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  1. Regina

    Death and Funeral of Prince Friso: August 12 and 16, 2013

    I feel very sad about Prince Friso's death. Princess Mabel was a Very Brave wife, she never left her husband and only God can understands how she felt all this time. She was a real wife (for the good and the bad times). I feel so much for Princess Beatrix. She lost her beloved husband, now she...
  2. Regina

    Queen Beatrix Announces Abdication: January 28, 2013

    Máxima's parents won't be there, I understand why. But I can't understand why her brothers and sisters wont be present, they attended her wedding why not this ceremony?
  3. Regina

    Prince Friso in Critical Condition Following Skiing Accident: February 17, 2012

    What a strange post I must say. So you'll burn a candle (?) for him in order to see him dead? Do you know if Prince Friso is in extreme OR intractable pain? I am sure you don't. Did someone tell you that Friso has reached the point at which his body can no longer support life? You don't. So this...
  4. Regina

    Prince Charles-Philippe d'Orléans, Diana, Dss of Cadaval and Family: Feb 2008- 2022

    This interview is full of strange things from her. It's obvious she really dislike her half sisters. I agree Diana doesn't have to be cheerful about her half sisters if she doesn't like them, but saying that they behaved in a very bad way with her father without mentioning any fact seems such a...
  5. Regina

    Prince Charles-Philippe d'Orléans, Diana, Dss of Cadaval and Family: Feb 2008- 2022

    Ok, thanks Dalps :) It seems this prince is quite often involved in strange situations.
  6. Regina

    Prince Charles-Philippe d'Orléans, Diana, Dss of Cadaval and Family: Feb 2008- 2022

    This article explains what exactly was the operation of destabilization. Maybe someone could translate it. I think the problem was between him and an ophthalmological company called Théa. But I don't understand much more.
  7. Regina

    The Duke and Duchess of Bragança and Family: February 2008- December 2014

    The duchess was always against the idea of her children studying in "colégios internos" - boarding schools, as Colégio Militar. So, I find this news a bit strange. Elsa, you once posted that Afonso was having bullying problems at school. Do you know if this recent decision has something to do...
  8. Regina

    Princess Madeleine & Jonas Bergström Break Off Their Engagement: April 2010

    Ok, it seems Jonas behaved in a bad way. But it doesn't means he's going to be unhappy all his life just because he and princess Madeleine broke up. If he really-really wanted to marry a princess he would never do what he did... he is a smart man, he should know the risk was too high. So maybe...
  9. Regina

    Royal Family of Portugal 3: December 2007-

    Yes, Marengo, without people noticing it because people are very tolerant toward this kind of incidents, they don't mind. Trust me, even if the atheist group decided to flow a flag, people wouldn't say a word against it. I think portuguese people are very indifferent to everything, they don't...
  10. Regina

    Princess Madeleine & Jonas Bergström Break Off Their Engagement: April 2010

    Very good post, IMO. I hope all the best for Madeilene's future.
  11. Regina

    Claims to the Portuguese Throne

    Science :flowers:, I'm glad to hear such a good opinion about Dr. van Uden. It only confirms what I already thought about this family. I hope D. Francisco's sons become so good professionals as their grandfather! :smile:
  12. Regina

    Pascua Militar (2004-2014)

    It seems princess Letizia is not wearing the same dress again, as she did in previous Pascuas Militares :biggrin:
  13. Regina

    Engagement of Prince Nikolaos & Tatiana Blatnik 28 Dec 2009 & pre-wedding information

    Great news! I believe Tatiana will make a beautiful bride and now, after the official statement, I hope to know a bit more about this future princess. Lots of happiness! :flowers:
  14. Regina

    Princess Tatjana (1973- ) and Philipp von Lattorff (1968- ) and Family

    I guess Tatjana didn't say "I don't like Prince Felipe" but "Prince Felipe is not my kind of man". Hola magazine made a whole article about this statement some years ago... I guess Tatjana's refusal was a big disappointment to the spanish magazine at the moment :biggrin:
  15. Regina

    Dutch State Visit to Mexico: November 3-6, 2009

    heheheh! That was funny, Marengo :lol: I don't like to read about bad organized events... They had so much time to prepare everything... I know that unexpected things can happen but driving a Queen to a wrong event, etc, looks horrible. The royals look great, especially Máxima. I dislike her...
  16. Regina

    "Queen Sofia Up Close" by Pilar Urbano (2008)

    It looks like an interesting book. I don't know if the Queen will like to see the questions she didn't answer published... :ermm:
  17. Regina

    Royal House of Georgia 1: Ending 2020

    I hope they remain together. Before the wedding, I was thrilled with the scenario of a new Reigning House in Europe... Venezuela, Brazil and Caribbean... Three wonderful places to spend a honeymoon!
  18. Regina

    Royal Family of Portugal 3: December 2007-

    I didn't say King JC and Brook Shirlds are close cousins. In fact, the article says that they are cousins in "terceiro grau". They are not close cousins but they are still cousins lol
  19. Regina

    Crown Princess Mary, Current Events 9: March 2008 - September 2010

    I have to agree with Melina. Being a crown princess is not an easy task... Wait! It may be easy to be a crwon princess but it's Very Difiicult to be a "good and professional crown princess", IMO. Princess Mary has everything to be a wonderful princess as she is: she's calm and peaceful, she...
  20. Regina

    Homes of Infantas Pilar and Margarita

    An, I didn't find Pilar & Margarita's jewelry in the Royal Jewels' thread. You can search in the Infanta's thread Maybe you can find them wearing beautiful royal jewelry :smile: Villa Giralda today: 1 2 Except for the cat and the gate it looks very much like it did in those days...
  21. Regina

    Homes of Infantas Pilar and Margarita

    Villa Giralda is in Estoril, Portugal! :biggrin: For more information, please see my post here
  22. Regina

    Royal Family of Portugal 3: December 2007-

    Thanks for the article, Elsa. I had NO idea that the actress Brook Shields and King Juan Carlos are cousins!... :biggrin: Brook's paternal grandmother was Marina Torlonia (1916-1960), daughter of the Italian 4th Prince of Civitella-Cesi, an Italian aristocrat, and through him Brooke can claim...
  23. Regina

    Portuguese Nobility

    Hi, Thank you very much, José for your last post! :flowers: Very interesting as I expected ;) I really enjoy searching all these portuguese families geneology because in that search you always find someone you know. Then you can relate one family with another and at the end... this is...
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