"End Game" by Omid Scobie - 2023

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
He cannot reveal something that was already mentioned by others. He might have been the first to share this information on national television in the UK -on Wednesday morning - but it had already been reported by Dutch journalists a day earlier: this message by Rick Evers is from Tuesday 11.41 am.

I am sorry. I used the wrong word when I said "revealed." I know the Dutch journalists reported it earlier. I should have said that he "stated" the names.
I think it's rather brilliant of BP to let it drop that they're CONSIDERING legal action. That way, when they wisely conclude to NOT pursue that course, they're going to look magnanimous and, once again, to be taking the high road in all dealings with the Sussexes. Especially if "royal sources" spill, later on, that Charles and/or Kate were instrumental in that neutral "let it go" course of action. And that will, in turn, infuriate Meghan & Harry even more.
Is it correct that the book does not actually state what allegedly racist comments were allegedly made?

The Telegraph is reporting that the Palace is considering taking legal action , but I am not sure that would be wise, especially if legal action means Meghan or Harry being called on to testify at some point, which I find inevitable.

Sources close to the Duchess of Sussex, who named the pair in a letter she wrote to the King, have insisted she never intended them to be publicly identified and that the letter was not leaked to Scobie by anyone in her camp.

As was demonstrated when the Duchess of Sussex successfully sued the Daily Mail for publishing - at her father's request - parts of a letter she sent to him, it is generally illegal in the UK for the recipient of a letter to publish the letter (or give the letter to a third party for publication) without the sender's permission. Therefore, from the legal point of view, I suppose the relevant question is whether she leaked any letters written by the King to her.

I vote they leave things at “recollections may vary.”

Once you take away all the background noise you’re left with private conversations between family members. While I think the Royal Family would have a very good chance of winning any legal action they decided to pursue, they’re already winning with the strategy they’ve pursued over the past several years - one statement for the ages followed by silence. There’s not nearly as much upheaval over these latest allegations as there was when Harry and Meghan first made the racism claim. And, while I’m sure it’s not pleasant for the individuals involved right now, having the threat of being named in these unsubstantiated claims hanging over their heads for the past couple of years likely hasn’t been fun, either. That threat is neutralized now.

Essentially I don’t think the BRF has any need to go out of their way to fight this battle. I hope they don’t allow themselves to be roped in.

I tend to agree. “Recollections may vary” has worked so well for them.

This “revelation” landed with a whimper, as best I can tell. IA- it is no doubt unpleasant though. The bigger issues seem to be who is responsible for it coming out, who told Scobie (though I think most believe it was the Sussexes one way or another), and was it intentional that this was released.

The people that are looking bad are Scobie and the Sussexes. All of this had to come from them imo. One way or another.
What a shame. Shame. Shame. Absolutely
Chapter 4- Remembrance of Things Past: The Ongoing Campaign to Make The Royals Great Again

The loaded title of this chapter reinforces a theme Scobie introduced back in Chapter 1- that the Royal family relies on a form of cheap patriotism closely related to bigoted ideas to stay relevant. In Chapter 1, he said "To stay relevant, the system, in an almost Trumpian twist, leans on patriotism—even jingoism—to shore up its purpose. When in doubt, festoon the palace, unfurl the Union Jacks, and enlist the tabloids." Personally, I have always felt that the WWII-era patriotism usually invoked by the monarchy is more about pulling together than it is dividing people apart and Scobie acknowledges this when it comes to the reign of the late Queen. He described her strategy in a way I agree with, saying "the Queen and her advisors transformed the monarchy’s image from a regal manifestation of empire and preeminent influence to a domestic expression of continuity, civic obligation, and enigmatic “Britishness.” He doesn't believe that this transfers at all into the King's reign, and compares the rest of the family to soap opera tabloid stars. He also believes that the monarchy "overdosed" on the power of nostalgia and patriotism and came to rely on it exclusively. He uses that to transition to some more talking points about Prince Harry.

