General News & Information: Prince Albert & Princess Charlene 1: July 2011 - Feb.2012

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Jan 29, 2005
General News & Information: Prince Albert & Princess Charlene 1: July 2011 - Feb.2012

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Not that it will matter for those who want to believe the worst no matter what anyone says, but Princess Charlene addressed the 'runaway bride' story this morning in an interview with Vogue saying:
It is a shame that those rumors came at such a bad time, but I think they were timed to sabotage such a happy occasion. They are categorical lies. I won’t dignify them with any response other than to say that the photographs of me and Albert in love and getting married will speak louder than any vicious gossip and empty rumors.

The full article.

Bones, thank you for this link ! Now we know why Charlene is so unfazed - it's the freezing swimming pool !
Monaco is like one gorgeous enormous film set with the starring roles played by the Princes of the Rock, so "the show must go on" and why not?
just confirmed on BBC at the moment by Monaco Officials. Prince Albert faces paternity test just after the wedding. Third child aged less than 18 months. It's official and from Monaco court. The information has been blocked until the wedding. But it was true.

Not surprising at all ...

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just confirmed on BBC at the moment by Monaco Officials. Prince Albert faces paternity test just after the wedding. Third child aged less than 18 months. It's official and from Monaco court. The information has been blocked until the wedding. But it was true.

Oh my Gosh! This is terrible news for Charlene. I hope she knew about this before sealing the deal. :ohmy:
just confirmed on BBC at the moment by Monaco Officials. Prince Albert faces paternity test just after the wedding. Third child aged less than 18 months. It's official and from Monaco court. The information has been blocked until the wedding. But it was true.

There's never smoke without fire. I believed this would come out eventually.
ugh awful news maybe the rumours of her fleeing were true after all poor Charlene anyways the day has been great just got done watching some highlights.
Oh my Gosh! This is terrible news for Charlene. I hope she knew about this before sealing the deal. :ohmy:

She knew. That is supposedly why she ran away and was stopped at the airport.
And this is all covered by the Catholic Church. What a hypocrisy. A meaningless show of self-adoration. Waste of money and time. I would not want to have such a Sovereign like Albert.
Oh my Gosh! This is terrible news for Charlene. I hope she knew about this before sealing the deal. :ohmy:

That would explain the Runaway Bride thing. If true this will take all the magic I witness today.
ugh awful news maybe the rumours of her fleeing were true after all poor Charlene.

I always believed they were true, since a reputable paper stood by their story and had it confirmed by three separate sources.

Albert and Charlene should have said nothing; their denials just made things worse.
just confirmed on BBC at the moment by Monaco Officials. Prince Albert faces paternity test just after the wedding. Third child aged less than 18 months. It's official and from Monaco court. The information has been blocked until the wedding. But it was true.

WOW! Surpising and yet not! Let's hope this is the last one and that Albert takes his marriage vows seriously. 'Forsaking all others' and 'Faithful only unto you' were in there right? No wonder Charlene wanted to bolt!
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And these news on your wedding day, oh my god. I feel soooo sorry for Charlene.... and congratulate her for her dignity facing these circumstances.
BYe Bine
Maybe that's the reason she was crying at a moment of her wedding.Maybe it's just a false rumour and Albert is not guilty at all

