Crown Princess Victoria, Current Events, Part 12

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Jun 30, 2009
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Arms of Crown Princess Victoria

Welcome to the Crown Princess Victoria, Current Events, Part 12

Commencing December 4th 2020

The previous thread can be found here

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Victoria gives the opening remarks on 15th December at the global launch of 2020 Human Development Report, ‘The Next Frontier: Human Development and the Anthropocene’.
The new 2020 Human Development Report (HDR) looks at how humanity can navigate this new age, unpacking the relationships between people and the planet and showing how our impacts on the Earth interact with inequalities across societies.
2020 Human Development Report, ‘The Next Frontier_ Human Development and the Anthropocene’ _ Human Development Reports

Victoria gave the opening remarks at the global launch of 2020 Human Development Report, ‘The Next Frontier: Human Development and the Anthropocene’. The launch started at 19.30.

"The #HDR has continued to broaden our understanding of human progress, it has taught us that development is so much more than economic growth, it is about opportunity, agency & realizing the potential of every human being” stresses HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden #HDR2020

At the #HDR2020 Global Launch, HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden underlines that the #GlobalGoals are still within our reach and reminds us of the old saying “Where this is a will, there is a way” - inspiring us to take a wiser and more resilient path for humanity
Court website
Victoria gave a digital greeting at the global launch of the UN Human Development Report 2020, arranged by UNDP together with the Swedish government. This year is the 30th anniversary of the report. This year's report highlights how economic and human development can take place and be promoted without this happening at the expense of the planet's resources.
Kronprinsessan vid lanseringen av Human Development Report 2020 - Sveriges Kungahus

The speech
H.K.H. Kronprinsessans hälsning vid lanseringen av UNDP Human Development Report 2020 - Sveriges Kungahus
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Victoria attended today the EU project DUNC's digital final conference.
DUNC - Development of UNESCO Natural and Cultural Assets - is an EU-funded collaborative project where Karlskrona municipality has been cohesive.
Victoria said at her greeting among other things:
"As an alumni ambassador for the Sustainable Development Goals, the future of the ocean, and the Baltic Sea in particular, is a topic very close to my heart. [...]
I believe the DUNC project is a great example of how we can come together, around the Baltic, to address the challenges we have in common. And I look very much forward to hearing more about the achievements that have been made over the past three years."
Kronprinsessan vid DUNC_s slutkonferens - Sveriges Kungahus

Photo at court Facebook
Victoria has given today a digital greeting at the seminar "The moose in the room - the art of communicating the right of the everyman's right".
The seminar, which was aimed at Sweden's nature guides, educators, nature tourist guides and others who impart knowledge about the right of public access, was arranged by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency together with the SLU Center for Nature Guidance.
Kronprinsessan vid seminarium om allemansrätten - Sveriges Kungahus

Victoria's speech, she spoke also about her province hikes.
H.K.H. Kronprinsessans hälsning vid seminariet ”Älgen i rummet – konsten att kommunicera allemansrätten”, torsdagen den 28 januari 2021 - Sveriges Kungahus

The video, we can also see Rio running.
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That is odd, since she doesn't have any scheduled official visit to the US in the near future, or does she?

The Swedish Royal family wants to be updated about the situation around the world. Dag Blanck informed, among other things, about the presidential election and gave an in-depth picture of the development of events in the country in connection with the election.

The king, queen, Victoria and Daniel gave on 6th October a digital audience to Karin Olofsdotter, Ambassador of Sweden to the United States, ahead of the presidential and congressional elections in the United States. And they gave ambassador Olofsdotter a digital audience on 17th December, after the elections.
On 6th October queen Silvia, Victoria and Daniel met at the Royal Palace Kajsa Boglind, earlier Washington correspondent for the Swedish National Public Radio and now working as a program host for P4 Världen at Swedish Radio in Sweden, she told about the US elections.
On 23rd September Victoria gave an audience to Aron Lund, a researcher at the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) about the situation in Syria, and on 1st October to researcher Samuel Bergenwall from FOI on the situation in Jemen.
On 10th November Victoria and Daniel gave an audience to Björn Jerdén, program manager and researcher at The Swedish Institute of International Affairs, about the situation in China.

