General News about Frederik, Mary and Family Part 19: September 2023 -

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Frederik isn't the sharpest tool in the shed but I have a very hard time believing he'd be dense enough to be seen all over Madrid with a mistress but somehow smart enough to not be seen with so much as an arm around her... Hardly a picture that oozes passion and romance.
Madrid. The meeting was in the middle of Madrid. And he is certainly stupid for putting himself in this situation, Genoveva is very much chased by the press.

We'll see tomorrow if Lecturas has anything substantial.

I stand corrected. Madrid.

Still smell a rat though.

If you visit a close friend you may not have seen for a long time, spending hours catching up is hardly something to raise an eyebrow over.

If the friendship is well known, then it's not out the question to arrange for someone to keep an aye on Casanova's home and bingo!
And then have this "juicy" story be published right now, where there is a little more interest in the DRF in the Spanish public. And considering that the Spanish press hasn't exactly been idle in regards to the Spanish King and Queen without being too particular about producing hard evidence for their claims and articles, this is just too convenient.

Come on! People can be together without having an affair. Mary has been known to visit Spain and the then Spanish CP-couple, alone.
Mary has visited Prince Albert, alone. Who knows who else she has been visiting, alone.
You can't drag your spouse around everywhere, that's not how a marriage works - or should work IMO.

I think, I believe, that Frederik (and Mary) has the right to visit a friend of the opposite sex - especially in such a indiscreet way, without people jumping to conclusions.
IMO it's not Frederik who is wrong or should be wiser, it's people who think ill of him, who are in the wrong.

It reminds me a little bit about a discussion here on TRF years ago, where there was an article in a Danish magazine about our Marie having been seen in public, without Joachim, with her hairdresser Dennis Knudsen. There were at least one member here who immediately thought it was inappropriate for a married woman to be seen with a man, without her husband and as such they must at best be flirting. - Except that the hairdresser, whom she still use when in DK, is about as gay as you can get.

So let's stay on the ground for the time being, shall we? At least until some more concrete evidence emerge.
Should such evidence emerge it will cause a major earthquake in DK! But... I don't feel any urge to invest in a seismograph for the time being. ;)
Its all so much in plain sight it defo seems like friends to me but what I would say is I hope Fred learns not to put himself in potentially compromising situations again. When you are a Crown Prince I don't think its too much to ask you book yourself into a hotel room to return to after catching up rather than staying at your divorced female friends house (unless its a house party with plenty of people about).
This is for sure a result of how easy the press are on Fred IMO, no other royal would think about doing it knowing how the press would spin it.
- The photos were taken on October 25.

- They are not old friends, according to Genoveva, Frederik was going to visit some university friends in Spain, but one of them fell ill and asked her to accompany him.

- They were at the Thyssen museum, El Retiro, having dinner at a restaurant and at Genoveva's house.

- According to Genoveva, Frederik was in a hotel. According to the photographers, he slept at Genoveva's house, and there are photos of him entering with one outfit and leaving with another, and leaving the house with the suitcase and being picked up by an embassy car.

- Frederick is not known in Spain, if he had been with a normal woman he would have gone unnoticed, but Genoveva is famous. It is normal for the press to follow her, especially in recent weeks when her ex-husband has had a public confrontation with his family over the family business.

She is divorced from a son of Cayetana, Duchess of Alba, she was the girlfriend of a son of the writer Vargas Llosa, she had a relationship with a well-known politician (which when the press made it public she denied, but it was true) and has even been related to the singer Luis Miguel. She goes to events, parties, she and her friends are regulars on Hola, and she has participated in television shows such as Masterchef and Mask Singer.

- According to her Instagram, Genoveva was in Copenhagen for the first time on October 6.
Unless they present pictures of them kissing each other on the mouth or having sex, i don’t ser where the problem is….. And even pictures can be ”fabricated” as we saw here in Sweden during ”the reluctant monarch” affair and the alleged picture of the King at a strip club…

It’s really depressing if we can’t even have friends of the opposite gender in 2023 without it immediately being assumed as something romantical…

Breath calmly folks
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Her own statement in Hola magazine. They have a friend in common, but they are not old friends.

