Princess Charlene Current Events Part 4: April 2019 -

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Jan 29, 2005


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Welcome to Part 4 of the thread for the Current Events of Princess Charlene of Monaco!

The previous thread can be found here:

** Princess Charlene Current Events - Part 3: January 2017 - April 2019 **

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:flowers: Happy Posting! :flowers:
A video of the princess Charlene of Monaco foundation,

Here is the work of Charlene, og course, there are not photos but we see that the children are very happy

Hereis the link of the video
Video d'une des actions de la fondation princesse Charlene - ACTUALITES PRINCIERES

Princess Charlene met the USA rugby team which will take part to the Sainte Devote tournament, the players know all now all about the CPE, the water safety program

Here are the photos

Princess Charlene meets the USA rugby team which will take part to the Sainte Dévote tournament - ACTUALITES PRINCIERES

I like her hairdo and it is a surprise the glasses she wore

She also met the children of the LIv Village, these children are orphans and they are invited in the case of the SA Monaco rugby exchange program , they will play to the Sainte Devote tournament to morrow

Article of the princess charlene of Monaco foundation

Drowning prevention workshops for the participants of the Saint Devote Rugby Tournament - 10.05.2019 - Princess Charlene of Monaco foundation
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Looking forward to some great pics from the tournament as usual. Hoping the whole family will be present too. Thanks for posting.

A valuable experience for the young boys to learn water safety...and to meet their rugby heroes too!
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Posts about the family attending the Sainte Devote Tournament have been moved to the correct thread.

Here's a video of the Drowning Prevention Workshops and Princess Charlene attending it last week:

I am glad to see Charlene present to this exhibition, she is perfect from the head to toes

Persons here will be desappointed to see her to this exhibition, they could not critic her as usually
I am not sure if I am one of the “persons” , but personally I am delighted to see her in attendance despite being a critic of her lack of appearances earlier this year. As someone has said earlier, these are a discussion threads and as such it’s important to have a range of views . There is no need for sarcastic remarks.
I think it speaks volumes of how capable Princess Charlene is as she was representing the Grimaldis at the opening of Princess Grace's exhibition. This is not the first time Princess Charlene has travelled overseas to open an exhibition about this great lady she's never met.

Happy to see her being more active this month. Hope it continues like the old times.
A nice surprise to see P Charlene at this solo event, representing the family.

P Grace is certainly getting a lot of attention lately with exhibitions everywhere.
I was disappointed that Charlene wasn't going to make an appearance at Fashion Week as it is under her patronage. So, it's great to see her opening this exhibition and representing the family in this way. She looks relaxed and happy.
Here's a video of Charlene at the exhibition opening this week:

A video of the princess Charlene with Charles Leclerc a monegash driver about the secutity road
I know, it may be published on the Grand Prix Board but the security road does not end with the Grand Prix, it is for Always

Une video sur la sécurité routière avec la princess Charlène et Charles Leclerc - marriane

Princess Charlene visited the new mothers at the Maternity Princess Grace this Morning, it is mother day in France and in Monaco

There is only one photo, I hope to have other photos

visite de la princesse Charlene à la maternité ce matin - marriane
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Wonderfull photos

It is the Grand Prix day with a lot of public events but the princess Charlene is Always finding time to visite the new mothers at the maternity this mothers'day
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Wonderful to see Charlene finally being so proactive and visible lets hope it continues into June!
Lovely pictures! She really feels at home in this setting.
I like the very gentle smile Charlene has when she does engagements like this. I believe she is essentially a shy person and engagements like this really give us a rare opportunity to glimpse the real Charlene.

She seldom seems comfortable in the company of Princess Caroline and has never worn any of Graces jewellery. That is worn by Caroline who was de facto First Lady of Monaco for decades and does not show any signs of abdicating that post to Charlene.
I like the very gentle smile Charlene has when she does engagements like this. I believe she is essentially a shy person and engagements like this really give us a rare opportunity to glimpse the real Charlene.

