Princess Märtha Louise & Durek Verrett: News & Information 2019 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Not with the Dutch royalty.

Not really. But they may have to. Because this annoys the Norwegians to no end. And as such reflects badly on the NRF. - No one but extremist republicans are interested in that.

So it's better if a bill is passed in the Parliament outlining what can and cannot be done and the consequences.
Then the burden is off the shoulders of the monarch and the government can simply say: It's the law.

- It's a problem in several monarchies right now, a problem in the past and no doubt in the future as well; what to do with rogue spares.
The obvious solution IMO is: Make laws to deal with such situations.

With the Dutch royal house there is no problem, every member of the Dutch royals knows their places, ex queen Beatrix did solve the problem with the approval of the Dutch government of that time..
Maybe they will marry when Emma is of age;););)

Personally I think it would be a great idea for Durek to fly away into the sunset and leave the NRF alone for the rest of his life. Where is some extremely wealthy American divorcee when you need one!
Good Grief, aren't The Jacketeers to old to be a Boy Band?

And as for "the kids come first "..... Not buying that either. I think its clever PR to say that for a positive public reaction. But sadly with these two I don't believe it.
I find it interesting that the kibosh was put on moving to LA because the kids careers are taking off. ML had no problem dragging them to LA immediately pre and post lockdown and when they were in the worst shock of their father's death but hey, now that Leah's a reality star she needs to stay in Norway. ML clearly does love her kids but it appeared before that there were times she was putting Durek over them. Or am I being too cynical?

I think they will still get married but for a couple that have been publicly talking about it for years (and one of whom publicly said that if not for Ari's death he would have proposed that Feb) they aren't in a hurry. It's a good thing but it's a little strange.
On Tuesday morning, Durek Verrett's new boy band The Jacketeers visited "God morgen Norge".
They released their first song, "Afterski i queill", in March. The band consists of Lars Berteig Andersen (34), Bjørn Alexander (33) and Durek Verrett (48).
Durek told that he now lives half of the time in Los Angeles, and half of the time in Norway with Märtha Louise.
- Märtha and I have always agreed on one thing, and that is that the children come first. The kids' careers are really taking off here, so it doesn't make sense for me to take them to LA. I want to be where it is best for the children and Märtha.
Durek did not say anything about when he will move to Norway. Or about that he will always live in Norway.
When the wedding will take place has not yet been decided.
- We have not set a date yet. The reason for that is that we want to make sure it fits everyone's schedule, and right now our focus is on the kids.
He was asked if The Jacketeers could perform at the wedding. Durek was clear about who has the final say in wedding planning.
- I am open to The Jacketeers performing at the wedding. I have to check with Märtha, she makes the final decisions about .....

Wow! This is the first interview where Durek comes off as a sensible and reasonable individual. Dear I say he even seems nice .
I wouldn't be surprised if it were the children themselves who made very clear to their mother that they were not going to move to LA but would stay in Norway - and while Emma couldn't force that issue as she is still a minor, the elder two most likely would decide to stay in Norway and would argue on behalf of their younger sister as well.

Not sure why Durek thinks he could take them to LA...
ML is still his ticket to higher social spheres (and the potential clients there). I think he will accept pretty much anything in order to remain being associated with ML and royalty.
In fact if and when they marry, their marriage may actually be happier, if they don't spend too much time together.
I wouldn't be surprised if it were the children themselves who made very clear to their mother that they were not going to move to LA but would stay in Norway - and while Emma couldn't force that issue as she is still a minor, the elder two most likely would decide to stay in Norway and would argue on behalf of their younger sister as well.

Not sure why Durek thinks he could take them to LA...

