King Abdullah & Queen Rania Current Events 25: September 14, 2007-January 10, 2008

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Story on Rania in November 2007 issue of Monocle, a new business magazine. Non-subscribers can only access an abstract of the story, along with an illustration. You can also see a video from the Talberg conference she attended in Sweden earlier this year.

Monarch of the glam - Jordan [Monocle]
Jordan's King Abdullah II addresses a joint press conference following talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel (not in picture) at the chancellery in Berlin 14 November 2007. Their talks were announced to be focused on ways of advancing Middle East peace process and bilateral relations.

ANP Pictures
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King meets Chairman and Members of German Foreign Affairs’ Committee

Queen commends national efforts on child protection

AMMAN (JT) - Her Majesty Queen Rania on Sunday joined more than 50 children, prominent media personnel and private and public sector officials in a discussion aiming to safeguard children from all forms of abuse - article

Petra pictures

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TIMELINE - Jordan since Abdullah became King

(Reuters) - Jordan's election on Tuesday is expected to keep the 110-seat parliament in the hands of tribal, centrist and pro-government deputies.
King Abdullah hopes the November 20 election will bolster the country's democratic credentials as a close ally of the United States and has urged a high turnout.
Here is a chronology of Jordan since Abdullah came to power: yahoonews
US support key to peace - King
AMMAN (JT) - His Majesty King Abdullah and French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Monday reviewed bilateral relations and the latest regional developments over a telephone call on Monday - article
Queen commends national efforts on child protection

AMMAN (JT) - Her Majesty Queen Rania on Sunday joined more than 50 children, prominent media personnel and private and public sector officials in a discussion aiming to safeguard children from all forms of abuse - article

Petra pictures

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simple and elegant way to dress
Annapolis should tackle all peace tracks - King

.....In a statement to the press following his meeting with King Abdullah, Abbas said there is a document under discussion which could be finalised later “especially that we are in the last hour of the negotiations, and it is normal that we face some problems and obstacles”... Article & Picture
This event appears to have been missed:

Aqaba, Nov. 17 (Petra)—Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah inspected Jordan River Foundation’s (JRF) projects in Al Risha and Al Rahma area in the Aqaba Governorate.

Queen Rania conveyed to citizens of the two areas greetings of His Majesty King Abdullah II as well as his keenness to implement developmental projects that would reflect positively on standards of living of citizens.

King holds summit with Mubarak, Abbas

...During a summit meeting between His Majesty King Abdullah and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak at Sharm El Sheikh, joined later by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, the leaders underscored the need to intensify efforts to urge the concerned parties, especially Israel, to adopt serious steps to realise the desired results of the meeting.... - picture & article
King, Olmert Discuss Arrangements for Annapolis Peace Meeting

Amman, Nov. 24 (Petra) – His Majesty King Abdullah II discussed today in ... Read Article here
Jordan's king swears in gov't after election controversy

updateDate = "Sunday, 25 November 2007 15:15"document.getElementById('crumbs-dir').innerHTML = 'POLITICS & ECONOMICS / NEWS /'by Reuters on Sunday, 25 November 2007
King Abdullah II, pictured, appointed Prime Minister Nader Dahabi on Thursday to replace Marouf Al-Bakheet. (Getty Images)</STRONG>

Jordan's pro-US. King Abdullah II swore in a new government on Sunday charged with speeding up modernisation of the kingdom.

Prime Minister Nader Dahabi, a former air force chief who transformed the special economic zone in the Red Sea port of Aqaba into a haven for multi-billion dollar investments, was appointed by the king on Thursday to replace Marouf Al-Bakheet, who resigned following last week's parliamentary elections.

The parliamentary elections, which were marred by accusations of vote buying and fraud, consolidated the power of tribal leaders, pro-government figures and businessmen on the 110-assembly. Jordan's king swears in gov't after election controversy - Politics & Economics -
King in Saudi

‘Israel should not miss opportunity’

Jordan and Saudi Arabia called on Israel Sunday to take genuine and serious steps to demonstrate willingness to reach peace and bring an end to the decades-long Arab-Israeli conflict - Article

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Rania seems to have been out of the public eye for 10 days or so. Anyone know wht?
Women leaders speak in one voice for peace

.....The Women Leaders Intercultural Forum (WLIF) launched the WLIF chapter in the Arab region yesterday through their partnership with Her Majesty Queen Rania, a co-host of the event.... - Article & Picture
Naseej - nurturing young people’s creativity, optimism

Her Majesty Queen Rania, a leading supporter of the initiative since its launch, on Tuesday attended Naseej’s first regional event, which brought together around 150 representatives from the various initiatives to listen, learn and share their experiences.... - Article

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I hadn't heard of the Naseej progam before, it sounds similar to Injaz. However, for such a young organisation its results so far are very impressive!

Thanks for the info, dazzling.
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