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  1. jonc93

    King Juan Carlos's Health Issues

    Yes they are in fact very common in Europe but not amongst average people especially considering Spains unemployment rate has just reached 26%. I have no problem with seeing her in luxury vehicles but I'm sure that the 1 in 4 adults unemployed sure will, considering her and her husband are only...
  2. jonc93

    King Juan Carlos's Health Issues

    I wonder if it was a good Idea to have Infanta Cristina, or anyone in the royal family arrive in a Mercedes considering the scandal surrounding her her husband and is now spreading to her family. That is just my opinion, but I can see people going through tough times being infuriated over the...
  3. jonc93

    The Duchess of Cambridge is pregnant!

    Congratulations to the couple! Very exciting news.
  4. jonc93

    Greek Royal Palaces and Residences

    I believe King Constantine by himself can not although if he wanted to buy it he has many "friends" who would be able to help him. But surely Pavlos and Marie Chantal can afford to purchase repair and upkeep tatoi.
  5. jonc93

    Greek Royal Palaces and Residences

    Because its their property that was confiscated by the "democratic" regime. If the house was never taken from them and never left to fall in such a sad state of disrepair they could easily maintain it but the way it is now only Pavlos and Marie Chantal could afford to fix it.
  6. jonc93

    HI&RH Archduke Imre of Austria & Miss Kathleen Walker: 8 September 2012

    But William has a real title, that was on the wedding programs and on his official documentation he may have used his regular name in vows but was referred to as a Prince in the wedding Ceremony. Anyway comparing the titles & weddings of Imre and William is comparing apples and goats, they are...
  7. jonc93

    HI&RH Archduke Imre of Austria & Miss Kathleen Walker: 8 September 2012

    Royal titles are hereditary if the Monarchy exists, if the Monarchy doesn't exist they are courtesy titles. That's why we see King Constantine of Greece (and others) being called former King of Greece. The titles of the Habsburgs are just Courtesy titles, even they recognize that because in his...
  8. jonc93

    HI&RH Archduke Imre of Austria & Miss Kathleen Walker: 8 September 2012

    If it wasn't for the Duke and Duchess of Braganca, the Luxembourg royals and a few select other guests I wouldn't have known this is a royal wedding. 1) Black Stretch Hummer as transportation? I mean my family isn't royal and when my cousin was married his Bride traveled in a white Rolls Royce...
  9. jonc93

    Death of Comtesse Alix de Lannoy: August 26, 2012

    How unfortunate, my sympathies to the family. Here I thought that her father might not make it to the wedding but it happened to be her mother. Lets hope her father stays strong and lasts to the wedding as its not uncommon for elderly couples to pass away close to each other.
  10. jonc93

    Henri, Comte de Paris (1933-2019), Head of the Royal House of France, wives & family

    The Orleans family never seems to get along or be united unless it is a event with lots of cameras and media attention, then all the cousins come out in full force...
  11. jonc93

    Engagement of Andrea Casiraghi and Tatiana Santo Domingo; 2 July 2012

    Congratulations to the couple if it's true! I can see it being true since Andrea is not titled and is a private citizen, the family may have made the decision to keep the engagement and wedding private and not an official matter.
  12. jonc93

    Prince Charles-Philippe d'Orléans, Diana, Dss of Cadaval and Family: Feb 2008- 2022

    I for one hope he wins, Monarchy is never coming back to France and at least he realizes that and is finding new ways to help the French people. The Foundation of Monarchy after all is represent and serve the people.
  13. jonc93

    Guillaume and Stéphanie: Wedding Suggestions and Musings

    I expect the Duke and Duchess of Braganca will attend since they attended Henri and Maria's silver anniversary. Duarte always says that the two families are quite close so it will be nice to see him there.
  14. jonc93

    Engagement of HGD Guillaume & Countess Stéphanie de Lannoy: April 26, 2012

    Congratulations to the couple, I wonder if they will have a quick engagement or a rather long one.
  15. jonc93

    Greek Royal Family current events & pictures 1: January 2003 - February 2016

    Tatiana doesn't look pregnant in that photo...
  16. jonc93

    The Prince and Princess of Prussia: August 2011-

    I think they should enjoy married life for a bit longer before having kids, Although I'm sure Georg wants to produce an heir.
  17. jonc93

    Infanta D. Maria Adelaide is 100! (Jan 2012); Death on 24 February 2012

    Not much coverage, the only photos are scanned from magazines here: Família Real Portuguesa: S.A.R., DOM DUARTE DE BRAGANÇA RELEMBROU A CARIDADE CRISTÃ DA SUA TIA, POR OCASIÃO DA MISSA DE 7º DIA
  18. jonc93

    Princely House of Hohenzollern

    That whole wedding is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen, Royal wanna bees is all I see.
  19. jonc93

    The Prince and Princess of Prussia: August 2011-

    I'm sure the $2 million will be much more useful to him then keeping the diamond in a vault, and I don't blame him! It could even sell for more since the Liz Taylor one sold for $8 million and they're similar in size. Plus Sotheby's always underestimates the value of jewels from What I've seen.
  20. jonc93

    Prince Charles-Philippe d'Orléans, Diana, Dss of Cadaval and Family: Feb 2008- 2022

    I did not know in Portugal you could take the baby home without a carseat, I thought it was mandatory, I guess not.
  21. jonc93

    Prince Friso in Critical Condition Following Skiing Accident: February 17, 2012

    I am so sorry to hear this news, my thoughts and prayers with the Dutch Royal Family. I know how hard this must be for them, I have an aunt that suffered brain damage from lack of oxygen to the brain.
  22. jonc93

    Infanta D. Maria Adelaide is 100! (Jan 2012); Death on 24 February 2012

    Death of the Infanta Today HH Infanta Dona Maria Adelaide de Bragança van Uden has passed only 24 days after celebrating her 100th birthday on January 31st. She was the last living granddaughter of King Miguel I of Portugal. RIP your Highness. Família Real Portuguesa: IN MEMORIAM: PARTIU...
  23. jonc93

    Royal Deaths Announcements 2012

    Death of the Infanta Dona Maria of Portugal, age 100 Today HH Infanta Dona Maria Adelaide de Bragança van Uden has passed only 24 days after celebrating her 100th birthday on January 31st. She was the last living granddaughter of King Miguel I of Portugal. RIP your Highness. Família Real...
  24. jonc93

    Victoria & Daniel's 1st Baby - Guess the Sex, Name and Godparents

    Congratulations to Victoria and Daniel! Also interesting we had 2 royal babies born on consecutive days, a luck year for royal watchers!
  25. jonc93

    Prince Charles-Philippe d'Orléans, Diana, Dss of Cadaval and Family: Feb 2008- 2022

    Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess and the young princess Isabelle! Today is also the day of St. Isabelle of France, so two reasons to name her Isabel. On the official announcement it is said the family will live between Estoril & Evora. Isabelle weighs 3.610 kilos. The official...
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