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  1. D

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    I think the questioning was over the term Nigerian as an ethnicity. As Rael explained: "Nobody can be 43% Nigerian. It doesn't exist. You have to be part of one of the 250 tribes and some of those tribes exist in Ghana or Cameroon" Because of European colonialism modern day borders in Africa...
  2. D

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    An interesting read thank you. I too noticed that there has been an absence of central government involvement. No meeting with the president or first lady for example.
  3. D

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    I will happily concede that Harry is a natural with people & Meghan comes across as charming but I don’t want either of them representing my country. Nothing to do with hate but a dislike for much of they’ve publicly said & done. If they want to make a public apology for their behaviour &...
  4. D

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    References in the Nigerian media to: “British royals” “Britain’s Prince Harry” “the British prince” Also, during the official military welcome, the duke was referred to as both royal highness & highness. Not to mention being fanfared by a rather distinct bugle rendition of The Royal Salute...
  5. D

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    Not if he isn't living when there is a demise of the crown & the accession of a minor. Even more complicated if the Princess of Wales was not living either. Mods, please move to a more appropriate thread if needed.
  6. D

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    Why indeed. I understand the reason why this has happened (as explained up thread) but it's outrageous that this person's actions has cost the taxpaper anything whatsoever. An even more interesting question would be about any regency as he remains the highest ranked adult in the LofS after the...
  7. D

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    Well isn’t that just fine & dandy. Multi millionaire gets a 10% hand out from muggins the British taxpayer.
  8. D

    Frogmore House, Windsor

    Some information from the RCT about Mary Moser & a view of her work at Frogmore.
  9. D

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    I really really don’t like sports like polo or steeplechasing. I think they should be banned. We shouldn’t be using animals like this for entertainment. It was the Grand National today in England. I never watch.
  10. D

    Royal Maundy Service: 2023 - present

    Republic here are very wide of the mark. Let’s put this into some sort of context. The spouse of a head of state attends a religious service during a faith’s most holy season. During which citizens are recognised for trying to follow the good example of that religion’s founder. Why would...
  11. D

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    And the former wife of the last heir apparent only became well known because of who she married not for any other reason But it is true that Diana was popular in the US & yes there do seem to be some Americans (weird as it may seem to us in Britain) who seem to think he's something special...
  12. D

    Princess of Wales Undergoing Cancer Treatment

    I’m not sure I agree with this NYT article at all. The rf would be a lot better off if interest in them was minimal. We have a monarch because we are a constitutional monarchy not because of the existence of the rf. The monarch’s relatives don’t have to be public figures at all if they don’t...
  13. D

    Princess of Wales Undergoing Cancer Treatment

    You know what. I hope a lot of people feel bloody ashamed with themselves after much of the revolting tripe that has been written & posted about this poor women in the last few days. Bloody livid with much of the media & internet. They have learnt NOTHING since the death of Diana. I hope...
  14. D

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    Sounds like a pretty appropriate place for it actually.;)
  15. D

    General News for the Wales Family 2: March 2024-

    Off course they will. The British people are not stupid. They know when someone is being bullied.
  16. D

    General News for the Wales Family 2: March 2024-

    I think for once red tops like: The Sun (Lay off Kate, stop bullying over edited picture) The Star (Soz, she admits the heinous crime of being pretty dodgy over at photo shop) make some actual sense. Much of the media frenzy over this has been hilariously OTT & misjudged. Entirely...
  17. D

    General News for the Wales Family 1: September 2022-March 2024

    Best not tell the media about all those not so truthful royal portraits from centuries past. Henry viii & Elizabeth i did more than a little touching up don't ye know.;) They'll get the heebie jeebies.:lol:
  18. D

    British Royal Family Current Events 11: Sep 2022 -

    I see the not my king lot were out again. Barracking a church service. Classy.
  19. D

    Buckingham Palace 2: Sep. 2022 -

    Thank goodness no one was hurt.
  20. D

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    Anyone who hates a public figure they don't know needs their head examining. However, it's the fact that they cling like limpets to their royal status in order to amplify what they say/do for profit & self promotion that rubs a lot of people up the wrong way in Britain. And that would be the...
  21. D

    General News for the Wales Family 1: September 2022-March 2024

    Storm in a teacup meets a fuss about nothing. AKA - big deal meets mountain out of a molehill. Or as Mr Shakespeare put it, much ado about nothing. A Tudor you just beat me to it!
  22. D

    Hampton Court Palace

    Antonio Verrio. He's ubiquitous in large house of the time. This & the Heaven Room at Burghley House are probably his major surviving works. The greatest loss of Verrio's would be the destruction of his version of St George's Hall at Windsor during the castle's reconstruction by Wayttville...
  23. D

    General News for the Wales Family 1: September 2022-March 2024

    Yes I do . Very much in fact. I can't think of anyone more suitable really. Thank you for enquiring though.:)
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