Crown Princess Couple's Visit to Finland: September 20-21, 2023

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Imperial Majesty
Jun 22, 2007
Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visit Finland on September 20-21.
The court hasn't published a program of the visit yet. Victoria is listed to attend an event on September 20, she attends the celebration of 50 years since the founding treaty of Hanasaari/Hanaholmen Cultural Centre in Espoo. The court tells at their calendar that Victoria and Daniel visit Finland on September 21.

September 20
Finland and Sweden together
50 years since the founding treaty of Hanasaari
From the program:
Greetings from Finland and Sweden
* President of the Republic Sauli Niinistö, video greeting
* H.R.H. Crown Princess Victoria
Suomi ja Ruotsi yhdessä - Hanaholmen

September 21
On September 21 Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visit Loviisa.
Press release from the City of Loviisa
Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visit Loviisa on Thursday afternoon 21.9. The Crown Princess will inaugurate the open space on Kuningattarenranta in Loviisa, which will be named Victorianaukio.
- It is a great joy and honor for us to be able to welcome our neighboring country's future queen and her husband, says the Mayor of the City of Loviisa, Jan D. Oker-Blom.
Kuningattarenranta is a new residential area located on the eastern shore of Loviisa Bay, where the Finnish Housing Fair was arranged in the summer of 2023. The modern and high-class district with its extensive parks and beach areas. A floating footbridge connects the western and eastern shores and leads the visitor directly from the center of Loviisa to the future Victorianaukio/Victoria Square.
- The city that is named after a former Swedish queen will now have a place named by and after Sweden's future queen, Jan D. Oker-Blom is delighted.
More detailed program and timetable for the visit will be announced later.
Kruununprinsessa Victoria ja prinssi Daniel vierailevat Loviisassa 21.9.2023 - Loviisan kaupunki

Crown Princess Victoria inaugurates the square in Loviisa's Kuningattarenranta as Victoria Square.
- Of course, this is a great honor for us. Relations between Finland and Sweden have always been at the center, but perhaps even more so at the moment, says the Mayor of the City of Loviisa Jan Oker-Blom.
According to Oker-Blom, it is important to meet the townspeople during the visit.
- They are especially interested in Loviisa's old town. We are going to do a walking tour there. The townspeople and others can also follow this. We felt that it would be excellent if we could create a connection to the present day and the future queen in the area. After discussions, Victoria and Daniel answered in the affirmative.
Ruotsin kruununprinsessa Victoria ja prinssi Daniel saapuvat Loviisaan syyskuussa _ Yle Uutiset

Mayor Jan D. Oker-Blom tells to the media, that he has met Daniel previously at Slush in Finland. He hopes that there will be a lot of people at the streets and schoolchildren with flags waving to Victoria and Daniel.

Victoria arrives at the 50th anniversary of the founding agreement of the Hanasaari Cultural Center on September 20. The next day, the trip continues to Loviisa, where Victoria, together with Daniel, will inaugurate the Victoria square that bears her name on Loviisa's Kuningattarenranta.
The roots of the Hanasaari Cultural Center lie deep in the cooperation between Finland and Sweden. The Center was officially opened in June 1975. The inauguration ceremony was performed by King Carl Gustaf together with President Urho Kekkonen.
Ruotsin kruununprinsessa Victoria saapuu vierailulle Hanasaareen

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland says today that in addition to a visit to Loviisa, Victoria and Daniel will at least visit Suomenlinna Sea Fortress and the Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki and the Fazer visitor center in Vantaa.
Victoria ja Daniel vierailevat myös pääkaupunkiseudulla _ Yle Uutiset

Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel will visit Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki on Thursday 21 September. The programme includes a tour of Hanken's historic building in Etu-Töölö and lunch with Hanken students.
“It is a great honour that Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel are going to visit us at Hanken. We look forward to welcoming them and showing them around," says Hanken's rector Ingmar Björkman.
The Swedish Crown Princess and Prince Daniel visit Hanken School of Economics _ Svenska handelshögskolan

