Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events Part 38: April 2013 - December 2013

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Jan 29, 2005
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Welcome to part 38 of the thread to discuss the current events of Charlotte Casiraghi.

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** Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events Part 37: March 2012 - March 2013 **

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Cool appearence, nothing special, just like normal people. The jacket is only a bit huge for her. I am jealous that she can be all around the world whenever she wants!!!!
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They still look like father and daughter to me, so I can't get rid of the creepy feeling every time I see them together, but they are obviously happy, and it's no one else's place to judge.
They still look like father and daughter to me, so I can't get rid of the creepy feeling every time I see them together, but they are obviously happy, and it's no one else's place to judge.

I have exactly the same feeling than you.
I also hope that from Gad's side it is a sincere feeling and not an interested one.
I was very chocked when I saw the famous video of TF1 with Charlotte.
Charlotte was supposed all her life to hate press and papzs. And suddenly this same secret person accepts to be filmed for her private life! this is incredible and brings audience only to Gad!
That was probably Charlotte's intention; to help Gad become better known in the English speaking world.
That was probably Charlotte's intention; to help Gad become better known in the English speaking world.

I don't really think so... It was a program for the french tv, it wasn't intended for the english speaking world.
Also, he is probably more known than her in britain and the u.k.

I think that he's simply make her more natural about her life...
Also, he is probably more known than her in britain and the u.k.
Gad more known in the US and UK than Charlotte, the grandaughter of Grace Kelly? I really dont thinj so!
But let our members from there tell us.
Gad more known in the US and UK than Charlotte, the grandaughter of Grace Kelly? I really dont thinj so!
But let our members from there tell us.

I'm from the UK. I don't know who Gad is and if I wasn't a royal follower I wouldn't know who Charlotte was either.
Gad more known in the US and UK than Charlotte, the grandaughter of Grace Kelly? I really dont thinj so!
But let our members from there tell us.

I doubt if you asked 10 people on a high street in the UK or main street in America that you would find more than 1 person who knew who either one of them were. They are just not big names.
Gad more known in the US and UK than Charlotte, the grandaughter of Grace Kelly? I really dont thinj so!
But let our members from there tell us.

The truth is I don't really know! I just guess Grace Kelly is very famous, Caroline and Stephanie are well know but not that famous, but most people don't know a thing about a remote grand-daughter...

In any case, what I meant is that I don't think there are pubicity interests or second thoughts in Charlotte and Gad's relationship. As a farway watcher i don't like the couple because they look creepy, but I do believe that there is genuine love on both sides.
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Gad isn't known in the US by the average person. The only way they would know him is to say that he was the guy running thru Versailles in 'Midnight in Paris'. Grace Kelly and PC are known by a lot of baby boomers and followers of fashion. Charlotte is probably known to one percenters and fashionistas. There have been articles about her in the Wall St Journal, NY Times, Forbes, Woman's Wear Daily, Vogue and Vanity Fair. She was on the cover of Town and Country magazine last year. There were also articles about the Casiraghis as children and teens in People magazine, but not really as adults.

A lot of A list Hollywood people visit Monaco each year so she can be a big help to him if she chooses Michael Douglas , Steven Spielberg, Brad and Angie, George Clooney to name a few. Monaco also hosts that international tv awards show many years.

The Tribecca Film Festival, in NYC, started on the 17th. I'm wondering If 'Mood Indigo' will be shown there. That is probably why Gad and Charlotte are there this week. Charlotte seems to be working the film festival circuit for Monaco and/or Gucci. So far Venice, Rome, Cannes, Toronto and maybe this week Tribecca.
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I also believe that is genuine love from both sides.
Nevertheless i think that frm Charlotte's side is ONLY love, from Gad's side is love + a certain publicity. He brings this relationship in front of press at every occasion.
Imagine if Kate Middleton when she was royal grlfriend started declaring:
I started as the daughter of a stewardess and now I m dating a future King, and by the way we have nice things to sell at Party Pieces!
Not very tastefull? no?
Sorry, but all you say is false ! You're not french, you can't understand who is really Gad. You imagine him old and opportunist.
In France, Gad has not the same image. Many girls love him because he's not "cute" like Brad Pitt etc...he's got some charm: it's a combinaison of his smile, his humour and his personnality. Of course, if you never saw him, you only see his face, but he's much more than only a face.
Moreover, I think Charlotte is more relax and natural, she's more casual because for once, she doesn't date a socielite. Of course Gad is very rich, but doesn't come from the same world, he has modest roots. And no, he's not with her to be known in english world. Not possible; his style works only for frenchspeaking people, it's many games of words etc... he can't do that in english. It's not his ambition.
When he makes shows abroad, it's for frenchspeaking people.
In France, he really doesn't need publicity like that. He was famous before dating her, not thanks to his love life, only thanks to his talent.
I can undestand you would have prefered to see her with a younger man, but you can't judge the guy, you don't know him. Gad Elmaleh is Gad Elmaleh. He's very respected in France. And not a bad guy at all. Maybe too much "cheap" for you.
Who cares ? She's happy, natural, free.
@marine:you do not specify if you reply to me, but it sounds like this.
I m not french but i m perfect french speaker. I know Gad and how talented he is but as correctly you say, only among french speakers. And now he tries other markets and he needs support.
Personnally i do not care about his face (Alex Dellal was not more handsome just younger), neither about his roots. I just say that i do not appreciate him exhibing his relation to Charlotte like an award, an achievement of life.
I do not doubt that he is himself talented, successful and rich, but this makes this exhibition of Charlotte, worst in MY eyes.
Of course this is my own opinion, but I m free to have it.
Trust me, in France, people don't like the aristocracy world. I think he has more to lose to date her, I already heard some negative comments like "pfff he's dating a princess now". It doesn't suit to his role in his shows.
Abroad, I don't think many people know Charlotte, I don't think he can work in the UK or in the USA thanks to her, it's totally crazy to think that.
And he doesn't show her like an award, they don't kiss, don't touch each other in public, they're discret. But after more 1 year together, they probably thought it was better to make their couple official, now some paparaazi let them alone. They don't need to hidden.
It's your opinion, of course, but I think you're wrong.
Charlotte is known in Italy, Spain, and some other european countries, that's all. He won't make a career there.

Maybe he is so proud to have such a beautiful and inlove girl, that inconsciousely he can't stop showing his joy and saying sentences sort of "I was born in Maroc and now I'm dating a Princess"
And...if it was Charlotte who was proud to date a famous actor ? lol

And maybe Alex Dellal was very proud to show his beautiful princess ?
She's loving the pink lipstick! Rightfully so, it looks great on her.
I also believe that is genuine love from both sides.
He brings this relationship in front of press at every occasion.
Imagine if Kate Middleton when she was royal grlfriend started declaring:
I started as the daughter of a stewardess and now I m dating a future King, and by the way we have nice things to sell at Party Pieces!
Not very tastefull? no?

LOL! Agreed, the thought is quite humorous.
LOL! Agreed, the thought is quite humorous.
:p I couldn't agree more! An accomplished actor, love by many; young and a can he not be proud? Maybe his way of showing how proud he is, IS by telling other people about it! You know, like branding something? Well, as long as Charlotte is happy..and her family is comfortable with it..:ermm:
Gad found a "gold". Char is young and fresh, beautiful, famous and glamorous among the rich and royal people. He is entering new cycles with her. If he wasn't proud and happy about his relationship, he must have been stupid.
Does she have a job? Besides her position at Gucci?

It seems that she spends a lot of time with her boyfriend, horses and party with friends.
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