Later today Victoria gave a digital audience to Mattias Frumerie, Sweden's chief negotiator on international climate issues. Victoria was informed about the status of global climate work, the pandemic's limiting effect on the negotiations and the climate diplomacy of Sweden and EU.
Kronprinsessan gav företräde om klimatfrågor - Sveriges Kungahus

Court Instagram

Mattias Frumerie at his Twitter
Honoured and happy to brief HRH Crown Princess Victoria on global #ClimateAction and the road to @COP26. So proud of what Sweden can contribute!
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Victoria inaugurated the Stockholm Fashion Week digitally this morning.
Kronprinsessan Victoria på Fashion Week 2021 _*Svensk Dam


Court website
Kronprinsessan invigde Stockholm fashion week - Sveriges Kungahus

Victoria said at her speech among other things:
And soon, I hope, a truly inclusive business will also be a norm:
A fashion industry where people from different backgrounds can be seen; on catwalks and in campaigns – but also in the management teams.
A fashion industry where there is room for all sizes.
A fashion industry that liberates rather than limits.
I know that many of you listening today are working hard to achieve this; breaking new ground, challenging old standards in everything from recruiting to marketing.
As a proud wearer of Swedish fashion, I follow this development with great interest.
H.K.H. Kronprinsessans tal vid Stockholm Fashion Week, 9 februari 2021 - Sveriges Kungahus

Kronprinsessan Victoria öppnade Stockholm Fashion Week

Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden has made a passionate plea for diversity as the royal opened Stockholm Fashion Week with a video message.
Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden makes passionate plea in video message - 9Style

Victoria's important message during Stockholm Fashion Week
Victorias viktiga budskap under Stockholm Fashion Week - Allt om kungligt

Later today Victoria gave a digital audience to Kristina Jelmin, executive director of the Swedish Burma Committee.

The Swedish Burma Committee supports local organizations in Burma that fight for democracy and human rights in various ways. The Swedish Burma Committee was founded as a solidarity organization in 2000, among other things to support the thousands of prisoners of conscience who were then detained in Burma. It is a religiously and politically independent non-profit organization.
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Victoria gave this morning an introductory speech at a symposium on the Antarctic ecosystem in a changing climate.

Victoria's speech
H.K.H. Kronprinsessans tal vid digitalt symposium om Antarktis, tisdagen den 23 februari 2021 - Sveriges Kungahus

The royal court about Victoria speaking at a digital symposium on the Antarctic ecosystem in a changing climate and Sweden's role as chair of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR).
At the symposium it was discussed, among other things, what is the basis for the Swedish presence in Antarctica and what the biggest challenges for sustainable management look like today.
Victoria said at her speech among other things:
"We have great challenges ahead of us. In the waters around Antarctica, there are huge amounts of krill, lanterns and squid, among other things. They are in turn food for the earth's by far the largest concentration of marine mammals and seabirds. They are efficient ecosystems - but also fragile. sensitive to disturbances of climate change, overfishing and pollution. Antarctica depends on us - and we on Antarctica. The future of these species concerns us all."
Kronprinsessan vid symposium om Antarktis - Sveriges Kungahus
Court Instagram and Facebook
Kronprinsessan vid symposium om Antarktis
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Victoria had today a digital meeting with professor Johan Rockström from Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.
Victoria said at her speech among other things:
And soon, I hope, a truly inclusive business will also be a norm:
A fashion industry where people from different backgrounds can be seen; on catwalks and in campaigns – but also in the management teams.
A fashion industry where there is room for all sizes.
A fashion industry that liberates rather than limits.
I know that many of you listening today are working hard to achieve this; breaking new ground, challenging old standards in everything from recruiting to marketing.
As a proud wearer of Swedish fashion, I follow this development with great interest.
H.K.H. Kronprinsessans tal vid Stockholm Fashion Week, 9 februari 2021 - Sveriges Kungahus

A forward-looking statement in a period when most European monarchies impose conventional standards of feminine beauty. It is perhaps particularly meaningful seen against the history of the publicity concerning the Crown Princess's diagnosis with an eating disorder in the 1990s.
Victoria inaugurates the ISU World Figure Skating Championships at Ericsson Globe in Stockholm on 24th March.