Sorry if I'm being oblivious and pardon the Google translate but this is the statement, right? "I flatly deny the suggestion of a romantic relationship between Crown Prince Frederik and me. Any suggestion of this type is not only completely untrue but also distorts the facts in a malicious manner. This is already in the hands of my lawyers who will take care of the pertinent steps to protect my right to honor, truth and privacy."

I see no reference to the length of their friendship...
I'm not going after you, Lula, you are a respected poster here on TRF, but the points you list here.

- The photos were taken on October 25.

I believe I read somewhere that he was in Spain sailing about that time. Need to verify that though.

- They are not old friends, according to Genoveva, Frederik was going to visit some university friends in Spain, but one of them fell ill and asked her to accompany him.
According to Ekstra Bladet, Genoveva said that she and a number of her friends were old friends of Frederik.
So logically she at the very least belongs to a circle of friends. And I can't see someone Frederik vaguely knows just standing in for an old friend who fell ill. It's hardly a high-level meeting, it would just be cancelled if a friend fell ill.

- They were at the Thyssen museum, El Retiro, having dinner at a restaurant and at Genoveva's house.
They went to a museum. Frederik has a keen interest in art.
They went for a mouthful of fresh air in a park.
They had dinner (at a presumably very public) restaurant. Hardly out of the ordinary.
Then they went to her home. Hardly out of the ordinary to visit the home of on old friend, is it?

- According to Genoveva, Frederik was in a hotel. According to the photographers, he slept at Genoveva's house, and there are photos of him entering with one outfit and leaving with another, and leaving the house with the suitcase and being picked up by an embassy car.
He had a suitcase brought to the home of Genoveva. She offered him a place to crash for the night. Perhaps more fun than staying at a hotel, even if it's a suite.
So he had a change of clothes and presumably a shower and a shave. Nice. he is well groomed then.

- Frederick is not known in Spain, if he had been with a normal woman he would have gone unnoticed, but Genoveva is famous. It is normal for the press to follow her, especially in recent weeks when her ex-husband has had a public confrontation with his family over the family business.
Well, then this is perhaps the most indiscreet "affair" for the last 200 or so years within the DRF.
Then I would imagine that Genoveva would advise Frederik not to come to her house, and not to meet in Spain if possible.
If she had stayed the night in Frederik's suite at the hotel, then my alarm bells would begin to make sound. But Frederik spending the night at the home of someone who lives in Madrid sounds more innocent to me.

She is divorced from a son of Cayetana, Duchess of Alba, she was the girlfriend of a son of the writer Vargas Llosa, she had a relationship with a well-known politician (which when the press made it public she denied, but it was true) and has even been related to the singer Luis Miguel. She goes to events, parties, she and her friends are regulars on Hola, and she has participated in television shows such as Masterchef and Mask Singer.
So she is a local celeb and there is a lot of gossip around her and she has been in relationships. And like most celebs the gossip mags have paired her with everybody and they pet turtle.
Sounds slightly judgemental to me.

- According to her Instagram, Genoveva was in Copenhagen for the first time on October 6.
Quite a few Spanish visit Copenhagen these years, something about culture, food and getting away from the heat in the summer. Perhaps she visited Frederik - and Mary and their children who all have ears and eyes (believe me!)
Again, if you are having an affair, don't do it right in front of everybody.
I see no reference to the length of their friendship...

Genoveva is a "Hello girl", she does the exclusives and events with the magazine, evidently she is the one who gave the information. It is curious because in the first version of the article it was said that the prince had traveled to a meeting with friends from the university... and that has been deleted.

According to HELLO!, a mutual friend was going to accompany Prince Federico to visit the exhibition 'Picasso, the sacred and the profane' at the Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum. However, he found himself unwell (apparently he had Covid) and could not accompany him, so he asked Genoveva to go in his place.

