Abdication & Inauguration Information

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The Coat of Arms of the Kingdom of The Netherlands

Dutch Abdication & Inauguration Information


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HM the Queen says the abdication and enthronement ceremony will be on April 30th.
Will the inauguration take place in the Nieuwe Kerk?

Always in Amsterdam and always in the Nieuwe Kerk,it is in the Constitution that the Enthronement of a Monarch takes place there,in the Nieuwe Kerk.
According to the NOS:

- Princess Máxima called prime minister Rutte to inform him that her parents decided not to attend the inauguration ceremony.
- It will be king Willem-Alexander and NOT king Willem IV.
- The new king and queen will make special visit to all the provinces and to the Caribean within a year after the inauguration.

- HM the Queen does NOT want a national present, as is customary. She thinks that this is not appropriate in the present economic circumstances

-A special commission under the direction of former (D66) minister and former AkzoNobel CEO Hans Wijers will organise the parties around event. A special commission chaired by the prime minister will organise the actual ceremonies.
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Queensday will become Kingsday and will be celebrated on 27 April, the birthday of prince Willem-Alexander. This is 3 days earlier than under the reign of queen Juliana and queen Beatrix.
All known information related to the abdication of Queen Beatrix and the inauguration of King Willem-Alexander, part I.

Queen to deliver address from Huis ten Bosch Palace, 28 January 2013
An address by Her Majesty the Queen will be broadcast this evening at 19.00 on radio and television. No further information will be released about the address, which was recorded earlier today at Huis ten Bosch Palace, until after the broadcast.

Prime Minister to give speech in response to Queen's address, 28 January 2013
Following the broadcast of the address by Her Majesty the Queen this evening, the Prime Minister will give a response from his office in The Hague. His speech, which will be recorded shortly beforehand, will be broadcast on radio and television. No further information will be released about his speech until after the broadcast.

Speech by H.M. the Queen

28 January 2013

As you all know, in a few days I hope to celebrate my 75th birthday. I am thankful that I have been granted the opportunity to do so in good health. At the end of this year we shall mark the 200th anniversary of the foundation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, an occasion that ushered in a new era in our history. The fact that these two special events coincide led me to decide to relinquish the throne this year. It seems to me to be an appropriate moment to take this step, which I have been considering for some time.

I have always regarded it as an exceptional privilege to have been able to dedicate a large part of my life to the service of our country and to have been able to discharge the duties of the monarchy as I was called to do. For many years Prince Claus was a great support to me in this task.

Throughout this time I have derived great satisfaction from such a fulfilling role. It is inspiring to feel close to people, to sympathise with them in times of sorrow and to share in times of joy and national pride. That has also been my experience in the Caribbean parts of our Kingdom, where I have always encountered great warmth and hospitality. So I am abdicating not because my duties are becoming too burdensome, but because I am convinced that it is time for the responsibility for our country to pass to a new generation. On 30 April this year, with the utmost confidence, I shall hand over the duties of the monarchy to my son, the Prince of Orange. He and Princess Máxima are fully prepared for their future role. They will serve our country with dedication, faithfully uphold the Constitution and use their many talents to discharge the duties of the monarchy in their own distinctive way.

I feel fortified by the knowledge that making way for my successor does not mean that I am taking my leave of you all. I hope still to have plenty of opportunities to meet many of you. I am deeply grateful to you for the trust that you have placed in me throughout the many rewarding years I have had the privilege of being your Queen.

Speech by the Prime Minister

28 January 2013

Queen Beatrix has just announced her abdication. At this special moment for the Queen and for our country, I first want to express my deep respect and admiration. Respect and admiration for the exceptional dedication that the Queen has shown to the Netherlands and its people for over 30 years. Since her investiture in 1980, she has worked with heart and soul for Dutch society. Visibly and steadfastly and with tremendous energy. That is why the speech she has just delivered evokes feelings of great warmth and gratitude throughout the Kingdom. And in this I include myself and other members of the government.

We will shortly bid farewell to a Queen at the heart of society. For Queen Beatrix was always there. On festive occasions, at celebrations of sporting successes and at major cultural events. But notably she was also there in difficult times. For example, when tragedy struck in the Bijlmermeer, in Enschede, and of course on Queen's Day in 2009. Her moving words immediately after the awful attack in Apeldoorn are forever engraved in our collective memory.

Anyone who has seen or met the Queen in person will agree that, with her knowledge and experience and her intense interest and commitment, she touches and helps people. In other countries, too, she made a deep impression on numerous official occasions. As a result, our Queen has grown into a Dutch icon. She has always taken her tasks extremely seriously, even in difficult circumstances. Including the years in which she has had to do without the support of Prince Claus. And after the terrible accident that befell her son Prince Friso. This makes our appreciation for the Queen's tireless dedication all the greater.

