General News about the Swedish Royal Family, Part 1: April 2015 - December 2020

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Expressen's royal expert Karin Lennmor at her chronicle:

We have a royal house in big change and suddenly I feel that Crown Princess Victoria is closer to the Crown than ever.
What we never thought could happen - that the King abdicates in favor of his daughter - may be closer in time than we thought. A lot of signs point to it.
The winds of change have really blown in the royal house this fall. On October 7, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Madeleine's children were excluded from the royal house, but of course not from the royal family. The trend is also clear - both Carl Philip and Sofia have actually had less to do, while Victoria and Daniel are getting more and more assignments.
Is the Crown Princess couple slowly, slowly being schooled into taking over after the King and Queen?
Does the king have a secret plan for his abdication and retirement?
That would not be so strange, this is how it looks in many European royal houses right now. Queen Elizabeth is considering her own pension, and Queen Margrethe also plans to have her son, Crown Prince Frederik, take over the Danish helm.
This week, the royal couple is on a state visit to India. Had the king himself been able to choose, he would certainly have sent his daughter and son-in-law instead. But state visits are state visits and then the regent must travel himself! Despite the fact that long air travel and entertainment are of course struggling - don't forget that the royal couple is actually 73 and 75 years old.
Crown Princess Victoria is at home and "takes care of the country" when the king is gone. It somehow feels like they share it, father and daughter. This week, Victoria surprised by showing up at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs' briefing for the royal couple ahead of the India trip. Not because she was traveling, but because she wanted to be updated.
It is a new arrangement in progress in the royal house. On the one hand, the king and Victoria share more in the assignments now, but they also gladly work side by side, participate jointly in Councils of State and went to the coronation of the Japanese emperor together.
Victoria and Daniel have a completely new and more modern style than old regents. They are engaged and interested in the problems of society. Gang crimes, car fires and organized crime are hardly royal heart issues, but Victoria and Daniel have both visited problem areas in Malmö and invited police to unofficial meetings at Haga Palace.
Victoria is so right in time. And that is how she will also become a queen - a queen who does not weigh in on the difficult issues.
The king is 73 years old and has always insisted repeatedly that he does not intend to leave his post. But is it really true? Victoria is definitely ready to take over as queen. I also think she likes the situation. Recently she commented on the new scheme:
- I feel safe with what I have around me, she said. It's not that strange really.
In addition, she has also promised to develop her thoughts a little, though on another occasion.
In fact, there is really only one crux.The children. Estelle and Oscar. How can to be head of state but at the same time a present and committed parent to be combined?
Of course, Estelle and Oscar mean the most and are most important to Victoria and Daniel.
Moreover, times have changed, today little royal children are raised and cared for by nurses. Victoria and Daniel really strive to make Estelle and Oscar live a normal life, in regular school and preschool. They let the kids do "ordinary" things like go to football games, buy pizza and shop candy at Ica.
Victoria herself remembers her childhood with very absent - but loving - parents. Does she want to avoid being such a mother herself?
In that case, she will back up from taking over the queen role prematurely.
Skälet som kan få Victoria att backa – från rollen som drottning
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I don't think its any sign other then natural way of things. Victoria is not suddenly going to be catapulted untrained into the throne. Well unless her father dies suddenly. Its only natural that she take on more and more roles as time goes on, as her father slows down. That doesn't mean that he will abdicate, simply that she will take on more responsibility.

If the king chooses not to travel as much, that doesn't mean abdication. Elizabeth doesn't travel abroad any more. Her last royal tour was in 2015, and only to Germany. The last time she made a significant trip distance wise was Oman and UAE in 2010.

Margrethe, Carl Gustaf and Elizabeth may slow down and hand more and more roles over to their heir, but I am not sure any of them will abdicate. Certainly not Elizabeth.

CG will likely remain on the throne as long as there is no big scandal. The slimming down of the monarchy was likely for practical reasons. And to emphasize Victoria as heir, but as heir not as about to be queen. He was born during the life-time of his great-grandfather, who ruled until he died at 92 years old. The men in CG's family, and the women, bar accident like his father are known for longevity.

Gustav V- 92 years old
Guftaf VI-91 years old
Vilhelm- 81 years old
Sigvard-94 years old
Ingrid-90 years old
Bertil- 84 years old
Carl Johan-95 years old
Lennart- 95 years old

Really the only young non-accidental death was Gustaf V's son Erik who died of the Spanish flu before 30. 6 have made it over the age of 90. And with the advances in medicine and general health, life span tends to increase. Heck even older, when it was much more uncommon to live into your 80's and 90s, you have the likes of Prince Oscar (Folke's father) who lived to just short of 94.

What I really find sad about the report is the 'how will Victoria balance being a queen and a parent' :bang:

If CP was heir, no one would question if he could be king and father to young kids. No such comments came up with Felipe, Philippe, WA when they came to the throne with their young children. No such questions are drawn by the writer about Fred and his kids.
I get your point, but Felipe's daughters were at least at school age even more so WA' s.

I think KG is just moving Victoria into a more hands-on situation and they seem to be double-teaming together very well. I really can't see him advocating unless there is an appalling scandal or a life-threatening illness.