- Yes, the Crown Princess will be physically present in the Globe. There will be an inauguration ceremony with the figure skaters and then the Crown Princess will give an inauguration speech. The Crown Princess will be tested before she goes to the Globe. And she will always be at a proper distance from the participants, says Fredrik Pallin, responsible for the press.
Svensk Damtidning points out that Victoria inaugurated the European Figure Skating Championships in 2015, and then she brought Estelle with her. Will we see Estelle in the Globe this time too?
Pallin says that he has no information about that. But it is quite complicated to attend this year, precisely because of the corona-safe bubble. And the Championships is held without an audience.
Kronprinsessan Victoria är tillbaka – lämnar karantänen _*Svensk Dam
Victoria will not be present at Ericsson Globe at the inauguration of the ISU World Figure Skating Championships on 24th March, as first planned.

The Crown Princess has, as previously announced, fallen ill with covid-19. Although the symptoms are mild, the assessment is made, with regard to the contestants and the organizer, that the Crown Princess will not be present on site at the inauguration on Wednesday. The Crown Princess will instead participate digitally during the inauguration with a recorded greeting.
HRH Crown Princess Victoria to open the ISU World Figure Skating Championships 2021 - Stockholm 2021, ISU World Figure Skating Championships
Victoria had today a digital meeting with Mats Höggren, CEO of Nordens Ark, to get information about how the pandemic has affected Nordens Ark and what the park's future plans look like.
Nordens Ark works to give endangered animals a future, which is done through nature conservation, breeding, research and education. Nordens Ark was inaugurated by the King in 1989 and Victoria has since been the park's patron.
Kronprinsessan i möte med Nordens Ark - Sveriges Kungahus

Later today Victoria had a meeting with the Social Administration in the city of Stockholm. Social Director Fredrik Jurdell described the City of Stockholm's mission and work with various groups in vulnerability and how the municipality cooperates with other organizations, such as the City Mission. Social secretary Pontus Malmebo told about how he and his colleagues work with outreach activities for homeless people.
Digitalt möte med Stockholms stads socialförvaltning - Sveriges Kungahus

Nordens Ark about Victoria's meeting with Mats Höggren, CEO of Nordens Ark, on 23rd March.
"HRH Crown Princess Victoria is the patroness of Nordens Ark and deeply involved in issues related to biodiversity. She has a genuine interest in Nordens Arks work to save endangered animals. During a video meeting yesterday, the Crown Princess and Mats Höggren CEO of Nordens Ark discussed how the pandemic and the global shutdown have affected that work.
At Nordens Ark, we are deeply grateful to everyone who shares our interest in saving endangered species and who continue to visit our park, shop in the store, adopt an animal and in various ways donate gifts - it is crucial for our our continued work."
Nordens Ark Facebook
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Isn't Victoria and Daniel for that matter, supposed to be recovering from Covid? They must be one of the hard-working CP couples having picked up a lot of the King and Queen's duties as well.

