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  1. Bryce

    The Royal Family Order (RFO) and other Royal Orders and Decorations 1: Ending 2022

    I think that it is highly unlikely that HM will bestow the Garter on Camilla - she is much more likely to receive it from her husband once he is King. HM has only bestowed the Garter to member of the Blood Royal. HRH The Prince of Wales HRH The Duke of Kent HRH The Princess Royal HRH The Duke...
  2. Bryce

    Bowing and Curtseying

    I am not 100% sure what the exact protocol is but, if you watch any church service that the Queen attends, members of the BRF (and others) acknowledge her presence with a bow or curtsy when HM reaches her pew... and also when she leaves it. I would assume that the same happens here. They...
  3. Bryce

    The Royal Family Order (RFO) and other Royal Orders and Decorations 1: Ending 2022

    MY guess is that all of the new RFOs' will be made of glass or something other than ivory - maybe porcelain for example. From the photos I have seen so far, it looks quite good.
  4. Bryce

    Bowing and Curtseying

    Like many things, a curtsy looks bad if it is done poorly. The Prime Minister's curtsy is a bit awkward (her legs too far apart) and perhaps unneedingly low. Here is a photo of The Duchess of Cambridge curtsying to The King of The Belgians. Even in day attire it looks quick, slight and...
  5. Bryce

    Crown Prince Frederik's 50th Birthday Celebrations: May 2018

    Can anyone provide a list / summary of the medals worn by Prince Nikolia at his uncle's birthday gala. Thanks in advance!
  6. Bryce

    Royal Orders and Decorations

    Prince Nikolia at CP Frederick's birthday Can anyone provide a list / summary of the medals worn by Prince Nikolia at his uncle's birthday gala. Thanks in advance!
  7. Bryce

    The Honours thread 1: Until 2022

    I think that The Queen bestows honours on those deserving of them and for specific effort. Charles, Anne and William have all had a lot to do with Scotland and continue to work tirelessly for Scottish charities, organizations and causes. I cannot say with any degree of certainty, but I do...
  8. Bryce

    Orders & Sashes

    Dear Rudolph You are correct that Prince Philip wore the Order of Merit as a neck badge but I think that the stars being worn were the Order of Charles III and his Garter Star.
  9. Bryce

    Royal Orders and Decorations

    Maybe since everyone else is "collarless" HM felt this was a more appropriate option?? And you are right - it must be more comfortable without the collar which I am sure is weighty. Thanks for the info re Victoria's / Albert's granting of the order...quite interesting!
  10. Bryce

    Royal Orders and Decorations

    Thanks Spheno I edited my original post and picture later when I found a picture that showed both stars. Looks like the picture changed but not my post. I'll try to re-edit.
  11. Bryce

    Royal Orders and Decorations

    For the recent Spanish State Dinner... For the recent Spanish State Dinner... Prince Philip wore the breast star or The Order of Charles III and his Garter star. It is hard to see in most of the photos but a bit easier is you watch a video of the Royal progression into the ballroom for the...
  12. Bryce

    Bowing and Curtseying

    Spanish kisses Prince Charles gives King Felipe a double kiss and head bob when they meet. Camilla gives a kiss and curtsy to each. I notice too that Prince Philip gives His Majesty a head bob. No so for Queen Letizia who is of the same rank as he. See time frame 5:00.
  13. Bryce

    Orders & Sashes

    For members of her family, HM seems to favour the Garter for only direct members of the family (i.e. of the Blood Royal) rather than those who have married into the British Royal family (such as the Duchesses of Gloucester, Kent and the Countess of Wessex) who usually progress through the ranks...
  14. Bryce

    Orders & Sashes

    Prince Philip would be wearing the breast star or The Order of Charles III and his Garter star. It is hard to see in most of the photos but a bit easier is you watch a video of the Royal progression into the ballroom for the State Dinner. Prince Charles wears his star of the Order of Charles...
  15. Bryce

    Orders & Sashes

    I was wondering the same thing. The Princess Royal, The Duke of York and Prince Harry all escorted TM's on various parts of their State Visit and as a thank you have been presented with The Order of Isabella the Catholic. There are a number of grades to this Order and I am wondering if...
  16. Bryce

    Orders & Sashes

  17. Bryce

    Royal Protocol and Etiquette

    The Countess of Wessex said of The DofE that he was a "gentleman" and a "gentle man". He was raised in an age where manners and politeness where taught to be second nature (although, maybe not so much political correctness). I am sure his positioning is as much "ladies first" as it is...
  18. Bryce

    Bowing and Curtseying

    Knowing that, in my example, CP Mary was not brought-up royal I said "This is how they have been brought-up/taught." In my opinion, there is nothing old fashioned about respect.
  19. Bryce

    Bowing and Curtseying

    I think that the Royal Houses all have their set protocol when dealing with family both publicly and privately. If you go back a few threads and view the video I posted of the Windsors at a family garden party, they all pay compliments to The Queen and The Queen Mother but not to each other...
  20. Bryce

    Order of Precedence 1: Ending 2022

    I think that the Royals (and by that I mean all of the ruling houses) do know the protocol - but I do not think it is a country by country thing. I think that the princes and princesses bow/curtsy to a monarch because that is the respectful thing to do i.e. acknowledge the position. I do not...
  21. Bryce

    Bowing and Curtseying

    Christening of Prince Oskar, Duke of Skane While watching the service, I thought it interesting how, as the King and Queen approached the alter, it seem that the only people to pay respects to them were the foreign royals - namely CP Mary and CP Hakkon.
  22. Bryce

    Royal Orders and Decorations

    Thanks for taking the time to answer those (long ago) posts Von Schlesian. Your answers are much appreciated - I will update my notes accordingly. Here's another you may know the answer to... I have notice that the DofE usually only wears 2 breast stars with naval uniform but 3 or 4 with army...
  23. Bryce

    The Royal Family Order (RFO) and other Royal Orders and Decorations 1: Ending 2022

    Quote from Angela - "...Queen Elizabeth has made the whole RFO thing unnecessarily complicated..." Personally, I do not think so. This is not a badge of office like a Lady-in-Waiting wears. This as an gift from the Sovereign. Queen Victoria's Family Order had 4 classes and could be awarded...
  24. Bryce

    Order of Precedence 1: Ending 2022

    No doubt it may depend on the circumstances of the event, but I think you would be right. The Princess Royal would come before Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie for example as she is the daughter of the monarch (vs. granddaughter) and the girls elder. I think that the royal family are quite...
  25. Bryce

    The Royal Family Order (RFO) and other Royal Orders and Decorations 1: Ending 2022

    Jack, I am not sure if your theory works as Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret received their Grandfatrher's RFO (George V) when they were quite young in 1935
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