Court Etiquette and Ceremonial

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Catherine of Russia

I'm attempting to find some information about the royal court etiquette of the Russian Tsars (in particular Empress Elizabeth and her neice Catherine the Great). So far all I've found is that the official language of the Royal Court was French. Any other information would be most appreciated.
Court Etiquette at Versailles
Please bow/curtsey to higher ranked courtiers as a formal court greeting. Strictly speaking you would not be allowed to speak to this person first, except Greeting.
Court Etiquette at Versailles
Please bow/curtsey to higher ranked courtiers as a formal court greeting. Strictly speaking you would not be allowed to speak to this person first, except Greeting.

What was the Order of Precedence in the court of Versailles?
At Versailles courtiers had to scratch on door frames with their fingernails. Tapping on a door with knuckles was a faux-pas.
In 1682 King Louis XIV moved his entire royal court to the Palace of Versailles.
The nobles took part in long rituals every day.
The morning routine of King Louis XV of France included the royal family and courtiers greeting the sovereign.
The morning routine of King Louis XV of France included the royal family and courtiers greeting the sovereign.
The Lever du Roy was a ceremonial ritual of the 'Waking of the King'
The first recorded document of this ritual dates from 1563 ,when Catherine de Médicis as Queen Regent wrote to her son,Charles IX and advises him to uphold the practice of lever in the same manner as during the reign of his late father,Henri II.
This very intimate ritual became more ceremonial under Henri III who had his favourites attend him as he rose and dressed at the Louvre.
It was also later adapted by both Louis XIV & XV for the court at Versailles.

Royal Bodies, Royal Bedrooms: The Lever du Roy and Louis XIV’s Versailles | Early Modern France.
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