Are we allowed to tell them to chill and put their feet up for a week?
Victoria had on Friday 26 March a digital meeting with staff who are currently attending the diplomatic, foreign administration or assistant programs at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
During the meeting, Victoria shared experiences from official trips and visits abroad and spoke among other things, the importance of the work that the apolitical officials in authorities and ministries carry out. The course participants could also make questions to Victoria.
Kronprinsessan samtalade med UD-medarbetare - Sveriges Kungahus
Gufran Al-Nadaf, Ambassador / Rector of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Diplomatic Program, at Twitter
"On Friday, the Crown Princess met with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs' three educational programs, diplomatic, foreign administration and assistant programs. The day went by protocol and common sense and the sign of etiquette. We would like to express our warmest thanks to the Crown Princess who generously offered wise companionship & tips."
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Victoria had today a video meeting with professor Carl Folke and professor Henrik Österblom from Stockholm Resilience Centre.
Carl Folke and Henrik Österblom informed about the upcoming Nobel Prize Summit, which will be held digitally on 26-28 April. The event is hosted by the Nobel Foundation and the Stockholm Resilience Centre is a co-organizer. Victoria gives remarks at the Nobel Prize Summit's "Academic Science Session 1: Our Planet" on 27th April.
Victoria was also told about the next SeaBOS meeting scheduled for 17-19 May. The initiative SeaBOS, Seafood Business for Ocean Stewardship, aims to make the world's fishing take place in a more sustainable way.
Kronprinsessan i videomöte med Stockholm Resilience Centre - Sveriges Kungahus
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Today, April 15, Crown Princess Victoria participated in a virtual meeting about Sweden's Presidency of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE):

** kungahuset: Kronprinsessan i möte om OSSE **

Victoria had the meeting with Martin Kragh. He is head of the Russia and Eurasia Programme at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, and associate professor at the Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Uppsala University.
Martin Kragh _ Utrikespolitiska institutet
Martin Kragh
Crown Princess Victoria inaugurates Stockholm Art Week on 21 April. On the same day, a digital event will also be held via Operan Live on creativity and innovation in relation to sustainable development.
- The Crown Princess couple has realized the importance of art and culture for an open and tolerant society and therefore recently established their own foundation, the Princess Estelle Cultural Foundation, so she and Prince Daniel are well acquainted and engaged in the issue.
Stockholm Art Week är tillbaka 2021 _ Nöjesguiden
Victoria sent a greeting to the 50th anniversary of the Swedish Institute in Paris
Institut suédois, formerly Center culturel suédois, is a Swedish cultural center in Paris, run by the Swedish Institute. It includes art, design and photo exhibitions, film screenings, concerts, seminars, a permanent art collection and a café.
The center was inaugurated by the then Crown Prince Carl Gustaf in 1971.
Kronprinsessan skickade en hälsning till 50-årsfirande Svenska institutet i Paris - Sveriges Kungahus

Victoria ended her speech with a greeting in french.
Victoria's speech, she said among other things
As a representative of Sweden - in a family with French ancestry - there is always something special about visiting Paris and France.
H.K.H. Kronprinsessans hälsning till 50-årsdagen av invigningen av Svenska institutet i Paris, 20 april 2021 - Sveriges Kungahus
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Victoria inaugurated Stockholm Art Week with a digital speech.
Stockholm Art Week takes place April 21–25 and begins on the UN World Innovation and Creativity Day, where the importance of art for a sustainable society is in focus this year.
Kronprinsessan invigde Stockholm Art Week - Sveriges Kungahus
HRH Crown Princess Victoria... - Stockholm Art Week

The speech
H.K.H. Kronprinsessans tal vid invigning av Stockholm Art Week, onsdagen den 21 april 2021 - Sveriges Kungahus
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Victoria has today had a digital meeting with Peter Wallensteen, Senior Professor of Peace and Concflict Research at Uppsala University.
Victoria has met professor Wallensteen many times when she has attended The Dag Hammarskjöld lectures, professor Wallensteen is one of the advisors/Senior Research Fellow at Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation.
Victoria speaks this evening at Nobel Prize Summit: Our Planet, Our Future (Academic Science Session 1), at Aula Magna at Stockholm University.

Only 15 minutes left before the #NobelPrizeSummit science sessions start.
@sthlmresilience chair Carl Folke greets the Crown Princess outside with a safe physical distance.