She seldom seems comfortable in the company of Princess Caroline and has never worn any of Graces jewellery. That is worn by Caroline who was de facto First Lady of Monaco for decades and does not show any signs of abdicating that post to Charlene.
Or Charlene shows no sign of wanting to take the post on full time... Perceptions.

If it were the case that she is clinging grimly onto First Lady status we would have seen Caroline at Fashion week and at the Grand Prix. The fact is she does very few public engagements compared to the past.

Honestly, I think they both have different areas of interest which is fine. They do also have common areas of interest and it might be nice if they could overcome whatever differences have developed for some kind of joint AMADE/PCMF initiative.
Princess Caroline took the présidences of the foundations of the Princess Grace when she died in 1982 as the AMADE, the princess Grace Foundation and other as some présidences of the association of the nurses of the PG hospital or the comettee of the flowers and she is keeping them, Caroline has lived in Monaco since 1957

Prince Albert did not change the présidences when he married at the countrary of the other monarchies where the présidences are again given to the princesses an Queens

Charlene has her own causes , her foundation, the first Aids to learn in an accident, now the security road , she is now visiting the new babies at the maternity the mothers day, the old persons homes, the handicaped people, she is giving gifts to the old persons and children for the national day and for the Christmas fest, she is near Albert when he is receiving a president or at the red Cross gala or at the Grand Prix gala, the gala for the océans

Every one has her own field
Bravo,Melina, finally you have understood. Everyone has her own field. Caroline doesn't steal the show to Charlene. Caroline is the daughter of a Prince Souvrain, she Is born princess, nobody can't delete this fact.
Bravo,Melina, finally you have understood. Everyone has her own field. Caroline doesn't steal the show to Charlene. Caroline is the daughter of a Prince Souvrain, she Is born princess, nobody can't delete this fact.

I agree completly with You Flaubert!
Princess Charlene will give the start to the 24 hours of the Mans on june 15th

Princess Charlene and Charles Leclerc, monegash drive have been named ambassadors of the Campaign 3500 lives , security road for pedestrians , there was a reception and a diner after this reception at the palace

Albert said in his speech that he was very proud that his wife will support this good cause

Video of the visite of the princess charlene to the new mothers at the maternity for the mothers day

The chief of the maternity said

All the staff, all the mother know that the world's center is the Grand Prix but for the princess, the world's center is the maternity, the mothers and their baby, and though her busy day, she took the time to come to see us and I want Under the name of all the maternity to pay a tribute to her for this important visite

The new mother said, it is the first time I am a mummy, it is wonderful and the visite of the princess is great and very nice, itis a gift for us
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The video is very sweet - she clearly loves meeting the mums and babies. She is very relaxed and confident, in her element.

Personal arguments have been removed. Please remember to stay respectful towards each other and use the PM method instead for further private exchanges. Thank you!
Yes, I love this video , she is Always relaxed and confident during this sort of event , she Always likes to take the children in her arms
Princess Charlene will give the start to the 24 hours of the Mans on june 15th

Princess Charlene and Charles Leclerc, monegash drive have been named ambassadors of the Campaign 3500 lives , security road for pedestrians , there was a reception and a diner after this reception at the palace

Albert said in his speech that he was very proud that his wife will support this good cause

Video of the visite of the princess charlene to the new mothers at the maternity for the mothers day

The chief of the maternity said

All the staff, all the mother know that the world's center is the Grand Prix but for the princess, the world's center is the maternity, the mothers and their baby, and though her busy day, she took the time to come to see us and I want Under the name of all the maternity to pay a tribute to her for this important visite

The new mother said, it is the first time I am a mummy, it is wonderful and the visite of the princess is great and very nice, itis a gift for us

As far as the Maternity Visit at PGH is concerned, She did what Princess Caroline did for many years after Princesse Grace passed away, in the same day of the Grand Prix. Nothing more than that.
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