Crown Prince Frederik & Crown Princess Mary's Visit to Australia: October 24-28, 2013

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Jul 18, 2004
Crown Prince Frederik & Crown Princess Mary's Visit to Australia: October 24-28, 2013

Crown Prince Couple Visit To Australia
October 25 - 28, 2013​

Crown Prince Couple participate as patrons in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Sydney Opera House and awards the Royal Couple Rates 2013

Crown Prince visits in Sydney, Australia, 25 - 28 October as patrons of the 40th anniversary of the Sydney Opera House. On this occasion participant Royal Couple in the celebration and will at the same head the presentation of the Royal Couple Rates 2013.

Each year The Royal Couple four awards in three categories at the awards, which was instituted as a gift in 2004 by Bikubenfonden. In the Opera House on 28 October distributes Crown Prince four awards: Crown Prince Couple's Culture Prize of the Royal Couple Social price of DKK 500,000 and two cultural Stardust prices á 50,000 Danish and Australian artists will perform during the awards ceremony that will be broadcast in Denmark on DR1 and in Australia at Special Broadcasting Service (SBS ).

During the visit participating Royal Couple in several events marking the Opera house's 40th anniversary, including a gala concert and a series of cultural events focusing on new talent. Royal Couple will include conducting the openings of a Danish design exhibition and an international architecture and design symposium.
Published 20 June 2013​

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Sydney Fires

On the eve of M&F coming to Sydney, New South Wales is having a very bad bushfire day- 90 fires in our state and a big, uncontrolled one about 15 minutes from our home.

My hubby will have trouble getting home tonight from Sydney because of the highway being blocked.

I am wondering if the schedule of engagements for the upcoming tour may be modified so M&F can offer comfort to those who have lost homes etc. No reports of lives lost thankfully.

ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
On the eve of M&F coming to Sydney, New South Wales is having a very bad bushfire day- 90 fires in our state and a big, uncontrolled one about 15 minutes from our home.

My hubby will have trouble getting home tonight from Sydney because of the highway being blocked.

I am wondering if the schedule of engagements for the upcoming tour may be modified so M&F can offer comfort to those who have lost homes etc. No reports of lives lost thankfully.

ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Perhaps, it would be a nice gesture (and a politically safe thing to do).

It's good no lives have been lost, may it remain so.

The number of volunteer firefighters in Australia is truly astonishing and admirable!

You and your husband stay safe, Lady Rosie, okay?
Maybe this question has been already answered elsewhere on this forum (sorry don't know where) but do Mary and Frederik plan to take the kids with them when they visit Australia? And will they do some private vacation there by visiting Marys family?
On the eve of M&F coming to Sydney, New South Wales is having a very bad bushfire day- 90 fires in our state and a big, uncontrolled one about 15 minutes from our home.

My hubby will have trouble getting home tonight from Sydney because of the highway being blocked.

I am wondering if the schedule of engagements for the upcoming tour may be modified so M&F can offer comfort to those who have lost homes etc. No reports of lives lost thankfully.

ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

will mary&frederik arrive to sydney tonight? i though it first was in next week :)

and stay safe lady rosie
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Thank you Archduchess Zelia, Muhler and Maggie Denmark for your kind thoughts :flowers:

I do believe the first engagement for M&F is on 24th and so would arrive on 23rd?

I haven't heard of them having vacation time like their last visit and it may be too quick a visit to bring the kids unfortunately.

My thoughts on them meeting with people effected by the fires is based on a history of the British Royals (e.g. Charles and Diana in 1983 and William more recently) doing just that in the weeks after the devastation. Maybe they won't have time.
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Hi Lady Rosie and other Australian members,
how is it going down there with the bushfire? I saw some pictures in Danish B.T., where you could see the smoke over Sydney city. I hope all is well, after all.