Karolin A. Johansson, the former Marshal of the Court and Head of HRH The Crown Princess's Household, hosts the academic science sessions. She works as strategic advisor at the Stockholm Resilience Centre, in addition that she mainly takes care of her family's farm in Småland.

Victoria speaking, screenshots

HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden opens the first of two #NobelPrizeSummit Academic Science sessions.
“Despite all our human efforts, in the end we depend on nature to help us,” she reflects.
"Humankind is at the steering wheel of our planet," continues HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden. "We have science, we have technology, we have an interconnected global economy, and that means we do have a choice".

The Crown Princess of Sweden delivered a really strong opening of the #NobelPrizeSummit Academic Science Session

Photos by TT
Victoria arriving
Victoria speaking

Victoria started her speech:
One month ago, a 200 000-tonne ship became stranded in the Suez canal. One of the world's busiest trade routes was suddenly blocked, leaving hundreds of ships waiting to pass through.
Shortly after, an image appeared in news and social media all over the world. I am guessing most of you have seen it: a seemingly small yellow excavator, hunkered in the shadow of the enormous ship, patiently digging in the sand.
After five days of digging and tugging, the ship was freed – but not until the moon came to the rescue, in the form of a rising tide.
That image has stayed with me since. Despite all our human efforts, in the end, we still depend on nature to help us.
The speech:
H.K.H. Kronprinsessans tal vid vetenskaplig session under Nobel Prize Summit, tisdagen den 27 april 2021 - Sveriges Kungahus

Photos by SPA


In addition to Victoria, only Karolin A. Johansson and two professors, Carl Folke (Chair of the Board of Stockholm Resilience Centre) and Göran K Hansson (vice chairman of the Nobel Foundation's board), were present. And Victoria's aide-de-camp, a few technicians and three photographers.
- The meeting was virtual and coordinated from Aula Magna, and it was there that the Crown Princess gave her speech. Other participants in the summit were all over the world, connected via Zoom, says information officer Ulrika Näsholm from court's press department.
Among those who heard Victoria's speech were Nobel laureates, scientists, decision-makers, business leaders and a number of youth representatives.
Här gör kronprinsessan Victoria comeback – se bilderna! _*Svensk Dam
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Court website about the Nobel Prize Summit:
Victoria participated in the academic science session of the Nobel Prize Summit: Our planet, Our future.
Professor Göran K Hansson, Vice Chairman of the Nobel Foundation's board, opened the session at the meeting by welcoming everyone.
After that Victoria gave an introductory speech.
Professor Carl Folke, director of the Beijer Institute, The Royal Academy of Sciences, then gave the keynote address.
Kronprinsessan vid Nobel Prize Summit - Sveriges Kungahus

Video at court Youtube
Swedish Press Agency SPA's video of Victoria arriving and her speech
Yesterday we hosted the first of two scientific sessions as part of the #NobelPrizeSummit Our Planet, Our Future. We were privileged to have HRH Crown Princess Victoria as part of the programme.

Impressive delivery of introductory remarks by HRH Crown Princess Victoria, opening the Science Session of the #NobelPrizeSummit
@Stockholm_Uni @sthlmresilience yesterday.

Victoria tillbaka i rampluset - medverkade vid Nobelpristoppmötet - GALA magasin

Uskomattoman upea ilmestys_ Kruununprinsessa Victoria edusti suomalaismerkin asussa
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Victoria had today a digital meeting with representatives from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on Agenda 2030.
Janine Alm Ericson (State Secretary at the Ministry) Camilla Nevstad Bruselius (Deputy Director-General at Global Agenda Department) and Karin Snellman (Group Head of the Global Agenda Department) told on the implementation of Agenda 2030, about the situation in Sweden and Sweden's role in global work. The slowing impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the work was highlighted.
Sweden's voluntary review of the implementation of Agenda 2030 will be presented at the UN High Level Forum on 6-15 July.
Kronprinsessan i möte om Agenda 2030 - Sveriges Kungahus
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