Crown Princess Victoria & Prince Daniel, Current Events Part 2: January 2018 -

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Victoria and Daniel have started their county visit in connection with the covid-19 pandemic at Västra Götaland County. They arrived to Skövde by train at 10.27 in the morning. The host of the visit is governor Anders Danielsson.

At a fundraiser for Världens Barn (Children of the World) in 2015, Jocke Dahl in Skövde bought two of Daniel's former stuffed cuddly toys.
When Victoria and Daniel visit Skövde on Wednesday, Jocke's hope is that the prince will be able to see his old softie lamb again.
"I hope he has a nice memory with the cuddly toys", Jocke says.
Jocke har prinsens gosedjur i tryggt förvar - P4 Skaraborg _ Sveriges Radio

Victoria and Daniel visited Skaraborg County Hospital

They visited Kavelbrogymnasiet, Upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities.

At food bank Ätbart (Edible), that distributes their food through the Pentecostal Church.

Rex Features

Photos by SPA. They always have the best photos.

Victoria and Daniel got a guided tour inside the school premises, they got to meet the E class on the individual program. The students were surprised when the royals suddenly stepped into their classroom where a lesson in Thing of the day was just going on. Among other things, they got to know where the word ice cream comes from and what it means, it stands for the French word for ice. Something that Måns knew and told Victoria.
The last time the Duchess and Duke of Västergötland visited the county was in connection with Alingsås' 400th anniversary in September 2019. The planned county visits have been postponed. According to the court, the ambition has been to make the visits in order to get a picture of how the pandemic struck and what it led to.
Victoria and Daniel met with representatives of Skaraborg Hospital about the current spread of infection and the pandemic work, at the upper secondary special school in Kavelbro there were conversations with students and educators. The lunch was taken from the association Ätbart, which informed about their activities, they distribute food bags to the needy through the Pentecostal Church.
At a visit to the Gothenburg Opera they talked about how cultural life in the county was affected by the pandemic and visited also Assar Industrial Innovation Arena, part of Skövde Science Park.
But perhaps Victoria and Daniel appreciated the most the visit to Kavelbro. One thing is for sure, student Kim Jansson will never forget this day. She asked Daniel if he would like to ride with her and Daniel said yes. Kim told the prince to put on his helmet. It was a quick ride on the schoolyard in a specially built tandem bicycle and afterwards Daniel had to help Kim get rid of her helmet. Not everyone has been assisted by a prince.
When Daniel thanked for the ride, Kim ran away:
- I did it. I did it!
She received many high fives from both teachers and staff. And applause. She told it wasn't nervous at all, it was fun.
Bildextra_ Kronprinsessparets besök - från känslofyllt möte på sjukhuset till åktur med tandemcykel

First information about the Ätbart concept that takes advantage of food waste, which also offered a fantastically good lunch. Then information about the Gothenburg Opera and great performances.
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The original plan was that Victoria and Daniel make their county visit to Västra Götaland County in Gothenburg on the city's 400th anniversary on 4 June. But the County Administrative Board still wanted to pay attention to other parts of the county and asked Conny Brännberg, Chair of the Municipal Assembly in Skövde, if it would be possible for Victoria and Daniel to make a stop on the way to Gothenburg.
- I was asked if I could help and heard the four areas that the Crown Princess couple wanted to visit: education, industry and business, culture and healthcare.
The idea was that Skövde would be responsible for one of the program items. Brännberg thought that Skövde can offer everything and submitted a complete proposal for a program to the County Administrative Board. He had contacted Skaraborg Hospital, the Gothenburg Opera, Kavelbro upper secondary special school, Ätbart and Assar Industrial Innovation Arena, which all gladly received the Crown Princess couple. The proposal went on to the court, which approved it.
- The most fun was the visit to Ätbart, which takes care of food waste. There, they offered the Crown Princess food that cannot be sold.
Brännberg tells that the host of the visit, governor Anders Danielsson is careful to show the whole county, he has expressed this with his county dinners where he invites everyday heroes.
As the Chair of the Municipal Assembly, Brännberg also was part of receiving Victoria and Daniel at the train station, he thought it was fun. It was the second time he met Victoria there. In 2001 he received with the governor there the King, Queen and Victoria to Skövde municipality's 600th anniversary on National Day.
Så hamnade Kronprinsessparets besök i Skövde – istället för i Göteborg_ ”Ibland får man vara lite kaxig”

Nice photo

Group photo at Facebook of Ätbart

Arrival, Victoria greeting governor Anders Danielsson


Gallery of the visit to Science Park Skövde

The Crown Princess' tribute to Skövde - "You are fantastic"
The Upper Secondary Special School at Kavelbro without a doubt became the most joyful visit during the day. When Victoria and Daniel arrived at the school, they were greeted by a large expectant crowd of students who hosted the visit to the school.
- My commitment to the disabled has always been there, it is an important issue for us. I think it is extremely important that everyone has the same rights and lives an active life. And some have other conditions and need help and support and I think it is important that we take care of each other. So this visit has been very nice, Victoria said.
- You are fantastic!, Victoria said to the students when they were treated with a musical number.
- It has been a super successful day and it has been fun to be here. To be able to come out like this and meet people is fantastic. And being able to ride a bike with her at school was great fun, Daniel said.
Victoria said that it was a very broad program, everything from the hospital to the upper secondary special school. It was a very rewarding visit and a very good day.
Kronprinsessans hyllning till Skövde - _Ni är fantastiska_ - Skaraborgs Nyheter

The court about the visit at its website
Kronprinessparet besökte Västra Götalands län - Sveriges Kungahus

Photos at court Facebook by Pelle T Nilsson/SPA
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The streets echoed empty when Victoria and Daniel visited Skövde on Wednesday.
Mikael Appelqvist, program coordinator at the county administrative board, tells that to avoid crowds, they had chosen not to disseminate information about the visit in advance. The risk of infection was behind the decision, and the pandemic was also the theme for the day.
Appelqvist tells that Victoria and Daniel ppreciated the visit, it has been fantastically nice. They are happy and responsive and seem very interested.
Kungligheternas besök hölls hemligt för allmänheten