The Royal House and the Danish Embassy, of course, follows the developments of the bushfire closely, but they say that it so far doesn't seem to affect the upcoming official visit. Manager of the Danish Embassy says: "We follow the developments of the bushfire closely, but as it looks now the visit will be implemented."
Værste brande i 40 år truer Sydney: Frederik og Mary fastholder rejseplan - Royale |

The Royal House still haven't publicly made ​​the official program, but Australian media are quick and has information of the coming days, including part of Friday's program :flowers:
No Cookies |

The chief in the Opera House, Louise Herron, tells about the visit, the connection between Denmark and Australia and the importance of inviting Frederik and Mary to the celebration.
Translated to English:
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As the Crown Couple and their children arrived yet?
As the Crown Couple and their children arrived yet?

i do not think mary&frederik have arrived yet i am sure we would have heard if they were but i am curious about when they will land? i mean it must be hard to fly 26 hours and start directly with a busy schedule.., i would be so jetlagged :)
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Thank you for your thoughts Roskilde:flowers: Some light rain today but bushfires still a problem. The sheer scale of the devastation is immense.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) meant to be a bad day on the fire front so fingers crossed. The fire near here still burning.

On to happier the royal visit! News coverage of the visit is sketchy at this stage but I am sure that once the couple arrives (tomorrow?) interest will take off.

Sydney Opera House welcomes Danish Royalty | Your gateway to the NSW Government
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More information on the Crown Prince Couple Awards being handed out in Australia

"For the first time in its history, the Crown Prince Couple’s Award Show will take place outside Denmark as the Royal couple will participate in a Danish-Australian celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Sydney Opera House."

The Crown Prince Couple's Awards |
CP Couple Due to Arrive in Sydney Tonight.

Hi Everyone,

I didn't expect to return to posting here, but am a bit wrapped up in the upcoming Opera House celebrations, and am hoping to pop along tomorrow and see the kick-off and take a few snaps of the Royal Couple.

After no mention whatsoever on any news shows about CP Mary and CP Fred's imminent presence here in Sydney, the first mention of them has just flashed on the 3.00pm afternoon, (Channel 9), news -announcing they are due to arrive tonight. (So I guess they are currently in the air.)

They are due for official photos at the Opera House at 10.00am tomorrow morning, so will not have too much time to get over any jet-lag - that is only 16.5 hours from now, and they have still to arrive.

Anyway, I will share any info of the next few days' activities, for CP Mary's supporters, from here that I can.

Best Wishes to All,

Cheers, Sun Lion.

Wednesday 23rd Oct 3.30pm in Sydney -

- despite the dire warnings that today was to be absolutely horrendous bushfire-wise, the Royal Couple, and all those travelling with them in the media and for Danish business interests, will arrive to a pretty clean Sydney smoke and smell-wise.

The small amount of rain that fell across various areas last night has, it is now being reported, been a help. (Earlier reports where that it was just a hinderance, interfering with the back-burning and making the bush tracks in the Blue Mts too slippery for the fire-trucks.)

At least we seem to have, so far, averted the fire-storm we were in risk of (- where bush-fires of this size affect the weather system bringing about storms and creating lightning strikes which start new fires ahead of what is already alight.)

Sydney last Thursday was as if Armageddon was upon us - the sun red, the sapphire blue water of the Harbour orange, and the most appalling cloud of smoke above us all - with hot, hot blustery winds and the stench of everything burnt.

Others days down here in Sydney have been less dramatic, but the smoke has been lower - all around us, blocking the view everywhere and stinking, stinking, stinking.

If the wind keeps blowing in the right direction, Sydney will be at her best for the next few days of celebrations and we won't be plunged back into that.

I'm wondering how everyone is going to find the difference here after getting off the plane. I don't know how cold Denmark is at the moment, but here it's currently 33 degrees, so I guess the air-conditioning in all the cars, vans etc. will be on full-bore, even if they arrive after dark.

Cheers All,

Sun Lion.

Two Opera House Documentaries Shown on TV This Week - A Wonder it Got Built At All.