Naturally, our thoughts today are also with Prince Willem-Alexander, who will succeed his mother after years of intense preparation. An important and demanding task awaits him. As the Prince himself said on the occasion of his 40th birthday: the monarchy should unite and encourage people, and also represent the Netherlands abroad. I am confident that the Prince and Princess will fulfil their new tasks and roles as King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima with great success. In the best tradition of Queen Beatrix and generations of the House of Orange before her.

The abdication and investiture will take place on 30 April. Let us make it an unforgettable celebration throughout the Kingdom, with due regard for the constraints imposed by these difficult times. A celebration that gives expression to the way we feel today. To the close connection we feel with the House of Orange and our deep affection for a monarch who has worked for the Netherlands with ceaseless devotion for over three decades.

Extra cabinet meeting, 28 January 2013
In the light of Her Majesty the Queen's announcement of her abdication, the cabinet will hold an extra meeting tomorrow morning at 10:30.

Prince of Orange to become King Willem-Alexander, 28 January 2013
When Queen Beatrix abdicates, His Royal Highness the Prince of Orange will become King Willem-Alexander, and Her Royal Highness Princess Máxima of the Netherlands will become Queen Máxima. They will both be addressed as 'Your Majesty'. After abdicating, Queen Beatrix will be called Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange-Nassau, etc. As soon as the Prince of Orange ascends the throne, his eldest child, Her Royal Highness Princess Catharina-Amalia, will be the first in line to the throne. She will then become the Princess of Orange (under section 7 of the Membership of the Royal House Act).

The titles and names of the other members of the Royal Family will not change after Queen Beatrix's abdication. The membership of the Royal House and the line of succession will however change under the above Act.

After the abdication, the line of succession will begin with the children of His Majesty the King: Her Royal Highness the Princess of Orange, Her Royal Highness Princess Alexia, and Her Royal Highness Princess Ariane. The next in line will be His Royal Highness Prince Constantijn, his children and finally Her Royal Highness Princess Margriet.

After the abdication, the children of Her Royal Highness Princess Margriet of the Netherlands and Professor Pieter van Vollenhoven will no longer be eligible for the throne. They will also cease to be members of the Royal House.

King's Day on 27 April from 2014 , 28 January 2013
From 2014 onwards, King's Day will be celebrated on 27 April, the birthday of the Prince of Orange and future King Willem-Alexander. In 2014 it will be celebrated by the Royal Family in Amstelveen and De Rijp. These municipalities will be able to use the programme that has already been developed for the planned celebration of Queen's Day on 30 April this year, which will assume a different character because of the abdication and investiture.

(Note: If King's Day falls on a Sunday, such as in 2014, it will be celebrated on 26 April.)

Source: RVD
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All known information related to the abdication of Queen Beatrix and the inauguration of King Willem-Alexander, part II.

Time and place of abdication and investiture, 28 January 2013
The official programme for the abdication and investiture will take place on 30 April 2013. Her Majesty the Queen will sign the Instrument of Abdication at the Royal Palace, Amsterdam. The investiture of His Majesty the King will then take place at the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam.

The King and Queen's family home, 28 January 2013
Following the inauguration, the family of His Majesty the King will initially continue to live at Eikenhorst in Wassenaar. At an appropriate moment the family will move to Huis ten Bosch Palace in The Hague.

In the intervening period Huis ten Bosch Palace will be used for official receptions and meetings. Noordeinde Palace will continue to be used as the monarch's place of work.

An announcement will be made in due course concerning when Her Majesty the Queen, then Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands, will take up residence at Drakensteyn Castle in Lage Vuursche.

Information about abdication and investiture on Royal House website, 28 January 2013
In the coming months preparations will take place for the abdication of Her Majesty the Queen and the subsequent investiture of His Majesty the King. In the runup to these events, regular information updates will be provided on the Royal House website.

Changes in the Royal Household, 28 January 2013
When a new monarch ascends the throne, it is customary for certain Officers of the Royal Household to resign their posts, to enable the new monarch to exercise his constitutional right to organise his Household, taking due account of the public interest (article 41 of the Constitution).The Officers in question include the Grand Master of the Royal Household, the Chief of the Military Household, the Principal Secretary to the Queen, the Treasurer, the Master of Ceremonies, the Marshal of the Court, the Comptroller of the Royal Palaces, the Crown Equerry, the Director of the Royal Archives and the Director of Human Resources.