Victoria and Daniel came to Skaraborg Hospital to draw attention to local efforts in the wake of the pandemic.
They had the opportunity to talk to nurses and doctors who have worked on the front lines during the ongoing pandemic. They showed great interest and had many questions about what it was like to work in pandemic care. The stories of how patients said goodbye to their relatives on the phone and of the patients who recovered, how they had to work for a long time from being put to sleep at Intensive Care Unit to being allowed to leave the hospital and once again be able to hug their children touched them deeply.
Before Victoria and Daniel went on to the afternoon's visit, they also took the opportunity to greet the staff who had come out to get a glimpse of them.
SkaS fick besök av kronprinsessparet - Skaraborgs Sjukhus
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Photos at Facebook of the Pentecostal Church, with text
"Very fun to get to have H.R.H Crown Princess and H.R.H Prince Daniel visiting church today as part of their visit to Skövde. Here, @atbart.sverige's fantastic work was presented to reduce food waste and food aid where food is distributed through our church. In our foyer where the food distribution takes place, a lunch cooked at food waste was served by @restaurang_hallbar and then there was a program in the church hall from Gothenburg Opera and a short speech from our pastor @simon_holst. When the Crown Princess couple left, they expressed their great gratitude and Prince Daniel said to Simon "I understand that people like it here!" … Together we build a church that people want to become a part of!"
Pic1 *'* Pic2 *'* Pic3 *'* Pic4 *'* Pic5 *'* Pic6 *'* Pic7 *'* Pic8

The Crown Princess couple visited ASSAR
A visit was made to the ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena to discuss how the business community was affected during the pandemic.
The talks were followed by a tour and a demonstration of the smart robots that can help people and collaborate to solve problems and perform tasks. At the demonstrator IRMA (Intelligent Reconfigurable Manufacturing), the Crown Princess couple met Anna Syberfeldt, professor of production technology at the University of Skövde, as well as research assistant Marcus Gottschlish and doctoral student My Andersson.
The last item on the program during the visit to ASSAR was Material ConneXion Skövde. There Christian Bergman gave a presentation about advanced, innovative and sustainable materials and manufacturing techniques. He presented a material made from recycled plastic gloves and a coating that kills viruses to 90 percent, which is interesting from a covid-19 perspective.
Kronprinsessparet besökte ASSAR - ASSAR Innovation

Video from the visit to ASSAR
The Crown Princess Couple visited their duchy
Kronprinsessparet besökte sitt hertigdöme - GALA magasin

We had a royal visit today! Our Crown princess ‐ the future queen of Sweden – and her husband Prince Daniel spent the day in Skövde! Of all places, they chose to come to us! Sooo pawsome! I wish they would had told me sooner though, then we would had been dressed up for the occasion (where's the tuxedos when we need them?!)

While walking, Victoria and Daniel spoke with the elderly
A Tweet
"The royal family has never been something that interested me very much. But to see the total joy in the eyes of the elderly was amazingly nice! Thank you Victoria, for stopping by and talking for a few minutes was the highlight of the year for many!"

The image of Prince Daniel gives people tears: "So nicely done - what a prince" - nice video of Daniel cycling with Kim.
Bilden på prins Daniel som lockar fram tårar _*Svensk Dam

The Crown Princess couple's visit to the upper secondary special school in Skövde
There was tense anticipation among the students. Once in place, the Crown Princess and the Prince could take part in the students' story about how the year has been and how the pandemic has meant that everything has not been as it usually is.
- The Crown Princess couple were really genuinely interested in the students' learning and learning environment. Joy and warmth characterized the entire visit. The Crown Princess and Prince Daniel's wonderful treatment and attitude opened up for many nice meetings and conversations with students and staff, it was a much appreciated visit by all of us, says principal Caroline Hägglund.
Kronprinsessparets besök vid gymnasiesärskolan

Great video of the visit by SPA. Victoria had fun when Daniel was cycling with Kim.
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GöteborgsOperan at their Facebook about meeting Victoria and Daniel on their visit to Västra Götaland 25th August:
"Some pictures from yesterday when Crown Princess couple Victoria and Daniel visited Skövde! During the day, together with the municipal council chairman Conny Brännberg, they visited among other things Skövde Pentecostal Assembly where GothenburgOperan's CEO, Christina Björklund and Henning Ruhe (Artistic Manager, Opera / Drama) presented our regional activities and how the cultural life in the city was affected during the pandemic. In addition, they were offered a dancepiece with Micol Mantini and Katarina Giotas performed Carmen's Habanera."

Photo gallery of the visit to Ätbart and Pentecostal church
Skövde's Pentecostal church is part of the regional work "Mathjälpen", which conveys leftover food from grocery stores and restaurants to people in need. Association Ätbart takes care of the collection of the food that would otherwise have been thrown away. Victoria and Daniel had a lunch made from leftover food, in the church's foyer where the food distribution takes place two evenings a week. In addition to Mathjälpen, they were told about the parish's activities in general.
Pastor Simon Holst says that you notice that Victoria and Daniel have a big heart for children, young people and the vulnerable. They were affected, especially from this with the food distribution. He could also tell about his Christian faith because Daniel asked how he got into this course. The pastor says that Victoria and Daniel's visit is a great encouragement for everyone who works and fights in the congregation, not least with the food distribution. It will be a recognition for the church and he thinks it helps to create a good reputation in the city. When Victoria and Daniel were leaving and Daniel said "I understand that people thrive here", it was a very encouraging assessment.
Kronprinsessparet gästade Skövde Pingst

Victoria and Daniel have continued the digital meetings with the municipalities after the summer holiday.

