Crown Princess Couple's Visit to Australia and New Zealand: February 13-18, 2023

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Imperial Majesty
Jun 22, 2007
The royal court updated to its calendar today, that the Crown Princess Couple makes an official visit to
Australia (Canberra and Sydney) 13-15 February and
New Zealand (Wellington and Hamilton) 16-18 February
Officiella program _ Kungahuset

The Swedish Embassy is organizing a cocktail event in Sydney and has invited the Swedish School to participate with 25 students between the ages of 8-17.
Time and place: Wednesday 15 February 2023 at 19-21 at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney.
Guests of honor at the event are Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel.
Cocktailevent Svenska Ambassaden 15 feb 2023 Tickets, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, The Rocks _ TryBooking Australia

Margareta Thorgren said to Svensk Damtidning that there is no plan for Estelle and Oscar to accompany their parents to Australia in February.
— No, it has never been discussed. This is an official business trip and Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar are at school.
Who will look after the prince and princess while Victoria and Daniel are away in Australia and New Zealand?
— It belongs to the private sphere and we don't communicate that to the media.
Hovet bekräftar_ Victoria och Daniel lämnar Haga – stora beslutet för familjen _*Svensk Dam

Victoria and Daniel meet on 31st January H.E. Mr Bernard Philip, Australian Ambassador to Sweden at the Australian Embassy's residence.
Officiella program _ Kungahuset

And on 2nd February they meet H.E. Mr Andrew Jenks, New Zealand's Ambassador to Sweden at the New Zealand's Embassy's residence.
The same day they have the briefing from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs for their visit to Australia and New Zealand.
Officiella program _ Kungahuset
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Press release from the Royal Court
On 13–18 February, the Crown Princess and Prince Daniel will visit Australia and New Zealand together with Johan Forssell, Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade.
The two visits take place at the request of the government. The purpose of the visits is to promote and strengthen bilateral relations with Australia and New Zealand. The visits also aim to promote Swedish business interests with a focus on areas where there is particularly good potential for in-depth cooperation and trade exchange, for example in sustainable business, health and innovation.

The program is preliminary and subject to change. Program items can be added or removed.

From the program for the visit to Australia
Monday 13 February, Canberra
Visit to the Swedish Embassy in Canberra
The Crown Princess and the Prince are received by Ambassador Pontus Melander. They also meet and talk with the staff.

Welcome ceremony at the National Museum of Australia, Canberra
The Crown Princess and Prince Daniel participate in a ceremonial welcome ritual at the National Museum, together with representatives from the local Ngunnawal aboriginal people. After the ceremony, the exhibition Great Southern Land is viewed under the direction of the museum director.

Visit to Namadgi National Park, Canberra
National park visit to learn more about the effects of the 2020 wildfires.

The Governor General's Dinner, Canberra
HE Governor General David Hurley and Mrs Hurley host a dinner for the Crown Princess, Prince Daniel and the Swedish delegation.

Tuesday 14 February, Canberra and Sydney
Visit to the National Arboretum, Canberra
On Tuesday morning, the Crown Princess and Prince Daniel visit the national arboretum and plant a tree in memory of the visit to Australia.

Climate meeting at the Australian National University (ANU), Canberra
The Crown Princess and Prince Daniel are given an orientation on the climate issue with a focus on Australia by Vice-Chancellor and Nobel laureate Professor Brian Schmidt. This is followed by a seminar with panel discussions, in which Minister Forssell participates, on electrification and energy security with perspectives from Australia and Sweden. HRH The Crown Princess begins the seminar with an opening speech.

Bilateral meetings, Canberra
During the afternoon, Minister Forssell holds bilateral meetings with Australian ministers. The Crown Princess couple is present at the meetings.

Reception at Government House, Sydney
The state governor Mrs. Margret Beazley gives a reception in honor of the Crown Princess couple at her residence in Sydney.

Wednesday 15 February, Sydney
Attendance at the Sweden-Australia Sustainable Mining Summit, Sydney
The Crown Princess and Prince Daniel attend a seminar on sustainable mining organized by Business Sweden.

Visit to the Sydney Opera House
The Crown Princess couple are given a guided tour of Sydney's iconic Opera House.

Visit to the Botanic Gardens, Sydney
In Sydney's botanic garden, the Crown Princess couple are given the opportunity to view the Solander garden and a specially designed garden ahead of World Pride.

Visit to Saint Vincent's Hospital, Sydney
The Crown Princess and Prince Daniel visit a hospital with the aim of raising awareness and getting more information about cancer care and oncology in Australia and collaborations with Sweden.

Meeting with the Australian women's national football team, Sydney
The Crown Princess couple meets parts of the Australian national team and their Swedish team captain Tony Gustafsson ahead of the World Cup in 2023.

Reception for Swedes in Australia at the Contemporary Art Museum, Sydney
Sweden's ambassador gives a reception for Swedes in Australia, the Crown Princess and Prince Daniel attend.

From the program for the visit to New Zealand
Thursday 16 February, Wellington
Visit to the National Museum Te Papa, Wellington
The Crown Princess and Prince Daniel visit the national museum Te Papa and are guided through the exhibition Te Taiao, with a focus on nature, sustainability and traditional knowledge.

Visit to Parliament, Wellington
The Crown Princess couple attends a meeting with the Parliamentary New Zealand-European Friendship Association.

Bilateral meeting, Wellington
During the evening, a bilateral meeting is held between Minister Forssell and representatives of the New Zealand government, at which the Crown Princess and the Prince are present.

Friday 17 February, Wellington
Welcome ceremony at Wawhetu Maraeu, Wellington
The Crown Princess and Prince Daniel are officially welcomed to New Zealand at the Maori cultural building Wawhetu Maraeu according to traditional protocol.