Here are the two big quotes that jumped out at me in this section:

"Prince Harry found purpose in serving his country in the military, an unquestionably honorable thing to do, but it’s worth mentioning that his time in uniform also gave his “bad-boy” tabloid image a much-needed “for the Mother Country” makeover. While Harry served, the Palace heavily leaned on the young prince’s time on the battlefield in Afghanistan for a boost of its own."

"The Firm considered it a PR win to have one of its own on the front lines. "There was a certain amount of pressure put on Harry by the institution to please the press in that situation," a source said. "It wasn’t his choice to carry out interviews, but he was told it was the right thing to do.' Thanks to those interviews, the world discovered that Harry personally killed several Taliban fighters, a revelation that made the front pages of every newspaper at the time."

Essentially, this chapter accuses the royal family of pushing Prince Harry to the frontlines for good press, forcing him to work with the papers, and thus making him reveal something that puts his security at risk to this day- a pretty strong argument to make for someone who, say, wants to justify their right to have their security costs funded. I very much believe that this chapter was mostly written to make these points.

The chapter then talks again about how Charles will never be as popular as his mother and uses as an example that the Platinum Jubilee was able to book more super star performers than the coronation concert- without acknowledging that of course, the Platinum Jubilee date could be selected years in advance and talks about how William and Kate are getting old and boring: "As older millennials in their early forties, William and Kate should still have some vitality to offer, but many of their overtures—such as their rather stiff guest appearances for BBC Radio 1 and its fifteen-to-twenty-nine-year-old audience—may start to come off as slightly contrived."
Isn’t Meghan several years older than Kate and William?
I think it's dangerous for British media to imply that the BRF are responding to Endgame in anyway, especially since, for the moment, neither of TRH The Sussexes have responded one way or the other. The BRF's power comes from being above it all and doing the good work while TRH The Sussexes are "scrambling to hold onto any semblance of their past lives". The BRF responding to half-decade old allegations while TRH The Sussexes are going to hockey games or having a quiet Thanksgiving would be a bad look. I don't know why the British media would do that.

Now, if it's true that TRH The Sussexes conspired with Scobie to open old wounds to force a response from the BRF, then mission accomplished if the BRF actually did threaten legal action.
I hope the results are shouted from the roofs, loud and clear. For us, it's more than legal expenses. It doesn't matter if we win or lose. Well, it does, but not in the long run. In the long run, only one thing matters:did we do such a fundamental mistake, or not? In the opinion of the industry. Not the court. No one can make anyone hire us for a project again if unofficially, we're considered untrustworthy. No one. It's our livelihood on the line. Literally. The publishing house I mentioned never hired me again because they realized I wouldn't bare my back to cover theirs. That's how self-preservation works.

Scobie hit the lowest of the low.

And it's not even a well-paying job! You live from translation to translation (i do it English to German) and such a thing would be a catastrophe for me as I'm sure it is für the poor Dutch translator.
I have been very critical about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and their behaviour over the past few years, and I agree they should have been aware of the Queen's obviously declining health in the months before her death.

But I keep thinking ... denial is a very powerful thing.Particularly when you don't want to believe what is in front of your eyes. I know from my own experience how easy it can be to not confront the hard truth that a close relative is entering their last days. And we know how deluded Harry and Meghan can be in so many ways. Is it beyond the bounds of possibility that they chose blindly to believe what they wanted to believe and did not fully comprehend that the summer of 2023 was their last chance to see the Queen?

This does not of course take away their responsibility for not taking the opportunity to see her one last time. But perhaps puts it into a less callous context.
I would agree. I thought that she was finally sort of winding down but, the Balcony scenes didn't raise any flags for me, and I have been a fan my entire life. My mother was born the same year as her and had long since died yet I never transposed that reality onto HLM. Strangely enough it was the use of Prince Philip's walking staff as opposed to a walking stick that first made me sit up and take notice. It was her way of underplaying her frailty and to be honest, there was nothing "little old lady" about her. Her presence filled the room. In short, she was larger than life and so the Liz Truss meeting came as a shock because suddenly she was so frail and yet, from what we saw, the force of her presence still was still the same. But no way did I think her time with us was numbered in days not weeks.