Muhler, I have only put the information about the magazine and its director... the magazine publishes the photos, but does not mention that they are lovers... it is Genoveva herself who has come out to tell her Hello that there is no romantic relationship.

If I provide data about Genoveva it is because she is persecuted by the press and it is evident that any man who appears with her alone in photographs is going to be a possible couple for the press. It seems really stupid to me that a married Crown Prince would risk having photos taken like that... when someone else could have simply accompanied them and there would be no news.
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:previous: Right... But surely him originally having travelled to meet a mutual friend doesn't mean that he and Genoveva can't be old friends? :ermm:

He had a suitcase brought to the home of Genoveva. She offered him a place to crash for the night. Perhaps more fun than staying at a hotel, even if it's a suite.
So he had a change of clothes and presumably a shower and a shave. Nice. he is well groomed then.

I'm not sure why any married future head of state who has decades of media experience would decide it's wiser to spend the night alone in a woman's apartment in a foreign country, knowing the conclusion that would inevitably be drawn even if they are totally innocent friends. Unless the Nixon corollary applies: "he didn't think he'd get caught".

I also get the feeling that everybody has pretty much made up their own minds about this one way or another, and we're just waiting for further evidence.
100% this, ^ as innocent as it likely is, Frederik has shown he is very dumb or at the least very naive in thinking it is okay. Of course it should be okay for friends to stay a each others' houses, and of course many do with nothing untoward about it (as likely happened here) but IMO its very very dangerous for a high profile public figure to do so, unless there are plenty of other people staying as well. I'm not saying that is right or wrong (I'd say its wrong friends can't spend time together without gossip) but the reality is that is the way the world (well the media) works - it will create a firestorm of gossip and speculation.

Interesting if he was booked into a hotel then changed his plans for whatever reason. If you knew you were meeting an old friend who would put you up why book a hotel in the first place?
I mean, so far, all there is that cover shot of them together... where they don't look particularly romantic or involved at all. And that's the best salacious, salivating Spanish yellow press could dig up. Either they weren't aware they could be papped (and so still behaving pretty normally)... Or one or both of them was very aware they could be... and Fred still decided to sleep over at her house. It's hard to know what to think.

I'm gonna propose the theory Frederik had too much to drink and crashed on the couch or in the guest room...?

Still can't come up with a scenario where he's any smarter, though.
Is there someone from Denmark that can comment on this?

Weren’t there rumors that CP Frederik had an affair during the 2020 quarantine?

If this is a platonic friendship (which can exist), they made some poor choices because the optics are very bad. It isn’t as if CP Frederik couldn’t have afforded a hotel suite or the transportation back to the hotel. It just reiterates that CP Frederik isn’t very smart if he thinks that no one will notice him with an attractive woman.

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Correct me if I'm wrong Danish posters, but from my experience of Danes, something like this would never have made headlines nor would anyone had clutched their pearls. It is wild to me to see two adults hanging out and immediately jump to accusations of an affair. Certainly seems like a Spanish tabloid special to stir things up. Of course, that might all change with the photos released tomorrow.
Genoveva turns 47 today (..)
She had a great group of friends in Seville, until she hooked up with the husband of one of them. Again her public statement nothing had happened but a divorce followed. No more friends.

One month into “dating” the son of Spain’s top aristocrat ( Duquesa de Alba) she announced she was pregnant with twins. Rumour is she got pregnant on the first day they met.

So if i was him i’d be very careful. But it’s now likely over for good.

(..) What’s shocking is how naïve on Frederick’s side. You just don’t put yourself in that situation.
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Correct me if I'm wrong Danish posters, but from my experience of Danes, something like this would never have made headlines nor would anyone had clutched their pearls. It is wild to me to see two adults hanging out and immediately jump to accusations of an affair. Certainly seems like a Spanish tabloid special to stir things up. Of course, that might all change with the photos released tomorrow.

It's not just "two adults hanging out", it's the apparent "sleepover for no good reason". That's a lot less pearl-clutching and a lot more eyebrow-raising.