Thursday 26 August
They had a meeting with Leif Pettersson, Chair of the Executive Committee of Ludvika Municipality.
They talked about how the pandemic has affected the municipality's business life, what the supply of skills looks like, housing construction and what Ludvika municipality is doing to create good opportunities for young people to want to stay or move back. Victoria and Daniel asked initiated questions.
- It was a successful conversation and it really felt like they got involved, says Leif Pettersson.
Leif Pettersson i möte med Kronprinsessparet - Ludvika kommun

The second meeting Victoria and Daniel had with Chair of the Executive Committee Stefan Carlsson and municipal manager Magnus Nilsson from Svenljunga Municipality.
They talked about the pandemic, Carlsson and Nilsson told about the incredible strength of the local community's collaborative power, residents who took great responsibility from the beginning, companies that restructured their production and helped to produce protective materials when there was a shortage.
Victoria and Daniel were also interested in beach protection and housing construction in a location close to the beach, the companies in the municipality and what unemployment looks like. They talked also about telework and how this has changed the view of living in the city or in the country. Victoria and Daniel asked many questions, the men felt that the time was almost not enough, that the conversation was uncomplicated and very pleasant. Both really appreciate that Victoria and Daniel were so knowledgeable, well-read and above all interested.
Videomöte med Kronprinsessparet -

The third meeting Victoria and Daniel had with Henrik Thunes, Chair of the Executive Committee of Sollentuna Municipality.
The theme of the meeting was current societal issues in the municipality. Thunes tells that they looked back at how the municipality handled the crisis during the pandemic year 2020 and also how the situation looks now. They talked also about the security-creating work where the municipality and the police work together with the goal that Sollentuna will have no vulnerable areas by 2030, and the climate and environmental work with the establishment of a climate committee.
Möte med Kronprinsessparet

The fourth meeting Victoria and Daniel had with municipal councilor Lena Svahn from Ljusdal Municipality.
Svahn told that despite the pandemic, good development has taken place in Ljusdal. They have introduced a new governance model and implemented work towards Agenda 2030. The hospitality industry is doing well. Among other things, bicycle tourism has expanded greatly in the last two years. Järvsö is one of big names in the hospitality industry and brings income to the municipality, which Victoria and Daniel pointed out, but Svahn said that it is important that expansion takes place with reflection. They don't want to create a new Åre but keep the culture, spirit and soul that exists in the place with the small-scale, locally grown and sustainable thinking. Daniel said that he visited Camp Järvsö in the Generation Pep context and got a good impression of the facility.
Victoria and Daniel wondered what is Ljusdal's biggest challenge. The supply of skills is one of the municipality's biggest challenges and should be one of the major overall goals that all administrations must work with.

Friday 27 August
Victoria and Daniel had a meeting with municipal councilor Marino Wallsten and municipal manager Karolina Berglund from Fagersta Municipality.
It was a good conversation about Fagersta, about the future development and opportunities as well as the challenges they face.
- It is fantastic to be able to meet in this way and I am impressed with how well the Crown Princess couple has control over Fagersta. I am very grateful for the commitment they show, says Marino Wallsten.
Samtal med kronprinsessan Victoria och prins Daniel

The second meeting Victoria and Daniel had with Mikael Thalin, Chair of the Executive Committee of Orsa Municality.
Besides about the pandemic, they talked about the new route of the E45 and the construction of new special housing, Orsa's largest investment of all time over SEK 300 million. A new housing is planned close to the beach, Lövastrand in southern Orsa, about 100 homes in various forms of housing.
Victoria and Daniel were also interested in how the companies coped with the pandemic and how the municipality works with security issues and mental illness. Orsa has done well, because it is a large visitor destination. The municipality works actively with security-creating measures via the National Council for Crime Prevention BRÅ, they do regular situation analyzes and have good help from the police. They have a youth strategist who works with youth issues and mental illness.
- It was an important and good conversation. It is always nice that the royal family as a central player pays attention to Orsa, says Mikael Thalin.
Kronprinsessan Victoria och prins Daniel på digitalt besök i Orsa - Orsa kommun

The third meeting Victoria and Daniel had with Daniel Filipsson, Chair of the Executive Committee of Alingsås Municipality.
- It was a very nice conversation. The Crown Princess couple still had our fantastic 400th anniversary fresh in their minds, and talked about the nice welcome and how it seemed that the Alingsås people left their houses to stop along their walking route through the city when they visited us, says Filipsson.
About Covid-19, Filipsson told that he is worried that the spread of infection is now rising again. Victoria and Daniel shared the concerns and they agreed on the importance of getting as many people vaccinated as possible. They talked also about people moving from big city to small town and countryside to fulfill the dream of their own house and lawn, and what that trend means for Alingsås.
Kronprinsessparet i digitalt möte med Alingsås kommun - Alingsås kommun
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Victoria and Daniel visited the exhibition "The Experimental Field" at exhibition space Accelerator at the Stockholm University today.
Sara Sandström Nilsson, executive director of the Princess Estelle Cultural Foundation, was with Victoria and Daniel at this visit.

Photos by Swedish Press Agency SPA.

This visit to Accelerator was planned to be in last November but had to be re-scheduled due to Covid-19 restrictions.

Accelerator is an exhibition space where art, science and societal issues meet. It is part of Stockholm University. The mission of Accelerator is to engage actively with society, producing exhibitions presenting international and Swedish contemporary art.
About Accelerator

Victoria and Daniel were welcomed by Richard Julin, artistic director, Mårten Snickare, professor of art history and director, and communications manager Tove Nilsson.
Richard Julin told about the background to Accelerator, its purpose, its history and the connection to contemporary history and research.
Kronprinsessparet besökte Accelerator - Sveriges Kungahus

Photos at court Facebook by Henrik Montgomery/TT and Pelle T Nilsson/SPA.