I totally agree. Harry and Meghan have eyeballs. Just her weight loss and difficulty walking and standing made me realize that she was sick. But, then again, Harry and Meghan only have their eyeballs on themselves and their imagined troubles.
That is very cold, and they were not the subject of this book.

Harry's interview where he stated that he didn't think that questioning the colour of his son's skin was racist is entirely consistent with the way most ordinary people would think. Like in my family, would I inherit the lovely olive tone skin that didn't burn or the pallid white skin the burned if I stuck my head out the door. It's part of normal family life and I think we all either have a family member with no filter or know of one who does. That is family, love them or leave them either way but you can't pick your family.

I have to confess I am dismayed that this dung heap that Scobie wrote was even published but worse, I am tired of people blaming the Sussexes for every little snippet of acid in it. Scobie got more than enough from the research for his first book and didn't need to dip into that well again although I have to admit to wondering if Meghan didn't drop a hint. I actually believe that his scarily baby face fools people into thinking he's a no-nothing kid. Unfortunately, at 40 nothing could be further from the truth, but I think that having underestimated him, they are often indiscreet.

There are many, many books both general and unofficial "biographies" that are critical of the BRF and, if the guest on Piers Morgan's show is telling the truth while soundly roasting him and fellow guest Dickie Arbiter did not contradict her claim that it was an open secret in royal journalism circles as to who made the comment or comments. Taking that to the logical conclusion, they all made their own decisions and did not publish.

Now that is an almost unbelievable situation where royal journalists seemed to either not believe it or not deem it worthy of printing it. In fact, I think a lot of them did not want to harm the monarch or the monarchy. Now that is truly amazing. There is still a very deep vein of 'Rule Britannia' in the very bones of the people in the good old UK. Below is a link to the questions about Omid Scobie (42) himself which are also seriously weird.

Piers Morgan didn't reveal the names, did he? He might have been the first on UK national television but it was revealed through the Dutch translation of the book and reported by Dutch royal journalists...

Exactly. A Dutch journalist innocently first wrote the names in a review without knowing they were not included in the English version.
The names were going to come out anyway. Piers Morgan was just quicker and made it a "scoop". Plus, he reported the names showing support to the two royals involved.

How can Scobie claim Morgan broke the law? Is there a law reporting the content of a Dutch book?
Yes, as much as its not nice, this is what H&M were holding over the RF all this time. Now its been said (and widely dismissed - Charles has too much of a track record and Catherine is only even mentioned as being present for conversations after its clear Meghan dislikes Catherine it looks like its just another attempt to hurt) people can make their own mind u and move on. Any other bombshells from H&M will now just get people wonder "why is this only being mentioned now, it can't have been that bad".

I agree with you. Much as the whole drama spun by Meghan, Harry and Scobie is pretty unbecoming, I am glad the names are out. People can make up their own minds as to whether they believe M, H & S or not. It also ends the matter once and for all.

I think this will do more harm to the Montecito duo than good, but time will tell. In nearly four years, they have yet to be able to find something positive to do with their lives: just an unending saga at whining about the royal family and how hard done they were. But more importantly, how mean-spirited and vicious they are!
After all the brouhaha, this book doesn’t bring anything new. I don’t care about naming the people they accuse of being racist because I didn’t care about their accusation since it was first made. Anyone with an ounce of spirit of observation would have known before that interview that the BRF is “very much not a racist family”. The rest is just commercial trade and I don’t care about trade in relation with the BRF.
I would agree. I thought that she was finally sort of winding down but, the Balcony scenes didn't raise any flags for me, and I have been a fan my entire life. My mother was born the same year as her and had long since died yet I never transposed that reality onto HLM. Strangely enough it was the use of Prince Philip's walking staff as opposed to a walking stick that first made me sit up and take notice. It was her way of underplaying her frailty and to be honest, there was nothing "little old lady" about her. Her presence filled the room. In short, she was larger than life and so the Liz Truss meeting came as a shock because suddenly she was so frail and yet, from what we saw, the force of her presence still was still the same. But no way did I think her time with us was numbered in days not weeks.

