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  1. LibrarianDaisy

    King Frederik X and Queen Mary, Current Events Part 1: January 2024 -

    I’ve just been rewatching the documentary about the renovations of the gardens at Fredensborg and in it Queen Margrethe said that when she became her father’s heir at 13 one of the things that she was really pleased about was the fact that she would live at Fredensborg for the rest of her life.
  2. LibrarianDaisy

    King Frederik X, Current Events Part 1: January 2024 -

    I’ve always admired this tradition in Denmark
  3. LibrarianDaisy

    Denmark : Abdication & Accession Day - January 14, 2024

    So I’m taking from that that Queen Margrethe had told her sister beforehand as she told her daughter to make sure to watch the New Year speech.
  4. LibrarianDaisy

    King Albert II & Queen Paola - Current Events Part 5

    Pictures from yesterday evening’s event - I don’t know if you can be seen on any of them Maria-Olivia? Xx Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel on Instagram: "#TributeConcert - Look back on an exceptional evening dedicated to our former charismatic leader & gifted CEO, Bernard de Launoit. One year after...
  5. LibrarianDaisy

    Denmark : Abdication & Accession Day - January 14, 2024

    I loved the bit when Christian went and got his farmor's stick for her.
  6. LibrarianDaisy

    Queen Margrethe II announces Abdication for January 14, 2024

    I was watching her speech live and couldn’t believe it - I wasn’t certain if I’d understood it correctly. I’m sad and happy at the same time (hope you all understand!)
  7. LibrarianDaisy

    Royal Family of Belgium - Current Events Part 9 (Jan 2019 - present)

    Definitely reminds me of her Grandmother
  8. LibrarianDaisy

    Third Baby for Amadeo and Elisabetta: Alix

    Yes, Christian has just become Godfather to Prince Gustav and Princess Carina of Berleberg’s child (Princess Benedikte of Denmark’s grandchild).
  9. LibrarianDaisy

    Queen Margrethe: Work as an Artist and Scenographer

    I really enjoyed watching the Making Of documentary which made me even more impressed than I was already of QM’s talents and intellect. Am looking forward to watching the movie sometime this weekend. Apart from anything else it promises to be a real visual feast thanks to Her Majesty’s talent.
  10. LibrarianDaisy

    Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik Picture Thread, Part 1

    I enjoyed watching the ‘Making of’ yesterday and was even more impressed with HM’s artistic vision than I was already. Am looking forward to watching the movie over the weekend as it looks like a real visual treat thanks to Her Majesty.
  11. LibrarianDaisy

    Danish Royal Family Christmas: 2003, 2004, 2006-2014, 2016-2023

    i found this useful website that explains all the different colours of advent candles. Apparently green ones represent faith or the spiritual life when used during Advent.
  12. LibrarianDaisy

    Royal Family of Belgium - Current Events Part 9 (Jan 2019 - present)

    You're very welcome. I should really be thanking you for all the amazing links you always provide on these boards x
  13. LibrarianDaisy

    Royal Family of Belgium - Current Events Part 9 (Jan 2019 - present)

    Apparently Queen Paola passed her presidency of Missing Children Europe to Queen Mathilde that evening.
  14. LibrarianDaisy

    Death of Queen Elizabeth II - Pre-Funeral Discussion and Reception

    Also, King Charles is Pavlos’ Godfather and King Constantine is William’s Godfather
  15. LibrarianDaisy

    Queen Margrethe's Fashion and Style Part 4: December 2019 - July 2023

    Agree - love the colour combo but also love the earrings! Not many women of her age could get away with them (or any age come to that :whistling:) but QM can :flowers:
  16. LibrarianDaisy

    Queen Margrethe: Work as an Artist and Scenographer

    It's actually a chasuble. A surplice is a plain white garment that is worn over a cassock. (I'm a lay minister in the Church of England) xx
  17. LibrarianDaisy

    General News about the Danish Royal Family Part 4: August 2021 -

    I must confess, although I don't speak Danish, I use the Danish version of the site as it has much more content than the English version (and seems to be kept more up to date). I get my web browser to translate it for me which isn't always perfect but I can usually work out what is meant. I've...
  18. LibrarianDaisy

    General News about the Danish Royal Family Part 4: August 2021 -

    Yes, I have. What is it you are looking for? In the top right hand corner is the menu link and there are loads of links on there.
  19. LibrarianDaisy

    Danish State Visit to Germany: November 10-13, 2021

    It's because cigarettes themselves are biodegradable - the bit that isn't is the filter (They contain cellulose acetate, a type of plastic). Obviously better not to smoke at all but if you're 81 and have been a heavy smoker of unfiltered cigarettes since your late teens I don't think she'll...
  20. LibrarianDaisy

    King Albert II & Queen Paola - Current Events Part 5

    You’re welcome. One of the positives that has come out of this pandemic is that more things have become available online (Death and the maiden is one of my favourites). I’ve always admired the way Queen Paola has never fought the ageing process but has gone with it gracefully.
  21. LibrarianDaisy

    King Albert II & Queen Paola - Current Events Part 5

    I watched the concert on YouTube and it was nice to see them both. I saw they had what looked like a granddaughter with them but I couldn’t work out which one but Princess Louise makes sense. This is a link to the concert
  22. LibrarianDaisy

    Queen Margrethe's Summer Tour aboard the Dannebrog: 2015 - 2023

    Mange tak Muhler. That’s a lovely picture of QM (better than mine!) and I always love seeing her in the National costumes of Greenland and the Faroe Islands. It’s just as well she found a husband who liked dressing up as much as she did,lol!
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