Crown Princess Mary, Current Events 2: April - November 2004

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Heir Apparent
Mar 29, 2004
I don't like Mary's face.She looks vicious. :angry: She shouldn't be Queen Margrethe's daughter in law
Originally posted by LizvBo@Apr 22nd, 2004 - 7:08 am
I don't like Mary's face.She looks vicious. :angry: She shouldn't be Queen Margrethe's daughter in law

I have never been Mary Donaldson't biggest fan. I can't say that I dislike her, but there are certain things about her that tend to bother me. I think that she has a certain air about her at times that is just off a little. However, I would hardly say that she has a "vicious" face. When I think of vicious, I think of an attack dog or very good watch dog. Mary really doesn't come off as looking or being vicious in that sense to me. She doesn't have a face or ways of expression that make her appear to be incredibly caring and charming, however, I really don't think that she looks vicious either.
Originally posted by Alisa@Apr 22nd, 2004 - 9:35 am
In my opinion Mary does not have a vicious face, and even if she that would have not effect on her being QMII's daughter-in-law.

On the contrary I think that Mary has a very beautiful face. Her face can convey charm, compassion, and sincerity :flower:
Hear hear.
I also think that she has a beautiful face and i don´t think that she is a vicious lady no way at all.
Why do you think that she has a vicious face and why don´t you want her to be Queen Margrethe´s daugther in-law LizvBo ???????
I like Mary, but I think this topic may be meant to inflame the same Mary debate as usual. Who knows. Maybe the poster didn't mean to use that word? Just guessing.
I have read a French magazine(year 2002)and i saw a photo of Mary when she was buying sth.And her eyes make her face ugly.Ah,magazine TV Billed Bladet.You can find.
Originally posted by LizvBo@Apr 22nd, 2004 - 10:47 am
I have read a French magazine(year 2002)and i saw a photo of Mary when she was buying sth.And her eyes make her face ugly.Ah,magazine TV Billed Bladet.You can find.

I disagree. I think that Mary's eyes are one of her better features. They are a lovely color and I disagree as well with the statement that she is ugly. She may be no great beauty, but she is very attractive, IMO.
Very few royals are great beauties. Many are very pretty. Let's remember they are not fashion models but royals. Each has beauty in her own way. I don't know too many of them who are ugly.
Originally posted by Fashionista100@Apr 22nd, 2004 - 12:07 pm
Very few royals are great beauties. Many are very pretty. Let's remember they are not fashion models but royals. Each has beauty in her own way. I don't know too many of them who are ugly.
I agree, Fashionista. Mary Donaldson is an attractive woman and she can't help the way she looks. She got that from her parents :p
Lol.... I will keep in mind that the original post may have been a flame bait or whatever it's called....

I would say that Mary's mouth is such that it can easily looks like she's being strict etc, and her nose can easily make her expression look snobby (she's got such a cute button nose though!), and her eyebrows can sometimes look too arched.

But I think how one "looks" and how one "is" can be very different. Princess Anne has got such a strict face!!!! But judging from the amount of things she does for charities, she is one of the best princesses around!

Overall though, I think Mary is quite pretty. I really like her eyes, they're quite brown and they never look vicious IMO (though sometimes her mouth can look vicious! I think its because she's got thin upper lips).
I think Mary is pretty, but not the prettiest among the Crown Princesses.
I think Mary looks distant and superficial to me. :p
I agree with many people who think that Mary likes to show off. Something I can not understand is, so many years in Denmark by now and she still can not speak danish? :eek:
I can not understand is, so many years in Denmark by now
and she still can not speak danish
According to Mary she has lived in Denmark for 14 months
prior to her engagement to Crown Prince Frederik on 8.october 2003
---> as of today 26.april 2004 Mary has lived in Denmark for 22 months
which of course is less than 2 years.

Have you had other opportunities than the rest of us to talk to Mary in danish ? If so, then perhaps you have enough info to evaluate Mary's danish ? I take it your capacity in danish is on such a level, that you are able to judge others' knowledge in danish. -_-
Originally posted by Australis@Apr 26th, 2004 - 1:51 am
I think Mary looks distant and superficial to me. :p
I agree with many people who think that Mary likes to show off. Something I can not understand is, so many years in Denmark by now and she still can not speak danish? :eek:
I think that she can speak some Danish. Of course Mary has yet to be classified as fluent, which I believe will not be for some time. However, she is learning so she can speak Danish. I would think (and hope) that by now she has progressed significantly.