I don't want to make any judgement, but to avoid any misunderstandings at his point: there has not been any
official announcement by the palace, the article mentions "anonymous officials" who spread the information.
sorry iceflower but for the BBC it is officials from the palace. It's on the cover page of the Telegraph which is not a tabloid. All this makes sense. The assignation from the lawyer which was finally not delivered to the Express (probably after Me Lacoste, Albert's lawyer, speaks with albert). and Stéphane Bern, in charge of the communication of the principality during the wedding and journalist on french television said it was too late to do a paternity test 3 days before the wedding.
It is horrible even if he is not father of the children - the posibility he might be (he evidentely isn't sure if he accepted paternity test...) shows that he was not always faithful and surely won't be after wedding...
And of course we do not know, whether he is "guilty", this is true.
Nevertheless all these news just around your wedding day and the first Princely wedding in Monaco since more than 50 years.... I really feel sorry for all directly involved, but mainly for Charlene. Your wedding day should be the most wonderful day in your life .... and then you have to face these horrible rumors.... guilty or not, I feel so sorry for Charlene, her "most wonderful day" may have turned into a nightmare. And thus I praise her dignity in these troublesome days.
BYe Bine
sorry iceflower but for the BBC it is officials from the palace. It's on the cover page of the Telegraph which is not a tabloid. All this makes sense. The assignation from the lawyer which was finally not delivered to the Express (probably after Me Lacoste, Albert's lawyer, speaks with albert). and Stéphane Bern, in charge of the communication of the principality during the wedding and journalist on french television said it was too late to do a paternity test 3 days before the wedding.

I was referring to a quote from the article link you've given:

The French news agency Agence France Press said anonymous officials spoke of "the truth" of a reported falling out between the couple earlier in the week and of a probable demand that Prince Albert take a paternity test.

I don't find any official announcement by the Princely Palace so far.
I could only admire her dignity during all the ceremony,that's maybe the cause why Charlene's father sometimes seemed to look angry and sad.
But I don't think Albert will be unfaithfull to Charlene,he is getting older and I doubt it
I was referring to a quote from the article link you've given:

I don't find any official announcement by the Princely Palace so far.

They are talking about two different things. The official admitted that the Prince is facing paternity test. The quote was talking about the runaway bride story.
There is a saying about leopards and spots ... I doubt Albert will change. And Charlene has accepted this otherwise she would have cancelled the wedding.

I hope that she can cope long term and that Albert will at least stop the PUBLIC humiliation by continuing to father children out of wedlock. He should save his energy to father some with his wife.
^If he didn't learn how to used condom at the age of 53, he will never learn imo
It is horrible even if he is not father of the children - the posibility he might be (he evidentely isn't sure if he accepted paternity test...) shows that he was not always faithful and surely won't be after wedding...

If he has agreed to a paternity test, then surely there is the possibility that he is. Hopefully, Charlene agreed to the wedding because Albert is definitely sure he is not the father and the test is to prove that.
They are talking about two different things. The official admitted that the Prince is facing paternity test. The quote was talking about the runaway bride story.

The quote also contained the paternity test.

However: As I said I'm not making any judgements, I am only waiting to see the official announcement
instead of articles only - that's all.
The quote also contained the paternity test.

However: As I said I'm not making any judgements, I am only waiting to see the official announcement
instead of articles only - that's all.

My sentiments exactly. I would also like to add that what does it say about the woman he was with. This child is allegedly 18 months old. Why was this not discussed sooner?

If is true...It is possible that Charlene knew about it and that she has forgiven him for his actions. Just because some of the story has been confirmed, by some secret source, does not mean it is all true.

Albert could very much be a man that made a mistake and is trying to be a better man or he could be a raging cad.

For what it is worth she seemed very happy to me.
I'm not surprised they waited until the wedding to do this. Nicole tried to ruin his enthronement and now this. I hope Eringer is sued and what he doesn't tell anyone about his firing comes out. This woman should be sued if this turns out to be another Daniel who a paternity test proved wasn't his. These types of people are in it for themselves and money and don't care who they hurt. Anyone like myself who has paid attention with eyes open and seeing photos posted here knows Albert hasn't been faithful to Charlene. One can only hope now that he is married he is. I read the child was 3 months old add 9 it puts conception before the engagement announcement and he made a commitment that one can only hope he has honored. After everything Albert and his family went through with Nicole and Tamara he would deserve a good whack or two for not giving any woman a morning after pill if the condom broke. He is an intelligent man except something I have found regarding many people who are is they lack common sense.
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