Herlufsholm Boarding & Day School - Incidents and Reactions of the Royal Family

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Serene Highness
Aug 5, 2011
Today, 05.05., a Danish TV-Station will be airing a docu about "Herlufsholm", Prince Christian's school, which Princess Isabella is/was about to attend.

The docu is called "Herlufsholm hemmeligheder" (Herlufsholm's Secrets) and reports alledgedly cases of bullying, outright violence and even sexual abuse.

I wonder, what this story is about - We will see!
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:previous: Interesting now that a Danish tv station has devoted an investigative report on Christian's current boarding school. A school his cousin, Prince Nikolai graduated from in 2018. There has been a history of reported problems, serious problems, over the years at the Herlufsholm School but I thought all that had been cleared up.

Here are a couple of 2021 articles, one from German tv station TheN24 now known as Welt: https://then24.com/2021/08/13/murde...hind-christians-boarding-school-from-denmark/
and another 2021 article from Australia MSN.com https://www.msn.com/en-au/entertain...t-to-attend-tough-boarding-school/ar-BB1gxMgF

I think this must be old news recycled now that Isabella will be joining Christian at the school. Quite unimaginable Denmark's Crown Prince Family would allow their son and now their daughter to attend a less than reputable school.
:previous: Nope, nothing to do with the news of Isabella joining Christian at Herlufsholm. But naturally it makes people – including the press – wonder why the DRF repeatedly chooses to greenlight a school with a continuing unfortunate reputation.

The documentary, I believe, is made in light of a recent rape case at the school. The rape took place in February and the perpetrator (a 16-year-old boy) was sentenced a week ago.

The Mary Foundation was asked to comment (since one of their focal points are bullying) and provided this statement. One of the comments on the Instagram post mentioned that the statement will ring extremely hollow if the DRF continues their affiliation with the school and I agree. This is clearly an ingrained institutional problem since it has spanned across several years and varying head masters.

Unfortunately I doubt this will have any affect on the DRF. As mentioned, the school has a long history of serious problems and that didn't prevent the admittance of either Nikolai, Christian or now Isabella. To be frank, I'm already counting the hours till Lene Balleby, the DRF's director of communications, attempts to shut inquiries down with a "the children's schooling is a private matter" :nonono:
I have followed this with half an eye for the past couple of days and it is difficult for me to gauge, yet, as to whether there really is problem at Herlufsholm or whether there have been some isolated incidents that may have been - shall we say - blown up a bit.
It is of course a bad thing that a rape took place. On the other hand the issue was reported and the perpetrator arrested and sentenced. So did the school do the right thing? I.e. act upon being informed, investigating and reporting the matter to the police. Or did it try to cover it up?
Could a rape like that, basically an older pupil taking advantage of a younger pupil, with the younger pupil being too scared/intimidated/unable/unwilling to resist, take place at other schools? Like continuation schools.
The answer must be yes.

I think a problem with a boarding school of any kind is that either you belong or you don't. If you don't you are vulnerable and at a higher risk of being subjected to various forms of bullying and/or being ostracized.
Because you can't get away from the "annoying idiot" - alternatively you can't get away from the bullies.
A boarding school where the pupils are based 24/7 for extended periods usually also has an internal system of dealing with non-conformists pupils.

So are we talking about a couple of spoiled brats who didn't know how to behave and got a rough lesson by their fellow pupils, only to run home and tell momma?
Or are we talking about a couple of weak, and perhaps awkward pupils who didn't fit into the community and was set upon by other pupils. I.e. systematically bullied.
Or is the truth that it's a mix of both of the above?

What is the most important thing in my eyes is: How does the schools deal with problems among the pupils.
Because problems, also serious problems, will take place at even the best school in the world.

That IMO is what decides whether a school is good or bad.

Because it is an issue for M&F.

Especially for Mary. It will be hard for her to justify sending her own children to a school where there is a history of bullying.
You can't spin it by saying: There is no problem with bullying at Herlufsholm. It is merely a question of 467 individual cases of non-social behavior at Herlufsholm.
- If you get my meaning. ;)

So I will be looking very much forward to the school presenting its case.
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For our newsdiggers.