Victoria, Daniel – och bilden som alla pratar om! _*Svensk Dam

Kronprinsessparet besökte Accelerator - se bilder! - GALA magasin
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Digital meetings with the municipalities continued yesterday.

The first meeting Victoria and Daniel had with Fredrik Kjos, Chair of the Executive Committee of Upplands-Bro Municipality.
Kjos spoke about the municipality's development and the strategic work for a sustainable and attractive business climate, about the long-term investment in the Transformation Bro, where social sustainability is in focus. Victoria and Daniel thought this was very interesting.
- It was a rewarding conversation. I am happy to have shared my vision of an even more attractive, safer and sustainable Upplands-Bro where the focus is on raising the quality of everything we do with continued order, also in the economy, says Kjos.
Kronprinsessparet på digitalt besök i Upplands-Bro - Upplands-Bro

Fredrik Kjos spoke about the meeting with Mitti newspaper. He says that the Crown Princess couple contacted him directly and wanted to get to the meeting. They were interested in us being a growing municipality and how Bro grows, they had questions about that. Issues of school, roads and infrastructure were discussed.
Fredrik Kjos i kungligt digitalt möte

The second meeting Victoria and Daniel had with Catrin Hulmarker, Chair of the Executive Committee of Hjo Municipality.
They talked a lot about that things are going very well for Hjo right now. They need to expand their service with, for example, a new school but also continue to renovate the schools. They talked about the municipality's skills supply, the rich business community and Hjo as a place to live with a high quality of life and great measures of security.
They talked also about that Beach Protection Act fails in areas like ours where there are plenty of areas close to the lake that Hjo wants to make accessible to more people.
- It feels good to have this moment with the Crown Princess couple and to be able to give them a picture of what it looks like with us now that they do not have the same opportunities to visit us as before, Catrin Hulmarker concludes.
Kronprinsessparet på digitalt besök - Hjo kommun
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Swedish Press Agency SPA's video of Victoria and Daniel's visit to Accelerator last Monday, 30th August.
Victoria and Daniel have continued the digital meetings with the municipalities.

Friday 10 September
The first meeting Victoria and Daniel had with Adam Johansson, the Chair of the Executive Committee of Falköping Municipality. Johansson tells that they talked a lot about Falköping municipality and what are the biggest issues right now. Victoria and Daniel asked about the current issues, how things have gone with Covid-19, how it is with association life and the hospitality industry. Johansson says that it feels like they had time to cover many things.
Victoria and Daniel were most curious about the business community in general and the hospitality industry. Johansson highlighted the dancing cranes and Lake Hornborga. Victoria and Daniel were well acquainted with the area when they actually have hiked the trail between Varnhem and Lake Hornborga and described it as incredibly beautiful.
Johansson knows that Daniel is very passionate about association life and he told about the youth championships in Orienteering which will be in Falköping next week. Johansson thinks it is a very nice initiative that they digitally visit all municipalities. It is a strength with the whole royal family that there is such a great commitment.
Kronprinsessparet i videosamtal med kommunstyrelsens ordförande _ Falköpings kommun

* Adam Johansson's dog Alfons could greet Victoria and Daniel and received a greeting from their cavapoo Rio.

The second meeting Victoria and Daniel had with Lena Lovén Rolén, municipal councilor of Skinnskatteberg Municipality.

The third meeting Victoria and Daniel had with Annalena Järnberg, Chair of the Executive Committee of Hällefors Municipality.
Victoria and Daniel wanted to know how the municipality and the business community coped with the time during the pandemic. They also talked about the municipality in general. Annalena Järnberg tells that Victoria and Daniel were informed about the municipality and that they sent a greeting to all residents.

The fourth meeting Victoria and Daniel had with Michael Plogell, the Chair of the Executive Committee of Bollebygd Municipality.
They talked about the quality of life and how the social environment is essential in a small town where almost everyone knows each other. Victoria and Daniel asked questions about the local association life and about how the municipality wants to develop in the long term. Plogell pointed out that building a foundation for a long-term planning of both housing, service and local business is crucial.
The conversation was very relaxed and ended with an invitation, Plogell offered them a coffee because they have the world's best tap water. Daniel thought it was a good combo.
Kommunstyrelsens ordförande i digitalt samtal med Kronprinsessparet - Bollebygds kommun
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The fifth meeting with municipalities on Friday 10th September Victoria and Daniel had with municipal councilor Mikael Berglund from Ale Municipality.
Ale Municipality published the news about the meeting only today at its website.
Berglund highlighted the municipality's staff who have made huge contributions, they are the ones who have been the heroes during the pandemic. Victoria and Daniel were particularly curious about how Ale, despite the challenges, emerged from the pandemic, about the fighting spirit in the municipality.
Berglund also highlighted the challenges the municipality is facing. Not least when it comes to mental illness among children and young people, an area that Victoria and Daniel are passionate about.
Kronprinsessparet besökte Ale virtuellt _
Victoria and Daniel continued the digital meetings with the municipalities.

The first meeting Victoria and Daniel had with Mikael Löthstam, Chair of the Executive Committee of Hudiksvall Munipality. Old photo at the article.
Löthstam says that Victoria and Daniel showed great interest in Hudiksvall municipality. Daniel also knows these areas well through his own visits.
They talked about Hudiksvall's positive population development, the situation for the business community, which generally did well during the pandemic, and the challenges for the association life. Löthstam tells that they also talked about the work with the new Ostkustbanan and of course about the development of the port area and how they worked to make the new district Kattvikskajen attractive, sustainable and friendly to live and work in.
Kronprinsessparet i samtal om Hudiksvalls kommun

