Crown Princess Mary and The Mary Foundation : 2007 - 2024

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I have the impression that Mary, just like PH and very naturally, is the organizer and overseer behind the dinners M&F are hosting.

Good practice.
It will make it so much easier when they take over and have to host gala and state dinners.
I agree Muhler. I'm sure she has a great eye for these things.

The Mary Foundation is doing great work. And Mary looks great
Mary looks great. That room is beautiful.

And I agree Muhler. I think Mary is the one taking the lead on these type of events and making sure everything is set up correctly and the atmosphere is right, etc. It seems that she is very detailed oriented and makes sure that even the smallest detail is perfect.
For the launch of a new anti-bullying campaign, that is about respecting each other on the soccer field and aimed at children and young people, Crown Princess Mary visited the National soccer team during their training today, October 6.

Some great and funny photos can be found here:

** mary fonden instagram gallery **

** ekstrabladet article: Mary besøger landsholdet: Sparker på Schmeichel **

** BB article: Se de nye billeder: Mary spiller fodbold med Kasper Schmeichel **

** bt article: Royalt besøg hos landsholdet: Schmeichel og Kronprinsesse Mary spillede bold **
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That should earn her some points among her children and some of their friends.

On a serious note though. Bullying and keeping people out is a problem in a lot of sports clubs, not least soccer and similar sports, where there is an abundance of insane parents around, who are in the habit of shouting idiotic and abusive things at matches, both against children from the opposing team, but also children from the team they support, if the poor critters for whatever reason doesn't live up to expectation of being a national team standard.
And of course that sort of behavior rubs off on the children, who start to behave similarly towards those who fail or are not up to standard.
And that again results in a number of children leaving the very clubs that should otherwise benefit them and help them to get friends. And lonely and insecure children are easy to hurt - and prime targets...

Training the children to become good mates is fairly easy. Taking the poor influence of their maniac parents out of them is much more difficult.
Unfortunately that is an issue Mary is and should be careful about addressing.
So the aim here is towards educating the children.
The video is frank and interesting. Mary is asking on behalf of a girl, whether Kasper Schmeichel himself has bullied anyone (in connection with him being member of a sports club).

He admits that he probably has.
He is (and was) very competitive and passionate about soccer and it really mattered winning a match, so yes, he has probably been less than kind to fellow players in the junior clubs.
Now he is aware of it and helps point it out to present junior players and remind himself that for the youngest children it's really just about having a good time.

When a role-model like Kasper Schmeichel talks, the children listen!
The video is frank and interesting. Mary is asking on behalf of a girl, whether Kasper Schmeichel himself has bullied anyone (in connection with him being member of a sports club).

He admits that he probably has.
He is (and was) very competitive and passionate about soccer and it really mattered winning a match, so yes, he has probably been less than kind to fellow players in the junior clubs.
Now he is aware of it and helps point it out to present junior players and remind himself that for the youngest children it's really just about having a good time.

When a role-model like Kasper Schmeichel talks, the children listen!

That's fantastic and quite honest of him to admit that. Sometimes the parents are the worst offenders when it comes to sports and bullying. I've seen more than enough viral videos of parents getting into physical fights with other parents and officials during youth sports and kids will learn from their parents and the adults that are supposed to coach and teach them! I mean there are some serious anger management issues there.

I do see the benefit in going about this with the kids themselves and hopefully changing their perspective that this type of behavior is not right and can cause long lasting harm to the person that is bullied. A situation where the children can lead by example.

Sports is supposed to be an inclusive activity, but many times it results in the opposite, especially for the kids that may be less sporty...getting called weak, or being picked last, etc has an effect that many don't realize.
BB article with video showing the huge welcome Mary recieved at her event today. Yes the title of the article is right, recieved like a rock star. And of course, as always, she's there reciprocating the love she's receiving. She's just fantatsic. And of course a very important issue covered on this visit. And she looks great!
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That is indeed a great welcome. She is a hit, and her and her foundation working on a special topic.
The Mary Foundation and Mary always addressing important topics.

She is always putting very important issues in the spotlight and spearheading efforts to bring projects into fruition. IMO, she should be even more visible via the DRF social media in highlighting her events and activities (her and Frederik).

BB Article with video. Mary also referenced her own personal feelings of loneliness at the loss of her mother.
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Indeed. Around 10 % of those between 16-29 feel lonely.
And as more than 60 % (IIRC) of Danish teens go to high school, that must be considered the right place to discuss and work on how to include those who feel lonely and/outside the community of students.
That is unfortunately only to be expected.

The number of Corona cases per day has long since reached alarming heights and additional restrictions are expected. Probably already tomorrow.
That is unfortunately only to be expected.

The number of Corona cases per day has long since reached alarming heights and additional restrictions are expected. Probably already tomorrow.

Interestingly that is the only event showing as cancelled. Her and Frederik's separate events for the 8th are still showing as going forward (and Mary's is at a cancer center). The Queen's event for 12/9 is also still showing as "on". Of course anything can change between now and then.

(Aside: I truly hope that this does not start a trend going into next year and Mary's 50th celebrations).
Indeed. - So far...

The latest recommendation is that people should reconsider the Christmas lunches.
And that event with the Mary Foundation was a kind of Christmas lunch. - Or perhaps rather reception.

Social events are likely to be scaled down before Christmas. That's the tendency in DK and elsewhere in Europe right now.

As I have mentioned before, there is a very real risk that the New Year Courts at the very least will be scaled down, likely cancelled.
As for QMII's Golden jubilee. If the number of infected, especially in Copenhagen, don't start to stabilize, well then these celebrations may have to be postponed.
What horrible timing this mess has had...especially when things were getting back to some semblance of normalcy in many places.

Yes, the Mary Foundation event was the Christmas reception for the foundation partners. Was looking forward to seeing that and keeping fingers crossed that we would see Frederik making an appearance. Sad that it is now cancelled. Very disappointing.

I guess it is a situation of limbo as to whether an event happens or not and if it happens, in what capacity.

Yes, the New Years Courts moving forward as planned is very iffy now given the timeframe. I guess if the jubilee events are postponed/cancelled so will Mary's 50th events (which, for lack of a better word just sucks for Mary's 50th).
I am so sick of this COVID debacle and of the people that are now just part of the problem tbh.
Instagram post by Mary Foundation about their 2021 donation to a girls/women's center in Burkina Faso that Mary visited on her recent trip there.

The Mary Foundation has done such important work and brought needed attention to many relevant topics of today. Not only in Denmakr but internationally. Can't believe that they will be celebrating their 15th anniversary in 2022.
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That's very commendable. The center in Burkina Faso sure can use the money!

Mary refer to a soccer-party in connection with the European Championships, where in the aftermath of the restrictions people had been encouraged to watch and celebrate the matches together, including people, not least elderly and lonely, who might otherwise not attend such events.
She mentions she attended such a soccer party organized by the residents on a street in the Copenhagen suburb of Rødover.

I seem to vaguely recall seeing Mary uploading something on Instagram. Is that correct?
That's very commendable. The center in Burkina Faso sure can use the money!

Mary refer to a soccer-party in connection with the European Championships, where in the aftermath of the restrictions people had been encouraged to watch and celebrate the matches together, including people, not least elderly and lonely, who might otherwise not attend such events.
She mentions she attended such a soccer party organized by the residents on a street in the Copenhagen suburb of Rødover.

I seem to vaguely recall seeing Mary uploading something on Instagram. Is that correct?

Yes she is the Instagram post
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