessrhey

    Prince Christian and Princess Isabella, Current Events 4: Dec. 2009 - February 2011

    saw the pics of christian and isabella at tivoli, Christian is really so cute to look at..
  12. crownprincessrhey

    Crown Prince Frederik, Current Events 3: September 2010 - May 2013

    I'm liking the older Frederick more and more...he seems to be more handsome as he ages...
  13. crownprincessrhey

    Prince Christian and Princess Isabella, Current Events 4: Dec. 2009 - February 2011

    I really love the pictures of Christian and Isabella....such heartwarming pics with their grandfather... In terms Bella's clothes, I mean,she's an active kid so I guess, she is not expected to wear things like Suri Cruise which I don't really approve of. maybe that is the way she likes it,my...
  14. crownprincessrhey

    Crown Princess Mary is Expecting Twins in January 2011

    i hope for a girl and boys..but then one posted that it's also nice to have all girls so that isabella can have someone to play with...on the other hand, it's nice to have all boys so isabella can still be the darling of the family
  15. crownprincessrhey

    General News about Frederik, Mary and Family 6: July - October 2010

    christian is so cute...he's getting more cuter everyday..and isabella seems very playful and would do what her big brother is doing...
  16. crownprincessrhey

    The Royal Family of The Netherlands, Current Events 3 (April 2007 - May 2013)

    this is so cute....amalia seems to have the makings of a queen already...i was never a fan of the triple A but with this one...I'm in love with Amalia
  17. crownprincessrhey

    Crown Prince Frederik's Old Girlfriends

    as for me, even if mary is not as beautiful as the exes...the important thing is she is a good support for the crown prince...i remember reading in a thread about queen ingrid and how completely opposites they are with the king but she was his rock and mary was compared to her..that she has...
  18. crownprincessrhey

    HRH Prince Nikolaos of Greece and Tatiana Blatnik: August 25, 2010

    how weird would it be if letizia is also pregnant, that's why she's out of sorts during the wedding...wouldn't it be too weird considering mary and her lives and its major events
  19. crownprincessrhey

    HRH Prince Nikolaos of Greece and Tatiana Blatnik: August 25, 2010

    i love the speech by king constantine...whimsical, cute with a touch of humor
  20. crownprincessrhey

    William and Harry: Contact with Foreign Royals

    It's a shame if William isn't acquainted with them as I think he could benefit from it since they all have the common factor of being a royal. Who else can really understand what it's like to be a royal except another royal? They could all be a great support system for each other...
  21. crownprincessrhey

    Frederik and Mary: Fashion Match

    politikgirl, it's off topic but just curious..where did you get the photo on your avatar...? when was it taken..just curious since it is a really nice shot
  22. crownprincessrhey

    General News about Frederik, Mary and Family 6: July - October 2010

    i think it's great that she has some time alone with her family...with the twins coming, she'll definitely have her hands full
  23. crownprincessrhey

    Your First Impressions Of Royals

    I think that we can't really say much about the personality of the person in a picture but still we have our own opinions mary: I felt that she was really unsure and shy but the more I know here she seems down to earth and nice. I guess, she seems assertive and is her own person. she seems to...
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