I believe he and Sylvia are enjoying reaping the rewards granted by age and good stewardship and he will want the CP family to enjoy their family life in a way KG and Sylvia were not able to for as long as possible.
Svensk Dam launches new royal podcast
Do you like royalty? Then you just have to listen to Svensk Damtidning's new podcast Svensk Dam Doku, a documentary podcast with royalty in focus.
December 17 the first episode of Svensk Damtidning's new royal podcast is released. The launch takes place in conjunction with Svensk Damtidning celebrating 130 years.
- Being able to release a brand new royal podcast at the same time as Svensk Damtidning also celebrates years feels incredibly fun, says Johan T Lindwall, editor-in-chief of Svensk Damtidning.
He continues:
- Today there is no royal documentary podcast in Sweden. Svensk Dam Doku is completely unique!
The podcast comes out every other Tuesday and is an absolute must for anyone who likes, or is curious about, the royal world.
- Svensk Dam Doku is a podcast with royalty in focus. In each section, we tell the story of a royal event - or person - that somehow made an impression in Swedish history, says Johanna Lejon, program manager for the Svensk Dam Doku.
Why should you listen to Svensk Dam Doku ?
- People are always interested in royals, we know that at Svensk Damtidning. There is always a craving to learn more, to get behind the scenes, to have the whole story told to itself. With this podcast, we can give a different kind of insight into the royal world than a written text can do. Svensk Dam Doku is a podcast for anyone who likes royal material - but it is also a podcast for all those who just like to listen to captivating documentary stories.
Is another podcast really needed?
- Yes! I really think so. I listen to podds a lot myself and am constantly looking for a new one to add to the list. Documentary pods have become extremely popular in recent years and we at Svensk Damtidning feel that there are so many royal events that are suitable to be told in just a documentary format!
What is unique about Svensk Dam Doku?
- Our specialist knowledge! That it is made by Sweden's only royal editorial board. I myself have worked at Svensk Damtidning for ten years, and in each section many royal experts are heard from our own editorial staff. Johan T Lindwall, our editor-in-chief, who has been monitoring the royal family since 1995, is a recurring voice in the pod. He possesses incredible knowledge. Also about everything that happened behind the scenes!
What will the Svensk Dam Doku record for events?
- The first episode is about Princess Madeleine's and Jonas Bergström's break-up in 2010. We really go into the depth of that story and tell what exactly it was that really happened. Today, both have moved on and are happy with their lives and the reason why we record the event in the podcast is not to sprinkle salt in any wounds or tear up anything but it is because this was such a unique and historic event that it formed the entire royal family. The royal family looks like it does today - because of what happened in 2010.
And then?
- In episode two we focus on Princess Sofia and then we take up the game behind the scenes when the so-called King's Book came out. In the future, we will also record more historical events, things that happened farther back in time.
Svensk Dam lanserar ny kunglig podcast – då är det premiär _ Svensk Dam
Article about the royal children at swedish Kids & Family magazine
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SVT's traditional "Året med kungafamiljen" (The Year with the Royal Family) will be shown at SVT1 and SVT Play on 22nd December at 20.00 (and many times after that).

Yet another comprehensive royal year is nearing its end, and SVT has followed the royal family in celebration and everyday life, at home and traveling. When the Childhood Foundation turned twenty this year, Queen Silvia traveled to Cape Town in South Africa and met children and young people from the townships. Princess Madeleine debuted as a writer with the children's book "Stella and the secret", which will give children the strength to stand up for themselves. Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia are campaigning against online hatred, and talk about their own experiences of this. It is ten years since Prince Daniel got a new kidney from his father. The Prince tells how it affected his life, and about the importance of talking about organ donation. The royal family spent summer 2019 as always, in Solliden on Öland, and we get to see Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar playing in the garden.året+med+kungafamiljen
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About Året med kungafamiljen (The Year with the Royal Family), which will be shown on Sunday:

A short clip from the program
Året med kungafamiljen - Smygtitta på Året med kungafamiljen 2019 _ SVT Play

The website of the program
Året med kungafamiljen _ SVT Play

Prince Daniel's appeal - after the tough operation
This year, it is ten years since Prince Daniel got a kidney from his dad and was able to return to a healthy life.
In the SVT program "Året med kungafamiljen" the prince tells about the transplant and asks everyone to sign up in the donation register.
- It's about saving lives, he says in the program.
Prince Daniel was 15-16 years old when he injured himself during a football match and had to be taken to hospital. Once on the spot, he was x-rayed for chest pain and en error was discovered on the prince's kidneys.
- The doctor then said that I will probably have to be transplanted in the future but there and then it felt to be far away, says Prince Daniel in SVT's "Året med kungafamiljen" which is broadcast on Sunday at 8 pm in SVT1.
This year it is ten years since Daniel suddenly became ill and after several weeks of dialysis - had to get a new kidney.
In this year's section of "The year with the royal family", the prince tells about the difficult time.
- I was really sick. It is not a positive time in life, but at the same time, I am happy to have that experience. And when I woke up from the surgery, I was full of energy again. It's like a whole new life.
Before Prince Daniel visits a boy who has just received a spleen from his mother, he opens up in a sitting interview for a difficult subject.
- Death is difficult to talk about in general, many do not want to be in there and root out the emotions. But you may have to think about that when you want to sign up for the donation register.
Nevertheless, Daniel describes it as a simple choice when he himself chose to become a member of the register.
- I can't think of anything worse than being the parent of a child who needs an organ they could get if only the will to give was there. It's about saving lives, he says in the program.
Prins Daniel om njuroperationen – i ”Året med kungafamiljen”