I had the same thought. I could see Leah initially being interested in the move to LA but it would have quickly become clear that in Norway she has the advantage of being a big fish in a small pond.
Märtha Louise warns against fake e-mails
She shows in her Instagram an example of emails that are in circulation.
"If you get emails like that, it's SPAM. Not Shaman Durek or me!!!! », she writes.
The email she has attached is in English and claims to be sent from the princess herself.
"I am Märtha Louise, an agent for change", the email opens with.
The fake email has the subject "Private session", and it intends to sell private treatments with the princess' fiance, Durek Verrett.
Märtha Louise also attaches a screenshot showing an email address, which purports to be from her. "This is not my e-mail ", she writes in English.
Prinsesse Märtha advarer mot falske e-poster - VG
On Wednesday evening, the stage was set for a grand launch party for the new band The Jacketeers. The band, which has so far only released the song "Afterski i Queill", has invited the fans to Heidi's Bier Bar in the capital.
The members of The Jacketeers, there are probably more people who draw attention to. The most high-profile is probably Durek Verrett (48), the fiance of Princess Märtha Louise (51). Joining the team are the actors Lars Berteig Andersen (34) and Bjørn Alexander (33).
Durek Verrett og The Jacketeers inviterer til lanseringsfest

Durek said he wanted to go to Leah's 18th birthday party but Märtha Louise said no.
- I wanted to join the party! They're having a big party here, and I'm not even invited. Märtha said: “No, no! Let the youth have fun". I wanted to be the bonus dad on the sidelines who was just like, “Yeah! Woo!”, but it might have looked a bit strange.
Durek Verrett om Leah Isadora Behns bursdag

Märtha Louise appeared on Friday evening at the journalist conference Skup in Tønsberg. There she strongly criticized the Norwegian press.
She brought her own Power Point presentation during the interview. There she referred to a number of articles from the Norwegian media over many years.
She believes, among other things, that her former husband Ari Behn received a lot of undeserved criticism when he was married to her, and that it only changed after his death.
Märtha Louise believes that she sees again the same pattern "without comparison otherwise" unfolding around Durek Verrett.
She refers to previous press reports about Verrett. She denies that her fiancé is against school medicine, and that he has stated that he heals himself.
She also refers to Verrett's famous medallion.
- Maybe that locket works? You don't know, you haven't tried it.
Prinsesse Märtha Louise_ - Går til angrep
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Well, ML's accusations against the Norwegian press has been dismissed out of hand by not only the Norwegian press, but also the Danish press.
Her defense of the medallion that should help cure you of Corona - which you can purchase at the bargain price of 1.600 DKK from Durek's webpage - did not exactly impress anyone!
The press also used the opportunity to remind the readers that Durek at some point had claimed he is a reptile...
It is like she is posessed by him.

Anytime she speaks, it’s like his words, his thoughts, his personality are coming out of her mouth…

Perhaps his demon and her angel has already married in another universe ������

Let’s face it… King Harald and Crown Prince Haakon will NEVER exclude her completely and never take the Princess-word away from her as they are for good reasons worried that there may be an acute shortage of royals in just a few years and her presence may suddenly be urgently needed… Especially as The Crown Princess cannot increase her royal duties when she becomes first lady, due to her lung illness - and Ingrid and Magnus will be in education for years to come and cannot help their father full time. Magnus is not even expected to be a full time working royal but the question is if he has any choice…

Therefore it would have been good for all parts involved like Muhler said, if the Norwegian government took a more active role in this and outlined in law what royals can do and what royals can’t do, and what happens if they do it anyway… But i don’t think P.M Jonas Gahr Stöhre will take any initiative to that… A Norwegian Xavier Bettel would have been needed
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It is like she is posessed by him.

Anytime she speaks, it’s like his words, his thoughts, his personality are coming out of her mouth…

Perhaps his demon and her angel has already married in another universe ������

Let’s face it… King Harald and Crown Prince Haakon will NEVER exclude her completely and never take the Princess-word away from her as they are for good reasons worried that there may be an acute shortage of royals in just a few years and her presence may suddenly be urgently needed… Especially as The Crown Princess cannot increase her royal duties when she becomes first lady, due to her lung illness - and Ingrid and Magnus will be in education for years to come and cannot help their father full time. Magnus is not even expected to be a full time working royal but the question is if he has any choice…

Therefore it would have been good for all parts involved like Muhler said, if the Norwegian government took a more active role in this and outlined in law what royals can do and what royals can’t do, and what happens if they do it anyway… But i don’t think P.M Jonas Gahr Stöhre will take any initiative to that… A Norwegian Xavier Bettel would have been needed

A shortage of royals in Norway... maybe so, but I think one of the main reasons for Harald and Sonja to protect Märtha is because she is their daughter and they still love and care for her, and are probably very worried about her choice of future husband. If she sticks to Durek she cannot ever play an important role in royal duties.