What is required to get the Crown Princess of Sweden to inaugurate a square in a small Finnish town?
Loviisa's Kuningattarenranta had a Housing Fair last summer.
Loviisa is named after the queen of Sweden, Lovisa Ulrika, and in the new residential area, the addresses draw on a royal theme. (..)
Näin kruununprinsessa Victoria houkuteltiin harvinaiselle vierailulle suomalaiseen pikkukaupunkiin - Kotimaa _

Loviisa gets ready for Victoria and Daniel
The secrecy around the visit is still great just under a week before the high-profile guests arrive. That is also the intention, for security reasons, exact times, routes or other arrangements are not revealed until the very last moment.
- The naming ceremony at Kuningattarenranta takes place in the afternoon, that much I can say, reveals Mayor Jan D. Oker-Blom.
Lovisa gör sig redo för Victoria och Daniel

Lunch with students, a trip to Suomenlinna, a walk in Loviisa's Lower Town - this is what we know about the crown princess's visit
Victoria _ Lounas opiskelijoiden kanssa, retki Suomenlinnaan, kävely Loviisan Alakaupungissa – tämä tiedetään kruununprinsessan vierailusta _ Paikalliset _ Loviisan Sanomat
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Welcome to follow Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel's visit to Loviisa
Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visit Loviisa Thursday 21.9.2023.
The visit culminates in the crown princess inaugurating the square on Kuningattarenranta in Loviisa to Victoria Square. The festive opening can be followed on Kuningattarenranta at around 14.15.
Before this, the royals greet the audience at Loviisa market square at around 13.45. The invited guests then walk from the City Hall to Kuningattarenranta. In Vanha Ranta, the children hand flowers to the crown princess and there is plenty of room to greet the procession.
- Everyone is warmly welcome to Loviisa to celebrate the royal visit! With the arrangements, we want to guarantee that the event is smooth, safe and festive, says the Mayor of Loviisa Jan D. Oker-Blom.
Tervetuloa seuraamaan kruununprinsessa Victorian ja prinssi Danielin vierailua Loviisassa - Loviisan kaupunki

About the rest of the program of the visit on Thursday
On Thursday, the day begins with a visit to Suomenlinna Sea Fortress at approx 09.00.
From there, the crown princess couple continues to Hanken School of Economics, where they are expected at 11.00. At 11.35 Victoria and Daniel eat lunch together with students. Students from Sweden and Finland will sit at the Guests of Honor table. Sweden's ambassador also participates.
The food will be prepared in Hanken's kitchen. The menu consists of an herb salad for starters. The main course is potato cake, roasted chicken with dark thyme sauce and mini carrots. The meal ends with coffee and tea.
After the program in Lovisa, the crown princess couple will continue to Fazer's factory in Vantaa for a tour at 16.00. The visit ends there.
Victoria och Daniel kommer till Helsingfors, Lovisa och Vanda
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Victoria arrived to Hanasaari Cultural Center.
Ruotsin kruununprinsessa Victoria vierailee Hanasaaren kulttuurikeskuksessa _ Yle Helsingin videot _ Yle Areena

Victoria ja Daniel Suomessa – IS seuraa - Kuninkaalliset - Ilta-Sanomat
Kruununprinsessa Victoria vierailee Espoossa Iltalehti
Kruununprinsessa Victoria saapui Hanasaareen suomalaisen muotibrändin housupuvussa – katso video -


ANP gallery
Profimedia gallery
SPA photos

SPA's photographer Pelle T Nilsson shows at his Instagram, that there were a lot of photographers in Hanasaari Cultural Center waiting for Victoria.