Princess Madeleine's words about the king's decision on the children
Princess Madeleine talks about her feelings for her father King Carl Gustaf's decision to exclude her children from the Swedish royal house.
Since October 7 this year, Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas and Princess Adrienne, as well as Prince Alexander and Prince Gabriel, are no longer members of the Swedish royal house, and although they retain their prince and princess titles, they are now considered private individuals.
- I feel a little like my siblings said before, it is really a very natural step and we have discussed this for a long time, so for us it is not such a big thing as the media has done it, says Princess Madeleine in "Året med kungafamiljen".
- When Leonore was born it was only Estelle who was there and then the situation looked a little different, but now there are several small children in the family so this was probably a good development.
Princess Madeleine says she thinks it is a "good time" to implement the change.
- I think it's also important to focus on Victoria and her family, says the princess.
- We will of course always be there and support her just as we have done before, and as soon as both dad and Victoria want us there, we will of course be there by their side, so it does not feel like it is a major difference so everything will continue as usual.
Prinsessan Madeleines ord om kungens beslut om barnen
About "Året med kungafamiljen" (The Year with the Royal Family):

Another short clip from Daniel's interview:
Prince Daniel of his kidney disease: "It was a coincidence that it was discovered"
Ten years after his kidney transplant, Prince Daniel is healthy and well-heeled. Today he wants to be a voice for those waiting for an organ.
- As a parent, I can't think of anything worse than having a child in need of an organ, which could be available if the willingness to donate was greater.
In SVT's "Året med kungafamiljen", Prince Daniel tells how his kidney problems were discovered by chance when he was x-rayed after an injury he received during a football match. The transplant itself was done ten years ago.
- Then I was really sick. It was not a positive period in life. Immediately after the operation, I felt really good - it was like getting a new life from one day to another, says Prince Daniel.
In the program, Prince Daniel visits Alexander Rydgren, who a week earlier received a new kidney from his mother Charlotta Tillbom.
- There are few things that are such a big decision, yet so simple, says Charlotta Tillbom.
- Exactly. You give gladly all your organs to your children, Prince Daniel replies.
The prince thinks that if you are willing to receive an organ yourself, or want someone in the family or circle of friends to receive an organ if needed - then it is reasonable that you yourself are prepared to set up.
- Just enter the donation register. It may take a minute - so fast it is - and it is about saving lives.
Prins Daniel om njursjukdomen_ “Det var en slump att det upptäcktes” _ SVT Nyheter

A couple of photos from the program
Prince Daniel about death - and how he feels today
Prince Daniel has lived with his father's kidney for ten years, and in SVT's "Året med kungafamiljen" he talks about how he is doing today.
- Death is certainly difficult to think about. And that's why I think you might close that door and not want to be in there and root in those feelings.
The words are Prince Daniel's, and he tells them because of the fact that many more would have to sign up for the donation register. The queue is very long - and one person can save eight other people's lives after their death.
SVT's "Året med kungafamiljen" met Prince Daniel for an interview, in one of the splendor salons at Stockholm Palace. He sits in a silk-covered chair on the giant carpet in Prince Bertil's old apartment, and it is a very serious conversation - not least when it comes to that spring ten and a half years ago when Daniel was newly engaged to Victoria and his kidney disease suddenly became very urgent.
- I had five - six weeks when I went on dialysis. Then I was really verynsick and there are no pleasant memories at all. It is an incredibly difficult situation and I am happy to have that period behind me, but when I look back it is also an important experience.
- But then, right after the surgery, I was incredibly lively and felt really good right away, so it was really like getting a new life from one day to another.
A part is filmed during Prince Daniel's visit to the transplant surgical clinic at Huddinge Hospital, where he also tells us how he is doing today:
- Now it has been ten years and I am healthy and well and feel as good as I can. But I do want to be a voice for this issue and support those who are affected.
At the hospital, Prince Daniel met Alexander Rydgren, who a week earlier had received a kidney from his mother Charlotta Tillbom.
- And I think of those who wait in line and of all families who live in uncertainty and who suffer and have a very hard time. I can't think of anything worse than having as a parent a child who needs an organ that could come if the will to donate bodies was greater.
Prins Daniel om döden – och hur han mår i dag _ Svensk Dam

Prince Daniel's 10th anniversary as a kidney transplant would have been a great day at home with mom Ewa and dad Olle. But instead it became something completely different.
It was late in the evening on Wednesday 27 May 2009 that Sweden was reached by the shocking news that Crown Princess Victoria's new fiancé Daniel Westling, then 36, had undergone a kidney transplant at Karolinska University Hospital in Huddinge. And the donor was his own father Olle Westling.
On Monday, May 27, 2019, Prince Daniel was able to celebrate the 10th anniversary with the new kidney - although it did not turn out as Daniel had thought:
- Unfortunately, I had not planned so well, so I had programs both Monday and Tuesday. Otherwise, I would have liked to go up to my dad and mom and celebrate with them. But that was not the case then, says Prince Daniel in "Året med kungafamiljen".
Just that Monday in May, when he had planned to celebrate at home in Ockelbo, Daniel was hosting an intensive royal two-day visit from The Hague. King Willem-Alexander's brother Prince Constantijn was in town to meet Daniel and a bunch of Swedish super-entrepreneurs.
So instead of sitting in the kitchen on Smältvägen in Ockelbo with dad Olle and mother Ewa and feeling homage for Olle's vital gift - and about medical science and his new healthy life - Daniel spend the day at Norrsken House in Stockholm.
But we can probably be pretty sure that that celebration got off anyway - albeit a little delayed.
Prins Daniels ånger med mamma Ewa _ Svensk Dam

When the last stop on the Crown Princess's province hikes became Dalarna, she chose to invite Princess Sofia to hike with her.
- I got a nice request from my dear sister-in-law if I wanted to accompany her to my home municipality and I didn't say no to that, says Princess Sofia in SVT's "Året med kungafamiljen".
For two years, the Crown Princess has hiked through Sweden's all 25 landscapes. Last summer the last hike was carried out. The aim has been to pay attention to both Sweden's nature and the value of outdoor life.
- It feels very fun and very special to be able to do this last hike together, and that Sofia wanted to come along, says Victoria in the program.
Princess Sofia has grown up in Älvdalen in Dalarna and spent her childhood close to nature. Something she wants everyone to experience.
- Often you do not know that there is around the corner. So that's why I think it's amazing what Victoria does, shows that it is accessible and that it is there is for everyone, no matter who you are.
Kronprinsessan Victorias vänskap med Sofia _ Aftonbladet