That is very cold, and they were not the subject of this book.

Harry's interview where he stated that he didn't think that questioning the colour of his son's skin was racist is entirely consistent with the way most ordinary people would think. Like in my family, would I inherit the lovely olive tone skin that didn't burn or the pallid white skin the burned if I stuck my head out the door. It's part of normal family life and I think we all either have a family member with no filter or know of one who does. That is family, love them or leave them either way but you can't pick your family.

I have to confess I am dismayed that this dung heap that Scobie wrote was even published but worse, I am tired of people blaming the Sussexes for every little snippet of acid in it. Scobie got more than enough from the research for his first book and didn't need to dip into that well again although I have to admit to wondering if Meghan didn't drop a hint. I actually believe that his scarily baby face fools people into thinking he's a no-nothing kid. Unfortunately, at 40 nothing could be further from the truth, but I think that having underestimated him, they are often indiscreet.

There are many, many books both general and unofficial "biographies" that are critical of the BRF and, if the guest on Piers Morgan's show is telling the truth while soundly roasting him and fellow guest Dickie Arbiter did not contradict her claim that it was an open secret in royal journalism circles as to who made the comment or comments. Taking that to the logical conclusion, they all made their own decisions and did not publish.

Now that is an almost unbelievable situation where royal journalists seemed to either not believe it or not deem it worthy of printing it. In fact, I think a lot of them did not want to harm the monarch or the monarchy. Now that is truly amazing. There is still a very deep vein of 'Rule Britannia' in the very bones of the people in the good old UK. Below is a link to the questions about Omid Scobie (42) himself which are also seriously weird.


Even if the names were 'known' in royal circles how could they publish without proof, or any real context of the conversation, the only version that is out there are two different versions from the couple. So possibly the press had an idea who was involved with the conversation but could not risk a libel case. The 'gossip' I read before on line was a totally different name and version.

A great deal of it came from previous tabloids articles, Scobie admitted it himself.
Piers Morgan has denied having phone calls with Camilla, when challenged on this Scobie said but it has been in tabloid articles how he speaks with her. His sources are questionable.

The other stuff for example nobody spoke in the car going to see the flowers at Windsor, was written in such a way that you needed to be there or did he surmise it, because lets be honest it is a fairly obvious conclusion. On the other hand there could have been a blazing row between the four of them.

He claims he is friends with her friends, although not her, therefore giving the impression of his sources, but to be honest I do not believe Meghans friends would brief on her without her agreement. She does have a track record on this with her fathers letter.

He is saying he went further in to the skin colour row because Meghan and Harry never mentioned it again and he wanted to know why, did he not con sider that possibly as Harry said it was unconscious bias rather than racism or that as a family it had been resolved privately. As Harry has claimed the conversation took place before the wedding why would Meghan ask her future father in law to walk her down the aisle if she was so upset by his words.

It was the only thing to promote the book with if we are honest, plus he repeatedly said he was bound by uk laws.

I am still of the opinion that Harry and Meghan have links to this especially as they have been so quiet but there is always the possibility that all the filler stuff about feelings and who told who to answer the phone and the unlisted number is just that, fluff and filler that he made up, good guess work. This is similar to the stuff in Finding Freedom regarding the night before the wedding and what Meghan was doing.

If he is taking his sources from other articles and gossip but trying to make it look like Harry and Meghan then he is not doing them any favours.

The problem I have is we know from court records that Meghan has co operated before, Finding Freedom and her letter to her own father, she knew who went to the magazine with details of the letter as she asked for their names to be protected.

It all stinks and there is obviously a dislike of Catherine, he has been awful to her in this book, so cruel and nasty. When challenged he said he was only repeating the tabloid reports of her, so in effect he has no clear thoughts of his own he repeats tabloid tittle tattle.

What I do find strange is the overtures to make connections again, the phone calls, Christmas at Sandringham. You do not need to be an investigative journalist to know that this will not happen.
I think it's dangerous for British media to imply that the BRF are responding to Endgame in anyway, especially since, for the moment, neither of TRH The Sussexes have responded one way or the other. The BRF's power comes from being above it all and doing the good work while TRH The Sussexes are "scrambling to hold onto any semblance of their past lives". The BRF responding to half-decade old allegations while TRH The Sussexes are going to hockey games or having a quiet Thanksgiving would be a bad look. I don't know why the British media would do that.