Meeting with young people before the football World Cup, Wellington
During Friday morning, the Crown Princess and the Prince meet young people ahead of the upcoming World Cup in football.

The Governor General's lunch, Wellington
HE Governor General Dame Cindy Kiro gives a lunch for the Crown Princess, Prince Daniel and the Swedish delegation.

Aviation Electrification Meeting, Wellington
The Crown Princess and the Prince visit the airport to witness a conversation about the electrification of aviation.

Visit to Zealandia Ecosanctuary
The Crown Princess couple is given a guided tour of the protected natural area.

The Mayor's Dinner
Wellington's mayor Tory Whanau hosts a dinner for the Crown Princess Couple and the Swedish delegation.

Saturday, February 18, Hamilton
Visit to recycling plant, Hamilton
The Crown Princess and Prince Daniel visit the recycling factory Saveboard, which recycles packaging and plastic waste to produce interior walls.

Visit to Hamilton Gardens
Hamilton's Mayor Paula Southgate gives a guided tour of the Maori section of the garden.

Visit to a dairy producer
The visit ends with a visit to a dairy producer for an orientation about the dairy sector in New Zealand and how Swedish solutions contribute to sustainable food systems and reduced climate impact in the country.
DD.KK.HH. Kronprinsessan och Prins Daniel på officiella besök i Australien och Nya Zeeland _ Kungahuset
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Victoria met today H.E. Mr Bernard Philip, Australian Ambassador to Sweden, at the Australian Embassy's residence.

Ambassador Bernard Philip at his Twitter
"A tremendous honour to host HRH Crown Princess Victoria for Australian style fika ahead of her visit to Canberra and Sydney later this month"

Victoria visited The Museum of Ethnography on Djurgården last week.
The Museum at its Instagram
"Crown Princess Victoria visited The Museum of Ethnography to take part in the collection before the official trip to Australia and New Zealand in February. On site, she learned about indigenous people from both countries and took a closer look at objects from the collection. She was guided through the exhibition "Indigenous people in three climates" and learned more about the Aboriginal culture. The Crown Princess also looked at some Maori objects in the magazine and learned about their significance."

Nya bilden visar! Kronprinsessan Victoria på hemligt besök _*Svensk Dam

Sweden's ambassador to Australia, Pontus Melander, said to The Canberra Times that Victoria and Daniel are due to arrive in Canberra on the evening of February 12.
"They will start here in Canberra with a welcome to country including a smoking ceremony at the National Museum, which will be very impressive, Then we have a field visit to the Namadgi National Park to learn more about the effects of the bushfires and also to interact with the emergency services."
The Ambassador said there was no driving ceremonial reason for Victoria and Daniel to visit Australia, although the King is celebrating 50 years as the head of state.
"This tour was planned for before COVID, in 2020. The then Swedish government wanted to highlight the very good bilateral relationship between Sweden and Australia. Though there is distance between our two countries, we have both shown you can overcome that distance."
More here:
Swedish royals to visit Canberra this month, spotting koalas at Namadgi and talking 'electrification' at the ANU _ The Canberra Times _ Canberra, ACT
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Victoria and Daniel had today at the Royal Palace briefing from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs for their visit to Australia and New Zealand.

After that Victoria met H.E. Mr Andrew Jenks, New Zealand's Ambassador to Sweden at the New Zealand's Embassy's residence.
The Ambassador at his Twitter
"A pleasure to host Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Victoria for fika this afternoon at the NZ Official Residence. We had a fireside briefing ahead of her visit to Australia and Aotearoa NZ later this month. ANZAC biscuits were eaten."

One of the Ambassador's cats got also to a photo
Will Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar accompany their parents on the trip?
Why would they? I assume this will be an official trip to a foreign country, so, imho there is no reason for them to bring their children - who are in school (I presume).
Why would they? I assume this will be an official trip to a foreign country, so, imho there is no reason for them to bring their children - who are in school (I presume).

Yes, there isn't a vacation until the last week of February
Will Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar accompany their parents on the trip?

You can read from my first post at this thread, that Margareta Thorgren said already a month ago, that Estelle and Oscar are at school and Victoria and Daniel have no plan to take them with them to this business trip to Australia and New Zealand.

The Embassy of Sweden to Australia has published a program for the visit, there are small changes to the program the royal court published. Among them, a visit to HMAS Kuttabul (Orientation around regional maritime security and bilateral defence and defence materiel cooperation) has been added.
Official visit of Their Royal Highnesses Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel of Sweden to Australia and New Zealand - Sweden Abroad

Ambassador Pontus Melander was interviewed by ABC Radio Canberra. He outlines the official visit of Victoria and Daniel to Australia and New Zealand together with Mr Johan Forssell, Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade.
Their Royal Highnesses Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel of Sweden to visit Canberra - ABC Canberra

Free trade agreements in focus
The visit to Australia and New Zealand takes place together with Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel. The visit aims to broaden and develop relations both politically and in matters relating to trade.
- Australia and New Zealand are both close allies of Sweden politically. They are also important for Swedish industry, both in terms of exports and imports. We hope to sign a free trade agreement between New Zealand and the EU in the near future during the EU presidency. In addition, we are in negotiations for a free trade agreement with Australia on behalf of the entire EU, which is a process we will prioritize during our time as chairman, says Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Johan Forsell.
Impacts will be made in sectors such as the mining industry, energy and electrification, medical technology, the food industry and defense materiel cooperation. The focus is on green transition and innovation issues.
Frihandelsavtal i fokus när bistånds- och utrikeshandelsminister Johan Forssell besöker Australien och Nya Zeeland -
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The visit has started.
Welcome ceremony at the National Museum of Australia and visit to the National Museum.
Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel tour the National Museum of Australia in Canberra _ The Canberra Times _ Canberra, ACT

Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel tour the National Museum of Australia in Canberra - video Dailymotion
Galleries from the first day
AUS: Crown Princess Victoria & Prince Daniel Of Sweden Visit Australia Getty Images
ANP gallery
AAP gallery

At the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve,entropy&w=1247

Video, Daniel took photos of Victoria with his mobile phone
Swedish royals visit Tidbinbilla - Canberra Times - February 13, 2023 - video Dailymotion

Short video with the koalas

Victoria and Daniel seemed to have a great time
Nya bilder – Victoria och Daniel på drömresan till Australien! _*Svensk Dam

Kronprinsessan Victoria och Daniel i Australien
Victoria i Australien_ _Verkligen berörande_

Kronprinsessan Victoria rökte ut onda andar i Australien - Allt om kungligt

The royal court about the first day
Visit to the embassy
Victoria and Daniel were received by Ambassador Pontus Melander at the Swedish embassy. They and Minister Forssell met the mission's staff and then participated in an in-depth presentation on current issues in the country.
Welcome ceremony and museum visit
Representatives from the local indigenous population – the Ngunnawal – then welcomed their Swedish guests with a traditional smoking ceremony outside the National Museum of Australia.
In the museum, Victoria and Daniel viewed the Great Southern Land exhibition after the ceremony. They, the Minister and the Swedish delegation also held a meeting with representatives of the indigenous population at the museum.
Visit to a national park affected by forest fires
Victoria, Daniel and the Minister visited the Namadgi National Park in the afternoon. Local authority representatives gave an orientation regarding the extensive forest fires that affected the area in 2020, when approximately 80% of the national park was ravaged by fire. Victoria and Daniel visited also a rehabilitation center for koalas.
Dinner at the Governor General's
During the evening, Australia's Governor-General General David Hurley and wife Linda Hurley gave a dinner in honor of Victoria and Daniel.
Victoria gave a speech in which she said, among other things:
"For me, this is a long-awaited reunion. I remember with fondness the last time I was in Australia. However, when I realised it was as far back as in 2005, I almost couldn’t believe it! Time certainly flies… To be able to come back with my husband is truly special.
On the other side of the globe, in a wintry Stockholm, I know that our two children are eagerly awaiting news on – among other fascinating things – Australian koalas and kangaroos."
Kronprinsessparet i Canberra under Australienbesök _ Kungahuset

Victoria's speech
H.K.H. Kronprinsessans tal vid middag hos generalguvernören i Canberra _ Kungahuset

The Governor-General and Mrs Hurley were delighted to welcome Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and His Royal Highness Prince Daniel to Government House.
The Governor-General and Mrs Hurley and Their Royal Highnesses discussed the close bond and friendship between our nations.
“Your Royal Highness, it is a great honour and privilege for Linda and me to host you and Prince Daniel at Government House this evening.
“Your visit to our country is an important sign of the strength of the relationship between our nations and the potential for its future growth.
“We hope this evening provides a relaxed and enjoyable setting for us to further enhance that bond.”

Victoria i svalt skandinaviskt under Australien-besökets första dag _ Damernas Värld
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The second day

Visit to the National Arboretum
National Arboretum Canberra
This morning the Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel of Sweden accompanied by Mr Johan Forssell, Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade, were welcomed to the National Arboretum Canberra by Joy Burch MLA, Speaker of the ACT Legislative Assembly.
Their Royal Highnesses were invited to plant a Scotch pine ‘Argentea’ in the Central Valley which will serve as a living reminder of the friendship between Sweden and Australia.
An easy walk from the Village Centre, the Scotch pine with its distinctive blue needles will form part of a shady walkway through the Central Valley that represents Australia’s strong international ties for all visitors to enjoy.
Ceremonial Tree Planting - Their Royal Highnesses Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel of Sweden - National Arboretum

Rebecca Vassarotti, ACT Greens MLA for Kurrajong. ACT Minister for the Environment; Heritage; Sustainable Building and Construction; Homelessness and Housing Services, at her Twitter
"What a lovely way to start the day at the magnificent Aboretum where the crown princess of Sweden Princess Victoria planted a Scotch Pine as part of our collection"

Swedish Royals Australia tour _ The Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel of Sweden continued their royal tour of Australia today _ By WIN News Canberra _ Facebook

Climate meeting at ANU
"Sweden's Crown Princess and Trade Minister, Volvo, Aus govt and academics at ANU discussing the zero carbon transition: EV adoption and grid integration, industrial transition incl green steel, research collaboration, open trade and energy security"

"Attended seminar “Electrification in #Sweden and #Australia” at Australian National University (ANU).
Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden made memorable remarks on #Swedish experience in mitigating affects of the #climatechange through prudent #energy policies."

ANU Media
"There was an electrifying discussion on campus today, with Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden joining ANU experts to talk about aspirations & best practice on the path to net-zero. ANU expertise on electrification & lessons from Sweden for Australia were shared."

Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden delivered a special address this morning at The Australian National University to open the panel event on Electrification in Sweden and Australia.
In her opening remarks, HRH Crown Princess Victoria noted "we are at a junction that requires us to find solutions for transforming the way we produce and consume energy. I am proud to say that we have a large number of Swedish companies and research institutes working towards this end.
They are at the forefront leading the way in developing clean and competitive energy solutions. I also know their interest is great in collaborating with Australian partners and contributing to Australia's' energy projects. I hope that today's seminar can be a stepping stone towards enhancing this collaboration. We are facing that global challenge together and we will master them through collaboration."
Electrifcation in Sweden and Australia - ANU

Crown Princess Victoria attends a climate meeting in Canberra during trip Down Under _ Daily Mail Online

Bilateral meetings with Australian ministers
Pat Conroy, Member for Shortland, Minister for Defence Industry, Minister for International Development & the Pacific, at his Twitter:
"Delighted to meet Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel & International Development & Trade Minister @JohanForssell We have many shared interests in development assistance, Indo-Pacific engagement & defence industry, particularly with Sweden as EU President."