We've all been given a bit of a history lesson about the Opera House this week and what an eye-opener it's all been.

I highly recommend the two doco - one lost, (destroyed by the BBC, but found again after 45 years), and the other containing an interview with Mr Utzorn from 1998.

I've lived in Sydney now since the 80's, and am within walking distance of the Opera House, so although I don't take it for granted, it is a part of everyday life here in Sydney.

Thank you Denmark for your wonderful architect Jorn Utzon and, not always mentioned, your wonderful engineer/construction man Ove Arup, and their many Danish companions, who made this happen.

A new architecture, and new way of construction, for a new country - from the Old World for the New World.

If you haven't caught them they are -

"Autopsy On a Dream"

"The Edge of the Possible"

Cheers, Sun Lion.

P.S. I think after I signed off from "The Royal Forums" earlier in the year, some posters here sent me messages - I think they were deleted by the moderators so I didn't get to read them - but thank you for any good wishes you sent my way. I hope you are all well and life is fine.

Media Attention on Mary and Frederick Starting.

OK, the TV news, (Channel 9 at least), is now having proper stories about CP Mary and CP Frederick coming to Sydney tonight.

Showing footage from their 2011 trip and talking about some of the activities that will be happening over the next five days.

(I think a lot of our lady news-readers must really like CP Mary - saw it in 2011 and just saw it now. They seem to go all sparkly-eyed and their voices soften. Plus a nice change of pace from all the bush-fire news that has been the only real topic for more than a week.)

P.S. - weather conditions are worsening - the wind everyone fears is building and so is the temperature.

Sun Lion.

PP.S. Channel 9 News must be making up for lost time - they're running the story of the new trend of "Bling Christenings" too - but using footage of the twins Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine with it - !!!.
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Sun Lion, good to see you again :)

Thank you for your references to the documentaries about Utzon and his work on the Sidney Opera; over the years, I've seen a number of documentaries about the proces in Danish television and I would love to see these as well (just spent another hour googling your references and getting absorbed in the tales of the work and politics surrounding the construction of the opera).

I'm so sorry to read in your last post that weather conditions are worsening again; saw last night on television how horrific these fires are. Hope you are all safe.
Sun Lion, good to see you again :)

Thank you for your references to the documentaries about Utzon and his work on the Sidney Opera; over the years, I've seen a number of documentaries about the proces in Danish television and I would love to see these as well (just spent another hour googling your references and getting absorbed in the tales of the work and politics surrounding the construction of the opera).

I'm so sorry to read in your last post that weather conditions are worsening again; saw last night on television how horrific these fires are. Hope you are all safe.

Hi UserDane - good to be back.

Hope you're able to find the docos - really worth seeing. We really are blessed that it all went ahead when you learn about the ins and outs that were involved politically, structurally, culturally, financially etc.

Seeing MaggieDenmark's post the CP Couple have arrived just in time to make the 6.00pm news shows.

Latest reports are the big danger of today has passed - some schools will re-open tomorrow, people who evacuated are now allowed back to some of the houses and tomorrow the temperature will be lower and winds not as strong.

Cheers, Sun Lion. :flowers:

P.S. Just posting about possible fire-works show for Opera House celebrations reminded me UserDane, did you see the good effect the "sails" of the Opera House were put to a few week ago for the Int. Naval Review? Similar thing done each winter during the "Vivid" festival - turns the whole building into a giant art-work - astonishing thing. Thanks again to Mr Utzon- choosing tiles - even to the extent of where the clay was quarried from - over copper. Worth a visit to Sydney at that time just to experience.

Forgot to say in earlier posts - I was looking at tickets for the concert and the prize-giving events a few weeks ago, but thought the concert crowd would be enormous, and the prize-giving event would probably be in Danish.

Anyway - too late now - tickets sold out some time ago and people are online asking if they can get tickets from anyone who has one they could let go. Doubt it .

SBS broadcasting the prize-giving in November - not live. (Probably need time to get the sub-titles sorted for us Aussies.)