Presidency of the Council of State, 28 January 2013
On the abdication of Her Majesty the Queen the presidency of the Council of State will pass automatically to His Majesty the King, who is President of the Council under article 74 of the Dutch Constitution.

On reaching the age of majority the Prince of Orange was automatically granted a seat in the Advisory Division of the Council of State. Her Royal Highness Princess Máxima of the Netherlands was granted a seat in the Advisory Division of the Council of State on 1 October 2004. Princess Catharina-Amalia will be granted her seat in the Advisory Division of the Council of State when she reaches the age of 18.

For more information on the Council of State please visit www.raadvanstate.nl.

State and official visits, 28 January 2013
Announcements will be made as soon as possible concerning planned State and official visits in the period before and after the abdication and investiture. The same applies to working visits and other scheduled events.

The new head of state and his wife plan to visit the entire Kingdom, 29 January 2013
Within a year of ascending the throne, King Willem-Alexander, accompanied by Queen Máxima, will visit all the Dutch provinces and the Caribbean parts of the Kingdom.

The King's standard and coat of arms, 29 January 2013
From his investiture onwards, His Majesty the King will fly the royal standard. The royal standard will be flown above the palaces where the monarch resides and works and at Eikenhorst in Wassenaar when he is in the country. Queen Wilhelmina adopted this standard in 1908, and it has also been flown by Queen Juliana and Queen Beatrix.

From the time of his investiture the King will also use the royal coat of arms. This coat of arms is identical to the one used by Queen Beatrix except that it features a helmet instead of a crown. The royal coat of arms is the same as the coat of arms of the Kingdom, with the addition of the royal mantle. Illustrations of the royal standard and the royal coat of arms can be seen on www.koninklijkhuis.nl.

Following her abdication, Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands will use the same coat of arms as before 1980, which is identical to that of her sisters.

Prince of Orange resigns from official positions, 29 January 2013
In preparation for his accession to the throne, His Royal Highness the Prince of Orange is resigning from his official positions, with due regard for the terms of office and procedures of the organisations concerned. In the year ahead Her Majesty the Queen and the Prince of Orange will decide as to the continuation of their honorary posts and their patronage of organisations. Further announcements will be made on this subject in due course. In principle Princess Máxima will continue as Queen to hold her current honorary and other posts.

The Prince has asked the President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to immediately relieve him of his duties as an IOC member in the Netherlands. Under the Olympic Charter, this means that the Prince's resignation must be approved at the IOC's next session in Buenos Aires in September 2013 and will take effect at the end of 2013.

His resignation as Chairman of the United Nations Secretary-General's Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation (UNSGAB) will take place in consultation with the Secretary-General. He will also be resigning as Chairperson of the Water Advisory Committee, in consultation with the Minister of Infrastructure and the Environment.

Following the appearance on the balcony, the investiture of the new King will take place on the same day in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam. The ceremony takes the form of a joint session of the two Houses of the States General, similar to the state opening of Parliament in the Hall of Knights in The Hague, at which the monarch delivers the Speech from the Throne. Under the Constitution, the President of the Senate presides over the joint session and thus acts as the host.

During the investiture the new King is confirmed in office and swears to be faithful to the Constitution and to faithfully discharge the duties of his office. In return, the members of the two Houses swear or affirm that they will uphold the doctrine that the ministers, and not the King, are responsible for acts of governmentand that they will uphold the rights of the monarchy. The government and the President of the Senate issue invitations to the investiture to the members of the Senate and the House of Representatives, the Cabinet, ministers of state, representatives of foreign governments, ambassadors, and members of other Royal Houses who are not reigning heads of state. The list of invitees will be released shortly before the investiture.

At the ceremony the King will wear a tail coat with white tieunder the royal mantle.

In addition to the Dutch constitution, the credence table beside the throne bears three regalia, symbols of the dignity and authority of the monarch. These are the crown (symbolising sovereignty and dignity), the sceptre (authority) and the orb (the territory of the Kingdom). The other two regalia - the sword of state (symbolising power) and the standard of the kingdom bearing the coat of arms of the Netherlands - are carried by two senior military officers. These regalia have been in use since the investiture of King Willem II in 1840.

On 30 April the Queen will sign the instrument of abdication in the Royal Palace, Amsterdam. This is the constitutional procedure by which she formally relinquishes the throne. Once the instrument is signed, in other words before the investiture ceremony, the Prince of Orange will become King under constitutional law. He will be King Willem-Alexander. The new King and the former Queen will then give a short address from the balcony of the Palace. The new King and Queen and their three young daughters will then make a public appearance on the balcony.

The abdications in 1948 and 1980 also took place in Amsterdam. In 1840, the abdication took place at Het Loo Palace.

