Christening favourite outfit for mums

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Feb 21, 2004
United States
now that we are in a christening mood, which was the outfit for a mum that you most liked for their first newborns?

photos:, rexfeatures, reuters, gettyimages, anp, cover,

some suggestions...

princess martha louise in baptism of maud angelica

infanta cristina in baptism of juan valentin

princess maxima in baptism of catharina amalia

princess mette marit in baptism of ingrid alexandra

princess sarah in baptism of beatrice

princess letizia in baptism of leonor

princess mathilde in baptism of elisabeth

infanta elena in baptism of froilan

princess mary in baptism of christian

I think Maxima and Mette Marit looked both gorgeus
I vote for Infanta Cristina in Irene Baptism.
Maxima looked superb at C-A's christening. My second choice is Mary, even though her outfit was more suited to a spring christening.
Maxima's suit for CA's christening was beautiful.
One of the best ones ever on any princess.

I also like the liliac one that Infanta Elena wore. Very pretty colour.
I like both Maxima's outfit's which she wore on C-A and Alexia's christenings:)
I agree with you Magnik! I liked them best as well, very festive and yet very elegant and royal as well!
Marengo said:
I agree with you Magnik! I liked them best as well, very festive and yet very elegant and royal as well!
Yes, specially a flower-hat
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For a Spring baptism, my favourite is Máxima at Catharina-Amalia's christening:

For a Summer baptism, I pick Infanta Cristina at the baptism of Irene:

For a Winter baptism, my favourite was the Duchess of Bragança at the baptism of Dinis:
Maxima's outfit at C-A's baptism is my absolute favourite, but I did like Letizia's at Leonor's baptism too. Mathilde and Mary also looked adorable, though I didn't care too much for Mary's headpiece.
Both Maxima's outfits were the best I thing.
Here are some outfits worn by royal moms through each of their children's baptisms. It's interesting to note the different outfits and styles worn and the evolving fashion sense in some cases.

Princess Martha Louise, Maud Angelica & Leah Isadora:

(Sources: Afterposten & Scanpix)

Princess Laurentien, Eloise & Claus-Casimir:

(Sources: Fotomarktplatz & Jan van der Beek)

Princess Mabel, Luana:

(Source: Hola!)

Crown Princess Mathilde, Elisabeth, Gabriel & Emmanuel:

(Sources: IBL, Getty Images & Corbis)

Princess Astrid, Luisa Maria & Laeticia Maria:

(Sources: Corbis & Getty Images)
Mette Marit's outfit at Sverre baptism

Indeed, I do not understand why she wore black colours for her son's baptism! I think it was so sad, and in comparison to the outfit she showed for Ingrid...
Crown Princess Marie-Chantal, Maria-Olympia, Konstantine-Alexios, Achilleas-Andreas & Odysseas Kimon:

(Sources: Corbis & UK Press)

Princess Alexandra, Nikoai & Felix:

(Sources: Corbis & IBL)

Princess Alexandra of Berleberg, Richard & Ingrid:

(Sources: Corbis & Billed-Bladet)

Princess Caroline, Pierre (so says the caption, but I think it might be Andreas) & Charlotte:

(Source: Corbis)
my vote is for princess diana in harry's christening, she really look beautiful
I'm bias..but I thought CP Mary looked stunning and very appropriate for her son's baptism. It was lovely to see something bright on a cold gloomy winter's day and it was a very unique outfit.

Second, it would be a tie between CP Letizia and CP Maxima. They both looked really beautiful!

CP Letizia definitely looked gorgeous on Leonor's baptism......
my second choice would be Maxima at C-A's christening...and Mette-Marit at I-A's christening...
Infanta Cristina's dress during Irene's baptism and Crown Princess Maxima's outfit during Alexia's christening gets my vote, although Maxima's headdresses can be outrageous at times :D

Crown Princesses Letizia and Mary also looked fab!
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Letizia's christening look was very pretty. Simple but elegant. I thought it looked very appropriate for a christening.

Mathilde has to be one of the classiest Crown Princesses out there but I thought the red boots for Gabriel's? christening looked very out of place and inappropriate for a christening.

Mary's look for the christening was very nice. The blue was a nice touch of color. The only "thing" I have about the outfit is the skirt. I like Mary's look from the waist up.

Maxima looked stunning at Catharina-Amalia's christening. She just looked radiant in silverish-white with a bow at her waist. :)
My favourite is Infanta Cristina at her third son Miguel's christening:

Red really suits the women of the SRF:D

Source: Diez Minutos
I loved Maxima's and MC's outfits - very stylish

I also liked Mary's jacket and brooch (only)
Luana is quite big in her christianing fotos?
I love the outfit of Maxima in the CA's christening, it is my favourite.
I didn't like very much the one of Alexia's christening, but her style is incredible always.
My second choice is Cristina, she looks incredible in the four christenings of her children, always wearing very good dresses depending on the weather.
:) :) I loved Cristina's outfit for Miguel's baptism, also Maxima and Mary looked great during their children baptisms, very stylish and lovely.:) :)
i vote for both maxima's outfits (amalia and alexia) and for martha's outfit for leah's christening
My vote for CP Mary in Christian`s baptism and Princess Alexandra in Nicolai`s baptism. Both was perfect:) And i think it was very sad that CP Mette Marit wore black colours in Sverre Magnus baptism.
i loved both of maxima's outfits but thought they were ruined by her "hats."

same for mette marit at ingrid's christening. her headband thing at sverre's baptism wasnt too bad and i really liked her pretty outfit.

I love everything marie-chantal has worn to her kids baptisms. she has a very nice simple style.
pollyemma said:
I love everything marie-chantal has worn to her kids baptisms. she has a very nice simple style.

Are you sure about that? :) I actually found the third one pretty hideous, it looked like she ran away from The Sound of Music (well the upperhalf of her dress did) :rolleyes::

But the rest of M-C's baptism outfits I really love. Especially the first two, which are very stylish, imo. I'm also a big fan of the two outfits Alexandra wore at the christenings of Nikolai and Felix! :)
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