I think that the main debate that existed months ago was that many people would have preferred for her to speak Danish at the engagement announcement considering how long she had lived in Denmark at that point. I would agree that it would have been nice, however, Mary simply wasn't prepared enough to perhaps make herself so vulnerable at such an important moment.
Originally posted by LizvBo@Apr 22nd, 2004 - 7:08 am
I don't like Mary's face.She looks vicious. :angry: She shouldn't be Queen Margrethe's daughter in law
I'm very disappointed this can even be considered a topic for the forum.
Originally posted by LizvBo@Apr 26th, 2004 - 10:14 am
Sorry,now i have changed my opinion about Mary.She is good
why did you changed your opinion about Mary ??
Because i have seen her pic with the Crown Prince in Verena Royal Photo Pages.I think that she is pretty.I used to think that she is vicious because the pic of Mary i saw in a French Magazine
Originally posted by LizvBo@Apr 26th, 2004 - 10:55 am
Because i have seen her pic with the Crown Prince in Verena Royal Photo Pages.I think that she is pretty.I used to think that she is vicious because the pic of Mary i saw in a French Magazine
That is somewhat understandable. Many magazines sometimes publish what can appear to be the most unattractive photo of a person ever seen. :doh:
That is somewhat understandable. Many magazines sometimes publish what can appear to be the most unattractive photo of a person ever seen. :doh: [/b]
I remember seeing a magazine cover with both Mary and Princess Alexandra, where Mary looked like a cat on the way to attack a very serene Alexandra. For that one could think that Mary is a mean person and having some low feelings for Alexandra. And that's most likely what the editor wanted ppl to think.
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I think Mary is beautiful and in regards to her looks, I think she will be a gorgeous princess & queen. I think when you have as many photos taken of you likeMary does, there are bound to be some unflattering photos and they are the ones the papers like to publish! Stop picking on her and don't be so jealous of someone else's good fortune!
Yes I agree.

I don't want to judge based on looks, and I wouldn't want to say mary is a bad person just because she looks snobby in photos. Its actually funny because in moving films, she doesn't look very bad at all!

But true, I think different people have different agendas and because there are so many photos out there, if a editor wanted to show Mary as "bad", then that can easily be done, and if they wanted a "good" Mary then that is easy too. So many pictures to choose from.

Good luck Mary, and if we has to judge on "superficial looks", Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik seem quite taken with you!
Crown Princess Mary, Current Events 2: May - June 2004

Crown Princess Mary's Current Events, Part 2
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Hey everybody ^^

Now now...what is it if Mary looks vicious??? I do not think one little bit that she is dog-like as some of you seem to unfairly imply...Mary may not be beautiful or drop dead gorgeous but she has put alot of effort in being elegant and living up to the standards the world now expects from her being a princess which most definitely must be very very VERY difficult especially growing up in Australia where WE are laid back and not very judgemental on how people is sad to see the shallowness among our would think that a princess would be expected to be kind, generous, nice etc etc rather than pretty and i'm Australian so i am rather biased in my opinion :lol: and i would like to reiterate another is rather pathetic that this topic about Mary's vicious look being a topic....she is human after all with many facial expressions and emotions to be expressed :p

G'day people ^____^

p.s. and oh's not her fault she may not be a fast learner...she is not incredibly young to be able to pick up a foreign language at the click of a finger...*sighs...* oh well pretty or not she's definitely Queen of Aussies ^^
I agree with you hillary_ nugent and i am australian as well
Hey's nice to have another fellow Australian supporting me on this matter ^^...I've never really had much of an interest in the royal family of Denmark or Mary Donaldson but when I saw the unfair comments Mary was receiving my patriotic Aussic self came out and i felt i had to defend Mary being an Australian myself hahahahaha and i had to have me say and i'm glad you feel the same too...
Originally posted by Fashionista100@Apr 22nd, 2004 - 12:07 pm
Very few royals are great beauties. Many are very pretty. Let's remember they are not fashion models but royals. Each has beauty in her own way. I don't know too many of them who are ugly.
Very well said. And lets remember folks that these are real people we are talking about. They may not be real to us but they are people just the same & they have feelings. I would be a bit upset if someone said I looked vicious & ugly, Wouldn't you?

