Crown Princess Victoria's Birthday (Victoriadagen) - July 14: 2002-2006

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Lena said:
On the way out of the relationship to Victoria, if you ask me. :rolleyes:
He was definitely not at Borgholm yesterday evening...and on the question, who the one is, she would want to drink wine with, Victoria answered: Pappa:rolleyes:
she was also asked if there were going to be another big party next year except for her 30th, and after some though she answered Mummy has her birthday in December:rolleyes:

It seems the press was quite annoyed with the wrong rumour that Daniel would be there (partly fueled by the court) this author (Daniell Nyhlen) is also quite catty to Victoria he writes zzzzzz after all her answers and says that Madeline and Carl Philip was just as sweet and charming as always:D (implied, not like their zzzzzzister)
As I said the press does not seem pleased, here is what Aftonbladets writer has to say, my translation
In vain we waited; Victoria was not allowed to celebrate her birthday with her boyfriend this year either. The rumours started early, small excited whispers flew over the hot press core next to the scene, Daniel is invited, Daniel is stopped, Daniel will play for Ulf Lundell on the congas during his summer tour

Nothing was right, He never came. Instead it was a bittersweet night. Victoria laughed and made fun, she showed herself as the charming and humoristic girl, But something was missing, someone. We who stood only some meter from Victoria could see hoe she time and again looked over her shoulder, short looks, like she was looking for someone. But behind her Daniel did not sit, only Runar Sörgaard (controversial pastor, ex man of one of the artists who played). And I refuse to interpret that in any way. But the speculations on the boyfriends absence was many on Borgholms most camera-crowded piece of grass. My guess was that he did not show to avoid take the spotlight from his girlfriend (Me: or from Madeline:p :rolleyes: ) or someone suggested the future Parents in law did not think it proper with unmarried men at the Borgholms sports arena

The press secretary of the court MorganGerle tried to explain Westlings absence with that he was at Solliden preparing for tonight’s party. I asked if Westling was busy in the Kitchen

-I don’t think so said Gerle

I don’t care if he is at home baking 7 sorts of cookies it is Idiocy, However there is much that is idiocy….I hate that Daniel has to go to school with rich noble stallions and society lions to be accepted in the posh saloons. The royal family should learn from Daniel - He can tell them a thing or two about what happens in the real world. Over them palacewall at the kitchens in the red houses where Love is not something that has to be hidden and you are automatically reduced to something ugly. Where one can openly celebrate the birthday with your Love, even if you have not exchanged rings just yet. The year is 2006, the People live in “sin”, you are allowed to show that you are weak or in love. Late this night there were several rumours floating around that in the audience there were several unmarried couples that had celebrated their birthday together. I hope SÂPO (the security police) has been warned,2789,857591,00.html
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Happy Birthday to Crown Princess Victoria! She looked amazing.

You know while looking at these pics..I recalled that I used to feel sorry for Victoria in the looks department. Don't get me wrong...she is a very pretty girl but let's face it if you compared her to Madeline (and yes I know you shouldn't they are two different people) she would have always come up the loser (throne notwithstanding). But these pics completely changed my mind. Both girls are beautiful in their own way but ten years from now with all the tanning that Madeline is doing...she is going to look like the older sister and I am afraid..not so pretty. Doesn't she look at her aunt, the sun is NOT your friend. Whereas Victoria will most likely remain the same.
Just as I thought, of course Daniel was not at the official part of the celebration. As I wrote yesterday, I think the press assistant missunderstood the reporters question, he was talking about the private party afterwards...

He also never mentioned Daniel's name, so the media partly also have themselves to blaim for this hissyfit.

This little piece, where TT (news agency) thought the press assistant from the Royal Court was talking about the official celebration, and the media press assistant himself was talking about the private party - lead to every Swedish media taking this as an official notice that Daniel would attend the official celebration. Rediculous.

The whole Swedish media acting on such a little piece, were nothing is even said in clear words. Another sign of how the media acts first and thinks later.

GrandDuchess said:
But, a little doubt though arrised in me when I read this story in Barometern. It's the wordings of the whole piece. This is translated what it said:

"The Royal Court confirms for TT that Victoria's boyfriend Daniel Westling is invited for the first time to take part in the birthday celebrations at Borgholm. Morgan Gerle at the Court's information service doesn't want to give any closer comments.
- The Crown Princess birthay is celebrated traditionally here on Öland together with family and private friends. Among them, the partners of the royal children are of course included."
I don’t care if he is at home baking 7 sorts of cookies it is Idiocy, However there is much that is idiocy….I hate that Daniel has to go to school with rich noble stallions and society lions to be accepted in the posh saloons. The royal family should learn from Daniel - He can tell them a thing or two about what happens in the real world. Over them palacewall at the kitchens in the red houses where Love is not something that has to be hidden and you are automatically reduced to something ugly. Where one can openly celebrate the birthday with your Love, even if you have not exchanged rings just yet. The year is 2006, the People live in “sin”, you are allowed to show that you are weak or in love. Late this night there were several rumours floating around that in the audience there were several unmarried couples that had celebrated their birthday together. I hope SÂPO (the security police) has been warned