I agree that the BRF should continue to rise about all this BS and carry on regardless. Even without rumours of legal action being circulated, Scobie will be sweating anyway over the Dutch book. Speaking as a Briton, I think large sections of our media just like stirring the pot. IMO they can safely say the BRF are "considering all options" without any reliable source indicating this; the BRF are never going to sue the media for suggesting that. It's a handy blanket phrase and it attracts clicks.

As for H&M, their silence speaks volumes for me, and even if they came out now and denied collaborating with Scobie or condemning the contents, IMO not many people are going to believe them. They've got themselves in a right pickle, frankly.

Now, if it's true that TRH The Sussexes conspired with Scobie to open old wounds to force a response from the BRF, then mission accomplished if the BRF actually did threaten legal action.

Personally I think that if the BRF are "considering all options", it is aimed more at Scobie than H&M, and it's not really the sort of response H&M have been looking for. They've been after much more than that; PH has banged on ad nauseam demanding apologies and so forth. Now I expect he is livid with Scobie instead, especially if it is true that he and MM are trying to mend fences with the BRF.
By now, I'm sure Scobie was expecting more heated reactions towards the King and The Princess of Wales. He probably thought there would be a big backlash against them, worthy of risking himself like this. Meghan herself pointed out in the Oprah interview how damaging would be for the Royal Family if the names were out there.

He probably is mad about the reactions lol.
And it's not even a well-paying job! You live from translation to translation (i do it English to German) and such a thing would be a catastrophe for me as I'm sure it is für the poor Dutch translator.

From what I saw, she's a lady of certain age and experience. I can't believe she didn't save everything she had been sent to prove she translated faithfully.

Funny thing is, names are the only thing you can't get wrong in such cases. Because it isn't all in the author's imagination. These are real people with very real names. Years ago, we had a last minute fright when an author decided to change the names in the last stages of writing - and the original publisher somehow forgot to tell us. I kept working from the file I had been given. That's exactly what neither Scobie nor the Dutch translator can't do. The names are either there, or they aren't. They can't be there and be other people's names. Because these people are not fictional characters.

It's such an ugly story... I hope all ends well for the Dutch translator!
Exactly. A Dutch journalist innocently first wrote the names in a review without knowing they were not included in the English version.
The names were going to come out anyway. Piers Morgan was just quicker and made it a "scoop". Plus, he reported the names showing support to the two royals involved.

How can Scobie claim Morgan broke the law? Is there a law reporting the content of a Dutch book?

See my response to the statement you are responding to in post #481.
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It was gratifying to read about Catherine and William getting a standing ovation at Royal Albert Hall last night.

It was also quite something to read articles and opinions by prominent Royal Rota figures like Robert Jobson, Camilla Tominey and Arthur Edwards supporting Catherine and The King and dismissing Scobie's book.
Chapter 12 Part II: Kate: Suddenly Front and Center

Kate does not like public speaking. It makes her nervous and she mumbles. This is why she prefers outings that "involved interacting with children or sporting activities, where it’s more about her actions than her words." Probably this sounds reasonable. It is not.


Also, did you know Kate says she supports mental health treatment but also ignored her own sister-in-law's cries for help? Seems out of character for someone who should be available for all of this and definitely didn't have three young kids and a brother going through major mental health struggles requiring family support at the same time.

Kate watched in silence as the press wrote lies about Meghan. Kate has no idea what that feels like and probably has never had to stay silent as the press wrote harmful lies about her.

Now Meghan is gone, and the "sometimes Stepford-like royal wife" (get it, she's like a fembot) now looks more assured and confident. She sure has benefited from Meghan being gone, hasn't she? She even released a photography book during the pandemic that was "reminiscent of Meghan’s 2018 Together cookbook in aid of the Grenfell survivors of London’s Hubb Community Kitchen" in that they are both books.