Mary's job is to be a princess & then queen not a beauty queen or hollywood starlet. Besides it's a bit shallow to judge someone on their looks instead of their personality & the work they do.
Hi All,
I too am from Australia and I think Mary has a beautiful face. Denmark is very lucky to have such a lovely girl marrying their Crown Prince. I think that in the last few days Mary is relaxing a little, smiling more and this shows in her face, I can't imagine how frightening it must have been for her to not only learn a new language and way of life and to have the whole world watching you do it. Hooray for Mary I think she is fantastic.
please find below a new article on mary's interview. although some parts repeat earlier postings, some things are new, e.g. the controversy about mary's meeting with the queen in april 2002

Donaldson tells of fairytale
By Vanda Carson in Copenhagen
May 10, 2004

FORMER Sydney real estate agent Mary Donaldson says she believes it was her destiny to marry Crown Prince Frederik, the heir to the Danish throne.

Destiny ... Mary Donaldson and Crown Prince Frederik
In an unprecedented interview published in a Danish newspaper yesterday, the Australian princess-to-be described meeting her fiance at a Sydney pub almost four years ago as "fate".

The wide-ranging interview stretches over five broadsheet pages and is unusual because Ms Donaldson has been gagged by the palace, speaking only a handful of sentences in public since she moved to Denmark in 2001.

Less than a week before she was to wed in a Copenhagen cathedral on Friday, Ms Donaldson said she and the prince wanted to raise their children themselves – with minimal use of nannies.

Published in Danish newspaper Politiken, the story says Ms Donaldson wants to do charity work, particularly in the area of mental health.

She also believes that the monarchy needs to modernise and become more business-savvy to ensure its survival.

"Perhaps my way of handling this is a little businesslike, because I have worked with marketing," she said, referring to her role in sales and marketing for Sydney prestige real estate agency Belle Property.

The interview was published the morning after Governor-General Michael Jeffery and his wife Marlena hosted an official dinner for the young couple.

Controversially, Ms Donaldson admits that she met the Queen and royal consort Crown Prince Henrik more than two years ago, despite repeated denials from the royal palace. Ms Donaldson says she met her future mother-in-law, Queen Margrethe, in April 2002.

This was almost 18 months before the engagement was officially announced in September last year.

The news contradicts the Queen's assertions that she had not met the 32-year-old Ms Donaldson, when she was interviewed four months after the meeting.

The ruse was necessary because confirmation of a meeting with the Queen would imply acceptance by the royal family and marriage would be the only logical step.

The Governor-General's dinner, which was also attended by the Queen and royal consort, was held at a historic hotel north of Copenhagen.

Fifty-two guests, including Ms Donaldson's close family members, Danish diplomats, politicians and senior royal staff, dined on a five-course meal surrounded by a massive security presence.

It was a serious affair compared with the party mood on Friday night when the royal couple let their hair down, dancing to Australian band Powderfinger at a charity rock concert.

The Australian
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May 10, 2004 - The Copenhagen Post

Mary Bares Soul....

....In the documentary, which was viewed earlier today by correspondents for daily newspaper Jyllands-Posten, Donaldson speaks of the unexpected death of her mother in November 1997 as the start of an important emotional maturation process. "My mother's death was a shock for me, and it changed my perspective on life in many ways. At the beginning, it's impossible to find any meaning or fairness in what has happened. You experience all kinds of emotions, from anger to guilt. It was a turbulent time," Mary said.

Donaldson recalls her mother as a bastion of security and loving. Her paternal grandmother, who lived in Tasmania at the time of her death in 2002, was another person close to Mary's heart. The future Crown Princess speaks with admiration in the DR documentary of her grandmother's independence, vigor, and insatiable curiosity. After the loss of her mother, Mary realised that she could not deny her dreams and listlessly pursue a career in advertising, as she had done in Melbourne. Six months after her mother's death, she quit her job and travelled around the world.

It was during this sabbatical that she and her boyfriend of seven years began gradually to drift apart, Donaldson told journalist/author Anne Wolden-Ræthinge (Ninka)....Her travels in 1998 brought 26-year-old Mary to Edinburgh, Scotland, the birthplace of both of her parents. She visited relatives and took a job, but still smarting from the death of her mother Etta, Mary soon realised that it was too soon for her to be so far away from her family in Tasmania....

....Both the DR documentary and the Politiken interview left little doubt that for Mary, the decision to sacrifice her former life in Australia was made out of love for Frederik. "We both know that a relationship takes constant work. You have to talk very openly together, and have respect for each other. Give each other space. We don't cling to each other, but we have our own goals that we want to achieve. In that way, I think we complete each other really well...And we are also aware that it is important to the monarchy that this marriage does not end in divorce. I'd like to take the pleasure of saying today that it will never happen to us. I feel it in my heart. We have promised each other to work for that. And that's all we, as people, can do," said Donaldson.
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