Keep an eye on the DK news right now. M&F are reacting to the reports about Herlufsholm.
What did they say in their statement? Instagram's translate feature does not work.

Mary Foundation also put out a statement. And both Mary and Frederik were asked at their events today (obviously knowing they probably had not even seen the documentary yet).

It puts M&F between a rock and a hard place right now. IMO, if I were them I would have Isabella finish her last year at the school she is currently attending. That takes care of the Isabella issue. As for Christian....is his school year not reaching the end of term? They can have him finish out the current school year and then have the entire summer to decide about what to do with him. I doubt any school would say NO to having the future king suddenly want to attend their school at the last minute at the end of summer holidays.

of course now the focus is all on Christian, when he had zero to do with any of the issues going on at the school! But, he is the high profile click bait so that's where the reporters go.

BB Article about the statement by CPC and the documentary: https://www.billedbladet.dk/kongeli...esse-mary-om-herlufsholm-kostskole-vi-er-dybt

I am sure B.T. and E.B. are going to go to town over this news and by the end they will make it seems like M&F are personally responsible for what happens at the school.
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:previous: Only I highly doubt they're gonna do that, unfortunately. I think Frederik even said in his comment today that the revelations wouldn't have consequences for Christian's stay at the school. It's not news. The toxic culture at Herlufsholm is common knowledge – this is not an isolated incident – and with that in mind, the DRF have still chosen the school for now three of the Queen's grandchildren.

From a communicative standpoint, this is a real mess (especially, as Muhler mentions, for Mary as this undermines her work with bullying completely) but the DRF and their communications department also do notoriously bad in messy situations, so the last thing I expect is for them to actually take a stand and pull the children from the school.

I also don't really think it matters whether or not Christian has been personally involved in the mentioned incidents. Those incidents are representative of a disgusting culture that the DRF actively choose to validate by sending their children there.
:previous: Well, I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt at how they handle this issue in the here and now. Both the Mary Foundation and Mary/Frederik have put out statements and have answered questions from the press, even without seeing this documentary yet!! They put out an immediate statement which is more than is done by other royal families when there are sensitive issues to face. They are not hiding behind palace walls from this. So, keeping on eye on how they handle this going forward.

I doubt that this is the one and only time we will hear from M/F OR The Mary Foundation on this issue nor the last time they will be asked about it.

We do not know what M/F will do about Isabella, so anything said is only speculation at this point.

Christian is a more delicate issue as he is currently attending the school and the heir. But I am not surprised that Frederik answered the way he did about this not affecting Christian's schooling. It is a response that can easily be cleaned up later and not unusual in these instances.

The Mary Foundation has already put out a statement and I would not doubt that is only the beginning of their actions on this. So I will keep an eye on their social media to see how they proceed.
Perhaps the Mary Foundation will take on bullying at this school as a test case. Bullying can only be stopped if it is brought out into the open so that all can see how it works and how it must be handled effectively.
Translation please

As parents to a child attending Herlufsholm, we are deeply shaken/upset about the testimonies that are emerging in the documentary about the school.
It's heartbreaking to hear about the systematic bullying and culture of violence that many has been a part of. It's totally unacceptable.
As parents we expect that the school decisively ensure a culture where all are safe and a part of the community, and we will in the coming time follow the changes that are obviously necessary.

The crown Princely Couple.


That IMO is an open letter by M&F telling the leadership at the school: Fix it!!


From what I can tell at present it is clearly more than a few episodes with a few pupils who didn't behave well.
It appears to more based on a hierarchical culture, where some pupils are "punished" for not conforming to unwritten rules and/or norms - and that is, if not tolerated, then certainly not addressed by the leadership of the school.

In the clip I have seen with the headmaster of the school, he sure looks uncomfortable!

So as I see it, right now: The school genuinely has a problem with bullying.

ADDED: I will watch the documentary that starts in half an hour with the most critical eyes I can muster and try my best to give the school the benefit of doubt. And see whether the documentary presents a convincing case against Herlufsholm.
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:previous: Well, I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt at how they handle this issue in the here and now. Both the Mary Foundation and Mary/Frederik have put out statements and have answered questions from the press, even without seeing this documentary yet!! They put out an immediate statement which is more than is done by other royal families when there are sensitive issues to face. They are not hiding behind palace walls from this. So, keeping on eye on how they handle this going forward.