The second meeting Victoria and Daniel had with municipal councilor Lars Isacsson from Avesta Municipality.
Regarding immigration Lars Isacsson made a comparison with the labor immigration that took place during the 50s and 60s, mainly from Finland, Austria and Italy. Then as now, it is the municipality's task to tackle the problems, to see opportunities and be positive, Isacsson said, and Victoria and Daniel appreciated this.
Victoria and Daniel also received information about the upcoming national conference on the future of the basic industry, Avesta talks, and Isacsson also emphasized the faith in the future in the municipality. Victoria and Daniel were interested in Krylbo, its history and development. They showed great interest in Isacsson's story of Krylbo as a hub and white-collar society, the decline caused by unscrupulous property owners and the new, budding pride and thus the establishment, which on September 25 is crowned in the form of Krylbo Day. Victoria and Daniel sent a greeting to the people of Krylbo, which Isacsson announces at Krylbo Day.
The meeting lasted less than half an hour. Isacsson said that the conversation with Victoria and Daniel was very pleasant, they were genuinely interested in and aware of Avesta municipality.
Kronprisessparet mötte Lars Isacsson i ett samtal på nätet
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Victoria and Daniel visit Wednesday 22 September Gävleborg County to pay attention to local efforts in the wake of the pandemic.

Press release from the County Administrative Board of Gävleborg
The Crown Princess couple are welcomed by Governor Per Bill at Gävle Castle, where they get information about how the county has been affected and discuss about opportunities and challenges. The program then continues with the Gävleborg Region's activities, the regional councilor Eva Lindberg welcomes at Tullhuset. There the Crown Princess couple will find out more about the county's work with children and young people's health. They get to meet patient William Sjödin and care developer Måns Lööf, who tell about a patient's idea that became a reality - the app Hipr.
The visit continues at the University of Gävleborg, where Vice-Chancellor Lars Bengtsson tells about the learning and experiences that the corona pandemic has entailed. The Crown Princess couple will also receive an introduction to research on health-promoting work and flexible learning that has become highly topical in connection with the pandemic and where the University is prominent. The Crown Princess couple will also meet students who contribute with another perspective on the effects of the pandemic.
The Crown Princess couple also pays a study visit to Wetterling's ax factory in Storvik to discuss the pandemic from a business and cultural perspective.
Kronprinsessparet besöker Gävleborg 22 september _ Länsstyrelsen Gävleborg
Victoria and Daniel have continued the digital meetings with the municipalities.
On 17th September they had third municipality meeting with representatives of Tidaholm Municipality, but so far the municipality hasn't published any information about the meeting.

Today Victoria and Daniel were at the library of Haga Palace.
Victoria and Daniel had a meeting with the Chair of the Executive Committee Lars Gezelius and municipal director Anna Cederqvist from Vara Municipality.
Gezelius says that he appreciates that Victoria and Daniel take the time to visit Sweden's 290 municipalities. Victoria and Daniel were very nice, curious and well-educated in Vara municipality. Of course they talked about the pandemic and all the challenges it has meant to Vara. They discussed also about the municipality's population development and growth, and Gezelius told that the municipality has grown in terms of population and they continue to work with housing construction and housing supply.
Victoria, the Duchess of Västergötland, visited Vara 18 years ago and inaugurated the Vara Concert Hall. Now she received an update on how the area has now developed into an educational and cultural cluster with, among other things, new construction of the stage room Sparbanken Blackbox. Anna Cederqvist says that Victoria congratulated them on the investment that turned out so well. They hope that Victoria and Daniel will have reason to visit Vara again soon, physically.öte-scaled.jpg
Kungligt besök i Vara — Vara kommun
On Wednesday 22 September, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel will visit the University of Gävle.
The visit to the University begins at lunchtime. Deputy Vice-Chancellor Lars Bengtsson introduces the University and lessons learned and experiences as a result of the pandemic.
Representatives from the research area Health Promotion Work tell about the research on flexible work, and what opportunities and challenges telework entails. Then follows a session focusing on students and student health. Students will tell how they experienced the pandemic and its consequences, and representatives from the University report on how the employees work with systematic work environment work together with the student union.
Kronprinsessparet gästar Högskolan - Högskolan i Gävle

Daniel's sister Anna's husband Mikael Westling Söderström works at the University of Gävle.
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Victoria and Daniel have started their county visit in Gävleborg County.
They arrived to the Gävle Castle and were welcomed by governor Per Bill. At their entourage are The Marshal of the Court Lena Bartholdson, information officer Johan Tegel and Victoria's aide-de-camp.

Photo from Facebook of the County Administrative Board of Gävleborg.
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Photos by SPA
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At Tullhuset (Customs House), where they got information about Region Gävleborg's activities.
Profimedia gallery

Region Gävleborg at its Facebook
Today, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visited us to take part in our work during the covid-19 pandemic. Among other things, they got to see how health care has been affected and what the infection situation looks like.
Another effect of the pandemic presented to the Crown Princess couple is that the development of digital care meetings has been accelerated. Måns Lööf, care developer, told what it meant in child psychiatry to be able to use digital meetings. Also involved and told was William, 10 years old, who raised the app Hipr where children and young people with ADHD themselves can report to the care how they feel without making physical visits. This has led to more children and young people with ADHD being more involved in their care.

At the University of Gävle
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Photos from today in Gävle, by Markus Boberg
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At Wetterling's ax factory in Storvik in Sandvik Municipality.
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The governor and county councilor Veronica Lauritzsen gave a briefing on how the county has been affected by the pandemic.
At Tullhuset they visited Region Gävleborg and were informed about how the pandemic has affected the county's inhabitants in connection with health care. The new way of working "A way in" was also presented. At this project children, young people and guardians in child and family health, youth clinics and child and adolescent psychiatry receive cohesive care, which has proved particularly important in a time of unrest.
Victoria and Daniel met young patient William, he showed how he uses an app in his everyday life to record heart rate and blood pressure, fill in the effect of medication, report any side effects and communicate with healthcare professionals. The app is one of Region Gävleborg's first digital initiatives aimed at children and young people.
After lunch Victoria and Daniel visited the University of Gävle. Vice-Chancellor Lars Bengtsson told about what the university has learned from the pandemic. Victoria and Daniel met researchers to take part in what the research says about teleworking and how the future can apply to teleworking and hybrid work when many have learned to work from home. Students at the university told about how the pandemic has affected their studies and the social community.
Victoria and Daniel ended the visit by visiting Sweden's oldest remaining ax factory, Wetterling's ax factory in Storvik in Sandviken municipality. They had a tour at the factory and got information about how Wetterlings has been positively affected by the pandemic. Due to the increased interest in nature and outdoor life, the ax factory's production has grown over the past year.
Kronprinsessparet besökte Gävleborgs län - Sveriges Kungahus

