The Prince of Wales and Sporting Charities 2: Sep 2022-

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
However, he has essentially self-banned himself from going to any potential future men's Cup finals.

I'm wondering would this also limits the other royal members to watch any matches in person when he isn't going. Not sure about the protocol but isn't it a tricky situation if the FA president doesn't show up while some other royal members are present?
I'm wondering would this also limits the other royal members to watch any matches in person when he isn't going. Not sure about the protocol but isn't it a tricky situation if the FA president doesn't show up while some other royal members are present?

Well, realistically, they probably won't be in a final for several more years, by which point either: a) people will have stopped caring by then, b) the Lionesses might have won a World Cup in the interval, or c) George, Charlotte and maybe even Louis might be old enough to delegate if neither a) nor b) happens. :cool:
I honestly just assumed that since normally they are on summer vacation after Wimbledon that would be the reason but yes I actually don't know. They don't have anything on the royal calendar during this time. What excuse besides carbon footprint could he use to explain his absence? I don't think that not feel like going can be an excuse.

Making assumptions is never wise. There could be many good reasons quite apart from the carbon footprint issue as to why William didn't attend. It doesn't have to be on the Royal Calendar. It could be a personal matter relating to him, a close relative or something else happening within the BRF.

However, he has essentially self-banned himself from going to any potential future men's Cup finals. ... But I think it will blow over.

IMO I can't see why he can't attend future finals if he is able to. It was just unfortunate that he couldn't attend this one...and yes I agree, it will soon blow over! ?
I'm wondering would this also limits the other royal members to watch any matches in person when he isn't going. Not sure about the protocol but isn't it a tricky situation if the FA president doesn't show up while some other royal members are present?

Not at all, quite often other family members attend in their place.
100% agree.
It feels as if the Wales still think/operate as when QEII was alive and they no longer have the luxury of skipping things just because they are "on holidays" or they need to "stay with the kids".
Nobody is telling them to abandon the kids, but they have to find a balance between committed, consistent royal work and their family lives, like all the other CP couples in Europe have done.
William is the 41 year old heir of a monarchy, who has been married for over a decade.
There's no excuse for him to behave as if he was still a 20-something man whose main occupation is flying helicopters in East Anglia and can only dedicate himself to his royal duties whenever he has the "time" to do it. :unsure:

His flying helicopters was air sea rescue missions which can be very dangerous and hazardous as often conducted during difficult conditions.
I've seen William supporting the Lionesses and I don't blame him for not going (and I doubt they do, either). However, he has essentially self-banned himself from going to any potential future men's Cup finals. I'm not sure that was fully considered in advance.

It's all unfortunate, and he doesn't have the chance to make up for it by throwing them a victory party. But I think it will blow over.

I think William not being at this game will have been forgotten well before any future men’s team makes it to the World Cup finals.

William was going to take some heat whether he attended or not. Some people think it was wrong he didn’t travel to Australia to support the women’s team in person. But, if he’d gone, others would have thought someone who’s made addressing climate change a big part of his life’s work shouldn’t be taking two long haul flights to see a ninety minute football match. I don’t think either side’s criticism is entirely valid, but he was going to get it either way.
I just see this as a mistake whether William couldn't go for some reason we will never know. Truthfully after seeing the pics of the Queen of Spain and her daughter at the final the absence of someone from the BRF not there was a bit of a disappointment.
What's the point of the royal family if not to represent and unite the nation around such momentous events. Without doubt, he would have been there if it were the men who hadn't had such success since 1966.

Quite frankly it's lazy considering THIS is what they do and the point of monarchy in the age where they literally do nothing else.

The idea that anyone would have complained about a carbon footprint is ridiculous. Do they consider that when they vacation oversees instead of in the UK? No.

It's lazy, sad, ridiculous.
I just see this as a mistake whether William couldn't go for some reason we will never know. Truthfully after seeing the pics of the Queen of Spain and her daughter at the final the absence of someone from the BRF not there was a bit of a disappointment.

Regardless of reason, what ever happened to duty? No one is asking him to go and do hours worth of manual labor. Go see a football game and celebrate with the players who would have felt such support from the heir to their throne.
Another thing to consider is that it is ALWAYS the British Royal Family the ones who don't show up at things.