I doubt that this is the one and only time we will hear from M/F OR The Mary Foundation on this issue nor the last time they will be asked about it.

We do not know what M/F will do about Isabella, so anything said is only speculation at this point.

Christian is a more delicate issue as he is currently attending the school and the heir. But I am not surprised that Frederik answered the way he did about this not affecting Christian's schooling. It is a response that can easily be cleaned up later and not unusual in these instances.

The Mary Foundation has already put out a statement and I would not doubt that is only the beginning of their actions on this. So I will keep an eye on their social media to see how they proceed.

I mean, again, this isn't new information. It's frankly fairly common knowledge. Only this time it's being said out loud – as it is once every 5-ish years after which the school promises to take action and then when the media storm dies down again, it evidently goes back to normal. And it is with this knowledge in mind that Joachim (and Alexandra), Frederik and Mary all chose to send their children to the school (a school heaps of their friends have children at as well).

As for the Mary Foundation... I really don't know what kind of actions they should be able to take regarding an institutionalised and systematic toxic culture that goes decades back? I know people who attended the school in the 80's and it was no different back then. Expecting the Mary Foundation to be able to change anything seems pretty hopeless to me.

I really don't mean to sound like a Doris Downer, I wish I could feel as optimistic as you about potential DRF action, I just suppose with the DRF's usual non-reactions to questionable situations fresh in mind, I would be extremely (albeit pleasantly) surprised if they decided to actually take action beyond platitudes.

And frankly, I also think one of the only ways in which one could realistically expect a change in mentality to be implemented at the school would be if M&F decided to cut their (immediate) ties with it. But again, I wouldn't hold my breath.
As parents to a child attending Herlufsholm, we are deeply shaken/upset about the testimonies that are emerging in the documentary about the school.
It's heartbreaking to hear about the systematic bullying and culture of violence that many has been a part of. It's totally unacceptable.
As parents we expect that the school decisively ensure a culture where all are safe and a part of the community, and we will in the coming time follow the changes that are obviously necessary.

The crown Princely Couple.


That IMO is an open letter by M&F telling the leadership at the school: Fix it!!


From what I can tell at present it is clearly more than a few episodes with a few pupils who didn't behave well.
It appears to more based on a hierarchical culture, where some pupils are "punished" for not conforming to unwritten rules and/or norms - and that is, if not tolerated, then certainly not addressed by the leadership of the school.

In the clip I have seen with the headmaster of the school, he sure looks uncomfortable!

So as I see it, right now: The school genuinely has a problem with bullying.

ADDED: I will watch the documentary that starts in half an hour with the most critical eyes I can muster and try my best to give the school the benefit of doubt. And see whether the documentary presents a convincing case against Herlufsholm.

Thank you for the translation. As someone who has done Crisis Communications in her professional life, I think this was a necessary, albeit, a quick statement. JMHO -- this isn't the last that we will hear from the CP Couple on this. Heads need to role at the school or the kids will be yanked.
I also don't really think it matters whether or not Christian has been personally involved in the mentioned incidents. Those incidents are representative of a disgusting culture that the DRF actively choose to validate by sending their children there.

I don't quite agree. Right now, in the worst case scenario, Frederik and Mary can simply pull Christian out of the school (which they probably won't, since the boy seems to like it there as his cousins before him). However, if Christian were personally involved, then he would have to answer for his actions and there would be no easy way out of the problem. The situation would get much more complicated for the Royal Family.

I can't help imagining that whoever was doing the investigation was also hoping to find some connection to Christian. Hopefully there won't be any.
:previous: I don't know if I was unclear but I absolutely did not mean that the situation wouldn't be be significantly different had Christian been directly involved in the mentioned incidents. My point was that the fact that he (presumably) isn't doesn't make the questioning of the DRF's involvement with the school, and as such the culture it promotes, any less relevant. I think it's also important to remember that you don't have to actively take part in a toxic culture to help uphold it.
Unless Christian is involved, which would spell far greater problems, I see no reason to pull him out of a school that he really likes and appears to be thriving in. In fact, one can argue, so long as members of the DRF attend the school then the giant magnifying lens won't go away. This increases the incentive to deal, address, and fix these recurring issues. I believe it's far better for people to face things head on, affect change, and move forward rather than simply changing environments to suit a moral code.
Thank you for the translation. As someone who has done Crisis Communications in her professional life, I think this was a necessary, albeit, a quick statement. JMHO -- this isn't the last that we will hear from the CP Couple on this. Heads need to role at the school or the kids will be yanked.