Victoria speaking

Kronprinsessan Victoria på blixtresa – utomlands _*Svensk Dam

Court website
Kronprinsessan vid Hanaholmens 50-årsjubileum _ Kungahuset

Victoria's speech
H.K.H. Kronprinsessans tal vid Hanaholmens 50-årsjubileum _ Kungahuset

The event "Finland and Sweden together, 50 years since the founding treaty of Hanasaari"
According to the Finnish press, Daniel arrived to Hotel Kämp in Helsinki just before 18.00. Victoria arrived from Hanasaari to Hotel Kämp at 18.20.
At 19.09 Victoria and Daniel left from Hotel Kämp to the Swedish Ambassador's Residence in Helsinki.
Kruununprinsessa Victoria ja prinssi Daniel viettivät iltaa hotelli Kämpissä - Kuninkaalliset - Ilta-Sanomat

Photos from the dinner party and the residence
SPA photos
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On Thursday:
Victoria and Daniel arrive to Suomenlinna Sea Fortress in Helsinki.
Ruotsin kuninkaalliset Victoria ja Daniel saapuvat torstaina Suomenlinnaan _ Yle Uutiset suora _ Yle Areena

Leaving Hotel Kämp in the morning

Victoria and Daniel walked from Hotel Kämp to the Kauppatori Market Square, from there they were taken to Suomenlinna with a ship from Finnish Navy. Victoria said she has had a great time in Finland.
Victoria saapui tyylikkäänä Suomenlinnaan – näin kruununprinsessa kommentoi tunnelmia IS_lle - Kuninkaalliset - Ilta-Sanomat

At Suomenlinna

Meeting the children.

Victoria and Daniel visited the The Ehrensvärd grave, which is the final resting place and memorial of Augustin Ehrensvärd, the founder of the Suomenlinna sea fortress.

Victoria and Daniel were delighted of the children's drawings, one had Rio in them and the children asked about Rio, how old the dog is. Victoria said that she didn't know that Rio has so much fans in Finland.
Lapset ottivat Victorian vastaan aivan ymmyrkäisinä – vain yksi asia kruununprinsessassa kiinnosti - Kuninkaalliset - Ilta-Sanomat

Lina Tegman presented a book to Crown Princess Victoria.
- My friend sent a message that Victoria was in Suomenlinna, so I took a chance and took a book with me that I could give her, she says.
The book is about Suomenlinna and Tegman took the photographs herself. She has a study on the island.
- Victoria said thank you for the book and thought there were nice pictures.

Victoria saapui tyylillä Suomenlinnaan – Vei tavaramerkkinsä uudelle tasolle
Huomasitko_ Victorian suomalaisessa korussa tärkeä sanoma piilotettuna

Profimedia gallery

Victoria and Daniel visit Hanken School of Economics, live broadcast:
Kronprinsessan Victoria och prins Daniel besöker Hanken _ Yle Nyheter _ Yle Areena

Victoria and Daniel on the arrival to Hanken School of Economics. Iltalehti's reporter asked the crown princess couple if their children like Moomins. Victoria said with a smile that "of course, everyone likes Moomin".

During their visit to Hanken, the crown princess couple got to see interior architect and designer Olof Ottelin's exhibition in the school's showroom.
The exhibition is based on furniture collections, archival research and family archive material.
They had lunch with the students.

Victoria and Daniel arrived to Loviisa.

A lot of people wanting to see them:

At the balcony of the City Hall

Students could give their art work to Victoria and Daniel, they liked it a lot. Now Victoria's aide-de-camp carries it:

Video, Victoria and Daniel will walk from the City Hall to the square Victoria inaugurates.
Ruotsin kruununprinsessa Victoria ja prinssi Daniel vierailevat Loviisassa _ Yle Uutiset suora _ Yle Areena

Walking through Loviisa. It took more time than planned, because Victoria and Daniel stopped so often to shake hands, take gifts and talk to people, especially children. Daniel talked a lot with Anders Adlercreutz, the Finnish Minister for European Affairs and Ownership Steering.

A lot of children to meet Victoria and Daniel

Victoria inaugurated the Victoria Square. At first she gave a speech and then unveiled a plaquet.

After the inauguration Victoria gave short interviews to the media.
Victoria told reporters that her visit to Finland has gone really well. She also said she was overwhelmed by all the flowers and gifts she received, but was especially touched by the memories she received from the children.
- They make me think of my own children, Victoria said with a warm smile.

Victoria waved for goodbye.