Kate got married in 2011. Remember how she's like a Stepford fembot? That's because "In many ways this is where Kate’s personal story comes to an end: she traded in Carole’s training for the Palace playbook, and the young woman disappeared behind a Palace-constructed mold." In fact, she has no inner life at all anymore because she has been "Transfigured by her new role and completely dedicated to indiscriminately supporting William, Kate—with institutional assistance—successfully sublimated her authentic self, becoming an enigma to the public and perhaps even to herself." She doesn't even know herself anymore. And she doesn't care what her husband does, because her job is to support him without even thinking about what she's supporting and why.

You'll be happy to know that Scobie believes that sometimes, "The misogynistic and snobbish way many of the tabloids wrote about Kate was reprehensible." After reading this chapter, I trust we will all be very assured of his consternation on her behalf.
Oh my goodness, I love how you write!!! I am glad I had swallowed a sip of coffee before reading the line below - it is laugh out loud funny!!! We need to give you some sort of award for slogging through this drivel and sharing it with the rest of us, Hermione!:flowers:

Now Meghan is gone, and the "sometimes Stepford-like royal wife" (get it, she's like a fembot) now looks more assured and confident. She sure has benefited from Meghan being gone, hasn't she? She even released a photography book during the pandemic that was "reminiscent of Meghan’s 2018 Together cookbook in aid of the Grenfell survivors of London’s Hubb Community Kitchen" in that they are both books. . :lol:?:lol:
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By now, I'm sure Scobie was expecting more heated reactions towards the King and The Princess of Wales. He probably thought there would be a big backlash against them, worthy of risking himself like this. Meghan herself pointed out in the Oprah interview how damaging would be for the Royal Family if the names were out there.

He probably is mad about the reactions lol.

I agree.
Much of the reaction seems to be: Much Ado About Nothing.

But now it's out, and I think it would be wise for the BRF to ignore it. A lawsuit will just keep it in the public eye for longer.
As a literary translator, that's the kind of stuff that terrifies me. That's the kind of **** we get sued over. No matter if it was a translation error or not. That's why we save like mad everything we got sent. We check and recheck. And the editors do the same when we're done. I'm rather sure it won't sound convincing to anyone who has some idea of what we do. And if they gave the book to a young colleague with no experience to guard their back, it might fly. But I'm sure it wasn't a mistake and it sure as hell wasn't a liberty that was allowed. We can't make things up. Although once I clashed with a publishing house demanding that I gloss over the fact that the author had left glaring inconsistencies in her text. In the whole circus, there was just one person who had signed under the agreement to give a text true to the original - me. And they tried to dump it on me. No way.

It wasn't an error or liberty originating from the Dutch edition. I'm almost sure.
Thanks for your comments, Moran! With your expertise, I’ve been wondering what you thought happened!
Like many others, I too am convinced the best thing the BRF should do is simply ignore the whole matter.

Starting a lawsuit would give this pathetic 40-something-yr old who looks and behaves like a 20-yr-old TikTok influencer, more importance than he deserves.

As for H&M, their sword is now blunt. Hopefully one day they will grow up and realize they have to apologize for all the pain they caused to their family. Maybe Meghan doesn't care, but as far as Harry is concerned, it is his blood family - his father, his brother, also his sister in law who loved him dearly and always supported him.
How could he allow all this, is beyond me.
As for H&M, their silence speaks volumes for me, and even if they came out now and denied collaborating with Scobie or condemning the contents, IMO not many people are going to believe them. They've got themselves in a right pickle, frankly.

Personally I think that if the BRF are "considering all options", it is aimed more at Scobie than H&M, and it's not really the sort of response H&M have been looking for. They've been after much more than that; PH has banged on ad nauseam demanding apologies and so forth. Now I expect he is livid with Scobie instead, especially if it is true that he and MM are trying to mend fences with the BRF.