I agree that this is not the last and/or only statement that will be issued by either the CPC or the Mary Foundation. These statements went out quickly to acknowledge the documentary and staunchly condemn the alleged issues shown in the documentary. I expect there will be more...well at least IMO there should be both from the CPC and The Mary Foundation. But IMO this is how it is done. They cannot outright say, right now, the kids will be yanked from the school. Also, if there is any active investigation, they have to be careful how things are worded and stated. It will be a delicate balancing act.

I don't quite agree. Right now, in the worst case scenario, Frederik and Mary can simply pull Christian out of the school (which they probably won't, since the boy seems to like it there as his cousins before him). However, if Christian were personally involved, then he would have to answer for his actions and there would be no easy way out of the problem. The situation would get much more complicated for the Royal Family.

I can't help imagining that whoever was doing the investigation was also hoping to find some connection to Christian. Hopefully there won't be any.

I agree with this. Given the articles I have seen (and been able to Google translate), he is being used as blatant "click bait". And, I can only imagine the CPC will address it if it gets out of hand, especially if Christian is not remotely implicated in any type of egregious behavior and he is only being used, like I said, for "click bait" OR if they start referencing Isabella as well.
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The CP couple cannot fire the school's headmaster, conduct an investigation, or bring charges against whoever might be involved. Hopefully, the fact that the CP's son and second in line to the throne is enrolled in the school will put pressure on whoever is competent to do that (the School Board, the Ministry of Education, the Police, etc.) to act accordingly. But, other than saying that they are shaken and upset by what they have heard, the most the CP couple can do is pull their son out of the school if the school administration is non-responsive.
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Okay, I've just watched the docu and this is written with the thoughts that's going through my mind right now.

I looked at the docu with critical eyes, because Herlufsholm is a "posh school" so many may have an interest in picking on that school for that reason alone.
I also asked myself: If there is a culture of bullying at Herlufsholm, how come the parents, who will typically be people with resources, money and at least some influence, won't shout out to high heaven and put an end to it?
Does the journalists have an agenda with this docu?

The docu focused only on what happened among the boys, no doubt there is a similar bullying culture in place among the girls as well.

- This docu was seriously bad for the school in general and for the headmaster in particular! To the point that I will be very surprised if he has not been resigned before the end of this month.
He left a very poor impression of himself. He was not at all convincing to me and he was really in the deep end when faced with pointed questions by the journalists.

But what was most damaging to me was the evidence.

The board under the Ministry of Education who check schools in DK has put Herlufsholm among the 10 % worst schools in regards to reports of bullying and general unhappiness among the pupils.
There were videos of cases of direct violence and sexual abuse, that had they been reported to the police would be investigated as criminal offenses.
There were examples of systematic violence in letters by parents who complained to the school, because their children had been temporarily suspended for being bullies. These letters indicated clearly that it was a culture at the school and that their own children had been subjected to a similar treatment when they were younger pupils.
There were documents clearly indicating that the school had played down and not reported all facts to the Ministry of Education.

There was also evidence in the case of a girl claiming she had been raped, where the school tried to stall the investigation to the extent than when the police was involved, they filed the case due to lack of (fresh) evidence.

The culture at the school is one where the last year high school students are in charge. That includes keeping order and punishing pupils who are out in whatever form. These punishments are physical abuse as well as humiliations.

The docu used two former pupils who talked about what they had been through or witnessed. as well as referring to conversations with some 50 former pupils, most of whom confirmed that bullying takes place and is tolerated as part of the system.

- I won't put too much into that, because you can always find someone to say something that fits your agenda.

So it's documented facts that I put most credence to.

There have over the past ten or so years been four cases of alleged rapes at the school, two of which was investigated by the police, one ending up in a conviction.
That's a lot for any school!