Photos at court Facebook by Johan Jepsson/TT and Pelle T Nilsson/SPA
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William showed how he uses an app in his everyday life to record heart rate and blood pressure, fill in the effect of medication, report any side effects and communicate with healthcare professionals. Victoria asked William, how old he was. William answered that he was ten years old. Victoria said that she and Daniel have a daughter who is nine, and now she will tell her that William and do all this.
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A couple of short videos from the visit, Victoria and Daniel were interviewed by SVT.
Seeing the pictures from the floods in Gävle a month ago was unreal, said Victoria.
- It is an example that we must start thinking about the climate, Victoria said to SVT Gävleborg.
- It is sad to see so many personal tragedies. It hit society as a whole, but also the individual, Daniel said.
Kronprinsessparet om översvämningarna i*Gävle_ ”Det var overkligt att se” _ SVT Nyheter

Kronprinsessparet om översvämningarna_ En fruktansvärd tragedi - P4 Gävleborg _ Sveriges Radio

At the website of Region Gävleborg
On Wednesday, the Crown Princess couple Victoria and Daniel visite Region Gävleborg's activities in Tullhuset. In addition to a summary of how covid-19 has affected health care, they also listened to successful ways of working in child psychiatry, where an app and digital meetings have enabled the Gävleborg Region to meet children and young people in a smooth way during the pandemic.
Kronprinsessparet besökte Region Gävleborg - Region Gävleborg

Victoria and Daniel visited the University of Gävle.
They met the student union and received an introduction to the University's research.
Victoria said a few concluding words: "What we above all take with us from our visit to Gävleborg are all good examples of efforts people have made that go beyond their professional role. Many thanks to you".
Kronprinsessparet besökte Högskolan - Högskolan i Gävle

Härlig stämning när kronprinsessparet besökte Gävleborgs län - GALA magasin

Photos by SPA
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Gefle Studentkår (Student Union) at its social media
Today the Swedish Crown Princess, Victoria, and her husband, Prince Daniel, visited the university to discuss how the working/study environment during the pandemic was affected for employees and students at HiG. What problems we faced, and the lessons learned that we will take with us into the future. It was very interesting and super cool to get to meet them!!

Kronprinsessan Victorias nya budgetkostym – från H&M _*Svensk Dam

Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel Visit the Gavleborg County — Royal Portraits Gallery

About the visit at the website of The County Administrative Board of Gävleborg County
Landshövdingen värd när Kronprinsessparet besökte Gävleborg _ Länsstyrelsen Gävleborg
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More digital meetings with the municipalities
20th September
The second meeting of the day Victoria and Daniel had with Linda-Marie Anttila, the Chair of the Executive Committee of Hofors Municipality.
- A very pleasant conversation with the Crown Princess couple who were genuinely interested and well-informed about Hofors municipality, Anttila says.
Of course they discussed about that Daniel played hockey in Hofors in the 90s. Daniel told that he has a heart for the municipality and greeted several old friends. He said that he feels a youth nostalgia when he goes through Hofors and sees the ice rink. Victoria and Daniel congratulated the girls who won Swedish Championship gold in disc golf last week. Both showed great interest in Hofors municipality and they talked also about the newly built preschool and the upcoming new nursing home as well as the association life and business, about Ovako and Enerco, and about the projects Edsken Strand and Sustainable school meals.
Linda-Marie Anttila i samtal med Kronprinsessparet - Hofors kommun

The third meeting Victoria and Daniel had with Marie Centerwall, the Chair of the Executive Committee of Bollnäs Municipality. She is happy about the Crown Princess couple's great interest.
- The Crown Princess couple is well acquainted with Bollnäs (the Westling summer house is in Acktjära in Bollnäs) and we also had the opportunity to talk about the municipality's work with children and young people and integration issues, where the successful work of associations, Fritidsbanken and Föreningsalliansen was highlighted.
They talked about business development, the restaurant and hospitality industries are among the industries that had a particularly difficult situation during the pandemic, at the same time as the hospitality industry in Hälsingland is still on the rise. Other issues that came up during the meeting were the development of the old SJ area and housing construction in Bollnäs.
Kronprinsessparet nyfikna på Bollnäs kommun

The fourth meeting Victoria and Daniel had with municipal councilor Benny Augustsson from Vänersborg Municipality.
- It was a good initiative by the Crown Princess couple and a nice conversation. They were very interested and it is very nice that they care about how municipal Sweden is doing around the country, says Augustsson.
Benny Augustsson told about, among other things, the housing situation, the geographical conditions with good communications and rural development in, among other places, the Dalsland part of Vänersborg municipality.
Kronprinsessparet besökte Vänersborgs kommun digitalt - Vänersborgs kommun

The fifth meeting Victoria and Daniel had with Kristian Vramsten, the Chair of the Executive Committee of the City of Mölndal.
"I think it feels very fun that they want to meet us. The Crown Princess couple were very interested in what characterizes us here in Mölndal and we had an interesting discussion about what challenges we see in the future", says Kristian Vramsten.
They discussed about many topics. Vramsten told about the growing business community where the health tech sector has a significant role in the future. There was talk of the new railway stop, that the municipality has reached 70,000 inhabitants and how associations, businesses and residents have been affected by the pandemic. Vramsten welcomed Victoria and Daniel to next year's anniversary celebration.
Kronprinsessparet nyfikna på Mölndal - Mölndal