There was a huge crowd in Loviisa. Victoria and Daniel were really surprised of that. The schools had give their pupils and students permission to go to look at Victoria and Daniel.
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Victoria and Daniel arrive to Fazer Visitor Center in Vantaa. This is the last place of their visit.
They will get a private introductory tour of the secrets of chocolate and the history of Fazer. They will also be served coffee, which includes both Fazer's classic delicacies and seasonal local food.h

Victoria and Daniel arrived.

Victoria saw the little princess Erin, 3, who gave her a flower she had made herself.

There was also a lot of children

A group of school children toured at the Fazer Visitor Center at the same time as Victoria and Daniel. Victoria told the children of the school group that it is really nice for her to meet them and be here. The school group gave Finnish children's books (in swedish) as a gift to the royals.
- Oh, how kind, Victoria thanked the children.
- We become really popular when we go home, Daniel says.

Victoria and Daniel tasted some chocolate.

After having toured at Fazer for an hour, Victoria and Daniel left. At 17.17 they had arrived to Helsinki-Vantaa Airport and leave home to Sweden.

Photos and videos from today
Victoria ja Daniel Suomessa – IS seuraa - Kuninkaalliset - Ilta-Sanomat
Prinsessa Victoria maisteli Fazerin sinistä Vantaalla - Lapset antoivat kauniit lahjat vierailun lopuksi

Galleries by SPA
Hanken School of Economics
The City of Loviisa

Legion-Media gallery

Court website
The visit began on Wednesday evening with Sweden's ambassador to Finland Nicola Claes hosting a dinner at the Swedish residence. There Victoria and Daniel met representatives from Finnish business and official Finland.
Victoria and Daniel began Thursday with a boat trip to the Suomenlinna Sea Fortress. Suomenlinna is one of the world's largest sea fortresses. It includes several islands at the entrance to Helsinki and is also called the Gibraltar of the Nordics. Suomenlinna began to be built in 1748 when Finland was part of Sweden.
Then Victoria and Daniel visited the School of Economics (Hanken). A tour was given and at lunch Victoria and Daniel talked with Swedish and Finnish students.
In Loviisa Victoria and Daniel walked in the old parts of the city and over the new footbridge to Victoria Square.
At Victoria Square, Victoria and Daniel participated in an inauguration ceremony where a commemorative plaque was unveiled and Victoria gave a speech.
Victoria and Daniel ended their visit by visiting Fazer, where they received a presentation and the opportunity to see an exhibition about the company.
Kronprinsessparet besökte Finland _ Kungahuset

H.K.H. Kronprinsessan tal vid invigning av Victoriaplatsen i Lovisa _ Kungahuset

MTV Uutiset Live_ Näin suomalaiset ottivat prinsessan vastaan Suomenlinnassa_ _Viihdyttävää, mutta muitakin merkityksiä_ – katso MTV Katsomossa
MTV Uutiset Live_ Victoria ja Daniel vierailevat Loviisassa - tällainen on tunnelma paikan päällä – katso MTV Katsomossa

Kronprinsessan Victorias flört med Finland _ Damernas Värld


Yesterday leaving, leaving the Hotel Kämp.

Gallery from yesterday evening, the Swedish Ambassador's dinner party at the Residence.
ANP gallery
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At the website of the City of Loviisa:
The City of Loviisa handed over a citrine champagne necklace 1751 as a personal gift to Crown Princess Victoria. Entrepreneur Carolina Karvonen and goldsmith artisan Saara Kinnunen launched the jewelry during the Housing Fair organized in Loviisa. The inspiration for the name came from the fact that the first official mention of champagne in Finland took place in the port of Loviisa in 1751. In addition to the jewelry, the royals were given hand-woven Loviisanpisara wool socks and Loviisa mugs manufactured by Vaja Finland.
Kruununprinsessa Victoria vihki Victorianaukion Loviisan Kuniningattarenrannassa - Loviisan kaupunki
The necklace
1751 Kaulakoru sitriinillä _

At Instagram of the City of Loviisa:

