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  1. tenngirl

    Archduchess Sofia of Habsburg & Prince Mariano Hugo zu Windisch-Graetz 1990

    MAFan, Thanks for your response. That was the picture I was thinking of but I didn't realize she might have been in a wheelchair. What a tragedy, I think she died (if I figured correctly) at 26! She was a beautiful girl who looked great on her wedding day, I don't think she looks sick at...
  2. tenngirl

    Archduchess Sofia of Habsburg & Prince Mariano Hugo zu Windisch-Graetz 1990

    I have a question about the bride's sister, Archduchess Elisabeth, mentioned earlier in this thread. I saw a picture of Elisabeth's wedding in 1982 that said she died in 1983 of a brain tumor. Her groom had no title and I was curious: Did her family know she had the tumor when she married...
  3. tenngirl

    Best-Looking Royals

    I cannot place Prince Amadeo from Belgium (SP???). Can someone help me with a picture??? Thanks! Tenngirl
  4. tenngirl

    People Magazine Special and Book about the Royals

    I had not seen this yet. There was one last year about the Royals, this isn't the same one, is it? If you get it, I hope that you do a book report! I want to find out if it has stuff on the other Princesses! Tenngirl
  5. tenngirl

    1982: Diana's Fall

    Marg, Why was she a force to be reckoned with? Because she was pregnant with the heir? Tenngirl
  6. tenngirl

    Diana: The Most Beautiful or Famous Woman of the 20th Century?

    Rosalyn, I am curious what you mean by her eyes. Were they not level or something? Or is that even possible? I am a big fan of Diana's and have looked at MANY pictures of her. I always like to see something different! Tenngirl
  7. tenngirl

    New books marking the tenth anniversary of Diana's death

    I think the DianaStyle looks interesting. Hopefully, it will have new pictures! Thank you for posting these. I did not realize there were so many new ones coming out.
  8. tenngirl

    70th Birthday Celebrations of King Harald V of Norway

    I thought that Cristina's dress looked navy or black (I haven't been able to see a really good picture yet!) Would that be showing respect to Letizia's sister? Even though she was not Royal or related? Just curious! Tenngirl
  9. tenngirl

    Most Beautiful Oriental Royal Lady?

    Thank you very much! I think Lalla Soukaina is very pretty. Tenngirl
  10. tenngirl

    Most Beautiful Oriental Royal Lady?

    Would it be possible for anyone to post pictures of the different women? Obviously, I know what Queen Noor, Princess Haya, Lalla Salma and Princess Noor look like but I can't really place the other names with a face. Thank you! Tenngirl
  11. tenngirl

    Princess Mabel's Fashion and Style Part 1: November 2006 - September 2021

    I agree, these shoes are quite interesting! Those red ones are AWFUL but they matched the dress, YUCK. I really didn't like the pearls heels either. It seemed overdone. I wonder if Mabel dresses so differently to get attention? Maybe she wishes she would get more attention like Laurentin. I...
  12. tenngirl

    It's a Girl for Pieter-Christiaan & Anita - Emma Francisca Catharina: Nov. 28, 2006

    Did she have the baby at the hospital? Will we have any pictures later? Do you think any of the Royal Family will visit her and the little one? I am hoping for a new picture of Aimee!!!!:flowers: Although I know she isn't really part of the Royals anymore..... Tenngirl PS So was she born...
  13. tenngirl

    Questions about Queen Beatrix

    I apologize for asking a stupid question, but what did Prince Claus die of? Wasn't he really sick for a few years? I am thinking I should remember this, but I can't! Tenngirl
  14. tenngirl

    Where Does Everyone See The Monarchy in 50 to 100 Years?

    Actually, we vote our Presidents in and out every four years. The longest a President can serve is two terms. Our President can be impeached by Congress. Can the Queen be impeached? I think what Next Star is trying to say is that Monarchy seems to be a weight to people that a Republic is...
  15. tenngirl

    State Visit from Jordan to The Netherlands: October 30-November 2, 2006

    Thank you for the links! I think Aimee's dress is pretty, but I have one complaint: why is it PINK???:ohmy: She is such a pretty girl but she always shows up in pink!!! I love her but she needs to change to a different color! Tenngirl
  16. tenngirl

    Willem-Alexander & Máxima Visit Australia & New Zealand: October 23-November 4, 2006

    I didn't realize they had had three days of vacation. I mean, come on, how much pressure could he have been under? Is it true that they took a helicopter ride on this vacation? Or was this over to New Zealand? I was just wondering since the Princess was not able to fly earlier, it just seemed...
  17. tenngirl

    State Visit from Jordan to The Netherlands: October 30-November 2, 2006

    I can't believe we can't see Aimee! :bang: My absolute favorite! I agree that Princess Noor seems to be a sweetheart. Tenngirl
  18. tenngirl

    Questions about Queen Beatrix

    I was looking at some pictures of the Queen today with Prince Claus and I had a thought. What would happen if the Queen married again? Supposing that he would be acceptable to the government (I think they would have to approve?) could they just get married? Obviously, she would still be the...
  19. tenngirl

    Avatars, Fanart and Magazine Covers of Diana, Princess of Wales

    Thanks for your help everyone! I had not put that outfit together in that color. I am surprised that the editors would do that, what would be the point? That second outfit that Squidgy linked was wild. I had no idea that the picture was photoshopped. Well, now that my faith in pictures...
  20. tenngirl

    Gender, Name and Godparent Speculation for Mary's Second Pregnancy

    Do you think the long wait was because he was the heir? Did Joachim and Alexandra wait for a long time to announce the name, too? I think Dagmar would be cool, since Mary was at the burial and was having some "sickness" there! I just hope that: 1. it is an intelligent name, something that...
  21. tenngirl

    Where Does Everyone See The Monarchy in 50 to 100 Years?

    Hasn't Blair taken the Queen out of government in some respects? It seems like the jails are no longer in her name, etc., I think! Along with some other things.... I deeply respect Queen Elizabeth and if the monarchy goes, I hope she is resting in peace by then. Hopefully, not for 10 years or...
  22. tenngirl

    Where Does Everyone See The Monarchy in 50 to 100 Years?

    With all the changes taking place in Europe, do you really think there will be a monarchy anywhere? I am just wondering since the population is dwindling, will there be anyone left to pay for it? I hope so, because I really want to be 90 years old and still checking out the fashion! Tenngirl
  23. tenngirl

    Avatars, Fanart and Magazine Covers of Diana, Princess of Wales

    Which outfit is this? Is it the red and black coat that she wore to Canada in 1986? I think the hat is the same. Thank you!
  24. tenngirl

    WA & Máxima with Philippe & Mathilde at Rubens in Brueghel Samen Exposition: 19.10.06

    Thanks Lady Jean!! I do like Mathilde's outfit, she always, well almost always, looks perfect. There are a few outfits down through the years that I have not enjoyed but the majority of the time, she excels. However, I still can't get over the stockings!!!:ohmy:
  25. tenngirl

    WA & Máxima with Philippe & Mathilde at Rubens in Brueghel Samen Exposition: 19.10.06

    I think Maxima looks very nice today and I am impressed. However, I am surprised that Mathilde is wearing black stockings with grey shoes. Should the fashion police be calling? :sad: I always thought that you only wore black stockings with black shoes. Am I behind the times???:lol:
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