Mölndals-Posten newspaper interviewed Vramsten. He says he felt that the meeting was positive and that Victoria and Daniel had a good time. He started by saying that it is nice that they take the initiative to call to all the municipalities and he thinks it is very important that they hear how it is in the municipalities. Vramsten tells that Victoria and Daniel were curious and despite the fact that he was nervous beforehand, it was as if blown away during the conversation. He had prepared himself to be nervous but he wasn't. He had practiced naming them Your Royal Highnesses and then consistently Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel and he didn't say wrong once. Vramsten said that he knows that they have been invited to the 100th anniversary next year and that he welcomed them, and then he saw that Victoria looked in her calendar. It was very nice.
Mölndals stad träffade kronprinsessan Victoria och prins Daniel _ Mölndals-Posten

I've been trying to find information about all Victoria and Daniel's meetings with the municipalities. Today I found a photo of the meeting on 29th April with Cecilia Burenby, the Chair of the Executive Committee of Mjölby Municipality, at the Municipality's Facebook. It was the eight meeting on that day. They talked about, among other things, how to support business and associations in the crisis, but also that the municipality is growing and the plans for the Experience Center for food. "It was a very nice meeting", says Cecilia.

I have now found information about 229 municipal meetings this year.
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Sandviken Municipality published yesterday at its Facebook photos of Victoria and Daniel's visit to Wetterlings ax factory in Storvik on their county visit to Gävleborg on Wednesday.

"Royals in Storvik!
Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visited Gävleborg County on Wednesday, 22 September to draw attention to local efforts in the wake of the pandemic.
Together with Governor Per Bill, they ended the trip at Wetterlings Yxfabrik in Storvik. During the meeting, the Crown Princess couple got to learn more about the factory's ancient history, and what production and manufacturing looks like today.
On site, they were also met by the Chair of the Executive Committee in Sandviken, Peter Kärnström, smiling Storvik residents and curious children. What a wonderful visit, right!"
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Found a photo of one more meeting with municipalities, on 5th May Victoria and Daniel had a meeting with Kent Larsson, the Chair of the Executive Committee of Grästorp Municipality. It was the ninth meeting with municipalities on that day.
"Always nice when Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel call to hear how things are in Grästorp during the pandemic. A pleasant conversation about business, agriculture and association life and not least the crisis management work in Grästorp municipality. A good conversation with lots of laughter."
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Tidaholm Municipality informed a long time ago that they are having a meeting with Victoria and Daniel on 17th September. No info about the meeting was posted, the meeting was postponed and it was held today, Tidaholm Municipality posted information about the meeting to its website:

Victoria and Daniel had a meeting with municipal councilor Anna-Karin Skatt from Tidaholm Municipality.
Anna-Karin Skatt says: I am impressed by the Crown Princess couple's involvement in both large and small issues. During our conversation, they showed great interest in the municipality's work during the pandemic but also in how things are going for companies in the area and wanted to hear about our thoughts on the development of society in the future. It was a rewarding conversation and fun that they show interest in Tidaholm!
Victoria and Daniel were interested in the challenges and solutions regarding the handling of the restrictions. They talked about finding new solutions, both from the business community and the municipality's administrations. The importance of working against violence in close relationships and ensuring children's health and well-being was also discussed. Victoria and Daniel were told about also about the Swedish Prison and Probation Service's expansion and Nobia's move.
Kronprinsessparet i digitalt samtal med Tidaholms kommunalråd - Tidaholms kommun
On Wednesday 6 October, Governor Maria Larsson will receive the Crown Princess couple to their county visit to Örebro.
Victoria and Daniel visit Örebro to get a picture of how the pandemic has hit various activities in business and healthcare. The agenda includes visits to the vaccination center at Boglundsängen, Behrn Arena, Örebro Stadsmission and Matcentralen and to Tullängsskolan riksgymnasiet for the deaf and hearing impaired.
Kronprinsessparet till Örebro – vill skaffa sig lägesbild efter pandemin _ SVT Nyheter
Victoria and Daniel are on their county visit in Örebro
Governor Maria Larsson welcomed Victoria and Daniel to their visit, photo from Facebook of the County Administrative Board of Örebro-

Arriving to Örebro castle and welcomed by governor Maria Larsson

Signing the guest book

Visiting Boglundsängen's coronavirus (covid-19) vaccination site

Visiting Behrn Arena

Visiting Food Centre at Örebro City Mission

Visiting Tullängsgymnasiet school

Photos by SPA
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Photos from Facebook of Örebro City Mission
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Photos by Robban Andersson
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Short videos from the visit
Örebro gästades av kungligt besök _ SVT Nyheter

The vaccination clinic at Boglundsängen in Örebro had a royal visit
How has Region Örebro County reached out with information about vaccination to vulnerable groups? It was one of the topics that Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel found out more about when they visited the vaccination clinic at Boglundsängen in Örebro.
Vaccinationsmottagningen på Boglundsängen i Örebro hade kungligt besök

The Crown Princess couple and Governor Maria Larsson had a chat with students in the library. So impressed and proud of the students' wise answers to questions about homework during the pandemic. Professional and easy going from both parties.