Madeleine's tribute - to Silvia: "Very obvious"
Princess Madeleine paid tribute to her mother in SVT's "Året med kungafamiljen".
It was Queen Silvia that aroused the princess's commitment to the work of the Childhood Foundation.
"It's so obvious in some way", she says.
This year, the World Childhood Foundation has turned 20 years. The Charity Foundation was founded by Queen Silvia in 1999, and today both she and Princess Madeleine are deeply involved in its work.
SVT has followed in "Året med kungafamiljen" with Queen Silvia to Cape Town in South Africa, where she meets children and young people from the townships within the framework of the foundation's work.
- It is important that we go out and watch and talk to the people, then you get a different feeling for how big the problems are and we can really help, says the queen.
She emphasizes how important it is not to close your eyes to the problems.
- We have to see them. You should report and react when you see terrible things happening. It's very important.
But that doesn't make the job any easier. In the program, Silvia visits children and parents in Childhood's projects, where she listens to children's stories, among other things. "Terrible", she says.
- It's really tough. These are extremely difficult circumstances.
Princess Madeleine has been involved in Childhood's work since 2006. She sits on the Foundation's Board of Directors in Sweden since 2016 and is also an honorary member of the Childhood USA Board of Directors.
In the program she tells how her commitment was aroused - and paid tribute to her mother.
- That mom chose to talk about these problems with us children so early is not obvious. She explained very obviously about her work with Childhood, when she was traveling and what had happened to the children she met. It was very dark stories she shared. Obviously it was horrible to hear this but I was also very concerned and I think that is what has made me choose to get involved in these issues. That it is so obvious, in some way.
Princess Madeleine says she carries all the horrible stories "inside" and thinks a lot about them.
- Somehow you turn it into a force, you want to do even more and feel that this is not wise. That one in five children is at some time subjected to sexual abuse is completely unacceptable.
Maddes hyllning till Silvia i ”Året med kungafamiljen”
Svensk Damtidning has spoken with Jesper Börjesson about "Kungahuset 2019", which will be broadcasted on TV4, TV4 Play and C More on 25th December at 20.00. It's a 90 minute program.

Jesper Börjesson and Estelle in TV4's Kungahuset 2019
In "Kungahuset 2019" Jesper Börjesson meets our Swedish royalty. The program will be shown on Christmas Day and Jesper tells already what happened when the cameras were turned off. Jesper Börjesson och Estelle i Kungahuset 2019 _ Svensk Dam
2019 is nearing its end and soon Jesper Börjesson will sum up the royal year in TV4. For the fourth year in a row, the channel broadcasts its popular program “Kungahuset 2019” where we get to meet the royal family, both at work and in more private contexts.
Hello Jesper! Tell me, what can viewers expect from this year's program?
- This year we have actually extended the program by 30 minutes because we have had several opportunities to meet the royal family in a little more informal context. So I think that's a lot of fun. So we go, among other things, with the crown princess couple to Vietnam, with Queen Silvia to Heidelberg and on a state visit to Ireland. But there will also be garbage picking with Princess Estelle and a nice conversation with Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia about what it means that their children no longer belong to the royal house.
What moment or report will you remember?
- It will probably be when we got up at 05:00 one morning in Hanoi during the Crown Princess couple's visit to Vietnam. The Crown Princess and Prince Daniel wanted to test the Vietnamese morning routines with gym and dance. Suddenly we ended up in a square where lots of people were dancing. Of course, the Crown Princess couple stepped into the crowd and started dancing. Wonderful moment.
How do you experience Crown Princess Victoria as a person?
- The Crown Princess is an incredibly socially gifted person and goes on well with heads of state, royalty and ordinary people. Somehow she sees everyone and makes everyone feel seen. Not many people have that ability.
Was there anything fun that happened when the camera was off?
- That's when I picked up garbage in the forest with the Crown Princess and Princess Estelle. During a break in the recording, me and the princess continued to search for garbage and we managed to find a number of soft drink cans and beer cans. The princess was very pleased and didn't want to stop searching.
Jesper Börjesson och Estelle i Kungahuset 2019 _ Svensk Dam
"Året med kungafamiljen 2019" (The Year with the Royal Family) was put to SVT Play already last night, though it will be shown at SVT1 at 20.00 today. At the program was shown:
The royal family at the opening of the Riksdag
The king and queen at Världens Musik & Mat" (World Music and Food) at Stenhammar Castle.
Victoria at Amfibieregementet AMF1's (The 1st Marine Regiment) exercise
Daniel's interview about his kidney transplant and organ donations, visit at the Karolinska University Hospital and attending Move for Fun on Öland
Queen Silvia's visit in Cape Town with World Childhood Foundation
Madeleine's interview and release of her book "Stella och hemligheten"
Victoria and Sofia at Victoria's last province hike in Dalarna
Carl Philip and Sofia launch their Foundation's report on online hatred
Victoria's birthday
Daniel visiting India with Pratham Swedens project "Swedish Industry for Quality Education in India", with interview
The king and Victoria at Council of State in November
The king and queen on a state visit to Ireland with an interview
Victoria and Daniel on an official visit to Vietnam with interviews
Carl Philip at eRoadArlanda, Swedish Transport Administration's project
The Marshal of the Realm Fredrik Wersäll about the king's decision on 7th October and Carl Philip shortly about it
Madeleine at the 10th Anniversary of the Church of Sweden in Florida, she is also interviewed about the king's decision
The Nobel Day
The program was done better than in previous years. Longer and better interviews. Nice to see the royal family leaving to the Opening of the Riksdag. Victoria at the Armed Forces exercise was impressive, Daniel's interview about his kidney transplant and organ donation so important and sincere. Queen Silvia in Cape Town with her heart issue. Victoria's birthday in Solliden, a woman who is there for the fifth time is interviewed and when the gates are opened, she runs to get a good place. And to see Victoria meeting people at Solliden on her birthday is always so heart-warming. She says to people "You are here again this year", "Of course we are taking a photo", "Have a great summer". Great to see Daniel in India, so good that his work is shown more now. Daniel tells there that he had been with Estelle at her school for a whole day. Victoria's and Daniel's visit in Vietnam, see the Vietnamese people exercising early in the morning is so fun, and to see Victoria and Daniel joining it. And their interview while they were walking was a great choice. To see a little glimpse on their private walk in Hanoi in the evening.
The program is clearly focusing on Victoria and Daniel. Now I have to watch it again and concentrate on the interviews.
Året med kungafamiljen - 1. Året med kungafamiljen 2019 _ SVT Play