This tabloid was willing to take the legal risk of action from Ms. Casanova, which seems to imply they think they have a story, rather than just making trouble or insinuations for the sake of it.
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I wouldn’t doubt for a second they had more than a platonic night at her house given her reputation.

More interviews and fame about the same topic: An Innocent subtle seduction “ I was caught accidentally with a man” I didn’t mean to, I firmly deny it He slept at his hotel, I mean…

Whatever his behaviour might have been, hers wouldn’t have been platonic. It’s obvious for the Spanish press and most people because it’s how she’s always behaved.

Corinna did the same with Emeritus King Juan Carlos. Only she kept it secret long enough.

Not his fault, he just met the wrong woman. It’s not just the optics of the situation, or him. it is who she is, it’s an art after all. How subtle and how obvious at the same time. Again and again.

Mary doesn’t deserve it. That’s for sure. But at least it’s nothing personal. It’s just a modus vivendi.
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It's her M.O, I don't doubt for a second that she's already negotiating a very lucrative exclusive with Hola! in which she will tell us "her truth".
Genoveva Casanova published a statement on social media denying having a sentimental relationship with Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark and asking the magazine to deny it and rectify the article, under penalty of her lawyers taking legal action against the magazine.

The statement was written by Genoveva's lawyers.
In that regard she is right, there is no sentimental relationship,

Again and again, year after year. She happens to be photographed side to side with the wealthiest, and aristocrats, once a minister, always a denial when it’s obvious.

Accidents or fate, it can happen once not always. Not as a lifestyle.
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- The photos were taken on October 25.

That is textbook tabloid press, hats off. They sit on the story until it causes maximum attention.

Is there someone from Denmark that can comment on this?

Weren’t there rumors that CP Frederik had an affair during the 2020 quarantine?

There are old stories that Frederik was still in a relationship with Katja Storkholm when he started to hang around with Mary = he is no stranger to cheating.
I have no idea if this is true.

I've said it before I don't think Frederik cares about possible headlines, if he did he would not have brought himself into this situation. Not sure if Mary cares about this, but I am very sure she'll know by now who she is married to.
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The magazine publishes some photos taken in a public space and recounts the events, they do not claim that they have a romantic relationship... therefore Genoveva's statement and threats go nowhere. In these cases "I'm not going to make statements" is safer than adding fuel to the fire.
This thread has been cleaned up from rude comments and off-topic discussions about other royal houses. Let us please not get lost in unfair speculations as long as we are talking about harmless photos only. The matter can be discussed but in a respectful manner only. Thank you.
I've just seen the magazine.

There are photos of them entering Genoveva's building in the afternoon. First Frederik with his bodyguards and a minute later Genoveva. Hours later Frederik leaves the building in different clothes and gets into a car. Minutes later Genoveva leaves the building and gets into the same car.
The car gets them to a restaurant where they are whisked away to a private room closed with a curtain. A waiter stands all night in front of the curtain. Fred's bodyguards have dinner in the public area of the restaurant with the other clients.

The car brings them back to Genoveva's building where they enter together (it's 1 a.m. and there's no longer a doorman), Genoveva opens the door with her keys. At 8 a.m. in the morning Fred leaves the building on his own with a small suitcase and gets into a car with plates from the Danish embassy. They drop him off at the private jets terminal.

The magazine tells the story as I've written it here, there are no actual accusations of an affaire or a romantic relationship, Genoveva's statement only fans the flames and she can not sue the magazine for publishing photos in public spaces. And the worst thing is that she claimed he didn't sleep at her apartment when the photos show he did (and he kept there his luggage)

It's a terrible look whatever happened, the fact that they entered and left within two minutes of each other (and he got into the car to wait for her) is worse than if they had entered together.
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Strategic timing by the magazine, sitting on this picture until the state visit.

I felt sorry for Mary last night especially the video of them leaving the event - you can tell she is tense. Being in the public eye and having rumours in magazine and then having to turn up to an event with everyone looking at your every move, little wonder she looked tense at times
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