The Crown Princess couple visiting Riksgymnasiet! During the day today, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and Governor Maria Larsson visited us, more specifically on building and construction programs with a focus on house building and a focus on painting. The Crown Princess couple curiously asked many questions that our students Mathilda, Viggo, and Ludvig answered with bravura. Many thanks for the visit!

do not like the word starstrucked but can not think of anything elseVictoria and Daniel at home on my street in town, almost

Court website
Victoria and Daniel had a meeting at Örebro Castle with representatives from the county administrative board, the region and the business community, they talked about how the pandemic affected the various businesses and residents.
At the vaccination center Boglundsängen the care staff told about how they worked to get information about vaccination with the help of working with several languages, to be on site in the community and in residential areas and to collaborate with the county administrative board.
In connection with lunch, Victoria Daniel visited Behrn Arena. There they talked with representatives from Örebro hockey, the Swedish Sports Confederation and the SISU sports educators, the Swedish Chamber Orchestra, Lerbäck's theater and Spångberg's choir who told about how the pandemic affected sports, culture and association life.
At the City Mission's food center they were told how the food center in collaboration with grocery stores takes advantage of food waste, which is then distributed as food bags to the needy.
At Tullängsgymnasiet, a school for the deaf and hearing impaired Victoria and Daniel met employees and students who told about how it has worked to have distance education during the pandemic.
Kronprinsessparet besökte Örebro län - Sveriges Kungahus

From the visit to Örebro yesterday:
Kungliga missen under Victorias och Daniels resa_ ”Försöker ni lura oss_” _*Svensk Dam
Victoria och Daniels nya glädjebesked efter svåra tiden - Allt om kungligt
Kronprinsessparet fortsätter sprida glädje runt om i Sverige - GALA magasin

Photos of the visit to Behrn Arena from Facebook of Örebro Hockey

At Tullängsgymnasiet, a school for the deaf and hearing impaired

Short video of the visit to Tullängsgymnasiet
Daniel asks, what is wrong at the car. Victoria notices something and says "Something is not connected, I see!" Daniel jokes lovingly with a laugh "You're a genius!" Victoria says "Thanks".
YouPlay Dashboard
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On Friday 15 October, Victoria and Daniel visit Kronoberg county to draw attention to local efforts in the wake of the pandemic.
During the morning they visit Alvesta, Högåsen's retirement home, where the infection first spread in the county. The staff tells about their experiences.
Lunch and meeting with Governor Maria Arnholm as host. Review of how the pandemic has affected the county and what lessons have been learned of it. Representatives from municipalities, the Kronoberg Region and the business community participate. The theater group Ensemble Cor performs.
In the afternoon they visit Södra's head office in Växjö. Södra tells about how the pandemic affected the business and Victoria and Daniel are also told about how some smaller companies in the county have acted to survive during the pandemic.
The visit ends at Vida Arena and with the question of how sports have been affected by the pandemic, from breadth to elite.
Kronprinsessparet besöker Kronobergs län i pandemins spår _ Länsstyrelsen Kronoberg
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Good photos at Svensk Damtidning's article:
På lunch med kronprinsessan Victoria – se powerlooken! _*Svensk Dam

At Högåsen's retirement home in Alvesta
Imago-Images gallery

Photo by Stella Pictures

These photos of Victoria and Daniel enjoying of the performance of Ensemble Cor are wonderful! 25 participants with various disabilities work one day a week as singers, actors, dancers and musicians at Studiefrämjandet in Växjö.
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Photos from Facebook of Södra

The court at its website
Victoria and Daniel visited Kronoberg County to draw attention to efforts in connection with the covid-19 pandemic. Governor Maria Arnholm and her husband Magnus Wallgren hosted the visit.
Högåsen's special accommodation
Victoria and Daniel began the day at Högåsen's special accommodation in Alvesta. It was the place in the county that was first affected by the pandemic. The medical staff told about the experiences of the pandemic and the experiences they brought with them. The visit ended outdoors where Victoria and Daniel talked to two caregivers at the accommodation.
The governor's residence
At the governor's residence in Växjö were representatives from the county administrative board, Ljungby municipality, Region Kronoberg and the hotel and restaurant group PM & Friends who gave Victoria and Daniel a snapshot of how the pandemic affected the county and their activities, and what lessons they learned. The group "Ensemble Cor" performed, consisting of 25 people with functional variations. One day a week, the ensemble meets and works with singing, acting, dancing and music. The participants told Victoria and Daniel about how the pandemic affected their activities.
Meeting with companies
The visit continued to the forest owners' association Södra, where representatives from Södra and the companies Asa manor, European Speedrunner Assembly, Norrvidinge of Sweden and the pulp mill in Mönsterås participated. They told about how the pandemic affected their activities.
The visit ended at Arenastaden in Växjö, which is a center for sports, education, leadership and events. Representatives from Växjö municipality and Dansklubben Sing were present at the visit. Finally, Victoria and Daniel met the discus thrower Daniel Ståhl (olympic champion) and shot putter Fanny Roos together with their coach Vésteinn Hafsteinsson.
Kronprinsessparet besökte Kronobergs län - Sveriges Kungahus

Photos from court Facebook by Pontus Lundahl/TT and Ulrika Näsholm/The Royal Court
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Photos from Facebook of Växjö Municipality, Victoria trying both shot put and discus throwing.
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Daniel Ståhl showed Victoria and Daniel his gold medal from Tokyo Olympic Games

Daniel Ståhl at his Instagram
It was a great honour to meet The Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel of Sweden today at the trainingcenter in Växjö

Photos from Facebook of the County Administrative Board of Kronoberg County
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Good photos by Anders Bergön
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At the governor's residence Victoria and Daniel met also Magnus Gunnarsson, the Chair of the Executive Committee of Ljungby Municipality:
"Today, the chairman of the municipal board received the great privilege of meeting the Crown Princess couple who are visiting the county.
- We are happy and proud that the Crown Princess couple are interested and want to draw attention to our good cooperation during the pandemic. The Corona pandemic has been a challenging time for all of us and our good cooperation has really paid off. I am also pleased to be able to tell about all the good examples from our municipality and we are proud of how residents and society have stood up for each other. In Ljungby municipality, we have a competent organization that has been able to maintain a good quality in the municipality's welfare services during the pandemic, it is also positive that our employees have given a good rating in terms of information and management, says Magnus Gunnarsson."

Victoria von Schweden_ Graue Maus_ Von wegen! Ihr Ton-in-Ton-Look ist ein Knaller _

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