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That is why Chris O'Neill is not part of SVT's royal program
Chris O'Neill refrains from participating in "Året med kungafamiljen" in SVT - for the third year in a row.
However, producer Sara Bull has not given up hope that Princess Madeleine's husband will be interviewed in the program in the future.
Princess Madeleine is given plenty of space in the 2019 edition of "Året med kungafamiljen" in SVT.
She talks about her feelings for the king's decision to exclude her children from the royal house.
And she paid tribute to her queen Silvia, who was the one who aroused her commitment to the right of children to a safe upbringing, which eventually led to Madeleine taking a seat on the board of the Childhood Foundation charity foundation.
But the princess's husband since six years, Chris O'Neill, does not participate in the program.
- The reason for this is that there have been no occasions for interviews when Chris has been available, says Margareta Thorgren.
She continues:
- Chris is married to Princess Madeleine, but otherwise he wants to be as private as possible. In that sense, he does not want to be an official person.
Margareta Thorgren adds that the fact that Madeleine and Chris O'Neill with family live in Florida effecnts on this. When Chris is in Sweden it is usually within the framework of private time. For example, during the summer at Solliden on Öland.
Chis O'Neill is a member of the royal family, but unlike Prince Daniel and Princess Sofia, not part of the royal house. A choice he made before the wedding. However, there is no principle obstacle to his participation in "Året med kungafamiljen ", according to Margareta Thorgren.
- Absolutely not. He is very aware that there is a great interest in the whole princess family. And he's really there to support his wife and princess based on the official role she has.
Sara Bull is the producer for "Året med kungafamiljen".
- We have made the question to the court's information department and received no as an answer, she says.
Did they in any way motivate it?
- No further justification, no.
This is the third consecutive year that Chris O'Neill shines with his absence in the program. The last he participated was in 2016.
- After that we have not had the opportunity to interview him.
Why did you want to include him in this year's program?
- Of course, there is a great public interest in Princess Madeleine's husband, although he has declined the opportunity to become a prince.
She adds that SVT asked the question both before and after the king made his decision to limit the size of the royal house.
Sara Bull hopes Chris O'Neill will be part of the program in the future.
- The times he has been interviewed he has always answered all questions and has been open-minded. It's probably just about getting to a meeting.
Därför är Chris O'Neill inte med i SVT_s kungaprogram

Since the program focuses on the work of the royal family, I see no need to interview Chris.
TV4's annual program of the royal family "Kungahuset 2019" will be broadcasted this evening at 20.00 at TV4, TV4 Play and C More. Unfortunately, it seems that the program can only be seen in Sweden, or you can see it if you are registered in Sweden but live abroad.
Kungahuset 2019
Se Kungahuset online här - Streama gratis på TV4 Play

Svensk Damtidning has interviewed program host Jesper Börjesson.

What can we expect from this year's program?
- As usual, it will be personal things, but also large international, official things. One can expect a cool dance tour with Crown Princess Victoria an early morning in Hanoi, Vietnam. It was only five, half past five and everywhere on the city streets and squares were Thai chi and chi gong. The Crown Princess wanted to join and quite sonically she started dancing. Daniel struggled on, but she really has the rhythm in her blood. There were some samba beats there.
Have you met Estelle and Oscar too?
- Not Oscar, but Estelle with Victoria during a forest walk when they picked up garbage. Estelle is very good at finding junk. It is noticeable that the family has a strong environmental commitment, both in large issues and small.
Imagine that it is our future queen.
- Yes. She's since early very used to the cameras, but I think she is so cool, it will be a cool princess even when she gets bigger.. She had so much energy, flew in the woods, and I noticed that she liked being out in nature. It is also noticeable that Victoria and Estelle have a fine relationship.
You also talked to the Prince Couple about that their children Prince Alexander and Prince Gabriel are no longer part of the royal house.
- Yes. It was an interesting and exciting discussion about what it will mean for the children in the future. It is something they have talked about in the family. They see the possibilities in it, rather than something negative.
What is it like to travel around with the royal family?
- It's exciting! You come to many places you might otherwise not have gone to yourself. I think the royal family does an incredible job, from early morning to late evening. It can be high and low, incredibly serious things and then dancing in the morning. I think it's fun to see the Crown Princess. She speaks perfect English, is competent at speaking and seeing people. Even those not included in the plan.
Who in the royal family are you most alike?
- I think Prince Daniel. That's because, just like Sofia, he comes from an ordinary Swedish family. You notice that they have point of contact in whatever it is. They can relate to a normal life, I think.
And you have a common sports interest too?
- Yes. I have taunted him a little for AIK, I myself cheer on Malmö FF, There we have not met. I also like to be out in nature and just like Daniel, I have a social interest. It is a luxury, as a journalist, to have the opportunity to explore, investigate and talk about the big issues of our time.
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Jesper posted this short clip of Victoria and Daniel in Vietnam to his Instagram