Don Farrell, the Minister for Trade and Tourism, published photos of the meeting with Victoria and Daniel at his Facebook
"A world away, but closer than ever
A pleasure to meet Their Royal Highnesses, Swedish Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, and Swedish Trade Minister Johan Forssell today.
Sweden currently holds the six-month Presidency of the European Union, and today we reaffirmed our goal to finalise our free trade agreement by mid-year"

Getty Images updates their gallery
AUS: Crown Princess Victoria & Prince Daniel Of Sweden Visit Australia Getty Images

The state governor Margaret Beazley's reception in honor of Victoria and Daniel in Sydney.
Profimedia gallery

Victoria, Daniel, governor Margaret Beazley and her husband Dennis Wilson

The royal court about the second day
Tree planting
During Tuesday, Victoria, Daniel and Minister Johan Forssell continued their visit to Canberra.
Victoria began the day by planting a pine tree in the national arboretum. The national arboretum was established after the forest fires of 2003 and is one of the world's largest collections of rare and endangered tree species.
Victoria spoke at the university
At the Australian National University, Victoria spoke during a climate meeting. The meeting was opened by the university's vice-chancellor Professor Brian Schmidt, Nobel laureate in physics in 2011, who together with the head of the university's climate institute Mark Howden explained the climate issue in Australia.
The meeting at the university then continued with a seminar on electrification and energy security with perspectives from Australia and Sweden, during which Minister Forssell was one of the speakers.
Parliament visit
In the Australian Parliament, the Crown Princess Couple and Minister Johan Forssell were received during the afternoon by Australian Minister Pat Conroy, the Australian government's minister responsible for development aid, the Pacific region and the defense industry, for talks. Minister Don Farrell, minister responsible for trade issues, then received the Crown Princess Couple and Minister Forssell for a bilateral meeting.
Kronprinsessparet i Canberra under Australienbesök _ Kungahuset

Victoria's speech
H.K.H. Kronprinsessans anförande vid seminarium om elektrifiering i Sverige och i Australien _ Kungahuset


New Zealand has declared national emergency after storm Gabrielle. In several parts of the country, buildings have been destroyed and residents are asked to stay indoors. In addition, trains and flights to and from the city of Aukland have been cancelled.
The court's information department's deputy director Johan Tegel is in Australia with Victoria and Daniel. When Svensk Damtidning reaches him by phone, he explains that it is currently too early to say whether Victoria and Daniel's visit to New Zealand will be affected.
- It is too early to say simply. This is a program that the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for, so our embassy in Canberra is in contact with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so we will simply see how the weather situation develops, he says.
Hovets besked om Victoria och Daniel – kan stoppas efter allvarliga rapporterna _*Svensk Dam
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The governor's reception yesterday evening, the governor's Instagram

Nya bilder! Victorias styrkebesked – på fest med Daniel i natt _*Svensk Dam

The governor's speech at the dinner
Dinner in honour of HRH The Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden, Government House _ Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia

Victoria tells Svensk Damtidning how she and Daniel celebrated Valentine's Day in Sydney.
It didn't turn out to be a particularly romantic day, but instead the love festival was filled with work.
When Victoria is asked if they had time for any celebrations, she replies:
- No, it didn't really happen, but it was a day with a nice program. But there weren't many "Valentines", says the crown princess.
But the couple still exchanged some nice words on the occasion of Valentine's Day.
- We noted that it was, but we are so far from home, she says.
Victoria avslöjar för Svensk Damtidning! Så firade hon alla hjärtans-dag med Daniel


The third day in Sydney

Attendance at the Sweden-Australia Sustainable Mining Summit

At the Sydney Opera House

Visiting HMAS Kuttabul
"HMS Kuttabul, a naval base in Sydney, Rear Admiral Smith provided the Swedish delegation with an orientation about regional maritime security. Swedish-Australian defence and defence material cooperation was also discussed"
"The sun came out for the visit by Crown Princess Victoria & Prince Daniel to @Australian_Navy Fleet Command & HMAS Adelaide. Good discussion on the strong links between the SE & AUS navies and the important role Australia’s LHD ships have played in humanitarian assistance."
Profimedia gallery

Visiting the Royal Botanic Garden

The Royal Botanic Garden at its Twitter
"@Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria & Prince Daniel visited the Garden today. A tour highlight was the 18,000+ plants in the green wall at #TheCalyx - transformed into a floral rainbow for @SydWorldPride"

Video, Victoria spoke to a reporter in Sydney
Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden addresses her father's heart surgery as she visits Sydney for royal tour with Prince Daniel _ Exclusive - 9Honey
Video_ Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria visits Sydney

"What an amazing day meeting and interviewing Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden - not once but THREE times! Her Royal Highness, and Prince Daniel, was incredibly friendly and graceful and really took an interest in the people she met and places she visited. And the access we had to the royal couple was unlike anything we’ve ever seen. I was the only Australian journalist she spoke with today and what a treat that was.