Cheers, Sun Lion.

P.S. Quite likely there will be fire-works over the Opera House on Saturday night - even with the bushfires. Sydney does fire-works at the drop of a hat and we love it. Only known them to be cancelled once due to weather conditions many years ago in fire season.

A big cruise ship just sailed off - hopefully another one will arrive and berth in Circular Quay across from the Opera House over the next days - adds to the carnival atmosphere with all the palm trees and blue Harbour.
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Mary and Frederick in Oz without Children.

Just got a chance to see the 6.00pm news - now actually just past 8.00pm here - and CP Mary and CP Frederick have left the children at home and are here in Oz without them.

Quite a long report on good old Channel 9 - old footage used though. First story after all the day's dramas with the fires and a train problem due to the heat.

Reporter suggesting M and F may get the chance for a "few date nights" as this is the first time they've been here without their children, since they were born.

Have fun M and F.

Sun Lion.

Media Getting into Swing of Things Now.

Channels 9 has now started promoting it's coverage of "Princess Mary's" visit to be in tomorrow's programs.

Sorry CP Frederick, they know you're here of course, but it's Mary who sells.

(Haven't been on the other channels, so don't know what their coverage has been like.)

I'm off to bed now - a lark, not a night-owl - still early for most, just past 9.00pm.

Very warm night in Sydney, clear and smoke-free. City looks wonderful all lit up. Perhaps F and M are out enjoying it.

10.00am tomorrow public has been invited to the podium level of the Opera House and another chance at 4.00pm to see them just a short walk away, going to Government House.

I'll post if I have any news.

Also, another chance to see CP Mary on Friday at the shop opening in Market St.

Won't be going out to Five Dock or to Randwick for the school and Library events, nor to the Hospital. In fact the library is closed for "normal business" on Saturday for the event there according to their website.

Bye for now, Sun Lion.
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Well thats interesting. They have never passed up the opportunity to have the children here when they have come before, even on other 'business' trips here, the children have always joined them at some stage. They all have a family break together, visiting relatives after the official side of the trip is done. It's such a long way to come though, maybe they decided not to this time?
Well thats interesting. They have never passed up the opportunity to have the children here when they have come before, even on other 'business' trips here, the children have always joined them at some stage. They all have a family break together, visiting relatives after the official side of the trip is done. It's such a long way to come though, maybe they decided not to this time?

Who knows missjane. Perhaps the reporter hasn't got the whole story.

If CP Mary isn't scheduled back in Denmark after Monday, she may join her family and the children might be there. Two years is a long time not to see your close rellies.

Cheers, Sun Lion.
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Hi Sun Lion . You probably sleeping now, but great to have you back , I have with pleasure read all your information-rich posts here. A big thank you :flowers:

I'm not surprised that Mary and Frederik haven't the children with them this time - it has been known for some time now in the Danish press . There is simply no time for a family visit this time - both Mary and Frederik have events in the coming weeks and it would be a shame to fly with such young children for 26 hours for only a few days and then 26 hours back again. And both Christian and Bella have started school now , it was easier before, where the family could just pack the suitcases without worrying about their children's schooling . I do wish them in the near future a trip to Tasmania where a family visit is the only programme.

I read somewhere that the bush-fires is now downgraded - let 's hope so!

Reporter suggesting M and F may get the chance for a "few date nights" as this is the first time they've been here without their children, since they were born.

Have fun M and F.


Media Getting into Swing of Things Now.

Channels 9 has now started promoting it's coverage of "Princess Mary's" visit to be in tomorrow's programs.

Sorry CP Frederick, they know you're here of course, but it's Mary who sells.

(Haven't been on the other channels, so don't know what their coverage has been like.)

I'm off to bed now - a lark, not a night-owl - still early for most, just past 9.00pm.

Very warm night in Sydney, clear and smoke-free. City looks wonderful all lit up. Perhaps F and M are out enjoying it.