Victoria and Daniel met former war child Pauli Ahvonen, 88, in Loviisa.
Ahvonen was six years old when he was taken to Sweden by train. He ended up spending about four years there.
- I want to thank the royals that the Swedes helped us during the war. My best memory from those times is related to food. Nothing was as good as new potatoes and butter!
When Victoria and Daniel headed for a walk from the City Hall, Ahvonen met Victoria, who asked about his years as a war child and seemed moved by his story. Ahvonen profusely thanked Victoria, Sweden and the Swedes, and Victoria thanked Ahvonen for his beautiful words and she and Daniel expressed their regret for Ahvonen's harsh experiences during the war years.
Victoria and Ahvonen shook hands, while Daniel patted Ahvonen's shoulder brotherly before the two continued on their way.
Video_ Entinen sotalapsi Pauli Ahvonen pääsi prinsessa Victorian puheille - Kuninkaalliset - Ilta-Sanomat

Crown Princess Victoria came to the queen's city of Lovisa: "She seemed very down-to-earth and nice"
Kronprinsessan Victoria kom till drottningstaden Lovisa_ ”Hon verkade mycket jordnära och trevlig” – Östnyland –
Victoria och Daniel besökte Helsingfors och Lovisa – kronprinsessan_ ”Helt otroligt” – Östnyland –

Some school days are more fun than others. Going on a bus to Fazer's candy factory and get to taste sweets together with Victoria and Daniel. This was the afternoon for two groups of fourth graders from Cygnaeus School in Helsinki.
During the royal visit to Fazer's factory, the Crown Princess couple received a gift for their children.
- We gave a basket with all kinds of books to their children, the princess and the prince. They were very happy and I think the children will like the books, says Melia Malmelin, who handed over the gift.
The children tasted sweets with Victoria and Daniel. According to the children, the royals liked Fazer's classic blue chocolate the best.
But what made the biggest impression?
- I would probably say the royals, that's why we came here, says Gayer, who is supported by his classmates.
Fjärdeklassare från Cygnaeusskolan provsmakar godis med Victoria och Daniel

At Hanken School of Economics
Swedish Margarethe Böhme Nyström is studying for the second year at Hanken and participated in the lunch with the Crown Princess Couple.
- It was very fun to talk to the Crown Princess about the experiences I have had as a Swede in Finland and at Hanken. She seemed very interested in hearing how it has been and why we as Swedes choose to come to Finland and study.
Student union president Ville Ruokonen, attended also the lunch:
- The fact that Sweden and Sweden's leaders are interested in Hanken is very nice. The Crown Princess stated that whenever she visits Finland, she feels a strong sense of affinity.
Sveriges Kronprinsessa och Prins Daniel besökte Hanken _ Hanken

Photos at Hanken's Flickr account:
Kungligt besök på Hanken __ Royal visit at Hanken 21 .09.2023 _ Flickr

Victoria and Daniel charmed in Vantaa
When Victoria and Daniel approached the audience, Paula Sormunen greeted Daniel, who recently turned 50, with birthday wishes in Swedish. Daniel thanked and Sormunen added that she herself will also turn 50 this year.
– Daniel replied that you don't look like that! Sormunen screams.
At Fazer, it is customary for guests to be handed goodie bags when they leave, and that is the case now as well. The royals as well as their chauffeurs, security guards and other members of the entourage received a product bag. Director of communications Liisa Eerola tells that something extra may have been put into Victoria's bag.
Victoria ja Daniel hurmasivat Vantaalla – Video_ Paula Sormunen,49, onnitteli 50-vuotiasta prinssiä ja sai ikimuistoisen vastauksen _ Paikalliset _ Vantaan Sanomat

Näin sujui kruununprinsessa Victorian ja Danielin Suomen-vierailu – Katso kuvat

Victoria and Daniel's visit in one minute
Video_ Victorian ja Danielin Suomen-vierailu yhdessä minuutissa

Crown Princess Victoria's joy at being able to come to Finland again cannot be mistaken when HBL meets the Crown Princess at Hanasaari cultural center.
- It is fantastic to be back in Finland, says the Crown Princess in an exclusive interview.
During the interview, she fondly remembers her first state visit, which went to Helsinki, Ekenäs and Fiskars.
- Dad insisted that my first state visit should be to Finland because he wanted me to understand how important the relationship between our countries is.