What a terrible dilemma for her parents at their old age, I truly feel sorry for them.
So now she is defending the locket that cures coronavirus.
Fortunately it's sold by her fiance. What a joke. A shame the NRF is attached to this.
I am appalled at the Princess' behavior. Did she really give a PowerPointt presentation?!? It's incredible that she is inadvertently blaming the press for Ari Behn's death. How dear she put that on them!

My recommendations:

1. Sideline Martha Louise now. This needs to be stopped now!

2. Upgrade Sverre Magnus in a few months for his 18th birthday so that when Haakon becomes King he can rely on his children to help him carry out royal duties. They can go to school and carry out royal duties at the same.
Shortage of Royals? Just make Sverre Magnus an HRH like he should be. I don't want nor need an embarrassment like Märtha-Louise representing Norway. Thank you very much.

I'd feel sorry for Harald and Sonja if they hadn't been the first ones to allow her to be this entitled and delusional. 20 something year old ML sleeps with a married man? No worries hon, Daddy will get you diplomatic immunity and out of the UK immediately.

But we're racists, nothing short of Nazis for not liking a man who has stated that people die of cancer because they aren't "happy enough", and on top of that we have to cope with a pathetic middle-aged woman clinging on to victimhood because the country doesn't love her and her crook Shaman?

They're a disgrace. I'd rather have the Norwegian monarchy abolished after Harald passes than let this party of idiots taint the legacy of beloved King Olav any further.
As has been discussed many times before here in the forums Norway probably doesn't need any more working royals. The current four plus Ingrid Alexandra and Astrid doing a few engagements each are more than the country has ever had. It seems that the Royal family have themselves decided that Ingrid Alexandra won't need extensive support from her brother and are therefore preparing him for a private life with, I'm guessing, a few engagements a year.
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I am appalled at the Princess' behavior. Did she really give a PowerPointt presentation?!? It's incredible that she is inadvertently blaming the press for Ari Behn's death. How dear she put that on them!

My recommendations:

1. Sideline Martha Louise now. This needs to be stopped now!

2. Upgrade Sverre Magnus in a few months for his 18th birthday so that when Haakon becomes King he can rely on his children to help him carry out royal duties. They can go to school and carry out royal duties at the same.

Agree. That may be the best solution.

That will leave ML permanently out in the cold and although she and her shaman will no doubt continue to be annoying, that's all they will be, annoying.

Because ML would very much like to return to being a working Princess IMO. As long as it is on her terms, when she feels like it and people are appropriately delighted to see her - and her shaman at her side.
In what way could Princess Märtha Louise be sidelined further than she already has been? Not only has she already renounced all royal patronages and engagements, but the King and Crown Prince have made it clear through both formal announcements and informal interviews that she and her fiancé do not speak on behalf of the monarchy or royal house.

ETA: Please see The Future of the Norwegian Monarchy for my reply to the comments about Prince Sverre Magnus.
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Well, to me it looks more like she was renounced her duties, rather than she did renounce them.

I also recall that she has expressed a will to take on royal duties. (And to quote myself, what and when it suits her, if it makes her popular and with Durek by her side. I'm a little skeptical about her motives...)

Putting Sverre Magnus forwards makes it official that: Sorry ML, your services are not required, not necessary and not desired. As in ever...

Sverre Magnus doesn't even have to do that much, he is just officially there. The person that will make ML irrevocably redundant.

I doubt though that King Harald can find it in his heart to officially sack his daughter for good and in no uncertain terms.
Nor am I sure Haakon will sack his sister.
- And while that uncertainty is there, ML (and her Durak) will hover around in the vicinity, trying to promote herself.