Maybe Mary and Frederik spend their togetherness without children in Sydney 's night with a visit to the Slip Inn :D Or maybe they just have fall into a deep sleep at their hotel room after their long flight... ready for tomorrow and next days programme.
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Hi Sun Lion . You probably sleeping now, but great to have you back , I have with pleasure read all your information-rich posts here. A big thank you :flowers:

I'm not surprised that Mary and Frederik haven't the children with them this time - it has been known for some time now in the Danish press . There is simply no time for a family visit this time - both Mary and Frederik have events in the coming weeks and it would be a shame to fly with such young children for 26 hours for only a few days and then 26 hours back again. And both Christian and Bella have started school now , it was easier before, where the family could just pack the suitcases without worrying about their children's schooling . I do wish them in the near future a trip to Tasmania where a family visit is the only programme.

I read somewhere that the bush-fires is now downgraded - let 's hope so!

Maybe Mary and Frederik spend their togetherness without children in Sydney 's night with a visit to the Slip Inn :D Or maybe they just have fall into a deep sleep at their hotel room after their long flight... ready for tomorrow and next days programme.

Hi Roskilde - very nice to be back here at TRFs, especially with something to share.

It's just gone 5.15am here, so the horizon is starting to light up, all orange and red because of all the ash and smoke particles in the air.

Looks like a clear day at the moment, which will be nice for anyone out and about for the event this morning.

The Opera House is a little way from the working/office/business part of town, and everyone will be at their desks at 10.00am anyway, so M and F won't get the "audience" that would come from being at, say, the Town Hall at lunch time - but that's better for people like me.

The photos should be very good if the sky stays blue, with the white sails soaring away to the sky and Harbour.

M and F are covering some "old" ground today. I think there are Opera House photos from one of the earlier trips, and we still have the same NSW Govenor that M and F have met before, Marie Bashir. Also expecting to see Lord Mayor Clover Moore who hosted the Customs House event in Nov 2011.

My husband is off to the gym, so should bring back a newspaper. I'll see if there is a photo of M and F's arrival yesterday.

The morning TV shows will be on soon too - they will be going "all out Royal", with Prince George's christening and the Danish CP Couple in town, I think.

Cheers for Now, Sun Lion. :flowers:

P.S. Wouldn't be suprised if M and F get up early for a jog across the Harbour Bridge or around the Botanical Gardens - heard that's happended in New York, Rio etc.

PP.S. "Daily Telegraph", Sydney's popular daily, has full front page photo of a fire-fighter with photo and message from Prince Charles on page 3. He is making a "considerable" and "substantial" donation and is recieving regular updates on the situation here.
M and F are on page 19 with photo of them in formal attire.
Prince George on page 26 with garden photo from a few months back, no actual Christening photo/s.

PPP.S Morning telly showing previous Opera House visit by M and F - what crowds - and Prince G's Christening every half hour.

CP Mary will need her 30+ on today -bright, bright sun with some haze and smoke smells. I'm off now to see what I can see - just coming up to 9.00am, Royal Couple now due at 10.10am, but I going to walk there, so have to get going.
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PP.S. "Daily Telegraph", Sydney's popular daily, has full front page photo of a fire-fighter with photo and message from Prince Charles on page 3. He is making a "considerable" and "substantial" donation and is recieving regular updates on the situation here.
M and F are on page 19 with photo of them in formal attire.
Prince George on page 26 with garden photo from a few months back, no actual Christening photo/s.

PPP.S Morning telly showing previous Opera House visit by M and F - what crowds - and Prince G's Christening every half hour.

CP Mary will need her 30+ on today -bright, bright sun with some haze and smoke smells. I'm off now to see what I can see - just coming up to 9.00am, Royal Couple now due at 10.10am, but I going to walk there, so have to get going.

thank you Sun Lion for all your up todate reporting:flowers::flowers:
Hopefully you get to see them.

M&F usually get a nice reception
thank you Sun Lion for all your up todate reporting:flowers::flowers:
Hopefully you get to see them.

