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  1. R

    British Royal Family Engagements: 2022 - 2023

    Do we have enough working royals? Perhaps Prince and Princess Michael should be given official roles? Alternatively Beatrice and/or Eugenie could finally be utilised on a part time basis.
  2. R

    Duties and Roles of Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie 2: Discussion Sep 2022 -

    There is no need for either sister to become a full time working royal but I see no reason why they couldn't take on a few more patronages and do a handful of engagements a year. There is a shortage of younger royals
  3. R

    General Discussion about Royal Residences 2: Sep 2022 -

    There would be an interesting reallocation of residences in the future, if Camilla was to outlive Charles Camilla obviously has her own home, Ray Mil House, but woykd the new King William be likely to let his stepmum keep hold of Clarence House and Birkhall, if she so wished?
  4. R

    British Royal Family Engagements: 2022 - 2023

    I understand that William has three young children and a wife who has been ill, but he seriously needs to increase his contribution to the royal workload this year, particularly given the King's recent diagnosis.
  5. R

    Royal Lodge, Windsor

    It would make a lot of sense for Andrew to take the opportunity to downsize, particularly if he could cone to a financial agreement with Charles. Andrews financial, working and social lives have all evaporated so there is no need for such a large residence any more.
  6. R


    Any news about Charles's continued use of Highgrove since becoming King?
  7. R

    Princess Alexandra of Kent 2: Sep 2022 -

    Has Alexandra' now retired? She has looked very frail this year.
  8. R

    British Royal Family Engagements: 2022 - 2023

    Has any reason been given for Princess Alexandra's absence so far this year?
  9. R

    Wales Residences: Kensington Palace, Adelaide Cottage & Anmer Hall

    Charles spent a significant amount of time at Birkhall over the last 20 years. Would the new Wales family have as much use for a holiday home on the Balmoral estate?
  10. R

    Royal Wealth and Finances 2: Sep 2022 -

    If William was to pass away while he is was Duke of Cornwall, what would happen to the proceeds from the Duchy of Cornwall? Would Catherine still be able to receive an allowance from it to fund the royal duties and lifestyle of herself and her children?
  11. R

    General Discussion about Royal Residences 2: Sep 2022 -

    The changes to royal residences in the past year have been very low key indeed: * Charles has given up his Welsh property * The Sussexes have vacated Frogmore Cottage * Andrew was reportedly asked to move but is staying put
  12. R

    General Discussion about Royal Residences 2: Sep 2022 - Interesting articles. I wonder how many staff lost their jobs...
  13. R

    British Royal Family Engagements: 2022 - 2023

    Out of interest, how old were William and Harry when they started taking on their very first patronages and doing their first solo engagements? Presumably this was well before they became full time royals.
  14. R

    British Royal Family Engagements: 2022 - 2023

    The late Queen's cousins contribute a combined 15% of the engagements carried out by the BRF. This is roughly what Charles and Anne each carry out. How necessary is the presence of the Gloucesters, Alexandra and Duke of Kent to the BRF? Would the retirement of any of them have a noticeable...
  15. R

    British Royal Family Engagements: 2022 - 2023

    Are we likely to see an increase in William's workload over the coming year? He is currently on around a third of the number of engagements of Charles and Anne, although obviously he does have a young family to focus on too.
  16. R

    General Discussion about Royal Residences 2: Sep 2022 -

    If I was Charles, I would prefer to spend a few weeks each Christmas at Balmoral with the whole family. Likewise, Easter at Sandringham. This would free up the summer months for tourists.
  17. R

    General Discussion about Royal Residences 2: Sep 2022 -

    Wouldn't it make more sense for the royal family to make use of the castle outside of the main tourist season altogether, eg in March or October rather than August?
  18. R

    General Discussion about Royal Residences 2: Sep 2022 -

    It will be interesting in 20 years time to see where the Wales children end up living. I expect CH will be earmarked for George and apartments at KP for his siblings. Without them occupying these residences, they may well be empty of royal occupants by then.
  19. R

    General Discussion about Royal Residences 2: Sep 2022 -

    I was under the impression that they had Frogmore Cottage and also their cottage at KP at the same time though this appears not to be the case.
  20. R

    General Discussion about Royal Residences 2: Sep 2022 -

    If they were still working royals under the new monarch, surely the Sussexes would have been given a second residence by now?
  21. R

    General Discussion about Royal Residences 2: Sep 2022 -

    When the Sussexes stepped down as working royals, obviously they were living at Frogmore Cottage. What happened to their cottage at Kensington Palace?
  22. R

    General Discussion about Royal Residences 2: Sep 2022 -

    Charles probably considers himself to have 3 actual homes: Clarence House, Highgrove and Birkhall. The others are just places he stays at various times throughout the year.
  23. R

    General Discussion about Royal Residences 2: Sep 2022 -

    Both are owned by the reigning monarch in right of the Crown. The question was in relation to the exceedingly large number of residences which Charles now has the use of.
  24. R

    General Discussion about Royal Residences 2: Sep 2022 -

    Is there any necessity for Charles to actually have an actual residence at Windsor Castle? One of the simplest ways of reducing his number of residences is probably not to acquire new ones.
  25. R

    General Discussion about Royal Residences 2: Sep 2022 -

    There is still a considerable number of residences used by the BRF. I expect the leases on Tamarisk and the Romanian property to be ended next. The Sussexes appear to have vacated their property. Andrew appears to be staying put. I expect the Wales family will move into Windsor Castle soon to...
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