I think the mess Harry and Meghan created will become a bigger problem for them as time goes on. They should have spent more time thinking about potential longer term consequences when they were weighing their options in the first couple of years after their exit from the working BRF. Things like the interview with Oprah, cooperating with Scobie for Finding Freedom, and Harry’s book probably felt really good at the time - all that righteous anger and indignation spewing everywhere they could make it land, they must have been very pleased with themselves for a time. They should have taken a moment to consider what would happen once their initial fury died down. The couple said and did some things that can’t be walked back, even if they’re relatively less angry now. They can’t take back what they themselves said about Harry’s family, and they can’t do anything about the fact that the people who made a living off their story with Harry and Meghan’s enthusiastic cooperation are still going to want to make money off that same story with or without the Sussexes participation.
Thanks for your comments, Moran! With your expertise, I’ve been wondering what you thought happened!
Version one: The Dutch translators worked from an earlier original that had those names in it but later Scobie got cold feet and tried to redact them out. Then, there was a miscommunication between the UK and the Netherlands team, leading to delays in sending and receiving the information. As ridiculous as it sounds, it might be as simple as someone being on leave without anyone taking over for them. No way the Netherlands publisher received this and then sat around, thinking it okay. They'd be calling the translators in panic to make sure everyone was on board. Perhaps the person charged with letting the translator know somehow failed. And then there was an astonishing lack of control checks over the translated manuscript. But no way the names weren't there. Every translator with some experience would look twice because these are dangerous bits.

Version two: Outright lying in the UK, hoping that it would fly. Seems incredible to me but I'm biased. I expect people to know more about our work than they do. In this thread, I read about some ridiculous historical "facts" in the book. If that's the level of Scobie's knowledge of plain old facts, easy to check, I can't really expect of him to know how book translation works.
Version one: The Dutch translators worked from an earlier original that had those names in it but later Scobie got cold feet and tried to redact them out. Then, there was a miscommunication between the UK and the Netherlands team, leading to delays in sending and receiving the information. As ridiculous as it sounds, it might be as simple as someone being on leave without anyone taking over for them. No way the Netherlands publisher received this and then sat around, thinking it okay. They'd be calling the translators in panic to make sure everyone was on board. Perhaps the person charged with letting the translator know somehow failed. And then there was an astonishing lack of control checks over the translated manuscript. But no way the names weren't there. Every translator with some experience would look twice because these are dangerous bits.

Version two: Outright lying in the UK, hoping that it would fly. Seems incredible to me but I'm biased. I expect people to know more about our work than they do. In this thread, I read about some ridiculous historical "facts" in the book. If that's the level of Scobie's knowledge of plain old facts, easy to check, I can't really expect of him to know how book translation works.
He claimed in an interview that he doesn’t speak Dutch or French or any foreign language, he hands the finished manuscript to the publisher who then licenses it and sends it across the world. Nothing to do with him says he.
He also claims he never had a finished version with names in it.

I wonder if he did then the lawyers saw it and pulled it but it had already gone by then.
He claimed in an interview that he doesn’t speak Dutch or French or any foreign language, he hands the finished manuscript to the publisher who then licenses it and sends it across the world. Nothing to do with him says he.
He also claims he never had a finished version with names in it.

I wonder if he did then the lawyers saw it and pulled it but it had already gone by then.

Scobie’s version that he “ never had a finished version with names in it” implies that , either the Dutch translator received an “ unfinished “ version. ( early draft) to translate, or Scobie is lying, or the translator is lying ( as she is adamant that the manuscript she received had names therein).

Recollections may vary, but, in this case, we are dealing with an objective fact: either the manuscript included the names or it did not. It suffices for the translator to show the original English version she received to translate. I am sure she kept a copy of it.
Scobie’s version that he “ never had a finished version with names in it” implies that , either the Dutch translator received an “ unfinished “ version. ( early draft) to translate, or Scobie is lying, or the translator is lying ( as she is adamant that the manuscript she received had names therein).

Recollections may vary, but, in this case, we are dealing with an objective fact: either the manuscript included the names or it did not. It suffices for the translator to show the original English version she received to translate. I am sure she kept a copy of it.

IMO There is no reason to disbelieve the translators, he is trying to distance himself by saying he hands it over to the publisher after that nothing to do with him,
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