A great honor to make a flower bouquet for Crown Princess Victoria

My little moment in the spotlight with royal flair. She held out her hand to me, unexpected as I was at work, but funny maybe after all there is a little royalist in me too the court photographer managed to get a picture of it - and then you just have to share

Many people took to the streets today when Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visited our fine Queen's Town. It's not every day you get nice visitors like this...

In Loviisa, the royal guests got acquainted with Ouca Bikes' Kiddiebus. Crown Princess Victoria and her spouse Prince Daniel were delighted with what they saw. The Prince also had a few questions about the Muksubussi.

Fazer Finland at its Instagram
We had the great honor of receiving Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel for a visit to Fazer on Thursday 21 September.
The crown princess couple got to know the Fazer Experience Visitor Centre, e.g. food robots and packaging made from recycled materials. They also asked a lot of questions about oats and waste products. The coffee table offered classic Fazer products and seasonal local food from our own garden, such as sea buckthorn shot made from sea buckthorn berries in the outdoor garden.
What a memorable day for all of us!

The plaquet at Victoria Square

Jewelry designer Kirsti Doukas at her Instagram
Very happy and honoured to see Crown Princess Victoria to wear Naisen ääni / Dream brooch again when visiting Finland. This brooch is one of the most significant piece of jewelry in my designer career.

Kalevala Jewelry:
Dream tells the story of individual courage, which, when brought together, can change the world. Sweden’s Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visited Finland on Thursday, September 21, 2023.
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Victoria said at Hufvudstadsbladet's interview that the ties between Sweden and Finland are strong and the countries face the future together.
Hanasaari's importance as a meeting place cannot be overestimated, Victoria points out.
Finland and Sweden already have collaborations in several different areas, but Victoria also raised one of her heart issues, the Baltic Sea. She wants to see an even bigger leadership as far as the Baltic Sea is concerned. There is a lot of research going on around the Baltic Sea, but she thinks everyone should make even more of an effort. We must not lose the Baltic Sea.
The civil crisis preparedness is an area where Finland could have something to teach Sweden. The awareness of how fragile our societies are is quite high today.
Victoria was only 19 when she accompanied her parents on her first official state visit. The trip went to Helsinki, Ekenäs and Fiskars. Victoria says that was an honor for her to come along on a state visit and a nice gesture from dad. The King insisted that Victoria's first state visit should be to Finland because he wanted Victoria to understand how important the relationship between Sweden and Finland is. The reception was overwhelming then, Victoria was taken by the warmth she encountered. Seven years later Victoria's second state visit went to Finland too. The King, Queen and Victoria arrived also then by boat. The King thinks you should go by boat to Finland, the ocean unites us. And it is so incredibly beautiful to arrive in Helsinki by sea.
Has her father given her any extra valuable advice in the role of crown princess?
Victoria says that her father is not the one who gives advice, it's more about her learning by being with him and seeing and hearing what he does. It is a gift to be able to accompany him and something Victoria takes in with all her senses.


Victoria and Daniel leaving Hotel Kämp on Thursday morning and walking through the Esplanadi Park to the Market Square.


Mayor of the City of Loviisa, Jan D. Oker-Blom posted to his Instagram


Alexander Stubb, the former Prime minister of Finland, sat beside Victoria at the dinner party the Swedish Ambassador hosted at her residence.
"An honor to sit next to Crown Princess Victoria at a dinner in the Swedish Ambassade on Wednesday. Always as interesting and pleasant to discuss with the Crown Princess and Prince Daniel. The Crown Princess couple are fantastic representatives of our dear neighboring country. Thank you for coming to visit."
Alexander Stubb is the presidential candidate of Kokoomus/The National Coalition Party in next year's presidential election.

Alexander Stubb is Daniel's friend and they hugged warmly when they met at the residence.,-September-20,-2023.


In Loviisa

The City of Loviisa at its Instagram
We asked the professional photographer from Lovisa Arto Wiikari to follow the royal visit on 21.9 up close. Check the pictures!