William didn't go to King Constantine's funeral (his godfather), now he didn't go to this without any valid excuses to do so.

Like I said before, he still behaves as if his grandmother was alive and not as if he was the 41 year old full time working royal heir of a throne.

The worst part was that Letizia and Sofia Jr showed him (and the rest of the BRF) up, the Spanish contingent was out in full force: the Queen, one of her daughters, the FA president, the Minister of Sports, etc.

The UK didn't look as if they cared much for this and it's in bad form.
Personally, I see this as an indication that the Wales family is incredibly serious about treating their time with their children during school holidays as sacred and inviolable, and I have to admire that. Ultimately, it was a football match and it took place across the world.

They have 13 years left of having school age children, until Prince Louis turns 18, but an entire lifetime of royal duties. Ultimately, I think incredibly close and secure family bonds and relationships will do more for the monarchy’s future than anything else, so I support them making those trade offs in situations like this.

They’ll take some negative PR for it, but being truly good at the job often means thinking beyond a news cycle or two.
I think William not being at this game will have been forgotten well before any future men’s team makes it to the World Cup finals.

William was going to take some heat whether he attended or not. Some people think it was wrong he didn’t travel to Australia to support the women’s team in person. But, if he’d gone, others would have thought someone who’s made addressing climate change a big part of his life’s work shouldn’t be taking two long haul flights to see a ninety minute football match. I don’t think either side’s criticism is entirely valid, but he was going to get it either way.

Wanna bet on that? The Men's World Cup is in 2026, just under 3 years away - which isn't too far into the future. If he goes to any of the Lions' matches, social media will blow up - and rightfully so.
Personally, I see this as an indication that the Wales family is incredibly serious about treating their time with their children during school holidays as sacred and inviolable, and I have to admire that. Ultimately, it was a football match and it took place across the world.

They have 13 years left of having school age children, until Prince Louis turns 18, but an entire lifetime of royal duties. Ultimately, I think incredibly close and secure family bonds and relationships will do more for the monarchy’s future than anything else, so I support them making those trade offs in situations like this.

They’ll take some negative PR for it, but being truly good at the job often means thinking beyond a news cycle or two.

So why is it that every other CP/Monarch modern couple have managed to balance royal/family life except for the Wales?

Do you see the Belgian royal children and their exceptional close bonds yet their parents were full on working royals since before having kids and Philippe swore as king when his eldest child was 11, little Eleonore was just 5.

They have all grown to be exemplary young people, close to their parents and to each other.

Same for the Spanish Royal Couple, the Danish CP couple, the Norwegian CP couple, etc.

There's always an excuse for the Wales, always an excuse for the BRF.

It's becoming tiresome at this point tbh. :ermm:
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So why is it that every other CP/Monarch modern couple have managed to balance royal/family life except for the Wales?

Do you see the Belgian royal children and their exceptional close bonds yet their parents were full on working royals since before having kids and Philippe swore as king when his eldest child was 11, little Eleonore was just 5.

They have all grown to be exemplary young people, close to their parents.

Same for the Spanish Royal Couple, the Danish CP couple, the Norwegian CP couple, etc.

There's always an excuse for the Wales, always an excuse for the BRF.

It's becoming tiresome at some point tbh. :ermm:

I mean, personally I think the Wales family has done a very good job balancing family and working life and have zero complaints about their work load. My opinion is different than yours.

I also really think the level of worldwide interest in the British Royals is at a far higher and more intense level than the other royal families experience and that this is a factor.
I mean, personally I think the Wales family has done a very good job balancing family and working life and have zero complaints about their work load. My opinion is different than yours.

I also really think the level of worldwide interest in the British Royals is at a far higher and more intense level than the other royal families experience and that this is a factor.

They always put family life first, being working royals is like an afterthought, that's why people are bashing him.

It's fine that they want to spend time with their kids, but every once in a while, they can do things that would take them a couple of days away from them, like we all do for our own work.

That's why the #WorkShyWill HT is trending, people are getting tired of his "I need to be with my family 24/7" schtick.
Personally, I see this as an indication that the Wales family is incredibly serious about treating their time with their children during school holidays as sacred and inviolable, and I have to admire that. Ultimately, it was a football match and it took place across the world.