- It's a classic of a spoiled child. Push the boundaries, then suck up to her parents. Repeat until she gets what she wants.
I agree that making Prince Sverre Magnus an H.R.H to his 18:th birthday in December would be a good first step of simply making Märtha-Louise ”not needed” for the future either, without removing her completely from the family, and a clear signal that it is he and not her who will assist Haakon, Mette-Marit and Ingrid with the royal duties in the next reign.

Kind of like when Anne and Edward was re-instated as Councellors of State without removing Andrew and Harry… Just making them unimportant and not needed

The plan when Sverre Magnus was not made an H.R.H was ofcourse that The Crown Princess would be able to increase her royal duties significantly to help her husband… With Ingrid there as well, he would not be needed as a full time working royal… Now we know that she can’t increase her workload and sadly never will, so that plan obviously doesn’t exist anymore and new thinking is needed….

I can’t see any business, organisation, charity or whatever that would want Märtha Louise as their patron or representant in any way or form right now (except Durek’s company)…. How sad that it has come down to this !
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I accept the point that making Princess Märtha Louise's removal from duties permanent would be a stronger form of sidelining than the current provisional measures.

However, if they were to adopt that course, it would be perfectly clear and official to issue a formal announcement, hold press conferences, etc. explaining that her removal is now intended to be permanent and reassigning her former patronages.

I don't see what additional symbolic or pragmatic benefit would be achieved by elevating Prince Sverre Magnus at the same time. Indeed, it could reduce the clarity of the communication, because the public might then view it as Princess Märtha Louise merely being sidelined to make way for the next generation, something which routinely happens in many monarchies, rather than a clear signal that the Royal House is disassociating itself from her personally.

And, as I commented in the linked reply, Princess Astrid and Princess Märtha Louise did not retain their HRH (i.e., Royal House membership) when acting as part-time working royals. Why should Prince Sverre Magnus be given that privilege when he will occupy, at most (unless something happens to Ingrid Alexandra or she does not produce an heir of her own), the same position as they did?

Kind of like when Anne and Edward was re-instated as Councellors of State without removing Andrew and Harry… Just making them unimportant and not needed

The addition of Counsellors of State in the United Kingdom was done to fulfill a practical need, not to send a signal about Prince Andrew's unimportance. The clear signals that Prince Andrew was unwelcome as a working royal (Prince Harry recused himself) were already sent long before that, through official and unofficial communications.

The plan when Sverre Magnus was not made an H.R.H was ofcourse that The Crown Princess would be able to increase her royal duties significantly to help her husband… With Ingrid there as well, he would not be needed as a full time working royal… Now we know that she can’t increase her workload and sadly never will, so that plan obviously doesn’t exist anymore and new thinking is needed….

I replied to this in The Future of the Norwegian Monarchy:

Can I ask where you heard that? While the Crown Princess's illness wasn't known in 2005, I wouldn't expect Crown Prince Haakon having a full-time working spouse to be considered essential. After all, King Haakon and especially King Olav spent many years unmarried after the deaths of their wives. From 1954 until 1968 there was no Queen or Crown Princess.
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new magazine cover for the two

"We couldn’t be more honored to be a storyteller than today in highlighting this cosmic love story between Princess Märtha Louise of Norway and Shaman Durek. They are truly gurus! Not only do they both have spiritual gifts but they are advocates for gender free love and are fierce fighters against racism. In this issue the dynamic couple do a sit down video exclusive to discuss how they met, how the Shaman was introduced as Princess Märtha’s “gay friend” to her daughters and how incredible her father, King Harald of Norway is in his supportive against the extreme racism the Shaman has faced. It is an insight into their world like you have never seen. Thank you @shamandurek & @iam_marthalouise for trusting us with your story and we hope we have told that story with love, understanding and admiration. You are both the voice of the new generation for “gender free love”.
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So without having to go to Instagram, which magazine is this? And does it mean ML identifies as something other than heterosexual or -romantic?
I get bad vibes from this Shaman Durek. Not feeling him at all, but he's Princess Martha's choice. I wish them well...
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