M&F usually get a nice reception

Hi polyesco - yes, just got back home.

It's just gone 3.00pm here - and I not ony saw the CP Couple at the Opera House, but also sailing around the Harbour and arriving and leaving lunch at Admiralty House here in Kiribilli.

(In fact, if I hadn't told a passerby what was happening at Admiralty House, I would have been the only one there, because the security officer would not let her know who was in the area - that's how tight the protection was. I just happended to see the Royal party arriving at the Admiralty House jetty as I was walking home across the Harbour Bridge and realised what was going on.)

This morning I just got to the bottom of the Opera House as the cars and motocycle out-riders arrived, and as they parked under the lower open part of the building I went up the stairs they were under, to the podium level.

Lots of Danish people were there, and the school group in their blue uniforms with their Danish flags. Lots of excitment and laughing and calling out etc.

There was a media area cordoned off with fencing for the TV and photographers and another area cordoned off with a red velvet rope where the school group were, and where CP Mary was presented with flowers.

There must have been a friend there, as CP Mary hugged a woman and they spoke together.

The Royal party then went up higher on the Opera House steps and everyone got a good chance to get some nice photos of the Royal couple together with the Opera House sails and sky behind them.

Saw CP Mary's LIW Tanya there, and later her LIW Caroline as well - after they had all changed into jeans and sneekers for the boat trip.

After the official public part - and people applauded them as the couple waved goodbye - a lot of the media spread out.

Jorn Utzon's son was surrounded by a lot of Danish media and did an interview.

I stayed there, as did a lot of others - the whole podium area was a mass of people by then - and got another half hour or more to photograph CP Mary - the official party had just gone to the top of that set of stairs, and the media were busy filing their official photos by then I guess.

CP Mary looked wonderful - immaculate make-up and the Aussie sunshine bringing out the red highlights in her hair.

Lots of smiles from CP Frederick. Everyone was having a great time.

Their tour of the Opera House then started outside in this area - that's why we got such a long time to watch them - and as the party moved on inside I realised they would probably exit down the bottom.

The school children also went inside, and they came out on the lower level some time later -maybe photos inside with the Royals?

I sat down outside for a while - media and security everywhere, reporting in. I thought I would get a bit of a view of them getting back into their cars, but fortunately someone spoke to an officer there, and then passed onto me that the Royal party were actually leaving from the other side - from the Man O' War steps.

Realised then that they were going on the Harbour.

This part of the day hadn't been announced as far I as know, so those few of us who found out, got a real ringside seat to see M and F again - and up close.

It was now 11.15am, and everyone had changed out of their formal clothes and CP Mary had tied her hair back in a pony-tail. She had her sunnies on her head so we could see her properly- and boy was the sun bright today, I got burnt a bit even with 30+ on!. She didn't lower her glasses until she was about to climb aboard.

It was a little sailing yacht called "Xpress", and was flying what I took to be the Danish Naval flag. (Had blue in with the white cross.)

I asked a security guy there if they were coming back to this wharf and he said no, so I went along that side of the Opera House - the Botanical Gardens side - and took photos as they sailed off.

The Harbour side of the Opera House has seating and the breeze was great there, so I sat down again and thought, I'll just see where they go.

Wasn't hard to watch them as that part of the Harbour is very narrow, and they just sailed back and forth in front of me - between Lavender Bay and Garden Island, going out of view only when they went around the Admiralty House headland into either Careening Cove, or more likely- not as narrow or full of boats - into Neutral Bay.

At first they sailed about by engine, but after coming back out of Careening Cove/Neutral Bay the sails went up.

(The yacht was in this area for quite some time, so it's possible CP Mary and the other ladies disembarked at the yacht club there and changed again for lunch - and CP Frederick put the sails up to enjoy the wind which was quite strong by then.)

They were on the Harbour for about an hour or a bit more, before disappearing back around behind the headland for the final time.