Source: RVD

Last update: 30 January 2013
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Posts discussing the announcement of the abdication and posts discussing the actual abdication and inauguration have been moved to the respective threads.

To discuss the announcement of the abdication of Queen Beatrix, please visit the thread:
Abdication Announcement Queen Beatrix; 28 January 2013

To discuss the upcoming abdication of Queen Beatrix and the upcoming inauguration of Prince Willem-Alexander please visit the thread:
Abdication of Queen Beatrix & Inauguration of Willem-Alexander; Suggestions & Musings

This topic will be updated with new information about abdication of Queen Beatrix and the inauguration of Prince Willem-Alexander once it is made public. If new information is released, please post it at Abdication of Queen Beatrix & Inauguration of Willem-Alexander; Suggestions & Musings thread or contact a Dutch Forums moderator. (Marengo, JessRulz & LadyK) The information will be moved to this thread.

This thread will remain closed to keep all information clear for everyone.
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As all appropriate threads are still closed i would suggest to open them as an enormous amount of information is coming on as of now and it's easy to otherwise loose the overview.

I had to post this here as the thread is still closed.

Cortege for the Inauguration of His Majesty King Willem-Alexander from the Royal Palace to The Nieuwe Kerk,and back:

First cortège

Members of the States General and Members od the ASC States,i.e. Aruba,St.Maarten and Curacao

Second cortège

Members of the Council of Ministers of the Kingdom

Third and main cortège


Sergeant-major of the Royal Marines R.V.van Balen
Sergeant-major of the Royal Marines T.A.J.Jetten

Herauten van Wapenen

Professor Dr.R.H.Dijkgraaf
Mrs.dr.R.V.M.Jones - Bos
Mrs.T.E.G. van Grunsven

Koningen der Wapenen / Kings of Arms

General van Uhm

Master of Ceremonies of His Majesty The King:

Drs.W.N. Cosijn

Members of the Court of HM:

Mr.A.J.Leeuwenburg,Private Secretary
Mrs.Drs.J.F.Zaaijer,Personal Advisor

General-Major H.Morsink,Adjutant-general

Mr.E.W. van Veen,Chamberlain
Mr.S.A.M. Klein Schiphorst,Maréchal du Court

Mr.E.H.V. Dahmen,Intendant of the Royal Palaces
Colonel G.E.Wassenaar,Master of the Royal Mews

Drs.Ph.C.B.Maarschalkerweerd,Director Royal House Archives
Drs.E.F. Verwael,2nd general secretary

Mrs.Mr.Drs.Tazhib-Lie,Private secretary
Drs.J.A.Klarenbeek,Private secretary

Bearer of the Stature of the Kingdom of The Netherlands
HE Professor Mr.J.M.Saleh

Bearer of the Dutch Constitution
ZE Mr.H.D. Tjeenk Willink

Bearer of the Sword of State
HE General T.A. Middendorp,Commander of the Dutch Forces

Escorting the Sword of State
Captain of the Royal Marines A.Mulders
Captain of the Royal Airforce S.Have

Banners and Standards

Banner of the Eskadron
Captain-Lt. of the Royal Navy A. van der Sande

Banner of the Regiments Grenadiers and Hunters
Lt-Colonel L.A.W. Schreurs

Banner of the Royal Airforce
Lt-Colonel M.Duyvesteijn

Standard of the Royal Constabulary Force,
Lt-Colonel F.C.M.Rippens

Standard National Police
Commisioner of Police S van Zanten

Grand Master of His Majesty the King
ZE Drs.M.Hennis

HM The King and HM Queen Máxima

Bearers of the Royal Mantle

Lt-Colonel P.M.G.Lukken
Capt-Lt. of the Royal Navy S.M.Oost
Lt.-Colonel A.J.M.Wertenbroek
Lt.-Colonel S.A.R.Riedstra

Grand Mistress of the Court of His Majesty The King
HE Mrs.Martine van Loon Labouchère

Ladies in Waiting

Mrs.Drs.O.A. Gaarlandt - van Voorst van Beest
Mrs M.L.A. Baroness van Zuylen van Nyevelt - den Beer Poortugael

Operational Commanders

HE Vice-Admiral M.J.M. Borsboom,Commander of the Royal Navy
HE Lt.-General M.J. de Kruif,Commnader of the Royal Dutch Army
HE Lt.-General A.Schnitger,Commander of the Royal Dutch Airforce
HE Lt.-General J.A.J.Leijtens,Commander of the Royal Constabulary Forces
HE Chief Commisioner of the Police Force Mr.G.L.Bouman,Chief of the National Police Corps

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