They have 13 years left of having school age children, until Prince Louis turns 18, but an entire lifetime of royal duties. Ultimately, I think incredibly close and secure family bonds and relationships will do more for the monarchy’s future than anything else, so I support them making those trade offs in situations like this.

They’ll take some negative PR for it, but being truly good at the job often means thinking beyond a news cycle or two.

You can't have your cake and eat it too. If this is the case, why agree to be the President of the English FA when you know one of the responsibilities is to attend high profile matches, i.e. finals - possibly on the opposite side of the globe.

I fully support William and Catherine's work-life-family balance, and they should be commended for it. But with that choice comes the responsibility to assess if you are able to execute the responsibilities such a position entails. If you are unable to fully execute one of the primary roles of the position, then either say no to it, or step down.
You can't have your cake and eat it too. If this is the case, why agree to be the President of the English FA when you know one of the responsibilities is to attend high profile matches, i.e. finals - possibly on the opposite side of the globe.

I fully support William and Catherine's work-life-family balance, and they should be commended for it. But with that choice comes the responsibility to assess if you are able to execute the responsibilities such a position entails. If you are unable to fully execute one of the primary roles of the position, then either say no to it, or step down.

100% agree with this.
You can't have your cake and eat it too. If this is the case, why agree to be the President of the English FA when you know one of the responsibilities is to attend high profile matches, i.e. finals - possibly on the opposite side of the globe.

I fully support William and Catherine's work-life-family balance, and they should be commended for it. But with that choice comes the responsibility to assess if you are able to execute the responsibilities such a position entails. If you are unable to fully execute one of the primary roles of the position, then either say no to it, or step down.

Well said! Well said!!!
The idea there's anything even remotely commendable about refusing to do a job you've voluntarily signed on for sure is... an idea.

It isn't like people were asking him to stay in Australia for the full duration of England's campaign. We're talking about – and I can't stress this enough – the biggest international final you can reach in football. If there's one (1) game you should be able to make as a federation president, it's this.

And if you find yourself unable to set aside time for it because... your children is off from school, I simply do not think you're fit to hold this position. (And didn't Catherine attend some festival without the kids the other week? :cool:)

What's worse is that this isn't even the first time he's neglected fairly lightweight engagements as president of the FA. Personally, I have watched many a Women's FA Cup final (no need to fret about carbon emissions here ;)) where the president of the FA was conspicuously absent.

I think it's pretty easy: If you can't manage the job, do everyone (yourself included) a favour and pass job to someone who can.

(...) I also really think the level of worldwide interest in the British Royals is at a far higher and more intense level than the other royal families experience and that this is a factor.

I'm very interested to know how the heightened interest in the BRF excuses William neglecting his duties?
It’s clear that many of the posts here don’t acknowledge William’s stance on climate is anything more than an excuse. Interestingly, it is the one official statement he’s made regarding his reason for not going ( long haul flight comment) . Although I feel that he’s scored an own goal ( another awful, deliberate pun) in not fulfilling his duties as FA president , I continue to think he is genuine in his belief it’s setting a bad example of unnecessary travel. If he is really serious about maintaining his stance about international travel, he has to demonstrate this across a range of activities, and take more alternative steps to restrict his carbon footstep. That or resign his duties of such organisations as the FA because he can’t fulfil what is expected of someone in this position. There’s no easy answer to these issues, but I don’t think he would renege on his duties and put family first for such a short trip .
Personally, I see this as an indication that the Wales family is incredibly serious about treating their time with their children during school holidays as sacred and inviolable, and I have to admire that. Ultimately, it was a football match and it took place across the world.

They have 13 years left of having school age children, until Prince Louis turns 18, but an entire lifetime of royal duties. Ultimately, I think incredibly close and secure family bonds and relationships will do more for the monarchy’s future than anything else, so I support them making those trade offs in situations like this.

They’ll take some negative PR for it, but being truly good at the job often means thinking beyond a news cycle or two.