The king's decision about the royal family struck down like a bomb earlier this fall. In a new interview in the TV4 program, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia tell us what they think about the decision.
- It's a question we've been discussing in the family for a long time. So for us it did not come as a bolt from the blue. Of course, we support Dad in that. Somewhere, it is also a natural step, says Carl Philip.
And Princess Sofia agrees with her husband. However, she is more concrete when she describes what the decision can actually mean for them as a family.
- We can move abroad if we want, just like Madeleine and Chris. And our boys can go to school there.
Does this mean that you will become a less public family?, Jesper Börjesson wonders towards the end of the interview.
- It's too early to say now, says Sofia. But in the long term, I think that is the natural process. That we will have something else to focus on.
Carl Philip continues:
- But we will always be there to support and help, if needed. If the head of state asks if we can jump in somewhere, then of course we do.
- If there is a wish that we participate, we will absolutely do it.
Carl Philip och Sofia kan flytta utomlands _ Svensk Dam

Short clip of Carl Philip and Sofia's interview
Se utdrag ur intervju med prinsparet - om framtiden

Jesper Börjesson was as a guest at TV4's News morning today. He told about the program Kungahuset 2019, and small clips are shown also at this video, about Victoria and Estelle picking up garbage and Victoria and Daniel's visit to Vietnam. They talked also about the King's decision on 7th October and Carl Philip and Sofia's interview is shown. Jesper had been with the king on his visit to areas affected of the forest fires in 2018 and with queen Silvia in Heidelberg. Jesper points again out that that the royal family works very hard and that they are great ambassadors for Sweden. And that sometimes he gets very close to them, sometimes, at very official events, not so close.
Kronprinsessan och Estelle på skräpjakt_ _Entusiastisk prinsessa_
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More about Kungahuset 2019 at TV4
In TV4's Kungahuset 2019 program, we get to follow Victoria and Daniel on an evening stroll along Hanoi's busy streets. In addition, he took the opportunity to reveal a future dream with Estelle and Oscar.
The fact that royals take a detour to neighborhoods with narrow streets and a lot of traffic when they are traveling is extremely unusual. But during Victoria's and Daniel's official visit to Vietnam's capital it actually happened!
In this year's Kungahuset 2019, we can accompany the Crown Princess couple on a romantic evening walk, among street kitchens and mopedists. And of course, Jesper Börjesson fits in with asking some questions in the evening buzz.
- It is very exciting to get to new countries, like this. And get to know the culture and see how people live and move. Here it is packed with people. Many people sit and eat on small areas and lovely restaurants, says Daniel.
Jesper Börjesson also wonders if the Crown Princess couple always goes out like this when they are away on trips together.
- Most often we have early mornings and late evenings so quite frankly - during most trips there is no room for it. Then you want to go home to the children as soon as possible when the program is over. But when they get a little older you will probably try to stay an extra day or two.
When Jesper Börjesson and Prince Daniel walk past a small family sitting on plastic chairs and having dinner, Daniel says he would love to sit like that with Estelle and Oscar - without cameras.
- It may be sometime in the future, they note and laugh.
Towards the end of the interview, a moped comes and goes past Victoria and Daniel at high speed. The Crown Princess then takes cover behind her husband's back. Nothing dramatic, just a loving gesture between two royals.
Daniels ord om Victoria i Kungahuset 2019 _ Svensk Dam

In this year's Kungahuset 2019, TV4 will accompany the king to Hälsingland. And there is a captured head of state who is interviewed - in the midst of devastation.
The summer of 2018, many Swedes remember with horror. It was, after all, when the forest fires in Hälsingland raged, which led to people being forced to leave their homes and firefighters from all over Europe had to be called in.
In Kungahuset 2019, we will be watching as the king takes the train to Järvsö, a year later, to see how the forest is doing but above all to meet those affected.
- As a landowner and forest owner, you become so much affected. It has hit them very hard, after all. It is very difficult to replace. Both emotionally and financially.
- Unfortunately, this has happened and it may happen again. It is true that you learn something from all tragedies. We must do that. You never know when a disaster happens, where and when. We need to be a bit alert and see about our system.
Kungens ärliga ord i TV4_s Kungahuset 2019 _ Svensk Dam

Queen Silvia visited her birth city of Heidelberg in Germany earlier this year.
In TV4's "Kungahuset 2019", viewers can follow an emotional queen during the trip to their home country.
- It's always nice to be back here in Heidelberg, says the queen.
- You think you know everyone, at least they know me. They are very sweet, and happy and nice.
Do some childhood memories come to life?
- Yes of course.
The Queen says that she was only 2.5-3 years old when the family left Heidelberg for Brazil, but that the city is still close to her heart.
The Sommerlath family returned to Germany in 1957, and her parents moved back to Heidelberg.
- Heidelberg has always had a very special place in the family.
During Queen Silvia's visit to Heidelberg, the World Childhood Foundation's 20th anniversary was celebrated.
The foundation helps vulnerable children all over the world, and was started by the queen herself in 1999.
She says that it was then Prime Minister Göran Persson who encouraged her.
- It was over 20 years ago that I talked to the Prime Minister about it, Göran Persson, and he thought it was an important issue.
- He really encouraged me to do it.
The Queen also inaugurated the "Childhood-Haus", a center where the World Childhood Foundation will help children who have been subjected to violence and abuse, during the visit.
Drotting Silvias känslor under besöket i Heidelberg

Program host Jesper Börjesson with the royals
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:previous: Thanks for the link, MagMil. ? I always look forward to Aret med kungafamiljen!

