Death and Funeral of Count Carl Johan Bernadotte: May 5 and 14, 2012

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Imperial Majesty
Jun 22, 2007
Press release from the royal court today:
Count Carl Johan Bernadotte of Wisborg, the fifth and youngest child of King Gustaf VI Adolf of Sweden and Princess Margaret of Connaught, the uncle of King Carl Gustaf and Queen Margrethe, has died yesterday at age 95.
Greve Carl Johan Bernadotte af Wisborg har avlidit - Sveriges Kungahus

Greve Carl Johan Bernadotte död | Nyheter | Expressen | Senaste nytt - Nyheter Sport Ekonomi Nöje
Greve Carl Johan Bernadotte död | Nyheter | Aftonbladet
Greve Carl Johan Bernadotte har avlidit | Svensk Damtidning
Greve Carl Johan Bernadotte död - rapport |
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The flags of Drottningholm, Haga and Stenhammar (the king is in there now) are in half-mast, mourning.
"The king and he had regular contact with each other", said Bertil Ternert from the court.
Greve Carl Johan Bernadotte död | Inrikes | SvD
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The wording of the Court's press release is abysmal, short and tense as it is and not even expressing one sentiment of grief or sadness.
PR Chief Ternert's comment stating tersely that The King had 'regular contact' with his uncle almost makes it worse.
Once again, Ternert proves himself to be annoyingly incompetent in his job.
The wording of the Court's press release is abysmal, short and tense as it is and not even expressing one sentiment of grief or sadness.
PR Chief Ternert's comment stating tersely that The King had 'regular contact' with his uncle almost makes it worse.
Once again, Ternert proves himself to be annoyingly incompetent in his job.

I completely agree. Count Carl Johan was a dignified, humble and a very nice man. He stressed out in many interviews, how close he felt to Victoria and Daniel also, how glad he and his wife were of the birth of Estelle, and thanked the king and the queen for the warmed relationship.
I wish the court would have had more warmth and expression of sadness in the press release.
The press release is just an official information that count Carl Johan is dead, there will most likely come a personal note from the king and possibly also from crown princess Victoria, the same way there were a personal note from the king after the death of queen Ingrid of Denmark.
May he rest in peace.
Is there any news of funeral date?

Not yet, I think. There are many things to consider: the christenings of princess NN of Denmark and Estelle (20th and 22nd), Frederik's and Mary's official visit to South Korea (10-15th), the Diamond Jubilee lunch of queen Elizabeth, king Carl Gustaf's and queen Silvia's state visit to South Korea (30th May-1st June). This is if everyone is going to attend the funeral.

Royal expert Sten Hedman to Expressen:
Count Carl Johan was very close to the royal family and got considerable recognition in recent years. He had a very good relationship with the king, says Sten Hedman. The king has shown him much attention, and they were close. The king and Silvia followed his last days very close and they were very keen on him. Among other things, they were recently celebrating Carl Johan's 95th birthday and he was often invited to the castle.

Carl Johan Bernadotte lived in Skåne and was treated at Ängelholms hospital during his last hours in life. There will be no state funeral. Considering how he was as a person, he would probably not want any more either. But the royal family will attend the funeral, says Hedman.
Kungens farbror är död - "De stod varandra nära" | Nyheter | Expressen | Senaste nytt - Nyheter Sport Ekonomi Nöje
Google translation
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May he rest in peace!
Meraude said:
Count Carl Johan will probably be buried at Kungliga begravningsplatsen (the Royal Cemetary) at Haga Park, Kungliga begravningsplatsen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia , where his parents and three brothers are buried.

Yes that's very likely if he hasn't specifically wished to be buried in his home diocese in Skåne. Time will tell. It will likely be à very private funeral but I think a lot members from the swedish and danish royal houses will attend.

Very sad to learn about his passing. He was very popular here in Sweden in recent years. The flag on the roof at the royal palace here in Stockholm were not at half mast this morning but i think it be lowered to half mast later.