Brilliant comment! Very well said! Thank you :flowers:
It’s clear that many of the posts here don’t acknowledge William’s stance on climate is anything more than an excuse. Interestingly, it is the one official statement he’s made regarding his reason for not going ( long haul flight comment) . Although I feel that he’s scored an own goal ( another awful, deliberate pun) in not fulfilling his duties as FA president , I continue to think he is genuine in his belief it’s setting a bad example of unnecessary travel. If he is really serious about maintaining his stance about international travel, he has to demonstrate this across a range of activities, and take more alternative steps to restrict his carbon footstep. That or resign his duties of such organisations as the FA because he can’t fulfil what is expected of someone in this position. There’s no easy answer to these issues, but I don’t think he would renege on his duties and put family first for such a short trip .
Thank you for a balanced constructive comment.

Personally, I see this as an indication that the Wales family is incredibly serious about treating their time with their children during school holidays as sacred and inviolable, and I have to admire that. Ultimately, it was a football match and it took place across the world.

They have 13 years left of having school age children, until Prince Louis turns 18, but an entire lifetime of royal duties. Ultimately, I think incredibly close and secure family bonds and relationships will do more for the monarchy’s future than anything else, so I support them making those trade offs in situations like this.

They’ll take some negative PR for it, but being truly good at the job often means thinking beyond a news cycle or two.

Well said.
It’s a very long way to go for a 90 minute match to a country that you are the heir too. Much better to stay a while and do a visit but these take years to organise. Climate wise it was a bad look. The Spanish contingent. I did particularly think it was a long way to bring a teenager who is about to start a new school and has a lot on. I do hope maybe they take a little holiday just the two together.

Those flights are immensely long and shouldn’t be taken without consideration. On a scheduled flight they most stop over somewhere adding to security risks and I for one would have been furious if he’d private jetted it for 90 minutes. He couldn’t win.
I think being with your family is great but it is not an excuse to do your job that you signed up for. We all would love to put our family first at all times but that is not reality. As for the Spanish contingent they looked like they were having a great time. It may be a once in a lifetime opportunity. You can always catch up on sleep and I think the memories of celebrating with your team far outweighs jet lag. William has several events planned that are not based in the UK. Does he plan on swimming there because they will leave a carbon footprint too.
It’s a very long way to go for a 90 minute match to a country that you are the heir too. Much better to stay a while and do a visit but these take years to organise. Climate wise it was a bad look. The Spanish contingent. I did particularly think it was a long way to bring a teenager who is about to start a new school and has a lot on. I do hope maybe they take a little holiday just the two together.

Those flights are immensely long and shouldn’t be taken without consideration. On a scheduled flight they most stop over somewhere adding to security risks and I for one would have been furious if he’d private jetted it for 90 minutes. He couldn’t win.
I agree with you. He did the best he could do.
It’s a very long way to go for a 90 minute match to a country that you are the heir too. Much better to stay a while and do a visit but these take years to organise. Climate wise it was a bad look. The Spanish contingent. I did particularly think it was a long way to bring a teenager who is about to start a new school and has a lot on. I do hope maybe they take a little holiday just the two together.

Those flights are immensely long and shouldn’t be taken without consideration. On a scheduled flight they most stop over somewhere adding to security risks and I for one would have been furious if he’d private jetted it for 90 minutes. He couldn’t win.

Agree entirely.

I suspect there were several factors, not all visible to the public, which on balance led to the decision that he could not attend.
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I think being with your family is great but it is not an excuse to do your job that you signed up for. We all would love to put our family first at all times but that is not reality. As for the Spanish contingent they looked like they were having a great time. It may be a once in a lifetime opportunity. You can always catch up on sleep and I think the memories of celebrating with your team far outweighs jet lag. William has several events planned that are not based in the UK. Does he plan on swimming there because they will leave a carbon footprint too.

I mean he is flying to NYC for two days next month. A long flight for such a short stay...
I mean he is flying to NYC for two days next month. A long flight for such a short stay...

Not at all the same. In absolute no way. A 7 hour flight is not the same as 24 hours.
What difference does it make flying 7 hours or 24. in this day and age people get on planes to do their job. It is a necessary part of life. I think people have more of a problem with frivolous uses of transportation. The World Cup final was planned years in advance for Australia. If he was so against flying a long distance as president of the FA then he should have stepped down..I think the Princess Royal would have been a great fit. She seems to always be out there showing support.
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