There is a system at the school, where if you are in, you have a great time there. If you are out, you have a terrible time there. Then you only have two options: Endure and/or leave. Or suck it up "like a man" and gain respect that way.

But why not speak out? Why doesn't former pupils who were bullied speak out afterwards?
Well, according to the docu Herlufsholm has a strong network of "old boys". It can have consequences for your career if you speak bad about Herlufsholm or one of the "old boys" there.


As I see it, and I think that's well known. Most at Herlufsholm come from roughly the same social circle and most will know other pupils there. So there is already a network in place when you arrive, protecting and helping you.

I don't think Christian or Nikolai have been involved in something. Especially not Christian, he is too high up the hierarchy as is, and he has a large network in place. No one will touch him more than "for fun" and he won't have to take part in anything anyway or even know about it.

But why hasn't Herlufsholm taken action against these repeated and quite serious reports? It's an elite school, not some third rate continuation school in some remote part of DK.
A number of parents who went to Herlufsholm will no doubt tell their children to suck it up, "it makes you stronger!"
A number of the teachers are former pupils at Helufsholm, they will know what goes on, they've been there! - The logic conclusion to me is that they "believe in the system." The headmaster believes in the system. The school board believes in the system - so nothing is done.
And being an elite school, a private elite school, there is no interest is airing the dirty laundry.

But what about M&F?

IMO they have a serious problem on their hands!
Okay, prior to Nikolai no member of the DRF went to Herlufsholm - in modern times at least, so they could be excused for not knowing what goes on. But why didn't they check the reports from the Ministry of Education?
Can it really be true that no one among their large circle of friends, many of whom went to Herlufsholm, warned them?
You can't blame Christian and Isabella, because they want to be with some of their friends at Herlufsholm. They have heard the good stories - and they are likely to have a good time there anyway.

As I see it, Herlufsholm will have to immediately undergo some major and serious reforms, otherwise M&F will be forced to pull out Isabella and Christian.
And the DRF pulling out two of their most prominent children will be seriously damaging to the school.
I have difficulty seeing how the current headmaster and board can survive this.

The school has failed IMO.
There will always be instances of bullying and fights among children and young people, it is however the school's responsibility to protect their pupils to the best of their abilities. People are after all entrusting the school with the most precious possession they have: their children.
Violence and beatings that would be considered a criminal offense had it taken place on a street is something that must not only be addressed but reported to the police. It cannot be tolerated. It's not tolerated in the general society, it should not be tolerated at an elite school.
I’m guessing that some people who watch may use this as an excuse to dislike the royal family more than they already do, mainly republicans.

They may believe that Nikolai and Christian, being who they are, would go straight to the top and be so popular that they would be part of the crowd causing difficulties for the “lesser” pupils.
Thank you, Muhler. An excellent analysis. Although I haven't seen the documentary, I am inclined to agree with you. Headmaster and Board need to go ... at the very least!
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Tak Muhler for your summary. Absolutely shocking and disappointing to read this news about the school.
Sadly my own well known private Southern California high school is facing a similar situation.
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If this has been an ongoing issue with reports filed, etc....why wait until NOW to do this type of investigative documentary? Why not expose this on this level years ago? Sorry, I look at the optics and the timing of this is not lost on me. But attaching the DRF and Christian (who has not been named as being involved in any way, shape or form) are being used in the Headline and photos of the articles being posted. Total click bait IMO. Just watch the DRF (specifically CPC and Christian) will become the face of this when they had nothing to do with it! I hope that the focus remains on the victims, actual perpetrators and the culture that permits this.

Is this a serious issue that needs addressing ASAP...ABSOLUTELY! It is horrendous and needs to be eradicated from the school and the people purporting and supporting it removed! But I am not going to be obtuse and not realize that the timing of this documentary is a little too convenient.

Sorry if that sounds cynical. Occupational hazard I suppose.
It's strange, but somehow I can't see them pulling Christian out. Too political. Too much boat-rocking. And it's quite disruptive for Christian who almost certainly wasn't involved.

At the same time, how can they just blithely enroll Isabella unless there are serious reforms between now and the fall? I would be looking at a different school for her and not "rewarding" Herlufsholm with her presence, but I am not M&F.

