A daughter for Princess Beatrice and Edoardo - Sienna Elizabeth: September 18, 2021

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Jan 29, 2005
The baby has arrived!

** Announcement of the birth of Princess Beatrice and Mr Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi's baby **

Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrice and Mr Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi are delighted to announce the safe arrival of their daughter on Saturday 18th September 2021, at 23.42, at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London.

The baby weighs 6 pounds and 2 ounces.

The new baby’s grandparents and great-grandparents have all been informed and are delighted with the news. The family would like to thank all the staff at the hospital for their wonderful care.

Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well, and the couple are looking forward to introducing their daughter to her big brother Christopher Woolf.
Many congratulations to the couple and their families!
I thought they would have a daughter! I'm glad she was safely delivered I was a bit worried that we hadn't heard anything after Friday.

Congratulations! I am really glad that they have a healthy daughter!

Congratulations to parents, big half-brother, grandparents and great-grandparents!:britflag::bunny:?:yorkrose:??:cheers::duckie::rose2:?

I made a conversion of 6 pounds and 2 ounces into kg - she weighs 2.778 kg - she is slim but it is a proper weight for a newborn singleton.

Good she is not a premature, ?
What good news! Best wishes to Princess Beatrice and Edo!

When will we know the baby's name?
Congratulations to happy parents :flowers:
Awww congratulations to Beatrice and Edo. I had a feeling it would be a girl!

I wonder what they will call her? Something traditional I think!
Previous birth announcements from the Palace employed the old-fashioned "was safely delivered of a son/daughter", so it is interesting that the Mapelli Mozzis were allowed to use the more modern "are delighted to announce the safe arrival of their daughter".

I wondered if the traditional reference to family members might be left out of the announcement to avoid drawing attention to the Duke of York. Neither the bride nor the groom's parents/stepparents were included in their public wedding photographs, which instead featured the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh. Mentioning "the new baby's grandparents and great-grandparents" without naming names is a better and cleverer way.

I also wonder why the two-day wait to announce.

Lastly, it is nice to see the acknowledgment of "big brother Christopher Woolf". I believe it is the first time he has been mentioned by the Palace.

I wonder what they will call her? Something traditional I think!

Many of those of us who made guesses agreed. See the thread here.


Congratulations to parents, big half-brother, grandparents and great-grandparents!:britflag::bunny:?:yorkrose:??:cheers::duckie::rose2:?

I made a conversion of 6 pounds and 2 ounces into kg - she weighs 2.778 kg - she is slim but it is a proper weight for a newborn singleton.

Good she is not a premature, ?

That is a very small baby! Average weight is 3.500 kg for a 40 week baby.
Congratulations to Beatrice and Edo!

The Palace is handling the Andrew issue very delicately here while not depriving Beatrice of the tradition she would have enjoyed otherwise. Instead, part of it was replaced with modernity and a personal touch.

I feel they are walking the fine line quite successfully.

The baby is on the smallish side but I trust all is well with her. If there had been any placental issues leading to starvation, they would have been caught and dealt with. She isn't premature and they could have taken her out any minute if they had felt she would be better on the outer side.

Beatrice isn't a tall woman, right?
That is a very small baby! Average weight is 3.500 kg for a 40 week baby.

I had the same weight when I was born and I was only 13 days "early". And I was doing fine healthwise my whole life.
Small but perfect I’m sure! Great news and congratulations to the proud parents. Thought it would be a daughter. Baby girl kept us all waiting for a little while but all’s well that ends well!
Thank God...I was a little worried for poor Beatrice! And I suspected all along she was having a girl...;)

I agree that she is tiny, but naybe she is a bit earlier than expected? Beatrice was up and about right up until Thursday and did not look like she was ready to deliver at all.
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Princess Beatrice's message about her daughter's birth:
So delighted to share the news of the safe arrival of our daughter on Saturday 18th September 2021, at 23.42, at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London.

Thank you to the Midwife team and everyone at the hospital for their wonderful care.
What a joyful and delightful news!! Congratulations to Beatrice and Edo! :flowers:
It is nice that a thank you to the hospital staff was included. The British royal family has thanked health workers in the past, but never in a birth announcement, as far as I know.
I had the same weight when I was born and I was only 13 days "early". And I was doing fine healthwise my whole life.
Oh, I am not saying that it is unhealthy. And these are Dutch averages, it may well be different per country.
I thought they would have a daughter! I'm glad she was safely delivered I was a bit worried that we hadn't heard anything after Friday.


As some posters predicted, they were just delaying the announcement.

Congratulations to the new parents and their families. It's wonderful news!
Congrtaulations to the couple and their families!!!
Oh, I am not saying that it is unhealthy. And these are Dutch averages, it may well be different per country.

Girls tend to be smaller than boys at birth. Anyway I weighted 3,000 Kg and my son weighted 3,400 Kg. None of us was regarded as small, just normal weight. My brother's wieght was 2,800 Kg, but he was born two months earlier.

I wish the little kid a very happy life!
Wonderful news. All my children were in the 6 pound range. Good thing since I am
short and small
Absolutely lovely news and a beautiful announcement from the palace with a sweet nod to Wolfie in there, too.

Many congratulations to the family!
A daughter for Princess Beatrice and Edoardo: September 18, 2021

Wonderful news! Congrats to the family.
Congratulations to the little family. I'm glad that mother and daughter are doing well.:flowers:
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