As someone already stated we will likely see a personal note from the king and maybe also the crown princess later.
Yes that's very likely if he hasn't specifically wished to be buried in his home diocese in Skåne.
I think might depend on where his first wife Kerstin is buried, if she's buried at Haga then Carl Johan will also be buried there.
I think might depend on where his first wife Kerstin is buried, if she's buried at Haga then Carl Johan will also be buried there.

Kerstin Bernadotte is buried at the churchyard of Båstad.
Kerstin Elin Marga Bernadotte - Båstad-Östra Karups församling -

Finally a statement at the court website:
Greve Carl Johan Bernadotte af Wisborg har avlidit - Sveriges Kungahus
Google translation

SVD has a photo gallery of the life of Count Carl Johan
BILDEXTRA: Carl Johan Bernadottes liv i bilder - Sverige - Sydsvenskan-Nyheter dygnet runt

Kronprinsesse Victorias kjære grandonkel er død - VG Nett om Sverige
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May he Rest in Peace!!!
This is a very sad news, may he rest in peace.
The Bernadotte males certainly live long and healthy lives. I thoroughly enjoyed the interviews he gave sharing so much history about the royal life.
Some epoch has just ended, when the last great-grandchild of Queen Victoria died.

Condolences to his wife, foster children and grandchildren.

May he rest in peace.
Some epoch has just ended, when the last great-grandchild of Queen Victoria died.
That's also true. He wasn't only the last surviving child of Gustav Adolf and Margareth, but also the last surviving great grandchild of Queen Victoria. :sad:

But on the other hand, Carl Johan did become 95 years old, which is really good.
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The end of an era. Rest in peace, Carl Johan.

Did he ever get to see Estelle. ? I'd like to think that he did.
Have there been any comments from queen Margarethe of Denmark on the death of count Carl Johan?
So sorry for the death of Count Bernadotte. :sad:
He symbolised an entire era and was a much loved member of the Swedish Royal Family.
Truly the end of an era. May he rest in peace and my Condolences to the Swedish Royal Family.
I'm very sad to hear that Carl Johan is dead, I most certainly think we'll hear somekind of statement from the Danish Royal Family tomorrow as I think that QMII was fond of her last uncle and I generally think that the DRF had a close relationship to him (wasn't he present at the little Prince Henrik's christening?).
Did he ever get to see Estelle. ? I'd like to think that he did.
I don't think he got to see Estelle, unless her parents went to visit Carl Johan. In this article, Folkkär prins blev greve - , it's mentioned that he said in a telephone interview that he hoped to go to Stockholm for the christening, but as we know it will not be so.
Maybe first grandson of the Royal Couple (no matter which one of their children will be his parent) will be named after him? It would be a nice gesture.
Carl Johan sounded like a elderly gentleman in all interwievs with him and he sounded something even better. He sounded like the cool old man on the block that talked to everyone on the block about the old times.

He lost his title, knew why and about the consequenses and accepted this and never complained like his brother that wanted his title back. Carl Johan said that he could live more free as a nonprince than a prince.

He didnt look a day over 80 at the wedding.

Imagine if he had lived and celebrated his 100th birthday and told a 8 year old Estelle that when he grew up there wasnt any radio or TV:ROFLMAO:
I don't think he got to see Estelle, unless her parents went to visit Carl Johan. In this article, Folkkär prins blev greve - , it's mentioned that he said in a telephone interview that he hoped to go to Stockholm for the christening, but as we know it will not be so.

Many thanks, Meraude. And, yes, sadly he will not be there.
Not yet, I think. There are many things to consider: the christenings of princess NN of Denmark and Estelle (20th and 22nd), Frederik's and Mary's official visit to South Korea (10-15th), the Diamond Jubilee lunch of queen Elizabeth, king Carl Gustaf's and queen Silvia's state visit to South Korea (30th May-1st June). This is if everyone is going to attend the funeral.
funerals take place (usually) 3/4 days after the actual day of death.
the christenings are late May which it will not affect the funeral as well as the state visits. Mary and Frederik might not attend considering their schedule, but Carl Johan is a Swedish royal, so it is not actually necessary for Mary and Fred to attend, but i think Queen Margrethe will, after all it was her uncle^^
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