Crown Princess Victoria cuts a stylish figure in floral dress while visiting Royal Botanic Garden _ Daily Mail Online
Getty Images updates photos
AUS: Crown Princess Victoria & Prince Daniel Of Sweden Visit Australia Getty Images

Meeting with Australian women's national football team and their swedish captain
"We are eagerly anticipating the upcoming 2023 Women's World Cup in Australia and New Zealand. Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, and Minister Forssell met with the Matilda´s and their Swedish coach, Tony Gustavsson, to wish them luck in the tournament."
Profimedia gallery

"We’re there as the Matildas players met the Crown Princess of Sweden, ahead of the Cup Of Nations tournament which starts tomorrow."
Visiting Saint Vincent's Hospital
"@SVHSydney gave us a warm welcome today we were given the opportunity to learn about how technology and innovation advances cancer research and about Sweden's contribution to Australian healthcare through @Elekta @Elekta_ANZ"

A reception for Swedish Australians and members of the Swedish-Australian Chamber of Commerce at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney
Profimedia gallery
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LadyFinn, the tree being shown in one of the clips you posted is a rare plant … there are only about a hundred trees growing wild, outside of Sydney, in the world.

They were discovered some years ago, quite by accident.

It was only known from the fossil record until this small living group was discovered.

The exact location is still a government secret, though it is thought some people have discovered the location as a mould has been introduced.

The stand has also been under threat from bushfire, and was also damaged by the rotor blade of a helicopter when cones were being collected.

It has now been sent to other parts of the world to ensure it remains a living species and doesn’t die out.

It has been named the “Wollemi”, (woll-em-my).

That one being shown the Royal couple used to be encased behind heavy bars and was the first one people were able to see for themselves, a living thing from the time of the dinosaurs.

Now you can grow your own and help to ensure it’s not lost.
Victoria told to Svensk Damtidning that she has mixed feelings about being away from the children.
- It's going well, you accept that it's work. That's the way it is, but then it's always hard to be away from home. They have their days going on as usual, you know they are doing well.
Victoria and Daniel have made sure to video chat with the children as often as possible.
- Yes, when you simply get it. With today's technology, it's easy.
Earlier in the day, Victoria said that the children are jealous of the trip.
- They are asking (if they can come along next time), Victoria told reporters gathered to cover the couple's visit to Sydney Harbor near the opera house.
Victoria revealed that she and Daniel have been telling the children about their adventures in Australia, including an encounter with koalas in a national park.
At the reception today Victoria was asked what the children would like to see if they could come along next time.
- Everything that we tell them about, she answered with a big smile.
When asked if the children are jealous, Victoria replied: "Absolutely".
Victoria bryter tystnaden om situationen med Oscar och Estelle_ ”Alltid jobbigt” _*Svensk Dam

About Victoria's clothes
Victorias klänningskavalkad i Australien _ Damernas Värld

The royal court at its website
The Crown Princess Couple's visit to Australia ended in Sydney
Meeting with the state governor
On Tuesday evening, Victoria, Daniel and the Minister were received by New South Wales State Governor Margaret Beazley at Government House. The state governor then gave a reception for the Crown Princess couple and the government as well as representatives of Swedish and Australian business.
Symposium on Sustainable Mining
On Wednesday morning, Business Sweden organized a seminar on sustainable mining. Victoria and Daniel visited exhibiting Swedish companies and listened to the Sweden-Australia Sustainable Mining Summit seminar where sustainable, safe and smart Swedish solutions in the mining industry were presented.
The Opera House
Victoria and Daniel were given a guided tour of the Sydney Opera House.
Naval base visit
Around lunchtime Victoria, Daniel and the Swedish delegation visited the naval base HMAS Kuttabul in central Sydney for talks about maritime and regional security. Victoria and Daniel visited also the warship HMAS Adelaide.
Botanical Garden
In the Sydney Botanic Garden Victoria, Daniel and Minister Forssell were given a guided tour of the park's special garden which honors the Swedish botanist Daniel Solander (1733–1782). They also saw a special flower wall that has been created for next week's World Pride demonstration in Sydney.
Hospital visit
At Saint Vincent's Hospital Victoria, Daniel and the Swedish delegation received information during the afternoon about cooperation between Sweden and Australia in the health sector.
Football meeting
Later this year Australia will host the FIFA World Cup. In a park, Victoria, Daniel and Johan Forssell met Australia's national team captain Tony Gustafsson and a number of players in the late afternoon.
Reception for Australian Swedes
Victoria and Daniel concluded their visit to Sydney and Australia by visiting Ambassador Pontus Melander's reception for the Swedish colony in Sydney as guests of honour. During the reception Victoria gave a speech.
Kronprinsessparets Australien_besök avslutat i Sydney _ Kungahuset

Victoria said at her speech among other things
"I would like to send a greeting to you all from His Majesty the King. This year my father celebrates 50 years on the throne and during that time he has visited Australia on several occasions. The king has many warm memories from here and sends his warmest greetings to the Australian Swedish colony.
For Prince Daniel and me, however, it is the first joint trip to this great country and this continent. And as we have been looking forward to it and as we have been looking forward to meeting you!"
H.K.H. Kronprinsessans tal vid svenska ambassadens mottagning för svenskkolonin i Sydney med anledning av det officiella besöket till Australien _ Kungahuset

Visit to HMAS Kuttabul

Victorias och Daniels partykväll – se nya kärleksbilderna! _*Svensk Dam

What is a trip to Sydney without a visit to the iconic Opera House?
Did you know that the roof of the Opera House are covered with tiles from Swedish Höganäs and the security by SAAB Australia

St Vincent's Hospital at its Instagram
"It was an honour to welcome Victoria, the Crown Princess of Sweden, and Prince Daniel, to St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney
The royal couple visited the @genesiscareau clinic on Wednesday, to view the @elekta_ MR-Linac technology, made in Sweden. This technology enables us to deliver precise cancer treatments to our patients, as it uses high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging to target moving tumours.
The Crown Princess and Prince had the opportunity to take a look at the technology for themselves - and to meet our staff, doctors and patients over afternoon tea.
Thank you to the Crown Princess for taking the time to celebrate the incredible impact this technology has had on the lives of our patients."