It's not very reconcilable, so I'm guessing that unless even more bad news leaks, both Christian and Isabella will remain enrolled.
If this has been an ongoing issue with reports filed, etc....why wait until NOW to do this type of investigative documentary? Why not expose this on this level years ago? Sorry, I look at the optics and the timing of this is not lost on me. But attaching the DRF and Christian (who has not been named as being involved in any way, shape or form) are being used in the Headline and photos of the articles being posted. Total click bait IMO. Just watch the DRF (specifically CPC and Christian) will become the face of this when they had nothing to do with it! I hope that the focus remains on the victims, actual perpetrators and the culture that permits this.

Is this a serious issue that needs addressing ASAP...ABSOLUTELY! It is horrendous and needs to be eradicated from the school and the people purporting and supporting it removed! But I am not going to be obtuse and not realize that the timing of this documentary is a little too convenient.

Sorry if that sounds cynical. Occupational hazard I suppose.

Well, obviously they're gonna bring up the fact that the DRF has decided to send 3 of the Queen's grandchildren to the school and, in doing so, to look past its history of violence, rapes and bullying? It would be stunningly naive to think they wouldn't bring the DRF up. Just like it'd be naive of the DRF to send the children to a school with a well-known reputation of this type of behaviour and expect not to have that decision be questioned at the first incident (well technically... second? Third? Since Christian started, that is). It wouldn't be any different at any other school. That's the way it is to be in the public eye. And now they've just so happened to opt for a school that breeds an unnaturally large amount of these cases.

I think the insinuation that they're only doing this documentary for attention now that Christian is attending is grossly undermining the fact that this is not the first time the school's toxic environment has been exposed. I'm no fan of TV2 but they don't need to stir up additional drama. I mean, four students were expelled last autumn for assault and a week ago a student was found guilty of rape, the school is managing deplorable acts on their own.

Unless Christian is involved, which would spell far greater problems, I see no reason to pull him out of a school that he really likes and appears to be thriving in. In fact, one can argue, so long as members of the DRF attend the school then the giant magnifying lens won't go away. This increases the incentive to deal, address, and fix these recurring issues. I believe it's far better for people to face things head on, affect change, and move forward rather than simply changing environments to suit a moral code.

Hardly. I mean, the school has made it pretty clear they don't think they even have any recurring issues, so I don't know where you get that incentive from.

It's all dandy if the current media storm and M&F's statement forces the headmaster resign. Only not all of these incidents happened during the current headmaster's reign so it's clearly an issue that's rooted much deeper than in a weak figurehead. As I see it, the only way M&F would affect real change at the school is if they pull their children. As the school prides itself on traditionalism, being shunned by one of the most traditional institutions in the country would force immediate change.

And I'm sure that would suck for Christian and Isabella, neither of whom seem to have been put off by the school's reputation, but I'd also argue it's slightly questionable to thrive in an environment that's so obviously unhealthy.

I’m guessing that some people who watch may use this as an excuse to dislike the royal family more than they already do, mainly republicans.

The vast majority of Danes, as I see it, are not using the documentary to pile on the DRF. I'm actually surprised at how much public leverage the DRF is being given on the basis of M&F's statements.
There's another aspect that may come into play: If M&F pull their kids out of the school, it could bring the school down. At a minimum, it would damage the school's reputation even more, validate all the allegations, and hurt donations and enrollment. I doubt M&F would want to be known as the people who brought about the ruin of this venerable institution. Their friends with ties to the school wouldn't like it, either.

It wouldn't surprise me if Christian and/or Isabella gets sent for a year abroad in France or England. It would move them out of the school for a reason other than the scandals and give them some distance from the whole situation. After a year, send them to a different school for their final year or two.

But, who knows? Christian must be having a good experience and making nice friends, or Isabella wouldn't be headed there.

And, to those who say that Christian is too high-ranking for the boys to pick on, just remember Prince Charles's experience at Gordonstoun. His status made him a target.
:previous: Venerable?! We're talking about a school that has systematically accepted bullying, violence and sexual abuse among its students for decades! In one case actively sabotaging investigation into a sexual assault by wanting to deal with the matter internally and not letting the victim file a report with the police until all biological evidence was lost. I think Herlufsholm has done enough to ruin their own reputation.
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