This paragraph is so pathetic :D ...but after having read today about Victoria naming her dad, as the one she wants to drink wine with and naming her mother´s 63th birthday as next big celebration (and it wasn´t the first time she said such things...I just say "Jambo"), I think this columnist is so damn right. Either you do a Felipe and you hide really with your partner...and then PENG! get engaged or you decide for a long dating time, but then pls. stand to your guy...This is all so childish and silly (Victoria got 29! and dates this guy for 4.5 years!)...and one can´t avoid to question this relationship :eek:
Thanks for the translation, Larzen
two beautiful pics from A. Nieboer !! I hope there are coming more.
All these speculations about Daniel and whether he would be at the celebration is nonsense. Victoria was there in her role as the heir to the throne and I doubt Daniel would attempt to attend and take the attention from her. Both he and Victoria know the game. When they get engaged he will accompany her. That is perfectly proper protocol and should be followed.

Aftonbladet loves to produce articles like the one above.
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Bu thy nearly date for half an decade now. Other couples I know have been married after such an long period of time and do have kids already. And ys they couples are of Viktorias and Daniels age :D

In this pic (originally posted by purple_platinum) Victoria is a true beauty. Her smile worths a million!
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Victoria and Daniel have their own time table as to when they will get married. Remember that Victoria is the heir. Her training and work takes priority in a different way than the "work" of the other crown princesses. I wish them both a lovely summer vacation.
We can perhaps presume Victoria is aware of what is expected of her. And also how to prioritize those expectations.
Judging from the pics, Madeleine is aging far too quickly, she is already looking older than Victoria. Her obession with tanning seems to have taken its toll, already.
grevinnan said:
Victoria and Daniel have their own time table as to when they will get married. Remember that Victoria is the heir. Her training and work takes priority in a different way than the "work" of the other crown princesses. I wish them both a lovely summer vacation.

It seems you have gotten a paper in your hands, telling what a crown princess by birth and future reigning Queen needs to train...maybe you can type it of for us :rolleyes:
Ok, that was a little snappish...sorry...I accept of course your opinion and many share it. But if you ask me the difference to the other Crown Princesses (by marriage) isn´t that big. They all should cut ribbons, should meet crowds of people, and should attend conferences. IMO every crown princess should educate herself further...but everyone (in Europe) is more or less bond to the rule, that Royals should have no politicial opinion...
And because I think Victoria is not different, I think a wedding with the right guy and a baby would do wonders to her and her reputation. I could be wrong, but I think Victoria has lost a little in popularity. This pressure has caused a few not so great comments from her side. Of course the world would be better without the pressure and she shouldn´t rush into marriage...but that this concubinage in this long time and with a more and more lost seeming Daniel and a catty press does anything good for her...I don´t see it :rolleyes:
And as Mixer said...half a decade is for most couples more than enough to know, where the direction goes...
rchat said:
I agree with you Lena. She already has lines on her forehead and a few brown spots on her face (sun damage). It's a shame she doesn't realize she's overdoing it with the tanning. IMO she would look more attractive with just a light tan (like Victoria). Being so dark actually makes it more difficult to see her lovely facial features. Her face gets "lost" in all the darkness if you know what I mean.

Victoria, on the other hand, looks gorgeous. Just glowing. And I noticed she's consistently been the same weight for a long time now so I think she has found a good healthy balance for her body. She has a wonderful figure.

Maybe you didn't mean it in a negative way, but this is incredibly offensive and ridiculous. So are people with dark skin just blobs of "darkness" to you?
christinacg said:
Everyone looks lovely and happy.

I usually dont mind Madeleine's tanned skin but I think she's over doing it here:


she looks so unnatural.
LOL It looks like Madeleine is the one who wants to get engaged soon...all in white...;)
I think Victoria and Daniel wil marr next year.
wartenberg7 said:
I wonder what the lady in the white top and skirt said (sang?) to Prince Carl-Philip (pointing at him)!
Someone watched the show on television who could answer it?
Just curious.


She (Lena Philipsson) was singing "han jobbar i affär". When she pointed at him/the royal family she sang "Vi har ett band som ingen annan kan förstå. Det är ingenting som ni kan se och ingenting som ni kan nånsin få!". Translated into english it's "We have a bond that no one else can understand. It's nothing that you can see and nothing that you'll ever get!" ;)

I have it as a videoclip on the computer if anyone's interested. :)
I think they should introduce him to the public and include him because i don't think it makes sense to introduce him only a couple of months before the wedding.
I think she will marry when she is ready and no pressure will make it faster. Marriage for her is more than just for love it is for life. I am glad she and Daniel are taking their time to really know each other.
"Happy Birthday", Crown Princess Victoria

for the 14th July '06
For more photos regarding princess Victoria 's birthday I can recommend
usually they are posting the pics with delay but this time we have a huge amount of fantastic fresh pics with royal family celebrating this birthday.
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