I have posted the link to the program (and some screen shots) already on 22nd December here

The program was shown this year on 22nd December and the viewer rating was 1 061 000.
Tv-toppen_ ”På spåret” lockade flest igen - Sydsvenskan

The program of 2018 was shown on 1st January this year and the viewer rating was 1 028 000.
På spåret_ kör över nyårsprogrammen - Sydsvenskan

So, the 2019 program had a little more viewers.

Sandra Wejbro wrote at Aftonbladet about "Året med kungafamiljen" (and a little of TV4's "Kungahuset 2019" and the Republican Association)
The court's PR machine is skilled - and gets help from public service
The camera follows King Carl Gustaf through the Palace, from his point of view we look out over the courtyard and when the family arrives they are kindly kissed. Swedish "The crown" opens grand.
In 2019 Sweden took a big step closer to the republic, states the Republican Association in its annual summary. None of this is noticeable in "The Året med kungafamiljen 2019" (SVT Play).
The chronicle begins just as cinematic as described above. Possibly, the competitor channel's "Kungahuset 2019" (TV4) has forced a higher level of ambition, where the encyclopedic enumeration of state visits had to stand back for a harder selection. In short - in TV4 you get more, but SVT makes it look better in terms of image. I think the filmmakers are not completely unaffected by the British queen soap "The crowns" (Netflix) success.
Parallel to the royalist pomp, which all conservatives are sure to get a little extra heartbeat from, the production of the royal family runs so sympathetically that even the vast majority of Swedes probably melt.
How nice is it not to see a little South African girl climb on Queen Silvia or Prince Daniel on a hospital visit with a boy who got a kidney donated by his mother (he got one of his dad himself)? All the royals have chosen heartfelt issues to fight for, where Crown Princess Victoria's commitment to the climate and role as UN ambassador for the global goals of sustainable development are perhaps the most political. Throw in a couple of very cute, playful children like Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar and after an hour, even the hardest cynic has been converted to a newly saved royalist.
As neither SVT nor TV4 offer any counterweight to the portrayal of the royal house's excellence, I began to search for one myself. The Republican Association, which works for the role of head of state to be elected by election, highlights the king's decision to exclude all grandchildren except Estelle and Oscar from the royal house as a success. This means that they are neither part of apanage nor have any royal duties.
The family says it is a natural and undramatic step. Princess Sofia objects to the expression that the children are now given their "freedom", because that would mean that they themselves do not see themselves as "free".
Another Republican victory, according to the association's annual summary, is Thomas Lyrevik's book ”Den kungliga kleptokratin” about the king's secret billions, mainly consisting of jewels and art in various collections and foundations. The Marshal of the Realm Fredrik Wersäll responded to the accusations in the Expressen by admitting that the wealth is probably enormous, but that it is irrelevant since it is a cultural heritage that the royal family themselves would never disperse or embody themselves.
You can think of what you want about that promise, but as long as the court's own skilled PR-machine gets help from both public service and commercial media, the vision of a future republic appears increasingly unlikely.
Wejbro om ”Året med kungafamiljen” i SVT _ Aftonbladet
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Svensk Damtidning writes about "2020 - what a royal year!"
They write that in the summer Victoria and Daniel celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary. They list that on 7th January Olle Westling turns 75 years, Estelle celebrates her 8th birthday, there will be a 85th birthday party to princess Margaretha which was not held in October, in May there will be 100 years of the death of crown princess Margareta, in July on Victoria's birthday there will be 25 years of Victoria's iconic speech on her 18th birthday, and Eva O'Neill will have her 80th birthday. And of course also the celebrations of the foreign royals.
Johan T Lindwall, the editor-in-chief of SD, writes that we will have a fantastic royal year in front of us and we know who will be in focus: Victoria and Daniel. What do you remember best from 2019? Crown princess Victoria's birthday celebration and Nobel! Two wonderful celebrations we know we get to celebrate again this year.
2020 will definitely belong to crown princess Victoria and prince Daniel. The crown princess couple will be in focus on the Midsummer Eve, on 19th June it will be 10 years since Victoria said yes to her dream prince at the Stockholm Cathedral. We all who saw the wedding will never forget that day. And for the happy couple the 10th wedding anniversary will be something special. It is not a daring guess, that it will be celebrated on their beloved Öland with new potatoes and strawberry cake.
We who want to celebrate the couple can do it on the crown princess's 43th birthday when she invites to a party. The concert will be held at a new place, at Slottsporten at Borgholm Castle. It can be magical then with a view over Alvaret and Kalmarsund. This decision confirms also that the crown princess will keep on the tradition to celebrate her birthday publicly. Victoria knows how much it means to the tourism on Öland. Without her birthday there wouldn't be so many tourists on Öland in July.
We can also look forward to queen Margrethe's 80th birthday, if it will be as big as her previous big birthdays? If so, the royal couple and crown princess couple will go to celebrate.
There will be many exciting things to look forward to. But Lindwall thinks that the biggest news in 2020 will be royal baby news...
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Jesper Börjesson, who has hosted TV4's annual program of the royal family "Kungahuset" in 2017-2019, has resigned from his work at TV4 and its News morning. Börjesson has followed the royal family to their foreign visits, interviewed them and among others, picked up garbage with Victoria and Estelle.
Börjesson published the news at his Instagram yesterday
"After almost 25 years on TV4, it's time for me to step out of the studio and do something else in life... So for almost my entire adult life I've worked here. It has been an amazing journey where I got to report from lots of great events and met so many exciting people who shaped both me and the world forever. I love meeting people and hearing their stories.
I am incredibly proud that I have been part of this fantastic editorial team and that I have been the program leader for Sweden's largest and absolute best morning program...
On silly legs, I will soon leave TV4 and Nyhetermorgon to start at the technology consulting company @rejlers. I will be there to lead a whole new and very exciting educational venture."
Concern for the Coronavirus is spreading. "The royal family is informed and there is a readiness", says Margareta Thorgren to Svensk Damtidning.
- As far as the Coronavirus is concerned, the royal family is informed of the situation, and there is a readiness. We always have a discussion with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs about the trips abroad, and they make ongoing assessments of safety and risks, says Margareta Thorgren.
Have you had to cancel any trips?
- No, not right now. At present, we have not had to make any such changes. But now so much is happening with this virus, the situation is changing day by day. So we will see how it develops.
The royal family's trips are planned a long time in advance, and they usually visit Asia several times each season. For the past year, the Crown Princess and Prince Daniel have been to Vietnam, the King has been to a scout meeting in South Korea, and Prince Daniel has been on an entrepreneurial trip to Singapore with his Fellowship. In addition, the King and Crown Princess were guests at the Emperor's coronation in Japan.
The announcement by WHO Director-General, Doctor Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, yesterday that international emergencies have been announced as a result of the Corona outbreak, are likely to affect the royal family's plans for the spring. And right now, the only trip in the court's official calendar goes to Norway - it is the king who will attend the Ski Tour 2020 in Trondheim.
WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was also in Sweden last spring and met with Crown Princess Victoria at the Royal Palace, in conjunction with the World Health Organization holding a conference in Stockholm.
Hovet_ Så påverkas kungafamiljen av Coronaviruset _ Svensk Dam
At Dagmar von Arbin's funeral at Oscarskyrkan attended the family and relatives, among them countess Marianne Bernadotte, countess Bettina Bernadotte and count Bertil and countess Jill Bernadotte. Also a lot of friends, members of the society. Both Peter and Marcus Wallenberg attended with their wives.
Kungafamiljen och societeten hedrar Dagmar von Arbin _ Svensk Dam