Video, Victoria was interviewed
"The green transition is a common thread throughout this visit", says Victoria.
SVT News meets the crown princess during a reception for Swedish-Australians at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney.
- We want to see an expanded trade exchange and there is a great opportunity for that, says Crown Princess Victoria to SVT.
There are around 500 Swedish companies in Australia and the country is an important export market for Sweden.
- I am happy that we have a crown princess couple who are so interested in our fantastic Swedish companies. Having them here to promote our trade relations is extremely important, says Minister Johan Forssell.
Kronprinsessan besöker Australien och Nya Zeeland – ska stärka handelsrelationerna _ SVT Nyheter
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The weather has so far seems to have stayed sunny and warm for the visit and hopefully will remains so for the remainder!
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The cyclone and national emergency hasn't affected the trip at all?
The second day in New Zealand

The pōwhiri (Māori welcome) held at Waiwhetū Marae Maraeu february 17 2023
Victorias tårfyllda möte med kvinnan efter tragedin _*Svensk Dam

"Just casually met a Princess today! CP Victoria was so lovely and friendly (and gorgeous). Genuinely delighted we had come out to see her "

Meeting the CEO of Football NZ, Andrew Pragnell and the girl's team.
Today the Crown Princess of Sweden paid a visit to @nzcis_, where the Swedish Women's Football Team will be staying throughout the FIFA Women's World Cup later this year Nixie was lucky enough to meet the Crown Princess of Sweden during her visit

Meeting the Governor General of New Zealand, HE Dame Cindy Kiro

Visit to Zealandia Ecosanctuary

"Not everyday you get to meet a real Princess! The Crown Princess of Sweden was lovely - and remembered our times together when we were studying at Yale. So exciting to see her again, and introduce her to the next generation!"

Getty Images updates photos from the day, among others meeting the Governor General of New Zealand, HE Dame Cindy Kiro and visit to Zealandia Ecosanctuary.
AUS: Crown Princess Victoria & Prince Daniel Of Sweden Visit New Zealand Getty Images

Bild-Extra_ Här gnuggar Victoria näsan i Nya Zeeland - Allt om kungligt

At a dinner hosted by Wellington's mayor Tory Whanau.

The royal court about the two days in Wellington:
Visit to Te Papa
On Thursday, Victoria and Daniel visited the Te Papa National Museum and were guided through the Te Taiao exhibition, which focused on nature, sustainability and traditional knowledge.
Bilateral meetings
During the late afternoon and evening, Victoria, Daniel and Minister Forsell had bilateral meetings with the Speaker of the House of Representatives Adrian Rurawhe and then the country's Minister of Trade Damien O'Connor.
Welcome ceremony
Victoria, Daniel and Minister Forssell and the Swedish delegation were welcomed on Friday morning at the cultural building Wawhetu Maraeu outside central Wellington, in a traditional Maori welcome ceremony.
Part of the ceremony was the challenge of the wero, a Maori tradition to determine whether a visitor comes with peaceful intentions. After that, a short welcome dance – haka pōwhiri – was performed, after which Victoria and Daniel were welcomed in as guests and, among other things, performed hongi, when they pressed their noses against their hosts.
Football visit
During the morning, Victoria and Daniel also visited a newly built training facility ahead of the Women's World Cup in New Zealand later this year. They met sporting children and young people.
Visit to the Governor General
In the Governor General's residence, a lunch was then given in honor of the Crown Princess Couple by Governor General Dame Cindy Kiro.
During the lunch, Victoria gave a speech in which she spoke, among other things, about the recent storm in the country.
Visit to Zealandia Ecosanctuary
Outside the capital is Zealandia, a protected natural area that preserves and restores the ecosystems and biodiversity of the region. Within Zealandia there are a large number of unique bird species that are protected by fencing that keeps out predators. Victoria and Daniel visited the area for a shorter guided tour.
Meeting with the Swedish colony in Wellington
Victoria, Daniel and the Minister met Swedes living in Wellington at a reception arranged by the Honorary Consulate.
Dinner with the Mayor of Wellington
The days in Wellington ended on Friday evening with a dinner arranged by Wellington's mayor.
Kronprinsessparet i Wellington under Nya Zeelandsbesök _ Kungahuset

Victoria's speech, she said among other things:
"Visiting Te Papa yesterday and a Māori cultural building today has underlined to us the importance of the Māori knowledge and culture in your society.
It reminds us of how Sweden and New Zealand both share a rich cultural heritage from our respective indigenous populations. Traditional knowledge, passed down through generations, helps us to care for our environment and to build sustainable and inclusive societies."
H.K.H. Kronprinsessans tal vid lunch hos generalguvernören i Wellington _ Kungahuset
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Victoria's speech at the dinner hosted by the Mayor of Wellington yesterday evening, she said among other things
"Earlier today we had the pleasure of visiting Zealandia Ecosanctuary. The Prince and I both share a passion for the outdoors, and we were so impressed with the beauty of the valley. We applaud you, Your Worship, and the Wellingtonian peoples’ dedication to preserving New Zealand’s extraordinary and unique ecosystems. Your focus to protect biodiversity is commendable. Here, with your Ecosanctuary, we get to understand that loss of biodiversity is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity today."
H.K.H. Kronprinsessans tal vid middag hos borgmästaren i Wellington _ Kungahuset


The last day in New Zealand in Hamilton.