Director of communications Liisa Eerola of Fazer at her Instagram
If you allow me, I'll go back to the royal atmosphere of last Thursday
Lessons from the princess school of the hour:
Paying attention to other people and being unhurried, present in the moment is the crown princess's superpower. The good news is that you don't have to be a princess to master these skills.

What a joy I had to give Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel our round Mitt Lovisa tray as a gift when they visited Lovisa and Kuningattarenranta on 21.9.2023

Hanasaari Cultural Center published this video of Victoria's visit

A new video by SPA, a summary of the visit
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Crown Princess Victoria is unique, but still an ordinary person. She is stylish and does an amazing job.
- I was so moved, tears welled up in my eyes when Victoria took my mother's hand. Mother said there in the park that she loves Victoria and then the Crown Princess came over and greeted her.
These were just a few of the many warm comments about Crown Princess Victoria who visited Lovisa today, together with Prince Daniel.
In her speech, after she had unveiled the plaque with the name for Victoria Square, Victoria said that she is overwhelmed by the reception she received in Loviisa. The square was full of people waving and some had Swedish flags in their hands. Others had dressed in blue-yellow garments. Many shouted "we love you" as Victoria stood on the City Hall balcony with her husband and some of the city's representatives.
Victorias besök rörde många till tårar - NYA ÖSTIS

The Crown Princess smiles, notices and "sees" people. She stopped and talked, the schedule didn't keep up at all, but it wasn't a problem. I thought of Tellervo Koivisto, who wrote a book about the years as the president's wife. Her first meeting with Queen Silvia was thoroughly positive. "The queen is so attentive and helpful that she must really have eyes in the back of her neck," Tellervo wrote. The trait appears to have been inherited.
Kronprinsessan i Drottningstaden _ OrdOdlaren

Victoria's visit touched many
When the situation was at its best for me, the distance to Victoria was only two meters. She said "bye" to everyone and I said "bye" and waved.
Victoria is described as a person who sees everyone around her. She has a fantastic aura, always manages to smile, speaks clearly and clearly with well-chosen words and takes the time to greet people she passes. In Loviisa, many people wanted to see her, and of course people also came from the neighboring towns, even from Sweden.
Victorias besök berörde många _ Debutsky's Blog – Inne i huvudet på en författare

Kuninkaallisia Loviisassa - Trean sisustusblogi
Annika Hällsten, the former cultural reporter at Hufvudstadsbladet, got Victoria's interview when Victoria was at Hanasaari Cultural Center.

Parts of Annika Hällsten's article today at Hufvudstadsbladet:
Crown Princess Victoria is celebrated for her talent to see those she meets and manage to be in a good mood. Having interviewed her, I can attest that the Crown Princess is the prestige-free person she is reputed to be.
Victoria was for a long time at the top of Hällsten's list of people she dreamed of interviewing, she sent several requests to the court but didn't get an interview. She was always accredited when Victoria came to Finland, starting from her first state visit as a 19-year-old. Hällsten retired. In the fall, the opportunity suddenly came, Victoria would come to Finland. Hällsten's managers contacted the court with an interview request. A week later the court contacted Hällsten and asked to formulate clear questions about the themes that were included in the interview request: the relationship between Sweden and Finland and King Carl Gustaf's jubilee year. Just under a week before Victoria came to Finland, the interview was granted.(..)

As a Finn it's great to read that Victoria remembers her first visit to Finland and says that she had never got as warm welcoming as she got in Tammisaari then, all people were there and they were so happy to see the royals.

And here is the photo of Victoria with Annika Hällsten, taken by photographer Cata Portin.
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Maimo Henriksson, the Ambassador of Finland to Sweden, said on 6th December at her speech at the Samfundet Sverige–Finland's Independence Day celebration, Victoria was present.
"As a special, nice gesture to Finland, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visited Helsinki and Lovisa the following week. Our warmest thanks for this visit, which was a strong experience for us Finns. I will always remember the square in Lovisa, full of both Lovisa residents and travelers - and then the procession of my compatriots, who started walking through the city together with the royal party."
Ambassadör Maimo Henrikssons hälsningstal på Samfundet Sverige–Finlands självständighetsdagsfest den 6.12.2023 - Finland utomlands_ Sverige
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