Dagmar's granddaughter Camilla Flach, who runs Frid Begravning funeral services.

Carl and Christina de Geer

Ewy Rosqvist-von Korff (90), one of the most successful swedish rally drivers.

ROYAL: Die schwedische Königsfamilie bei der Trauerfeier und Beerdigung von Dagmar von Arbin in der Oscarskyrkan in Stockholm
Dagmar von Arbin siunattiin haudan lepoon - kruununprinsessa Victoria hautajaisissa

When the Bernadotte relative Dagmar von Arbin was brought to the final rest on Tuesday, the entire royal family sat at Oscarskyrkan. But Princess Madeleine was not present at the funeral. Now the court tells why.
- Princess Madeleine was not present because she lives in the US. The rest of the family was there and they represented also her, says Margareta Thorgren.
However, the absence does not mean that Madeleine did not stand near Dagmar. The royal family's Grand Old Lady is incredibly missed and Victoria, Carl Philip and Madeleine loved to hear her old stories.
- The Princess participates with her thoughts, Margareta Thorgren continues.
Among the more than 300 funeral guests gathered at Oscarskyrkan were also Princess Christina and Tord Magnuson, but also many members of the Bernadotte family. They all greeted Dagmar's four daughters Louise, Cathrine, Jeanette and Madeleine and the thirteen grandchildren.
The funeral church - Oscarkyrkan at Östermalm in Stockholm - also has a special connection to Dagmar: it got its name after her own grandfather king Oscar II.
Dagmar was close to royal family all her life. She was invited to all royal weddings and baptisms. She was very close to Crown Princess Victoria.
- Victoria will be a fantastic queen someday, Dagmar said during our interview.
Madeleine kom inte på kungliga begravningen _ Svensk Dam

Photos by SPA

About Dagmar's interview in Svensk Damtidning in 2016:
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The court: This is how the royal family is affected by the Corona virus
Crown Princess Victoria is due to go to Monaco in March. But otherwise, it is currently empty on international trips in the court's official calendar.
The corona virus is spreading in Europe and today the message came that the Public Health Agency has updated its assessment: The risk of new cases in Sweden that are infected abroad is considered high.
For the royal family, only one trip abroad in the spring has been made public, and this is the crown princess's visit to Monaco in March. Otherwise, they are strikingly empty on foreign visits for their part.
When it comes to traveling abroad, the royal family always has a discussion with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, which makes ongoing assessments of security and risks.
- It's the same message as before. We follow the recommendations that Swedish authorities make in the case, says Johan Tegel from the court's press department.
And how has this affected the royal family's travels?
- At present, no journeys are affected.
At the same time, the Crown Princess family is on winter holiday right now. However, the destination is secret.
- We don't provide any information about private activities, says Johan Tegel.
Are they in Sweden or abroad?
- I can't answer that, I don't have that information.
But the king is working on, even now during the winter holiday week?
- Yes, the King has had an audience to Beatrice Ask today.
And the queen? Is she on winter leave?
- No, the queen works too. She has had internal meetings here at the Palace during the day.
Hovet_ Så påverkas kungafamiljen av Corona-viruset _ Svensk Dam
:previous: Nice to hear that the families are spending some time together for the February holidays. ?
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