Visit to SaveBOARD
"Swedish Royals visit saveBOARD – It was an honor to host Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel today at our saveBOARD plant in Hamilton as part of a Swedish trade delegation to New Zealand. It was great to showcase our company and what we do with all those who attended.
Thanks to Tetra Pak for helping organise the event for us. Even though our factory is not in the top 100 places to visit in New Zealand, they came because they were genuinely interested in our circular story; it all starts with cartons invented in Sweden. We even managed to take photos at the start of the tour and turn them into boards that went through our process. Their visit is has officially been made into saveBOARD…"
Swedish Royal visit to saveBOARD _ By Save Board _ Facebook

"Sweden and New Zealand both place a strong emphasis on sustainability and recycling and combating plastic pollution. We were greeted at SaveBOARD, which are an excellent example of how Swedish innovation in sectors collaborates closely with New Zealand businesses working for a green future. Our visit at SaveBOARD provided us with further information about Tetra Pak's operations and contributions to the manufacture of low carbon building materials."

Visit to Hamilton Gardens
The Embassy of Sweden in Australia at its Facebook
"Hamilton Garden is a lovely spot for a stroll; rather than focusing on botanical collections, the emphasis at Hamilton Gardens is on various forms of garden design.
Paula Southgate Mayor of Hamilton showed us around the Te Parapara Garden, the Māori garden, New Zealand's sole traditional Māori productive garden. The garden displays traditional food production and storage procedures, materials, and ceremonies derived from native Māori knowledge down from generation to generation.
Following a guided tour of Hamilton Garden, we were welcomed to lunch with Mayor Paula Southgate, where we also had the opportunity to meet with company representatives from Tetra Pak Australia and New Zealand Alfa Laval and DeLaval, and hear more about how they are contributing to sustainable solutions in New Zealand."
Profimedia gallery

Sympathy for New Zealanders in the wake of recent cyclone chaos, and good news about the signing of a free trade agreement with Europe, have come as Swedish royalty visited Hamilton Gardens on Saturday.
Swedish sympathy over cyclone chaos comes with good news on free trade deal with Europe _

Visit to Marphona Dairy Farm
"The official visit to New Zealand has concluded, and we had a fantastic time visiting this lovely nation. Our last visit was to Marphona Dairy Farm, where Crown Princess Victoria got up-close and personal with New Zealand cows and learned more about Swedish @DeLaval milking equipment."

AUS: Crown Princess Victoria & Prince Daniel Of Sweden Visit New Zealand Getty Images

Kronprinsessan Victoria om cyklonen på Nya Zeeland Aftonbladet
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The visit was filmed both to SVT's annual program of the royal family "Året med kungafamiljen/The Year with the Royal Family" and to TV4's annual program "Kungahuset/The Royal House".

Videos from the visit
Fantastiska bilderna på Victoria – från andra sidan jorden! _ Video
Victorias vägran – här säger hon ifrån_ ”Tänker inte!” _ Video
Victoria & Daniel på lyxig partykväll i Sydney –*se filmen! _ Video
Hör kronprinsessan Victorias egna ord om pappa kungen_ ”Tyvärr” _ Video
Stilsäkra Victoria – här är alla hennes Australien-outfits! _ Video

Videos from Instagram of Anders Pihlblad, host of TV4's annual program "Kungahuset"
Planting a tree in Canberra
Welcome ceremony in Wellington

Victoria's speech at the seminar "Electrification in Sweden & Australia" on Monday February 13, it starts at 15.16.
Martin Bergström had designed the dress Victoria wore at the visit to the Royal Botanic Garden, the dress was created especially for Victoria's visit to the Garden and was inspired by the Swedish botanist Daniel Solander, who was an early European visitor to Australia. Bergström says that the flowers, however different they may be, we humans, wherever we are on earth, have a relationship with them. Somehow. The flowers in the pattern are from herbariums from the 1890s. So they have stayed in time from when they bloomed almost 130 years ago.
Sanningen bakom Victorias unika klänning – designern berättar själv! _*Svensk Dam

Photos from Facebook of the Royal Botanic Garden

"Earlier in the week, we were lucky enough to host Crown Princess Victoria & Prince Daniel of Sweden as part of their official visit to Australia. The Royal Couple met with staff and volunteers from the ACTRFS and @ACT_Parks in the bushland setting of Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve."

Victoria and Daniel's signatures at a guest book at the photo gallery at the website of Governor Margaret Beazley
The gallery
Team Sweden - Governor of New South Wales

Nice new photos from the reception, Victoria and Daniel talking with the guests
SWEA International at its Instagram
"Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel have recently visited Australia, to promote the relationship between Sweden and Australia. On Wednesday, the Crown Princess couple participated in a reception at the modern museum in Sydney, where they met parts of Australia's Swedish colony, including many of our dear Sweors."
"R O Y A L Soooo the Swedish Crown Princess and Prince Daniel might not have made it Fika BUT they did invite us to this beautiful evening on the MCA roof top. We had the best time and the sunset was on brand for us too!! Looking forward to their next visit down under"

In Wellingon, a photo from Facebook of Speaker of the House of Representatives Adrian Rurawhe

Prins Daniels ömma kärleksgest värmde Victoria - Allt om kungligt

Victoria taking photos

Photos from Instagram of Sara Bull, host of SVT's program "The Year with the Royal Family"

Minister Johan Forssell at his Instagram

Paula Southgate, the Mayor of Hamilton, writes at her Facebook
"An honour and privilege to host the Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel today as part of a visit to discuss trade and opportunities. The weather was kind and the Hamilton Gardens looked amazing. They were taken by the concept of not just a botanic gardens, but a place where the history and story of gardens all around the world and across history was told. We were able to introduce them to key businesses with ties to Sweden such as Saveboard, Alpha Laval and Gothenberg. Her highness and I chatted about the importance of green spaces in big cities, sustainability and housing.
The Princess was delighted to see a group of Swedish citizens who waited patiently to catch a glimpse. Down to earth she stopped to chat and have photos"
Paula Southgate Mayor of Hamilton _ Facebook