Saw the sails being put down as they went from view and realised they were making for the yacht club to berth the boat as it was about 12.20pm and time for lunch.

(This is the yacht club M and F sailed against each other from, a few years ago.)

I thought they may be having lunch at the yacht club, so thought I might be able to catch them leaving that, on my way home.

Luckily though, as I was crossing the Harbour Bridge, I saw the two large black military "rubber duckies" and the very large white police launch making for the Admiralty House wharf.

These vessels, plus a smaller grey "rubber duckie", followed the Royal yacht around the Harbour when they were sailing. Also, there were masses of security people on the wharf.

I think the Royal party left their yacht at the yacht club in Careening Cove and then were taken in these vessels around to Admiralty House for lunch.

Everybody left the wharf and went up the stairs and through the gardens.

(This is were M and F ,and the twins, spent a night during the Nov 2011 tour.)

Very obvious they were there - even though an officer in the street wouldn't disclose it to the lady as mentioned above.

Waited there with the well-dressed security guys and motorcycle police, and a, (maybe), lady PET officer I'd seen at the Man O' War steps earlier, until 2.35pm.

(They must have been enjoying it, as I was told they were due to leave at 2.00pm.)

Got some snaps as they drove off, and plenty at the Opera House and of the sailing.

( I may go into see the store opening tomorrow. If so, I'll post a message about that.)

Well it's 4.40pm here, and M and F's engagement with the NSW Govenor must be happening.

I'm off to get tea going so I can sit down and watch the news reports later this evening.

Sydney couldn't have turned on a better day for everyone. There was even another beautiful big cruise ship berthed opposite the Opera House - "Radiance of the Seas".

The breeze blew away the smokey smell we woke up to this morning, and the sun shone all day.

Cheers Everyone, Sun Lion. :flowers:

P.S. Just seen the evening news reports here - close up footage on CP Mary dangling her legs over the yacht side as the sails are going down, so she didn't leave the boat early, as I speculated above.

All channels also showing footage of M and F with Marie Bashir - this afternoon's event - and lots of footage of CP Mary speaking about the bushfires and the fire-fighters.
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Wonderful reportage, Sun Lion :flowers: Sounds like you had a wonderful day. Glad you got to see Mary and Frederik so many times and that you had enjoyed the good weather. Mary and Frederik looks lovely.

Looking at all the pictures your city absolutely turned out from it's very best.

Three nice HQ pictures


A great gallery with lovely pictures

GALLERY: Princess Mary visits Sydney | The Advocate

Australian media

Princess Mary and Prince Frederik wow Sydney Opera House crowds

Danish Royals visit Opera House

Article "Princess Mary and Prince Frederick express heartbreak for NSW bushfire victims"
Princess Mary and Prince Frederick express heartbreak for NSW bushfire victims | The Mercury

Article "Danish royals reach out to firefighters, victims"
Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Gallery: Princess Mary in Sydney | The Examiner

Princess Mary and Prince Frederick express heartbreak for NSW bushfire victims | The Mercury

Danish media

Article "The Australians: Welcome home, Mary"
Australierne vilde: Velkommen hjem, Mary - Royale |

And a great gallery
Billedserie: Frederik og Mary i Australien |
Australierne vilde: Velkommen hjem, Mary - Royale |
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P.S. Just posting about possible fire-works show for Opera House celebrations reminded me UserDane, did you see the good effect the "sails" of the Opera House were put to a few week ago for the Int. Naval Review? Similar thing done each winter during the "Vivid" festival - turns the whole building into a giant art-work - astonishing thing. Thanks again to Mr Utzon- choosing tiles - even to the extent of where the clay was quarried from - over copper. Worth a visit to Sydney at that time just to experience.

Hi Sun Lion :)

Unfortunately, I haven't seen the pictures but will look them up online. I'm fascinated by the opera as a building and of the building process with all the political struggles connected with it.

Thanks a million for your on-site reports from F&M's visit :flowers: I
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