The royal court about the last day
On February 18, Victoria and Daniel's official trip to New Zealand ended when they visited Hamilton, the country's fourth largest city.
Recycling factory
Victoria, Daniel and the Minister began the day by visiting Saveboard, a factory that uses Swedish machinery to recycle packaging and plastic waste to produce interior walls.
Hamilton Gardens
Victoria, Daniel and the Minister were received by Hamilton's mayor, Paula Southgate. During the visit to the park, which consists of 17 thematic gardens, Victoria and Daniel got to see the Maori garden, among other things.
Dairy producer
During the afternoon, Victoria, Daniel and Minister Forssell visited Marphona Diary Farm for an orientation about the New Zealand dairy sector. On the farm, Swedish equipment is used in the form of a milking machine that milks the cows.
Kronprinsessparets Nya Zeelandsbesök avslutas i Hamilton _ Kungahuset

Article about Victoria and Daniel's visit to Hamilton

Princess Victoria showed a great interest in the various styles of gardens throughout the tour. A number of local Swedish visitors had gathered in Time Court hoping to see the royal guests, and they were not disappointed.
The delight of both Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel when they emerged through a gateway to cheers and a sea of Swedish flags was obvious, and they spent time chatting with the excited visitors before posing for a photograph with them at the Princess’ suggestion.
Although they had been running late throughout the visit, the royal couple refused to hurry and clearly appreciated the hospitality on offer in our region, before departing for an official lunch hosted by the mayor.
Swedish royal couple take time to visit Waikato and Hamilton Gardens - NZ Herald

Image gallery from the visit to HMAS Kuttabul
Australian Royal Navy Images
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This week, I had the honour of attending the Swedish Business Reception at Government House in Sydney, in the presence of Their Royal Highnesses the Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel of Sweden, and Swedish Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade, Mr Johan Forssell.
The focus of their visit to Australia has been to strengthen the longstanding relationships between Australian and Swedish companies, whilst bringing to light key themes around the United Nations Agenda 2030 and sustainability.
Toward a connected & automated mining industry in Australia - Ericsson

From Twitter of Bernard Philip, Australian Ambassador to Sweden

"The highlight for the students was meeting Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Victoria, which included a brief conversation!"

Victoria at a Volvo truck

"Royal Swedish Visit
Last week saw a very special visit take place at the NZCIS located in Upper Hutt.
Her Royal Highness, Crown Princess Victoria, wanted to see where Sweden would be based during the upcoming 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup."

Daniel showing his football skills

Princesse Victoria, retour sur tous les looks de ses six jours en Océanie ParisMatch

Nobel Laureate 2011, Professor Brian P Schmidt, Vice-Chancellor of Australian National University at his blog:
As you may have seen in the media coverage, this week, ANU hosted Her Royal Highness, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden, as part of her official royal tour in Australia. The Crown Princess was part of a very well attended event, focusing on the electrification of our society - and the challenges and opportunities that we will encounter as part of the green transition. It was a very special event for our students to attend and it was a great reminder that ANU, as the national university, attracts and facilitates conversations on a global scale with leaders from around the world. We have a responsibility to work with international partners to help solve the biggest challenges facing humanity. For me, it was nice to catch up with the Crown Princess and Prince - as she was my dinner companion when I received my Nobel Prize in 2011.
VC’s Update – Royal visit, parliamentarians and O-Week - ANU

Video from TV4's News of Victoria and Daniel's visit, shown 4 days ago, Anders Pihlblad telling about the visit. Both Victoria and Daniel are interviewed at the video.
Kunglig resa till Australien_ ”Full fart”

Photo of Anders Pihlblad, host of "Kungahuset", TV4's annual program of the royal family, interviewing Victoria.

Kronprinsessan Victoria hyllade svenskt mode i Australien

At the website of the Governor General of New Zealand, HE Dame Cindy Kiro
Visit of Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel of Sweden
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Anders Pihlblad, the host of "Kungahuset", TV4's annual program of the Royal Family, was interviewed about his trip with Victoria and Daniel when he arrived to the premiere of film Star Wars - the Mandalorian.

Pihlblad sayd this was the first time he had been on the trip, it was great. It was fun, it was interesting, everything had a very high pace, from early morning to quite late in the evening. He talked with Victoria and Daniel about quite a few things, among them being in a forest in the nature reserve where 80 % had burned down just a few years before and how this forest is recovered. It was very exciting conversation. Then in Sydney a few days before the World Pride Victoria also talked about Swedish LGBTQ young people who, according to several surveys, feel worse than straight young people and was very much in this matter. So they talked about many different things.
Anders Pihlblads avslöjande om kronprinsessan Victoria _ MSN


'I've never had such a personal encounter with a royal on tour than with Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria in Sydney'
If I wanted to reach out and hug Sweden's future Queen during her recent visit to the Sydney Opera House, it could have easily been done.
Rather than being surrounded by a ring of stony-faced and towering bodyguards, Crown Princess Victoria and her husband Prince Daniel had a relatively low-key security detail while in Sydney on Wednesday. (...)
To Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel, well done. Australia would be more than happy to host another visit from Sweden's future Queen and King.
Royals in Australia _ Opinion
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At SVT's Året med kungafamiljen (The Year with the Royal Family) Victoria and Daniel's visit is shown quite much.

Sara Bull, the producer of Året med kungafamiljen, promotes the program at her Instagram with a photo of Victoria and Daniel in Sydney:

Anders Pihlblad, the host of "Kungahuset", TV4's annual program of the royal family, interviewed Victoria at New Zealand, photo:
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